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Saipul Anwar Munthe


Agrotechnology Study Program

Pelalawan Indonesian Institute of Plantation Technology


I give all my praise and gratitude to God Almighty, because it is because of His blessings and
Abundance of mercy that I was able to complete my paper assignment smoothly.

Below the author presents a paper with the title “Wetland and upland rice cultivation
techniques”, which according to the author can provide great benefits for readers, so that they
can learn how to cultivate rice properly and correctly.

Through this foreword, the author first apologizes and asks for an explanation if the contents
of This paper have any shortcomings and any writing I have written is inaccurate or offends
the Reader’s feelings. I hereby present this paper with great gratitude and may Allah SWT
bless this Paper so that it can provide benefits.

LIST OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .....................................................................4
1.1. Background ................................................................................................5
1.2. Formulation of the problem .........................................................................6

1.3.Objective ....................................................................................................6

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ...........................................................................7

2.1. Meaning .....................................................................................................7
2.2. History ........................................................................................................................7

2.3. Development of Rice Cultivation.....................................................................8

2.4.Types of rice plants ......................................................................................8

2.5.Rice Cultivation Techniques...................................................................8

2.6.Selection of seeds .....................................................................................9
2.7.Land preparation for slowing ................................................................9
2.8. Sedelars seeds .........................................................................................9
2.9.Nursery maintenance .............................................................................9
2.10. Land processing ...................................................................................9
2.11. Planting ................................................................................................10
2.12.Slowing ..................................................................................................10
2.13. Fertilization .........................................................................................10
2.14. Weeding ................................................................................................11
2.15.Irrrigation .............................................................................................11
2.16.Pest and disease control .......................................................................12
2.17.Harvest ..................................................................................................12
2.18.Answers to the problem formulation..................................................13
CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................14

3.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................14
3.2 Suggestion ..............................................................................................14
BIBLIOGRAPHY .........................................................................................15


1.1 Background

Rice (Oryza SATIVA L.) is a very important food plant in the world after wheat and
corn.Rice is a very important food plant because rice is still used as a staple food for most of
the world’s population especially asia until now. Rice is a strategic commodity in Indonesia
because the rice has a major influence on economic and political stability.¹
Currently, Indonesia is still facing food problems such as the transfer of agricultural land
function into industrial and residential areas that cause decreased productivity of rice. In
Addition, uncertain season changes can also cause rice production to decrease so that the
government should import rice to meet national purposes. This condition is exacerbated by
the economic crisis that impacts farmers’ purchases to production facilities especially
fertilizers and pesticides.²
Indonesia's dependence on import of global rice becomes one of the causes why the efforts
to increase national rice production is done through the power program must be obtained in
the exercise. In addition to the function of agricultural land, growth rate also affects the
availability of grain or rice. Efforts to increase the production of rice means very long and
will continue to be a priority for the country. Given the demand for rice foods that continue to
increase in line with the population growth and the lifestyle of the community.³
The productivity can be improved with repair of cultivation techniques, through: planting
pattern, processing land, superior use of quality varieties and seeds, the movement of the
movement and the number of seeds per clumps, planting distance settings, balance of
fertilizer balanced, organic fertilizer, arrangement, pest control, disease and weed, harvest and
post-harvesting setting.⁴
The leading rice manufacturer country is China (31% of the total world production),
India (20%) and Indonesia (9%). But only a small part of the world’s traditional rice
production between countries (5-6% of the total world production). Thailand is a major rice
exporter (26% of the total traded world), followed by Vietnam (15%) and the United States
(11%). Indonesia is the world’s largest rice importer (14% of the world traded rice) followed
by Bangladesh (4%) and Brazil (3%). Data Five Regional Rice Re-Equipment In Indonesia is
Indramayu 7,447,075 Ton / year, Karawang 6,681,452 Ton / year, Subang 6.279.037 Ton /
year, Sukabumi 4,614,314 ton / year, and Tasikmalaya 4.074.753 tons / year.⁵
The provision of quality seeds in terms of high productivity is one of the factors that
determine success in future development of agriculture. Increased rice production as principal
food is a major challenge in the futureexpansion The agricultural sector appears to be the
largest sector in the economy of North Sumatra plays an important role in promoting the

