Risk Assessment: Act/Hse/Ra 001: Use The Risk Score Calculator To Determine The Level of Risk of Each Hazard

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Issued: Rev. Date:

RISK ASSESSMENT: ACT/HSE/RA 001 Lifting Operations with mobile crane
Revision: 0


Use the Risk Score Calculator to Determine the Level of Risk of each Hazard
What is the LIKELIHOOD of an occurrence? Hierarchy of Controls RA Ref No.: xxx
What w ould be the
CONSEQUENCE Frequent/Almost certain (5) Rarely (1) Can the hazard be Elim inated or removed
Continuous or will happen
Often (4) Likely (3) Possible (2) Less than once every 5 RA compilation
of an occurrence be? 6 to 12 times a year 1 to 5 times a year Once every 5 years from the w ork place? Review date:
frequently years Date:
Catastrophic (5) Can the product or process be substituted for Date:
High 25 High 20 High 15 Medium 10 Medium 5
Multiple Fatalities a less hazardous alternative?
Serious (4) Can the hazard be engineered aw ay w ith
High 20 High 16 High 12 Medium 8 Low 4 Compiled by:
Class 1 single fatality guards or barriers?
Moderate (3)
Can Adm inistration Controls be adopted
Class2 (AWI or LTI) or Class 1 High 15 High 12 Medium 9 Medium 6 Low 3 Reviewed by:
Permanently disabling effects
I.e. procedures, job rotation etc.
Minor (2)
Medical attention needed, no work Medium 10 Medium 8 Medium 6 Low 4 Low 2 Can Personal Protective Equipm ent & Approved by:
restrictions. MTI Clothing be w orn to safe guard against
Insignificant (1) hazards?
Medium 10 Medium 4 Low 3 Low 2 Low 1
Overall Task Details Relevant Applicable MAS:
Additional Training required: NOC’s Required for task:
 01412 – Lifting Operations;
Lifting operations using mobile crane within site boundary
 00941 – Lifting equipment Riggers / Slingers

Specific Task Step Initial Risk

Additional Control
No (In sequence of Hazard Details Consequence/Risk Rating Control Measures Residual Risks RR
works) P S RR
i. All cranes to be Third Party Certificated by a DM approved inspector,
 Unauthorized operation of the mobile
documentation available on arrival to site;
crane resulting in incident;
Crane checks on Documentation
12 ii. Operators to have in-date Third Party certificate by approved body, Crane quarantined until
1 arrival to site  Use of mobile crane  Failure due to use of un-certificated 3 4 unavailable for Low
HIGH available for review on arrival to site; evidence provided
crane; review
PRIOR TO USE iii. Crane load indicator to be installed and functioning correctly;
iv. Visual inspection of crane undertaken by competent person;

i. Worker pedestrian routes to be designed and implemented with clear

 Collision with plant or vehicles and
signage to provide segregation;
live traffic;
Access of crane to ii. Instruction to workers at induction on use of access routes around the Workers not
 Plant and workers in  Workers struck by plant, very high
2 work areas project; complying with Regular topic in TBT’s Low
same working area; risk of fatality; flagmen
iii. Flagmen to be used to control crane movements;
 Uncontrolled crane reversing;
iv. The Logistics plan shall clearly illustrate crane access and egress points;

 Overturning due to incorrect siting or

incorrect outrigger extension; i. Ensure crane is set up/rigged out correctly, is on firm level ground as per
crane plan with outriggers fully extended; Unable to fully Lift revised, crane moved to
 Working in proximity  Collision with overhead services;
Siting and setting up of 12 ii. Solid barriers should be situated, where practicable, to protect crane from extend outriggers new area;
3 to existing structures 3 4 Low
High traffic routes around working radius of cab; due to restrictions
crane and services;  Blocking access routes; Crane never used without full
in area
 Load striking moving and/or iii. Consideration given to overhead services and existing structures when outrigger extension
stationary structures; siting crane;

i. ATC Minimum Acceptable Standard ATC/OHS/MAS/00941 to be adhered

to at all times;

Lifting of equipment  Incident due to use of defective ii. Lift Plan to be completed prior to any lift taking place by crane supervisor Machine
Machine isolated and
 Operator competency; lifting gear / equipment; and engineer; breakdown
and material quarantined until repaired.
20 iii. Ensure all lifting tackle and equipment have valid test certificate before
4  Lift planning;  Crane collapse due to lifting loads 4 5 Low
HIGH use (6 monthly 3 rd party inspections);
(Mobile crane beyond SWL; Spoil removed and treated as
Hydraulic fluid spill
Operator) iv. Method statements and risk assessments to be submitted and adhered to hazardous waste
 No crane documentation in place;
for technical and/or non-routine lifts;
v. Crane load indicator to be functioning correctly, and not to be overridden
under any circumstances;

Page 1 of 2 HSEQ -Rev-01(Aug-2018)


Issued: Rev. Date:

RISK ASSESSMENT: ACT/HSE/RA 001 Lifting Operations with mobile crane
Revision: 0

Specific Task Step Initial Risk

Additional Control
No (In sequence of Hazard Details Consequence/Risk Rating Control Measures Residual Risks RR
works) P S RR
vi. Operator to adhere to crane safe working load limits , weight of load and
COG established before lifting;

i. Lift controlled by designated trained rigger/banks man using approved

 Persons underneath load struck by
hand signals only;
ii. No personnel situated or walking under elevated loads, avoid over-
 Load swinging / spinning
 Lifting operations sailing of personnel if practicable; Work stopped, area cleared
around workers; iii. No over-sailing of loads over live traffic routes without road closure; Incident – falling and full investigation
 Falling materials; 20 materials undertaken
5 Crane supervision  Workers in crane 4 5 iv. No lifts undertaken when wind speed exceeds 40kph; Low
operating radius;  Damage to lifting slings from sharp High
edges; v. No blind lifts without visual and communication aids, radios etc.;

 Over-sailing of material over live vi. Tag lines shall be used to guide materials while lifting, 2 lines minimum
10m in length;
traffic routes;
vii. Slings protected from sharp edges with rubber etc.;
 High winds – adverse weather;
viii. Riggers to undertake visual inspection of all lifting equipment daily;

i. Only trained and competent mechanics to attempt any repairs on mobile

cranes, including engine, hydraulics, lifting mechanism, rams etc.;

 Untrained staff attempting repairs; ii. If any breakdowns occur, regardless of management pressure, the crane
shall be isolated, locked and plant department informed of the breakdown;
 Inadequate and unsafe repairs,
resulting in failure of equipment; iii.Machine barriered off if in risk areas such as access routes, traffic routes
Crane Maintenance etc. If on live traffic routes advanced warning vehicle to be mobilized;
6  Injury to operatives; 3 4 12 Low
(revised 06-06-2018)  Injury to mechanics undertaking
repairs; iv. Mechanics shall be advised of time, activity and nature of breakdown;
v. Under no circumstances shall temporary repairs be undertaken on any
mobile crane;
vi. During repairs under no circumstances shall workers be placed at risk by
pinch points, crush area, high pressure release or moving parts;

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