IMP-Modeling and Performance Prediction of Solar Parabolic

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Modeling and performance prediction of solar parabolic

trough collector for hybrid thermal power generation plant
under different weather conditions 
Ashraf E. Elmohlawy  ; B. I. Kazanjan; Valery F. Ochkov

AIP Conf. Proc. 2047, 020002 (2018)


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Online Citation

13 December 2023 04:02:31

Modeling and Performance Prediction of Solar Parabolic
Trough Collector for Hybrid Thermal Power Generation
Plant under Different Weather Conditions
Ashraf E. Elmohlawy1, a), B. I. Kazanjan1), and Valery F. Ochkov1, 2, b)
Department of Theoretical Basics of Heat Engineering, National Research University (Moscow Power
Engineering Institute), Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow, 111250, Russia
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT), Izhorskaya st. 13 Bd.2, Moscow,
125412, Russia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This paper provides a software simulation model for performance prediction of a parabolic trough collectors
system (PTCs), as a part of solar thermal power plants. The simulation has been carried out in Mathcad program
environment using the equations, correlations and typical values of certain parameters available in the open literature in
addition to methods from widely accepted reference materials and assumptions to the best ability. The software is carried
out to predict the solar radiation intensity from sunrise to sunset, the DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance), PTCs parameters
which include: heat losses factor (UL), collector efficiency factor (F'), and the heat removal factor (FR), optical

13 December 2023 04:02:31

efficiencyߟ௢௣ , temperatures, mass flow rate of heat transfer fluid (HTF), heat transfer to and from PTCs. The effects of the
variations in some PTCs design parameters and operating conditions on the PTC solar field performance can be investigated
such as the beam radiation incidence angle, the emittance of the receiver and glass cover using this software model. The
calculations were limited to high-temperature oil (therminol VP-1) as HTF. The PTCs model is validated with the
experimental and numerical results. Detailed design and simulation of PTC thermal power plant of around 108 MW was
planned to be set up at Aswan, Egypt. For this proposed plant, the model was used to evaluate the solar field performance.
The site with Mathcad simulation model of the article: /MCS /Worksheets /PTU/Math-Sun.xmcd
Keywords: parabolic trough collector; performance; solar energy; solar thermal power plant, simulation.

Renewable energies, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the need for a reliable electricity supply are
the key drivers for a worldwide change of the energy systems. Main alternative energy sources include solar, wind,
hydropower, geothermal, and biomass. Due to their integrated thermal energy, concentrated solar power (CSP) plants
take a crucial role within this transformation, especially in countries around the equator with a high solar irradiation.
CSP is one of the most attractive solar technology options for collecting solar radiation and transferring it into solar
thermal energy that can be used for electricity generation through a power cycle. Hot fluid at much higher temperatures
can be produced using concentrating collectors by concentrating solar radiation on a smaller area (receiver), this fluid
runs turbines to generate electricity. In a concentrating collector, solar radiation is incident on the collector surface,
called aperture area ‫ܣ‬௔௣ , and this radiation reflected or redirected into a smaller receiver area ‫ܣ‬௥ . The concentration
factor ‫ܥ‬௥ is then defined as [1]:
Cr (1)
The greater the value of ‫ܥ‬௥ , the greater hot fluid temperature.

17th Conference of Power System Engineering, Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics

AIP Conf. Proc. 2047, 020002-1–020002-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1773-1/$30.00

There are four main technologies of CSP; Linear Fresnel collector, parabolic trough, solar tower, and parabolic
dish. The most mature, lowest cost of CSP technologies and commercially proven is PTCs. Also, PTCs represent the
majority of existing CSP installations (about 94% of installed CSP plants are based on PTC systems).
PTC system consists of long, curved mirrors arranged in a line, concentrate solar radiation on pipes surface located
at the mirrors’ focal center. These pipes run down along the length of the PTC and contain HTF (water, steam, thermal
oil). In the PTCs, sunlight is concentrated by about 70–80 times on receiver pipes, heating the fluid in pipes up to as
high as 392˚C to produce steam, that driving a conventional steam turbine for electricity generation [2]. The solar
radiation is varied during the day, so a Sun tracking control system is used for mirrors rotation to track sun position
and obtain a high optical efficiency of PTC system. For limiting the intermittency and improving the dispatch
capability, PTC systems may have molten salt storage or a cofiring natural gas system.
Two different operation strategies for PTCs in CSP plants; direct steam generation when HTF runs in pipes is
steam and then to steam turbine cycle. Most currently CSP plants use synthetic thermal oil to transfer heat (for higher
temperatures applications, of 200˚C to 500˚C). Superheated steam at high pressure through a heat exchanger can be
produced by the hot synthetic thermal oil and feed into the steam turbine for electricity generation (Indirect steam
Using sufficient solar thermal inputs, the PTC plants can operate by using only solar energy to give the full rated
power. Typically, PTC plants can be operated for 10-12 hours a day on solar energy and give the full rated electric
output during summer months. The operating hours of the PTC plants decrease in winter due to low temperature and
low availability of solar energy (DNI). Therefor these plants can be designed as hybrid solar-fossil fuel plants to
achieve full rated electric output during cloudy days or night time periods or a combined with thermal storage system
In this research, a Mathcad simulation model was developed to easy and quickly estimate the PTC solar field
performance and size a given location for CSP plants. The model allows the designers to change the input data
according to the different design and operating conditions.

