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The cleanest way to force a number on a borrowed phone:

Everyone follows the calculation! Method impossible to backtrack!
Stage, parlour or close-up, get everyone involved!

You probably know the TOXIC FORCE, which can have a defect, if someone follows or redoes the
calculation, he will notice the deception. Here is a derivative version where each spectator can follow the
calculation on their phone.
It is inspired by the FACEDOWN FORCE feature of Ian Pigeon's amazing Ithump app. (which allows you to
do much more, I recommend it.)
Some years ago, I had planned to use TOXIC to force a special number at a private party. I explained the
trick to the client, and he understood that everyone will be involved and that everyone will follow the
math on their phone... and he want that! I knew that it was possible to do so with the Ithump application,
but I didn’t have it at same time. I spent the next 2 hours to find a solution to achieve the same effect with
a borrowed phone.
Here's how:

The trick
On the borrowed phone -> discreetly write the result -> pretend to subtract, when everyone adds ->
simulate typing the last number.
In practice, I enter the target number in the calculator while I ask everyone to follow the calculation by
opening their calculator. I ask several people for numbers and ask them to add them up while I make
subtractions, so I know what is the missing number of the calculation to get my force number!
Let's say we want to force 1000. I enter 1000, the spectators said me the numbers 51 + 122 + 210 he get
383 on their phone, I do 1000-51-122-210 and I know that it lacks 617 to get 1000:
I will force this last digit by asking the viewer to type the numbers blindly, phone down, and canceling his
typing. No matter what he types, I'll display 617 and get it in to other viewers as the last random number.
Everyone will have 1000.

Thomas P 01-07-2022

Ask everyone to go to the calculator on their phone and show it to you. Borrow an iPhone-type phone.
(that’s easier to use).
Go to the calculator, ask several people to open their phone's calculator to perform the same
calculation, use that time to enter the number you want to force and press –

Example target number 240 :

Ask for a first number, enter it, show and ask everyone to do the same in their calculator.
Ask for a second number, type – and enter it, show everyone by asking them to add up.
Repeat this manipulation several times and change the procedure to the last number, you want more
chance, and that someone generates a number by blindly typing on the phone. Ask who is the most
innocent in the congregation, meanwhile:

Depending on the iPhone model:

On recent Iphones, without a 'Home' button (big round button), place your thumb on the bottom of the
screen, as if you wanted to swipe application, it blocks the input! The person will therefore press the
phone for nothing, and your remaining number is forced. You can also shift the window slightly, start the
swipe so, it works too.

OR on older Iphones, (use TOXO) enter + 0 x

Hold the phone down as well to protect the following 4 keys that could hinder the forcing, namely: = + -
and C (if pressed 2 times) This plug is really effective. (Take care of not rotating the screen of the phone.)

(if you prefer to use the older model, just grab one when everyone is showing them!)

Thomas P 01-07-2022
Ask the person to type a few numbers at random, turn the phone towards you by pressing = (check the
result by the way) and announce the number by showing the screen to the audience.
You have forced the missing rest to arrive at your target number.
Show the last number to everyone, they will add it and get the forced result!
You can also ask the person to tap with their eyes closed with the phone facing them. Do this only with a
very cooperative spectator: if he opens his eyes before you allow him to do so he will notice the trick. If
you want to do it that way, keep the phone on one hand, and block their vision with you other hand.

Practice!!! This is not difficult but need a bit of practice with phones.
Take time. Explain. You use this borrowed phone as an example, so that everyone follows the calculation.
You can't show the final result on the borrowed phone, but it's not necessary, instead take the opportunity
to type a few numbers at random and show that you are really using the calculator app.
Try to remember the last number, the rest that you force, indeed if you make a bad manipulation during
the last phase, you could announce it without showing it (misscalling). You can also pretend a mistake of
your part to resume the procedure wherever you want.
In the last phase, if using TOXO you can also press = without looking at the phone, using your little finger,
in this way you will pretend not to know the last number, so you can guess and / or predict.
Make the procedure fun, ask a person how many pairs of shoes he has, the number of these romantic
conquests, how many times he lies by week...
Try not to exceed the target number, for example if you force 4000 do not ask for more than 4 3-digit
numbers. (4*999<4000). If this happens, it is not a problem, indeed the figure generated 'randomly' can
be negative, so we will add -50 for example.
You may use your own phone for the routine, that way you can enter the force number before. On stage
you can also give your phone to a front row spectator before the beginning of the show, asking him to take
some pictures for you during the show. During the ICF routine, borrow him your phone! saying: ‘Can I use
this one please? and return to him afterwards.

Thomas P 01-07-2022

This routine works with Android phones.

The major flaw in my opinion is that the calculation history appears in Android calculators : you cannot
show the screen during the calculation, and hiding the method is more difficult. So I recommend iphones.

On an Androïd device, just use the TOXO way, enter +0x let them enter some digits without
looking, press = when rotating the phone, and you can show everyone the last number.

(There is others ways to to block the typing of the keyboard: by slightly shifting the window, by starting
the swipe, or let a finger on the blank part but since you won’t show the screen, it is no necessary).
My advice is to use that routine with Iphones first, when you are enough confident try with Androïds.

