A&C Act

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Arbitral 4oad

An abitral awad u a Coneuate
a put
as to the quesliona , ises o9 daputio that ahitn
fonoad beBora the abitaal tsikunal. The
tabunal fi iconetluted to heae tha ompleto ;daput' bet
-ween the pastiea, qive easonable to
paties to pstesert hois eae and then based on th et
-denee dubwitad and applicale law dedivs a fnal decta

Natne and

and Nalid to Vau
yenera Aabitrat Areitral
faineiple 4mbitsat Award

Hn abita Auand ea
a lot Atmila to
In othe wod an asbitAal cuard
gue b the asbitsal
tabnal as a deeldion oni
Vosious isAus Pn La madte which
be<osu the vabitaal the pavtia had
tibunal. The placca,i
otk an sbit
det, 19ak does not
djtne tha
and' lon
anJara Howeun dea
Cold leo be ndeutoodes a the onest e; an aoand
patienlos fsue o4 wlaim that
thad been
abitateny It upresento a dubmtd Bor,i
Pati: ôusalitien o, diupio b]w the"
Oy a panty do theabbrlin
ment %ais halleye

hehich uo ud Pned dituiat eo and a He eaerciAng

from doeilie ianb traltbng
Qusards fom tnteonaional Commeroial ati trt
TrmelBne :tmaline Buegouu to by uehen a

P No atomat
Atay nthe engoremanb
Cout at the time
SdSee 36( and ta. tan fmpae Csndi
Typea 4bitat Aroard.o
Seo, 30
4oardi Setttenent Addilonab
Aoard Aoard
anasad Tuo pes Setlemet blo bhen final
made En acco One uhich emaini the partia
darcL uith fn foree tiufina Tenma o sebtm endered, ir
hequisemeta AsendaMed and -end made an ound ot- Carstain
the las, and veunotheL auoond by aim-no
finaly adzditis adudicaled
on the sue Aub the matlu
emitted deas wth. The
lati is iiledm becowse A-dd Award
14 oas aendend duâng the pedene ot other u
Neceaan Aquieents:
( Must bL a deci on by mayoaly al dèians
an ausamd, must be made iogh magoty
An auoan must aloo be veomplite
that au dubmtbd do. the oaribitaal coneeguing a e
-atiow tibwal for adgudie
(b Must be made tn
and daL.
an auad to b fn
hauing he ignane af mayonity af the menbers
o theabibral tpunal It &not an aoamd
tuo Cendl Cions ae fetilled. The lauo uess thes
why the dianalino af an seques aroad o het
imydtanc the date asbitaaton voas indsing
afthe aoad uhie tqual
hing Vahouo timines helpa dumi
e) Must be
d Tnualid neaoomed . Failuse to
Tat ersan- aoa
Mandaloy hasaqinement]
hous that asbitaato
applied Presence oy auaon
Conid natiors au malniala
han the fpatia haue plaeid
Rta mind, taken fto
cogred thatbetnooretham [only
guoason to'bl
(d) Must not be
lague tho
Ceai and cleay not whichAbtat hasasand
to do
howd be both
ehat . In
uhot iobilttis each abot.decisions on each Essua,
bun awandd paaty hs and
should ba eapas of betng pento
The vaoad Ahould be wapade oy buingpangosumed
uad must be ealtio ?n watt pt duas
09 hould mot t pasties to do damething that ta mot pesibe
lngoeable uoaad must

that s Pr would be et
asids Pubie iolatiow
ol sepsuouito the puolis pole

Aome o4 themosb thenshed

porkant prnciplo and polieies oy the
0ther equiaemnt Salyey
Chalanging an ausand ?
n arbi tral ausond can be
Ony. These q9Dundo cone ohallenged on Apeiio e
To Bememba that a neuieo
n an appeal bot questiono Aelatingdterent om antpeal
to law and fact can be
on dpebifio -gand

Undes Sectionw 13
Chalange of bias
abitaal taibwnal
Aubitu tibunal biased fnauous o one
party. Suehi
a chalerge dhould be fit oiAnd befone the asbibral
banal us 13. If the anbital chaleng is not
b) Undsn Setion 16 - Ovealapping ot oidiatan by
tha abitnal tibunal

If dusing anbikral prouding -pauties halunge pocet

-ng en thebasu h

duoide on the lalange ’ 4TA-6usa can laia be

by pasties fn out chaleng
().nden Seation 34 -
Lstset 2
) The dubguet mali o
2) Invalid aubitaation
gement diapat is not apetl
2) Pasy is nat giuen proper natis about
'at Lutament by
aubi bratas
appofntmant o< anbitaato or anbitaal ). The auo and Es în Conbray
y The ausand deals uith -eutisw o the pubb
not debmthd to debyeet iapta poey
S)Abitral ti bunal or proeduwe wao not
Pn aceosdanee with cesay
,onteguenees af challnge [set Aeia]-Onau Ast aaida--No
[Conam]- No kagal wrong
[Modity] Nodifaion
Section 4:
any cont This Bo
Aimas to anu
'on the cage
sudyi ondenthat
maDe e the al
the Pasti eo abitnato &ecides
Ran poountedi eideneee
and àQmenlo hame
og ads. This obtaton waie th mallo
mean too moe euide 9sL
Sectt 34 proui dea than u may ba Aet aslda by a
Cout bn certoi n peeitied thore fn sal

