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Exam: Final Exam 2023.

Subject: English
Date: 14 December,2023
Duration: 60 minutes.
Name: ………………………………………………………..Grade: (1) sec. score

I. Competencias a evaluar:
COMPETENCIA: 1. Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
2.2. Infiere e interpreta información de textos escritos.
2.3. Reflexiona Evalúa la forma al contenido el contexto del texto escrito.
COMPETENCIA: 2. Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
3.3. Organiza y desarrolla las ideas de forma coherente y cohesionado.

II. VOCABULARY: 20/.......

Numbers 1- 100. What are the numbers? Tick (✓)
the correct answer.
Example: ten

10 ✓ 12 2

three 3 2 13
ninety 40 50 90
seven 2 8 7
two 3 2 11
twelve 11 12 13
eighteen 18 16 20
twenty 12 20 15
sixty 9 16 60
fourteen 14 4 19
hundred 11 100 113

The clothes

Complete with the correct letter. Tick (✓) the

correct answer.
1 s ort a h p
2 je n e i a
3 dr ss e i o
4 s_ndals e u i
5 sho s i o e

The Weather
Write the names of the weather in english.

Teacher: Lic José Angel Bobadilla Alvarado

Exam: Final Exam 2023. Subject: English
Date: 14 December,2023
Duration: 60 minutes.
Name: ………………………………………………………..Grade: (1) sec. score

GRAMMAR:20 /…… A he B we C you

2 ‘Is that car Japanese?’ ‘Yes, is.’
The verb be
A he B it C she
Tick (✓) the correct sentence A, B, or C. 3 ‘Are you Nick and Julia?’ ‘Yes, are.’ A
Example: they B you C we
A He British. 4 ‘Are Helen and Mike from Australia?'
B He are British. ‘No, aren’t.’
C He’s British. ✓ A they B we C you
1 A I a student. 5 ‘Is Sara Scottish?’ ‘No, isn’t.’
B I’m a student. A she B it C they
C I be a student.
2 A What your name? Present Continuo.
B What are your name?
C What’s your name? 1 Complete the sentences. Use the
3 A Are they American? verbs in brackets.
B They are American? Example: She is living (live) in my house.
C Is they American?
1. They (not walk) in
4 A She not a student. the park.
B She isn’t a student.
C She aren’t a student. 2. I ___________(not play) in the school.

5 A We is Spanish. 3. The mother (cook) in the

B We are Spanish.
4. She _________(is
C We be Spanish. drink) soda.
5. We (speak) English
Present Simple. and Italian.
Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.
Example: She lives (live) in a house.
1 They (not have) children.
2 I (work) in a school.
3 The pub (close) at 11.00 p.m.
4 She (not like) coffee.
5 We (speak) English and Italian.

Tick (✓) the correct answer A, B, or C.

Example: ‘Are you French?’
‘Yes, am.’
A I ✓ B you C we
1 ‘Are Sean?’ ‘Yes, I am.’

Teacher: Lic José Angel Bobadilla Alvarado

Exam: Final Exam 2023. Subject: English
Date: 14 December,2023
Duration: 60 minutes.
Name: ………………………………………………………..Grade: (1) sec. score


Answer the questions. Answer the
Read the text and tick (✓) A, B, or C questions.
Example: What is Carmen’s surname?
. in the UK García
A student at King’s School tells us what she likes 1 What’s the name of her school? _____
about her English course.
My name’s Carmen García and I’m a student at King’s 2 Where is her school?
School, which is a language school in Glasgow. I’m 3 Where is she from?
Spanish, from Madrid, but my mother is French. She’s a
4 Who is her teacher?
teacher in Madrid. The students at King’s School are
from many different countries. I’m in a class which has 5 Where’s her teacher from?
students from Japan, Mexico, Germany, and Italy. It’s
really interesting to meet so many different people. The
director of the school is British, but my teacher is
American. She’s from New York and her name’s Helen. WRITING: WORDS 80.
She’s very nice and she’s an excellent teacher. Her
classes are always great fun. José and Karl are probably About Myself
my best friends in the class. José is from Mexico and
Karl is from Berlin, in Germany. We always speak MYSELF
English together because that’s the best way to learn.

Teacher: Lic José Angel Bobadilla Alvarado

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