I used this version for some time with great pleasure, and in use I found an
even better method! However, I advise you to really master this first version
before practicing the advanced version, explained on the next page…

Thomas P 01-07-2022
Advanced Version :

Once you have mastered the version above, TRY this one. I use it more willingly on stage or parlour.
The choices are freer, and you only touch a phone at the end because you enter the number to force on
the penultimate calculation!
How ? Ask for random numbers and operations -> borrow a phone -> discreelty ‘substract’ the force
number -> get the remainder -> simulate typing the last number!
Example : let say we are trying to force the number 12345.
Ask everyone to open their calculator.
Ask a first spectator to name a one digit number, (let’s say 7) everyone enters 7.
A second, to choose a + - or x operation. (let’s say x) everyone enters x
Next, a 2-digit number. (let’s say 33) everyone enters 33
Next, an operation + - or x. (let’s say -) everyone enters –
Next, a 3-digit number. (let’s say 999) everyone enters 999
Next, impose an addition and ask for a 4-digit number, (let’s say 4444) everyone enters 4444
Now, borrow a spectator's phone (you got plenty of time to look for the recent Iphones !), show everyone
what number they should be on, (in our case 3676), and only now will you force the missing rest!

Here's how: hit the key you get -3676.

Say that the last operation will be an addition and pretend that the number will be chosen blindly. ‘I want
you to press the phone at random, without looking’ Mimicing the gesture on the phone, and enter + then
12345 while half closing your eyes!
The remainder to be forced (8669) is therefore on the screen.
Ask a person to approach to instinctively choose the last digits blindly and BLOCK their entry as seen above
then show everyone that they have ‘randomly’ entered 8669! Everyone enters it and the force is done !
This amazing version offers a great freedom of choice, more than any existing application, and you can
even choose the total during the routine!
Change the size of the numbers asked to get closer to your target, depending on the operation chosen. If
the chosen operation is multiplication, then ask for a 2-digit number, so as not to have a number that is too
large. And impose the addition if needed because you would like a positive number.

Thomas P 01-07-2022

Forcing a number on the whole audience, and showing a prediction is the first effect. If this number also
has a specific meaning: anniversary date/ticket serial number/telephone number, the revelation has a
second effect. This is already very efficient, but with the advanced version you can choose the forced
number during the routine, which allows the following ones:

With marked cards :

A spectator on stage, chosen at random. Ask him to give a playing card (not a court), to a person in the first
row, who keeps the card face down in his palm and then announces a random first number. Everyone
enters the number in their calculator.
Do the same for 3 other people in the first row. So you got a random number from 4 operations and 4 face
down cards (whose value you know).
For example, let's say you got 1327 on the calculator, and the cards are a 7, a 2, a 4, and a 6. You're going
to force the missing remainder between 1327 and 7246, in a final ‘random’ operation with the phone face
The total corresponds to the number formed by the 4 cards. Despite all the free choices of cards or
Turn over the cards by the first rank, one by one, this is a very nice ending image!

Close-up EDC :

The previous routine is also nice in close-up, for 4 people, just put the cards on the table. If you don't have
a marked game, use some of your personal items that contain numbers you know by heart. Place your
business card, phone, driver's license and identity card on the table. Any object with a date or number that
you know. Make choose numbers as before, and have one object eliminated with each choice.
So you get a random number and an object (say the license).
Force the remainder to get to your license date!

Thomas P 01-07-2022
Super calculating spectator:

To highlight the spectator or his unconscious mind! Place a spectator on stage, give him five bills to hold
(from the audience). He does not have a phone, he only hears the calculations.

Everyone takes their phone and a random number is generated, with 4 complicated multiplication/division
operations. At each operation the spectator on stage puts down a bill, unless he knows the result! So you
get a random number, and one bill left. Pretend that you will use the unconscious faculties of the spectator
so that he succeeds in an incredible calculation! Have him close his eyes and enter a number by letting his
instincts guide him… Take a phone and force the missing remainder to egal the serial number of the
remaining bill.

The spectator's unconscious therefore make the calculations, deduced the missing number to reach the
serial number of that bill and guided his hand to type it!!! Give him the bill!

You can also use a division for the last calculation, in fact the spectator has not to be exactly right on the
Or you can bring it to be 'off by one', moreover on the bill it is written: 'of by one' …

Credits :

I almost kept this tip to myself, but a friend of mine loved this and he really advised me to share it.
I therefore credit :
Ian Pidgeon for ITHUMP and popularizing forcing without seeing the screen, idea of Mark Chandaue.
I spoke with Mark Chandaue (thanks to Drew Backenstoss) and he very kindly gave me permission to
published this.

He taught me that the fisrt version is something he published in ‘Harpacrown Too’ in the effect
Eskimos. Incidentally this is also why the feature was added to iTHUMP as he asked Ian to add it so that
he could use the app to automate the process.

Mr Bob King the precursor of TOXIC.

Steve Jobs.

If you liked this, have a look at my website, and especially at the TARGET app that comes out on
1/09/2022, allowing to select someone on a photo you just took !

Thomas P 01-07-2022

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