Agzeanment Paries Valid
ainen pnocadng
wot fatinA hobi
34C20la) 34c2) (a) per bedng in
ii) acotdae
" Disputu not [34b U)] 8409 Cay
Ciit) 34C) laya34(ly
Aottraa Liv)

Appieant Co Cot u
setting asi da aioty the
Set cide to to loind tount abou"pieo ito
other pas

Conduct o Anbitnat aceeding hpo chz
Seation I8 to at e, tho Abitratow and loneiaion ael
1996 dealo uith the Conduct o aabitaal pooeasdngs The if

be taeated equally and they should bu giuen

ppostunily to poesent t h a uDsonas
Section1 8 ] . t

Sectisn 19: Deteuminálion e Suates e

Iw Aoo to See 19 C) the vaabit
the code iuil Proceduone, l908taibal shall net b bouad
or IEA 1812.
)8ubget to thio paut the poaiea ahe
ree to
psocedune foa the eenduet oy detmine the
the sules thoough can daeide
Jule agsuament AT u aqued to foeno theg
BI, the poaties tad to
conduct thedetermine
th ATAhal the aule i the proced e

poww to detominn the admisoi biJity

4elevanee, mateias and
See ao Ploce
) The iust igut to
beany proudad to the
detenine the plece ot acbibraio
2) If the paties to do o A.T u daidet
ovi deung Conweni ewe
2) Notui thotondiny dus
Asconli and ey, the AT
nles theu agreed by the partie, meet att
o may
4 Conot deu approptaf or any pae i
Covaultatio ameyat io, meward
Pgovds'o othe rco peo
See2l: Cominmencament e 4abitaat Procedsm
aablaio 4sement does mot mention the
Cate o tommancement 'o abtral procced
Proceuding fn Aespet op that diaput
to be
-dent Seoed to anbitaion la swelned by
Sec 22.
The Lang o be adopud by tha AT for pro casal ng
In abeee of gread by the panbieo
AT Ahal olecids

heuld be duch that
euldane- bihaton
anbhaton Coun undstand.
Cannot wdstand- Trenh

Sec23 : stament e claim and Delnea

I) uithin the pedod is, ime
pattie bn determined bythe agead upon by th
ATHhe claimant Ahe
Aate th tacto duppora ng Ais catm, the poins at
Pasti oulay
2) The patiea dubmit
they Conaicr to be
with ther Atement au doe
seluwant or may add a seerene
to the clo cunent or oher
3) Unle otheruise agead
ethe par may amand. er
dupplament his eaimn or dagenea duing
the peeading (enleu the AT cnsidet Iinappropato to allo
o Puapone
aimantthe the
atThespovtEuidat othe to
1) Secas lommuieatd
Epet )DalHhatno hod a )
to Au The gument, hearing
prceadi g TheSec24
proceainga Wae bT
Atatmento, docunento
appi hearingpaties aguest A-T
heaing i
empowes' |3decii cation
tor Shaw
fatie of and &hau
by and Heaungand
ithout heaing
doc a at decde
wasle any othermatoialo.
be pat posentaion
the ay or an
to shol
abitats Paty. any meet uen appropiat.
ndes Ahal ih
dae AT osan
any otherIto attiento
the' be o to
Ahal paticohae
tient AT The
age Conduhd eui fnocaed
to Auppked)* othereihhy
Ahalsbi aduane' denee otal
albo AT to
anito tor ingi
ppied poading an
bË the os
not habas.
wheu the aspondant Bail to Commni cat

dyene the T shal lonti nme

pnoteedings wittaut treata that faie
the claimard

heaing peding ana man the cn the

See 26: Appo indment af

1) The aet Eput by AT1
oe Cpento to
the A-T.to
epost to tbn
lbe specitieBe to
deteumitonedgeby eopet,
the AT. The prov. aloo aquises
Li prouidi acee anydeyant ?ngo
to Qn othen
aeleiant doe, goudo

h th
parties hae the
nd to to put
the peinnto at i s questiona to
to that party au doe goodo
Proud dn the
Seoa: Cowts AAAtanee fn Taing Eddene
) The AT, 0a paay ith the appsoval o
the AT, may appy to thelout or aitane!
ng euwdencat aieth
4)The applicslin
% the
apecity as The name and ad.
bThe unenal nane elaim and
euidenea do be ostained
3)The lout
9ules an takin uithin fb
brdiing that euidenee,
eneeite the
and ace to th
he A
eidánee be equet by
4) Thelout ma4
ehie aing an
do asdes under C3) ime
toed bel,oae ib' uibneses ao ft may
5) Pers
proese jalng to altend
r making fn
aeosdanea ui th Aeh
hey wowd inewj
or the liks
tences in suits be

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