well-being of the people. In addition, the role of the agricultural sector in the implementation
of the nation’s economic and Sumatra development reflects the distribution of this area of the
International Sumatra Regional Regional PR-Education (PDRB). Sector expansion.The
agriculture in particular food in the North Sumatra region is prioritized on rice production.
This shows that rice farm results are more than other food production levels.⁶
North Sumatra is the main producer of rice authorities. Judging from the rice production
area in the last three years, ie in the release of 2018 reference to 360.72 thousand ha, in 2019
the harvest of 413,141.24 ha, of 2020 amounted to 388,591 ha. Meanwhile, the rice
production in the last three years, and 2018 to 1,907 73,000 tons, 2019 to 2,078,901,59 tons,
2020 to 2,040,500, 19 Utara.⁷
Paddy production in North Sumatra from January to December 2022 reached around 2
million Ton GKG, or down around 36,36 thousand Ton GKG (1,78) percent) compared to
2021 of 2,04 million Ton Gkg. Padi Pilli production at 2021 will occur in February, reaching
0.32 million ton. GKG during minimum production in December is 0.09 million Ton GKG.
There is no difference in the situation in 2023, the highest paddy.⁸

Purnamaningsih. 2006. Induksi Kalus dan Optimasi Regenerasi Empat Varietas
Padi Melalui Kultur In Vitro. J. Agrobiogen. 2(2): 74–80.
² Purnamaningsih. 2006. Induksi Kalus dan Optimasi Regenerasi Empat Varietas

1.2.Formulation of the problem
1.How to determine good soil quality for rice cultivation?
2.How to control pests properly and correctly?
3.What is the Process of Processing Paddy into Rice?

1.3 Objective
So that we can all learn how to cultivate rice properly and correctly, so that
We can produce abundant harvests.

Padi Melalui Kultur In Vitro. J. Agrobiogen. 2(2): 80-85.

³ Trimayuri. 2010. Meningkatkan produksi pertanian. Yogyakarta.
⁴ Usman, LA . 2007. Membangun pertanian masa depan . Semarang. Aneka ilmu
⁵ Siregar, H. 1987. Budidaya Tanaman Padi di Indonesia. Jakarta: Sastra Handaya.
⁶ Badan Pusat Statistik.2021.Sumatera Utara.
7.Badan Pusat Statistik.2022.Sumatera Utara.
8.Badan Pusat Statistik.2023.Sumatera Utara.


2.1. Meaning
Rice is a food plant in the form of grass. This ancient farm plant comes from two
continents, namely Asian and Western tropical and subtropical Africa. History evidence
suggests that rice planting in Zheziang (China) has begun at 3000 years before the J. Footer
of grain and rice grain was found in Hattinapur Uttar Pradesa India about 100-800 BC
(Purnamawati et al, 2007). The powder and hollow rod, from the book of this rod grew up
and leaves, flowers or malai emerged from the last book on each till. Rice roots are a very
effective fiber root in harastishment, but sensitive to drought. Rice roots are concentrated on
depth between 10-20 cm.⁹
PADI includes genus Oryza L which includes more than 25 species, spread in tropics in a
sub-tropic sub-district such as Asia, Africa, America and Australia. In Indonesia in the
beginning of rice crops are droughn by dry land with the field of the field, eventually trying
to establish its business by inevining the bulk area of lack of less. Rice plants that can grow
well in tropical is indica, while Japonica is much cultivated in the sub-tropics.¹⁰
Padi plants are a seedless plant that is included in the grass-tongue. Padi has a short age of
less than a year, only one production, after producing it will die or turned off. Rice plants can
be classified into several groups based on the condition of the rice, the way and place of
planting, and according to the age.

Rice is a food plant in the form of grass. Ancient farm plants come from two Asian
continents and tropical and subtropical Western Africa. History evidence shows that rice
planting in Zhejiang (China) has started at 3,000 p; SM year. Footer of grain and rice grain
was found in Hattinapur Uttar Pradesh India about 100-800 BC. In addition to China and
India, some of the rice areas of the rice are North Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos, and
Vietnam (Secretariat of Coordinating Agency of Provincial Revolvement of Riau, 2010).
According to its history, the rice includes genus Oryza L. Which includes more than 25
species, spread in tropics in substropic areas such as in Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
According to Chevalier and Neguier, the rice comes from two continents: Oryza Fatua
Koenig and Oryza Sativa L comes from the Asian continent, while other rice types are Oryza
Stapfi Roschev and Oryza Glaberrima.¹¹