Fires of all, the DNI, which depends on the local weather conditions at the site where the power plant is built must

13 December 2023 04:02:31

be evaluated to obtain the solar field performance.

Direct Normal Insolation (DNI)

DNI or what is called beam radiation is a portion of extraterrestrial solar radiation which has not been scattered or
absorbed through the atmosphere. DNI (W/m2) calculated by defining extraterrestrial radiation (Iso) as [3]:
§ 360 ·  (2)
Iso Isc.¨1  0.033 cos n¸
© 365 ¹
Where Isc is the solar constant and has some evaluations mentioned in [3]. The value used in this research is ‫ܿݏܫ‬
=1367 w/m2. Thus, DNI is given by:
DNI I soW b cos T z (3)

Where ߬௕ is the atmospheric transmittance and ߠ௭ is a zenith angle (deg.)

Angle of Incidence (ࣂ)

The incidence angle can be determined from [3]:

cos T cos T z2  cos 2 G sin 2 Z   (4)

Where ߜ is the declination angle which varies as െʹ͵ǤͶͷͼ ൑ ߜ ൑ ʹ͵ǤͶͷͼ and is given in [3] as follows:
§ 284  n · (5)
G 23.45 sin ¨ 360 ¸
© 365 ¹

The hour angle (߱) comes as a result of the rotation on the earth, which spins on its axis at a rate of 15° per
hour.߱ ൌ Ͳ at 1200 solar noon, ߱ ൒ െͳͺͲ before 1200 and ߱ ൑ ͳͺͲ after 1200. The following equation is used to
calculate the hour angle [3]:
Z Hour  12 .15 o  (6)
Zenith angle (Ʌ୸ ) is the angle between the incoming beam radiation and the normal on the horizontal surface.
Zenith angle expressed as [3]:
cos T z cos G cos I cos Z  sin I sin G (7)
Where ߶ is the latitude location of the solar field (deg.)
Sunrise time and sunset time are derived from the following equations:
Z s  (8)
H sr 12 
15 o
H ss 12  (9)
15 o
and ߱௦ (deg.) as:
Zs cos 1  tan G tan I (10)


Collector Overall Optical Efficiency

An equation given by [3] is used to calculate the collector optical efficiency ߟ௢௣ :
K op U c ˜ D r ˜W r ˜ J (11)

Where ߩ௖ is the collector reflectance, ߙ௥ is the receiver absorbance, ߬௥ is the transmissivity based on reflection-

13 December 2023 04:02:31

refraction of beam radiation, and ߛ is the intercept factor.

Incident Angle Modifier (IAM)

Each collector has its specific incident angle modifier denes up on the incidence angle and is given as [4-5]:
For Luz (LS-2):
T T2

k (T ) 2 1  0.000884  0.00005369 (12)

cosT cosT
For Luz (LS-3):
k (T ) 3 1  2.23073 u 10 4 T  1.1 u 10 4 T 2  3.18596 u 10 6 T 3  4.85509 u 10 8 T 4 (13)


Total Solar Radiation

The total solar radiation (்ܳ௢௧௔௟ǡௌி ) incident on a solar field can be calculated as follows:
QTotal , Sf DNI ˜ ASf (14)
‫ܣ‬ௌி (m ) is the solar field area and given by:
ASf Wa ˜ L ˜ M ˜ N (15)
Where ܹ௔ is the collector aperture width (m), ‫ ܮ‬is the collector length (m), ‫ ܯ‬number of rows of collectors in
series, and ܰ number of parallel lines.

Useful Heat Gain from PTC Solar Field
The useful solar thermal energy of a PTC solar field is equal to the absorbed solar radiation by the collector element
ܳ௔௕௦௢௥௕௘ௗ less the collector losses ܳ௟௢௦௦ .

