Communications Quiz

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Communications Style

In the Communication Style Quiz, I selected more “T” than any other letter, identifying
me as a Theorist Communicator. Looking at the other types of communicators, I can
definitely agree that I am not an active or connector communicator. I identify with some
of the traits of a purposeful communicator, but a Theorist Communicator is still the best
description of me. For example, I do take my time before responding to be careful to not
make a mistake, and am currently trying to be more aware of my body and language
when communicating. I enjoy discussing my strategies, arguments and thoughts,
sometimes without much evidence, as I do like to toy around with initial thoughts about
a topic that I may have. I do this to gain new perspectives very quickly from others.
However, most of the other points are either not always true or depend on the situation.
For one, I do use communication to find things out, but the degree to which I do that
varies. I find information about a person or from their personal experience, but I prefer
learning on my own so that I can go with the flow of my own thought process. I also
prefer discussing ideas and information on top of feelings and relationships, especially
with close friends/family. This means that I am not always cold/unfriendly when
communicating with others; I can show emotion in conversations. Overall, this quiz has
identified the most accurate (out of the four options) of me, but is not completely

Communications Style 1

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