According to its history, the rice includes genus Oryza L. Which includes more than 25
species, spread in tropics in substropic areas such as in Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
According to Chevalier and Neguier, the rice comes from two continents: Oryza Fatua
Koenig and Oryza Sativa L comes from the Asian continent, while other types of rice are
Oryza Stapfi Roschev and Oryza Glaberrima defenda from West Africa (African continent
In Indonesia the many rice types are cultivated, rice fur and rice cere.Diffrence Between
the fur of rice and rice paddy that is easy to look is no tail on his grain.
2.3.Development of Rice Cultivation
Rice is a staple food for more than 95 percent of Indonesians. Rice farming provides jobs
and as a source of income for about 21 million agricultural households. In addition, rice is
also a very strategic political commodity, so the domestic rice production becomes a
benchmark of availability Food for Indonesia therefore, it is not surprising that the
intervention of the Indonesian government is enormous in an effort to increase the production
and stability of the price of rice. Food adequacy (especially rice) at an affordable price has
become the main objective of agricultural development policy. Primary shortages can cause
economic, social, and political vulnerability that can shake the national stability.¹²
The rice production over the last three years shows the fluctuating development. The rice
production of 2013 rose by 0.32 percent (11,735 tons) than production in 2012 but in 2014
rice production fell by 2.58 percent (96,210 tons) than 2013. The forecast number (Aram i)
rice production in 2015 is 3.816,655 ton of GKG, up by 185.616 (5,11%) ton compared to the
roof production of 2014. Production increase is due to a rise in harvesting area of 31,545
hectares or 4.40 percent and results per hectare rose by 0.35 ku / ha or 0.69 percent compared
to 2014 but in 2015 rice production rose by 11.40 percent (413,790 tons) than 2014.¹³
Increasing productivity and rice production should continue to increase the income and
welfare of farmers and ensure food security. The use of potentially rice varieties of high-
yields and the increasing quality of farming quality such as soil processing, fertilization and
planting ways have successfully improved the production of rice.
One of the efforts to increase the rice production, among others through the planting
distance arrangement. The planting distances are influenced by the nature of rice varieties
planted and soil fertility. Rice varieties that have high-grade properties require a wide
distance distance when compared to varieties that have low-hedowed low.
2.4..Types of rice plants
Characteristics of rice pla is as my meal kingdom Plantae, divisioSpermatophyta,
subdivision Aangiospermae, class Monocotyledoneae,family Gramineae, ganus Oryza,
spesies Oryza sativa L.¹⁴
.Many members of the genuy orientza genus are Oryzae Sativa L. And O. Glaberima
Steund. Oryzae Sativa is different from O. Globerima because this species has longer
secondary branches on the malai of the ligula leaves. However, these two species come from
the same ancestor of O. Parennis Moench originating from Goudwanaland. Pre of the
evolution of the second culture is developing into 3 ecoboegraphic races, namely SINIC
(Japonica), indica and javanica.