Solar energy extracted by the heat collector element (HCE)

Solar energy absorbed by HCE ܳ௔௕௦௢௥௕௘ௗ (W/m2) can be calculated by equation [6]:

Qabsorbed DNI ˜ K (T ) ˜K op ˜ Fe ˜ cos T .K rowshading ˜K endloss (16)

‫ܨ‬௘ is the mirror cleanliness, ߟ௥௢௪௦௛௔ௗ௜௡௚ is row shadowing factor, ߟ௘௡ௗ௟௢௦௦ is the end losses factor of HCE.
Shadowing factor of the PTC is discussed by [7] and is given by flowing equation:
Ls cosT z
K rowshading (17)
Wa cosT
Where ‫ܮ‬௦ is the distance between two parallel collectors (m).
The end losses, ߟ௘௡ௗ௟௢௦௦ which happens at the end portion of HCE is calculated based on [8]:

§ Wa2 ·§ f ·
K endloss 1  ¨¨1  ¸¸¨ ¸ tanT
© 48 f 2 ¹© L ¹

Where ݂ is the focal length of the collector (m).

PTCs heat losses ሺܳ௟௢௦௦ ሻ

13 December 2023 04:02:31

Fig. 1. Shows the schematic representation of PTC. The thermal losses in PTCs are calculated through a number
of equations given as follows:
For a collector having thermal loss coefficient (ܷ௅ ) and length L the heat loss ܳ௅௢௦௦ሺ௥ି௔ሻ from the receiver
(absorber) pipe at Tr to the surroundings at Ta is given as [3]:

Qloss ( r  a ) ArU L Tr  Ta (19)

Where ‫ܣ‬௥ is the receiver area (m2) And ܷ௅ given by [10]
ª Dro 1 §D · 1 º
UL «  ln ¨¨ co ¸¸  » (20)
¬« ( hrad ,c  s  hcond ,c  a ) Dco 2k c © Dci ¹ hrad ,r c ¼»
Where ‫ܦ‬௥௢ , ‫ܦ‬௥௜ are the outer and inner diameter of absorber tube (m), ‫ܦ‬௖௢ , ‫ܦ‬௖௜ are the outer and inner diameter of
glass cover(m), ‫ܭ‬௖ is the thermal conductivity of glass cover (W/m.K), ݄௖௢௡௩ǡ௖ି௔ is the convective heat transfer to
ambient due to wind (W/m2.K), ݄௥௔ௗǡ௥ି௖ is radiation heat transfer coefficient between tube and cover (W/m2.K), and
݄௥௔ௗǡ௖ି௦ is radiation heat transfer coefficient between glass cover and sky(W/m2.K).
The useful energy gained (ܳ௨ ) by each line of collectors can be obtained from an energy balance over the receiver
and rewritten in terms of receiver local temperature ܶ௥ as [10]:
Qabsorbed  ArU L Tr  Ta

By calculating collector efficiency factor‫ ܨ‬ᇱ , and heat removal factor‫ܨ‬ோ , the useful energy can be written as
The collector efficiency factor (‫ ܨ‬ᇱ ) is given as [3]:

Uo 1
F' (22)
UL ª 1 1 §D · Dro º
UL «  ln ¨¨ co ¸¸  »
¬«U L 2k r © Dci ¹ Dri ˜ h fi ¼»
Where ‫ܭ‬௥ is the thermal conductivity of receiver tube (W/m.K),݄௙௜ represent the heat transfer coefficient inside
the pipe (W/m2.K). The heat transfer coefficient is governed by the well-known mechanisms of heat transfer.
The collector heat removal (FR) is given by the following equation [11].
 c pf ª § F ''U L Ar ·º
F '' «1  Exp ¨ ¸»
F ''U L Ar «¬ ¨ m c pf ¸ (23)
© ¹ »¼

FR F ' F '' (24)

Where ݉ሶis the mass flow rate of HTF (kg/s) and ‫ܥ‬௣௙ is heat capacity (J/kg.K).
From the above equations, ܳ௨ (W) can be written as [12]:
ª U º
Qu FR Aap M «Qabsorbed  L T fi  Ta » (25)
¬ Cr ¼
Aap Wa  Dco ˜ L (26)

Solar Field Piping Heat Losses

The thermal losses (ܳ௅ǡ௣௜௣௘ ) from the pipe leading to and from the loops in the solar field are calculated as [14]:
QL , pipe 0.01693 'T  0.000168 'T 2  60 .78 u 10 7 'T 3 ˜ Aap (27)

