Mainar - Waste Segregation

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Instructions: In order to answer your activity, you must watch the video first about
"Waste Segregation that has been posted in your main class.

Directions: Please read and understand the question before answering it.
Give at least 3 simple ways to reduce waste at home. Provide your

1. Reduce Single-Use Items:

Opt for reusable alternatives, like water bottles, shopping bags, and containers,
to decrease the reliance on disposable products. This minimizes the amount of
waste produced from items used once and discarded, contributing to a significant
reduction in household waste.

2. Composting Organic Waste:

Establish a composting system for organic waste such as vegetable peels, fruit
scraps, and coffee grounds. This diverts these materials from landfills and
transforms them into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used in gardening,
reducing the amount of waste sent for disposal.

3. Mindful Purchasing and Recycling:

Practice mindful consumption by buying products with minimal packaging and
choosing items made from recyclable materials. Additionally, prioritize recycling
to ensure that items like paper, plastic, glass, and metal are properly sorted and
sent for recycling, reducing the volume of waste destined for landfills.

Implementing these strategies helps to minimize the overall waste generated at

home, promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

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