2.5.Rice Cultivation Techniques
Rice is a plant that is very important for the survival of the Indonesian people, because
rice is the staple food for the people. Therefore, the demand for rice is increasing every year,
so farmers have to produce more production. The following are good rice cultivation
techniques and Correct.
2.6.Selection of seeds
One of the key rice cultivation lies in the quality of the planted seed. For this required
seed that has high sprouts (90-100%) and healthy. Seeds that have these requirements are
expected to produce healthy seeds. Based on quality, the rice seeds planted should be high
quality. Breakfast.
2.7.Land preparation for slowing
splings for the castle should be selected in one of the parts to be planted. The goal is that
the new seeds are revoked and moved not too stressed by the transportation of too far. The
selection of places for the mercury should consider the ease of water arrangement. Water
should be easy to sign in if necessary and easy to be discharged when the tubes need drying.
The initial stage of the seed is a very sensitive stage of the environment. The shortage of
water is although only can lead to a small seed dead. Instead, excess water can cause decay.
2.8.Sedelars seeds
Before being spread in the place of the glazing, the seeds are soaked for approximately
48 hours. Immersion is meant to be grain can suck sufficient water for the germination
process. After being soaked, seeds were mammed for about 48 hours to give gaze’s gain
opportunities. Furthermore, seeds are stocked in careful and equitable care of the surface. The
guard for the seeds grow well and healthy is critical thing in this period.
2.9.Nursery maintenance
The glory should be maintained as well as the so that the seeds grow well. The need for
plants will nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium should be well equipped. Until the seeds are
one week, his needs can still be sufficient by the content of substances in the pieces of seeds.
After that period, the seed need additional nutrition from outside.⁷
2.10..Land processing
Of several important steps in the prior to stage is the selection and land preparation and
nursery. For rainfall land, preparation begins with piracy. Land piracy can be done with hand
tractor, heeled or sticked by human power. With this piracy the land is broken down into a
large blob. The main objective of piracy is for land reversal to obtain air circulation and sun
enhancement. Land piracy also aims to be the water distribution to Be evenly distributed
because the soil of chosen will be able to become a water-resistance that will be very useful
in the soil softening process and decomposition of organic material by the reign of the
reinfinity. Piracy was done at the beginning of the season. The pirated results are left 2-3 days
while dive the water to make the mild processing run well.The second piracy or maybe third
aims to break the chunks of the first pirated soil so that it becomes smaller and smoother
fractions, this process is known as the modulation process. The mashing process aims to slash
the land, this process is also useful to destroy or mix weeds with soil so that the
decomposition process runs perfectly more. In this way organic materials originated from
both the remaining plant or the grass biomas will be completed perfectly and will be utilized
by the next rice plant in addition to food sources. After this second and third piracy is land to
be planted.¹⁴
Planting was done by moving the toll of the bedside of the rice fields, the transfer of the
doll was done after the doll of 20-25 days. Planting is done with an upright position with a
depth of planting hole 2-3 cm and planting distance is recommended that is 20 x 20 cm., It
aims to make the tapless not to be false and hayut. The number of tolls in each planting hole
of 2-3 stems depe Fertilian nding on the rice varieties used.
Slowing subsidies are performed at the time of plants aged 10-12 days, it aims to plant the
plant can grow in simplicities, the purpose of ceiling to replace damaged or dead crops
Goals is to meet the needs of foods that play a very important role for plants both in the
growth process. Fertilization can be done by using natural arts (organic) and artificial
fertilizers (inorganic). In general, fertilization is done twice each planting season with the
duplicate dose used: nite fertilizer 200 kg / ha, fee of SP36 200 kg / ha, KCL fee of 100 kg /
ha or adjusted to soil analysis. Fertilization first is done after a 12-year-old plant, the second
fertilization is done after the plant is 40 days.
Weeding is a weed control that grows with cultivated plants, generally done 2 times each
production is at the time of 15 days of plants and at the time of the plant of 30-35 days.
Wings are done by revoking weeds that grow around the cultivation plants, in addition to the
weeding is usually done by using such as sickles. In general, weeding is done simultaneously
with the observer
Irrigation or irrigation is an effort to bring water by building and channels to rice fields or
fields in a regular way and remove any water that is not necessary. The initiative in the plant
can be done in several ways, among others: 1). Araction over the ground, 2). The databout in
the soil, (3). Their irrigation Sprayer (Sprinkler Irrigation) and 4). Drop Irrigation. For rice
crops of the edi-engineering used is the above treatment. Watering in Rice Rice in the
Irrigation Network There are 3 systems, namely: continuous irrigation system, rotation
irrigation system, and irrigation systems are.
2.16..Pest and disease control
Rice is a sensitive plant to pests and diseases. In Indonesia combination of tropical
climate, varieties, and availability of rice crops throughout the year is perfect for the
development of pests and diseases. Temperature and Humidity Tropical climate is not much
varied and located at the optimal needs of the needs for the development of many pests and
rice disease.Control of pests and diseases in rice crops are generally done by using sprayed

pesticides in plants that are persisted and persistent, in addition, the action of farmers is by
preventive or preventive.

The harvesting time is done at the time of rice has been old or yellowing, the harvest time
is very influential on the production amount, the quality of grain and the quality of the rice to
be produced. The harvest will cause a decrease in production, because the rice grain has been
a lot of loss so that it will affect the amount of production obtained. The too far harvest time
will also reduce the quality of grain, because rice will break, there is still a green gpreventiv
or chable.
The rice harvest process Can be done after 110-115 days after planting with the
characteristics of the flag, the flag leaf has been yellowing, malay duits, grain rice when
pressed or peeled look white grain.¹⁶

⁹ Purnamawati.2007.Budidaya Padi.Jakarta
¹⁰ AAK. 2003. Teknik Bercocok Tanaman padi Yogyakarta : Kanisius.
¹¹ Indranegara.2012.Klasifikasi dan morfologi padi:Bandung.
¹² Masdar.2001.Pengolahan Hasil Produksi Padi: Malang.
¹³ Badan pusat statistik.2014.Sumatra Utara.
¹⁴ Kim H. Tan. (2002). Dasar Kimia Tanah. Gadjah Mada UUniversity press.Yogyakarta.
¹⁵.Suparyono.1997.Cara Panen Padi.Jakarta .