13 December 2023 04:02:31

Where ߂ܶ (°C) is the difference between the average field temperature and the ambient air temperature: 
T fo  T fi
'T  Ta (28)
Whereܶ௙௜ is the solar field inlet temperature (°C) ܶ௙௢ solar field outlet temperature (°C), and ܶ௔  ambient air
Thermal losses due to piping to and from the solar field are generally small, on the order of 10 (W) or less during
solar field operation.
Finally, collected energyܳ௖௢௟௟௘௖௧௘ௗ , total mass flow rate݉ሶ௦௙ , and solar field efficiency ߟ௦௙ could be calculated by
the following equations:
Qcollected Qu  QL , pipe ˜ N (29)

 sf (30)
c pf T fo  T fi
K sf (31)
QTotal , sf


Solar field size can be determined by calculating the thermal rating of the solar field (ܳ௧௛௘௥௠௔௟ǡ௥௔௧௜௡௚ ) (W) required
which calculated as follows:

WTG (32)
Qthermal ,rating
K pc
ሶ is the design turbine gross output (W) and ߟ௉஼ is the power cycle efficiency.
Where ்ܹீ
The solar field area (‫ܣ‬௔௣ǡ௥௘௤௨௜௥௘ௗ ) required is calculated as below:
Qthermal ,rating
Aap ,required
Qcollected (33)

Where ܳ௖௢௟௟௘௖௧௘ௗ collected energy by solar field in (W/m2).

Additionally, the user can calculate the solar field land area ‫ܣ‬௦௙ǡ௟௔௡ௗ (m2) which is the land area required for the
solar collectors including the space between the collectors:

Asf ,land Aap ,required ˜ (34)


PTC plant block diagram is shown in Fig. 2, Solar radiation from the sun collected by PTC solar field and converts
to solar thermal energy carried by the HTF. The solar thermal energy is transferred to (water/steam) passed through
the solar steam generator to generated high pressure and temperate steam for the power cycle operation.
The software model has been developed in Mathcad program using the equations, correlations, loss models and
typical values of certain parameters available in the open literature [3][9][13][14]. The software provides several
options for the designer to select from such as the type of collector and receiver as well as suggests the typical values
of certain parameters.
QLoss Steam

13 December 2023 04:02:31

Evacuated annulus DNI
Glass cover Hot HTF

Solar steam
Absorber tube HTF Power

Parabolic reflector
Qabsorbed Pump

Cold HTF

FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of HCE. FIGURE 2. Block diagram of CSP pant with PTCs.

The solar field is made up of numerous parabolic trough collectors. The simulation of PTC solar field is carried
out on the basis of the data input to the simulation model as well as the given values for the collector parameters in
Table 1. The model first calculates DNI throughout the day (from sunrise to sunset), then the parameters required for
subsequently parameters for the PTCs included: the mass flow rate (݉ሻሶǡ collector heat losses factor (UL), collector
efficiency factor (F'), and the collector heat removal factor (FR), solar field output temperature (T fo) and finally
calculating the net energy collected over the solar field and the solar field performance.
The solar field considered in this model is a PTC type of LS-3, Various design parameters of these collectors are
given in Table 1. In this study, numerical results are based on site design condition with an ambient temperature of 25
oC and wind speed of 5 m/s. The analysis is carried out on an hourly basis on 23 June, 23 Mars, 23 December and 23

September in Aswan, Egypt. Therminol VP-1 is used as HTF in the solar field. The properties of HTF are related to
temperature, these relations are:

§ kg ·
U¨ 3 ¸ 0.907097T  0.00078116T  2.376 u 10 T  1083.25
2 6 3
©m ¹

§ 544.149 ·
§ mm 2 · ¨  2.59578 ¸
Q ¨¨ ¸¸ e © T 114.43 ¹
© s ¹
§ w ·
k¨ ¸ 8.19477 u 10 5 T  1.92257 u 10 7 T 2  2.5034 u 10 11 T 3  7.2974 u 10 15 T 4  0.137743 (37)
© mk ¹
§ kJ ·
C ¨¨ ¸¸ 0.002414T  5.9591u 10 6 T 2  2.9879 u 10 8 T 3  4.4172 u 10 11 T 4  1.498 (38)
© kgk ¹

