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Academic Identity

Angela Mendoza

EDU 6190: Methods of Educational Psychology

Jessica Lyons

July 7, 2023

In terms of the biological/cognitive component, I am an athletic person, so physical

education was enjoyable for me. I come from a family where mainly everyone enjoys playing

one sport, or multiple, and enjoys physical activity. By genetics, I don’t have any medical issues

that interfered with my capabilities in physical education, so I was always able to do all

activities. There are also a lot of cognitive components that I utilized in physical education, like

muscle memory and attention to my surroundings. Whenever we had to play a sport in class, I

had to use my critical thinking and analyze plays quickly so my team could win. And I also had

to engage in thinking about avoiding injuries by not bumping into classmates and positioning my

feet right so I wouldn’t stumble and twist an ankle.

In terms of the social/cultural component of physical education, I come from a culture

that values sports, like soccer. So, on days when we would play soccer, like choice days on

Fridays, I chose to play soccer because it’s a sport that my culture identifies with. And I mostly

always played soccer with other students who shared my culture, so that also involves the social

component to it because I was always collaborating or interacting with others, especially ones

that I bonded with over a sport.

In terms of the behavioral component of physical education, there was always an activity

that required me to run, sit, walk, or talk. We also had to engage in respectful behavior,

especially with one another if we had to do something in partners.

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