2.18. Answers to the problem formulation
1.How to determine good soil quality for rice cultivation?
 Texture: Rice prefers a loamy soil that is well-drained and has a good water-holding
capacity. Loamy soil is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay. It is loose and porous,
which allows water to drain freely and air to circulate.
 pH: Rice grows best in a neutral or slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.
 Organic matter: Organic matter is important for the overall health of the soil. It
helps to improve drainage, water retention, and fertility. A soil with a high organic
matter content is ideal for rice cultivation.
 Drainage: Rice is a wetland crop and requires a lot of water. However, the soil
should also be well-drained to prevent waterlogging. Waterlogging can lead to root
rot and other diseases.
 Soil depth: Rice roots grow deep into the soil, so the soil should be at least 15 cm

2 .How to control pests properly and correctly?

 Selection of pest resistant varieties

Selecting pest-resistant varieties is one of the most effective ways to prevent rice
pests. Pest-resistant varieties have resistance to certain pest attacks.
 Crop rotation
Cropping rotation is a way of planting different crops on the same land over a
certain period of time. Crop rotation can help prevent pests and diseases from
 Controlling populations of natural enemies of pests
Natural enemies of pests are animals or plants that eat pests. Controlling the
population of natural enemies of pests can help reduce pest populations.
 Proper fertilization
Proper fertilization can help rice plants grow healthy and strong. Healthy and
strong rice plants are more resistant to pest attacks.
 Use pesticides wisely Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests.
The use of pesticides must be done wisely so as not to endanger human health
and the environment.
 Conduct regular inspections.
Carry out regular inspections to check whether there are signs of pests in your
rice fields. If you find signs of pests, take preventative action immediately.
 Cleaning rice plant residues
Rice plant residues can be a food source for pests. Therefore, make sure to clean
the remains of the rice plants after harvest.
 Maintain cleanliness of waterways.
Dirty drains can become a breeding ground for pests. Therefore, make sure to
keep the water channels around your rice fields clean.

3.What is the Process of Processing Paddy into Rice?

 Harvesting
The first step in rice processing is harvesting. Rice is harvested by hand or by
machine. Hand harvesting is a labor-intensive process that involves cutting the
rice stalks with a sickle. Machine harvesting is a more efficient process that uses
a combine harvester to cut the rice stalks and thresh them, separating the grain
from the straw.
 Thresh
Thresher is the machine that separates the grain from the straw. After harvesting,
the rice stalks are threshed to separate the grain from the straw. This can be done
by hand or by machine. Hand threshing is a labor-intensive process that involves
beating the rice stalks with a flail or a stick. Machine threshing is a more
efficient process that uses a combine harvester to thresh the rice stalks and
separate the grain.
 Winnowing
Winnowing is the process of separating the grain from the chaff. After threshing,
the grain is winnowed to remove the chaff. This can be done by hand or by
machine. Hand winnowing is a labor-intensive process that involves throwing
the grain into the air and using the wind to blow away the chaff. Machine
winnowing is a more efficient process that uses a fan to blow away the chaff.
 Milling
Milling is the process of removing the bran and germ from the grain. After
winnowing, the grain is milled to remove the bran and germ. This can be done by
hand or by machine. Hand milling is a labor-intensive process that involves
rubbing the grain between two stones. Machine milling is a more efficient
process that uses a roller mill to grind the grain.
 Grading

Grading is the process of sorting the rice by size and quality. After milling, the
rice is graded to sort the rice by size and quality. This is done by hand or by
machine. Hand grading is a labor-intensive process that involves sorting the rice
by hand. Machine grading is a more efficient process that uses a grading machine
to sort the rice.
 Packing
Packing is the process of packaging the rice for storage and shipping. After
grading, the rice is packed for storage and shipping. This can be done by hand or
by machine. Hand packing is a labor-intensive process that involves packing the
rice by hand. Machine packing is a more efficient process that uses a packing
machine to pack the rice.


3.1 Conlusion
Basically in plant cultivation, growth and plant development is strongly
influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors. The most important
environmental factor is the soil and the climate and the interaction of both

3.2 Suggestion
In the future, rice farmers in Indonesia will make more use of technology to obtain
maximum rice production.


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