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Causes – Solutions:

Fewer young people play sports these days. Why is this? What can be done to encourage more young
people to do sports?

Today, many people do not know their neighbors. Why is this? What can be done about this?

Many doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly, but most patients do not follow an
exercise routine. Why do you think this happens? How can people be encouraged to exercise regularly?

Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they
are released. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?

Problems - Solutions

In some parts of the world traditional festivals and celebrations have disappeared or are disappearing.
What problems is this causing? What measures could be taken to counter this situation?

A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas.
What problems can this cause? How might these problems be reduced?

Today, many people do not know their neighbors in large cities. What problems does this cause? What
can be done about this?

Many people try to balance work and other parts of their life. However, this is very difficult to do. What
are the problems associated with this? What is the best way to achieve a better balance?

Intro and Conclusion: 2 separate statements connected using a COMPOUND SENTENCE


In my opinion, there are several factors contributing to (the problem), and several possible
recommendations should be taken into consideration by (who and who) to address this issue.

From my point of view, (the cause) can lead to a number of problems, and there are some
possible solutions that can be taken by (who and who) to combat these issues.

Para 1: Causes (OR Problems)

Noun phrases Verbs and adjectives

To be the cause of something To cause something
To be the reason for something To lead to something
To be the contributor to something To result in something
To be the main culprit (no of) To result from something
To contribute to something
To be responsible for something
To be to blame for something
To be accountable for smt something
*To be attributed to smt something
To stem from something
To arise from something

Cause 1: Point

Evidence 1: Fact

Explain 1

Cause 2: Point

Evidence 2: Fact

Explain 2

Para 2: Solutions

Noun phrases Verbs

To be the solution to something To (partly) solve/tackle/address the problem
To be the remedy for/to something To alleviate/improve the situation
Solution 1: What + Who + How + Effect

Solution 2: What + Who + How + Effect

What + Who: First, it is important for sbd to do smt

How: This can be done by

Effect: By doing this,

An immediate impact of this would be + N


The world has acknowledged many advances in agriculture, yet, the global crisis of hunger still
exists. This essay will discuss the drivers behind it and offer extensive solutions.

Even though agricultural advances are made, low-skill farmers in less developed areas are still
easily hurt by crises like wars and climate change. First, armed conflicts force families to flee their
homes, depriving smallholder farmers of their livelihoods and their only food supply. In addition, by
disrupting humanitarian aid, conflicts make it harder for refugees to receive rescue meals, pushing them
deeper into hunger. Another explanation for hunger is the unpredictable climate patterns, which are
changing faster than these poorly equipped farmers can adapt. For instance, extreme temperatures,
flood events, or long-lasting dry spells can leave them with lost livestock and poor crops.

The global hunger crisis requires collective attempts from all parties involved. To elaborate, immigration
institutions should teach starving refugees how to generate income, not only during their stay at
migration camps but also when they return to their host communities. In the long term, armed conflicts
must be ended, so that farmers can safely practice their trades on their homelands to provide for their
families. To tackle hunger created by climate change, supportive policies and generous funds should be
poured into helping farmers adapt and build resiliency to unpredictable weather patterns. There will also
need to be a commitment to reduce carbon emissions on an international level to further prevent climate
change from accelerating

In recapitulation, agricultural innovation cannot mitigate the global hunger crisis inflicted by factors like
wars and climate change. Therefore, a comprehensive approach should be made by all the forces to
combat the root causes

(corrected version- 280 words – written by M.Ha)

P1: Causes of recidivism

Cause 1: Ex-convicts are usually rejected by employers.

Evidence: Criminal records put ex-convicts at a disadvantage compared to other candidates who have a
clean profile.

 Their applications are usually turned down -> making them unable to find decent jobs.
 Consequently, former prisoners have to turn to illegal means of making a living.

Cause 2: Lack of effective education programs.

Evidence: When prisoners are not sufficiently educated, they might not realize that what they have done
is wrong.

Explain: Consequently, there is a high chance that they will repeat similar actions in the future, which
will definitely lead to legal repercussions.

The issue of recidivism can be attributed to several factors. One of the most persuasive reasons
is that ex-convicts are usually rejected by employers. This is because criminal records put ex-convicts at a
disadvantage compared to other candidates who have a clean profile. As a result, their applications are
usually turned down, preventing them from finding decent jobs, which forces former prisoners to turn
to illegal means of making a living. Another cause involves the lack of effective education programs.
When prisoners are not sufficiently educated, they might not realize that what they have done is wrong.
Consequently, there is a high chance that they will repeat similar actions in the future, which will
definitely lead to legal repercussions.

The issue of recidivism can be attributed to several factors. First, criminal records put ex-
convicts at a disadvantage compared to other candidates who have a clean profile. As a result, their
applications are usually turned down, preventing them from finding decent jobs, which forces former
prisoners to turn to illegal means of making a living. Second, when prisoners are not sufficiently
educated, they might not realize that what they have done is wrong. Consequently, there is a high
chance that they will repeat similar actions in the future, which will definitely lead to legal

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