Where ܶ is temperature in (oC), ߩ is density, ߥ is kinematic viscosity, k is thermal conductivity and ‫ ܥ‬is specific heat.
TABLE 1. Technical design parameters for PTC solar field.
Solar collector specifications Solar field operation
Parameters Symbol Value Units Parameters Symbol Value Units
Collector aperture width Wa 5.76 m Ambient air temperature Ta 25 °C
Collector length L 99 m Latitude location ߶ 24 deg.
Collector focal length f 1.71 m Altitude  300 m
Concentration factor Cr 80 - Wind velocity  5 m/s
Aperture Area Aa 545 m2 Number of collectors in each ‫ܯ‬ 6 -
Collector reflectance ߩ௖ 0.9 - Number of lines ܰ 48 -
Receiver absorbance ߙ௥  0.88 - Solar field area Asf 164229 m2

13 December 2023 04:02:31

Intercept factor ߛ 1 -
HTF inlet temperature Tfi 292 °C

DNI is noted to be the most important parameter that plays a crucial role in the evaluation of the potential sites for
building a PTC hybrid thermal power generation plant. Analysis of the annual solar radiation level and duration
records from NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy to indicate the solar rich regions within the Egyptian
geographical boundaries [15]. Fig. 3, is based upon data recorded, as seen in figure higher values of solar radiation
were observed in summer months and lower ones in winter months. The solar radiation reaches to a maximum value
of 7.977 kWh/m2/day in June while 2.986 kWh/m2/day is observed as a minimum value in December. Annual average
daily solar radiation between 5.5 and 6.5 kWh/m2/day situated in south-Egypt, along the Nile River and the Red Sea
coast. These solar radiotin levels are above the minimum required levels for building an economically feasible
operation PTC thermal plant. Therefore, A detailed design and simulations of PTC thermal power plant of around 108
MW is planned to be setup at Aswan, in the south of Egypt. For this proposed plant, the model was used to evaluate
the solar field performance.

The model and calculations presented here are the results of an implementation of the 2015 revision of the
Mathcad application with Microsoft Excel. The PTCs solar field is significantly influenced by weather conditions
such as ambient temperature and solar radiation so, system performance assessment on an hourly basis is necessary.
Four days are selected at different seasons of the year to assess and analyze the PTCs solar field performance. The
selected days are 23rd March, 23rd June, 23rd September and the 23rd December.

Annual Insolation
July 1983 – June 1993

Source: NASA Surface meteorology and Solar

Region average = 5.7391 (kW/m2/day) NASA/SSE 23 Feb. 2008
FIGURE 3. The annual global solar radiation over Egypt. FIGURE 4. Direct normal irradiation at selected. days..

13 December 2023 04:02:31

FIGURE 5. Solar field output at selected days. FIGURE 6. Solar field efficiency at selected days.
The hourly direct normal irradiation (DNI) values at the selected location are obtained using the Mathcad model.
In summer, the solar radiation is higher, and the incidence angle modifier is close to 1 and varies in a narrow range,
thus more effective solar heat can be collected by PTCs which leads to increase in solar field efficiency. But, in winter,
the effective solar radiation is low and less solar heat could be collected due to the weak solar condition and the large
change in the incidence angle modifier, the resulting is low solar field efficiency. Fig. 4 shows the DNI at the solar
field location which reaches to 900 (W/m2) in summer season at solar noon and varies all day around. In winter season
DNI reaches to 550 (W/m2) at mid-day.
Figures 5, 6 show solar field output power and solar efficiency. The solar thermal energy output form the PTC
plant reaches 108 MW during operation in summer days with solar field efficiency 73 % and 40 MW in winter with
efficiency 67 %. This energy can be used for steam generation and fed into a conventical steam power cycle to power
generation or combined with combined power cycle.
Figure 7 shows the solar field output temperature in the four seasons at atmospheric pressure which reaches 333
C in winter and 400 oC in summer days. Figure 8 shows the solar field performance on 23 June. From sunrise to
sunset, the outlet temperature, the solar field output, and efficiency varies according to the solar radiation intensity

FIGURE 7. Output field temperature at selected days. FIGURE 8. Solar field performance at selected days

In this study, a detailed model of a PTC solar field has been developed in Mathcad environment. The model allows
the designer to estimate the PTC solar field performance for CSP plant under a given set of conditions and technical
configuration. The model enables the designer to calculate the optical properties and performance of newer collectors
and receivers according to their input parameters. Detailed design and simulations of PTC thermal power plant of
around 108 MW is planned to be setup at Aswan, Egypt. For this proposed plant, the model was used to estimate the
solar field performance. The results indicate that the output form the PTC plant reaches 108 MW during operation in

13 December 2023 04:02:31

summer days with solar field efficiency 73 % and 40 MW in winter with efficiency of 67 %.

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13 December 2023 04:02:31


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