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Exam: Final Exam 2023.

Subject: English
Date: 14 December,2023
Duration: 60 minutes.
Name: ………………………………………………………..Grade: (5) sec. score

I. Competencias a evaluar:
COMPETENCIA: 1. Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
2.2. Infiere e interpreta información de textos escritos.
2.3. Reflexiona Evalúa la forma al contenido el contexto del texto escrito.
COMPETENCIA: 2. Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
3.3. Organiza y desarrolla las ideas de forma coherente y cohesionado.

II. VOCABULARY: Write the names of the classroom object.

Tick (✓) the correct answer A, B, or C.

Tick (✓) the correct answer A, B, or C.

Example: The number after 75 is .
A seventy -six B sixty -six C ninety -one
1 The number after ninety-nine is .
A one thousand B one million
C one hundred
2 The number after 11 is .
A eleven B twelve C twenty
3 The number after 65 is
A sixty - one B sixty -five C sixty - six
4 The number before forty- five is.
A forty -five B forty – four C forty - six
5 The number after 35 is
A thirty-five B thirty-six C thirty-eight

The clothes:

Write the name of these pictures.

The weather:
Write the names…

Teacher: Lic José Angel Bobadilla Alvarado

Vocabulary total
Exam: Final Exam 2023. Subject: English
Date: 14 December,2023
Duration: 60 minutes.
Name: ………………………………………………………..Grade: (5) sec. score

GRAMMAR: Ben You 3 worry about

1. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in that. You’ll soon learn.
brackets. Present simple. Anna But I’d like to learn some Spanish
Example: She lives (live) in a house. before I go.
1 They _______________ (not have) children. Ben You 4 have lessons
2 He _______________ (work) in a school.
3 The pub _______________ (close) at 11.00 p.m.
4 She _______________ (not like) coffee. 5. Complete fthe sentences with fthe Present perfect or fthe Present
5 We _______________ (speak) English and Italian. perfect Progressive of fthe verbs in brackets.
a. This evening I_______ two letters to my
2. Complete the sentences with who, which, and parents (to write).
where. b. I _________ to music all evening (to listen)
c. John ___________since 3 o'clock (to study)
Example: A restaurant is a place where you can eat. d. My kids ________at the beach all morning (to
1 That’s the woman____________works in the pub. play)
2 A pharmacy is a shop ________you can buy medicines. e. Today I_______ my room (to paint)
3 Kangaroos are animals ___________live in Australia.
Tick (✓ ) the correct sentence A, B, or C.
4 A pilot is a person _________________flies a plane.
Example: A He British.
5 A dictionary is a book ________gives definitions of words. B He are British.
C He’s British. ✓
a. A. We is Spanish.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in
brackets in the past simple or the past B We areSpanish.
C We be Spanish.
Example: I saw (see) James yesterday. b. A. They not are teachers.
a. It (rain) when we got to the beach. B They not teachers.
b. I met Paul when I _______(walk) the dog. C They aren’t teachers.
c. She (not go) to the cinema with us last c. A. Are your parents Polish?
week. B Your parents are they Polish?
d. Ben (wear) his new jeans when C Your parents Polish?
you saw him? d. A. Am I in Room 7?
e. Last year I ____ (run) in the B I am in Room 7?
London marathon.
C Are I in Room 7?
4. Complete the dialogue with might, should, or
shouldn’t. e. A He be from Germany.
B He from Germany.
Ben: What are you going to do when you finish university?
C He’s from Germany.
Anna I might live abroad for a
year. I’m not sure yet. Ben Which country?
Anna I haven’t decided yet, but I 1 __________go
to Spain.
Ben Yes, you 2 ________________definitely go to Spain!
It’s a really nice country.
Anna Yeah, but I can’t speak Spanish.

Teacher: Lic José Angel Bobadilla Alvarado

Exam: Final Exam 2023. Subject: English
Date: 14 December,2023
Duration: 60 minutes.
Name: ………………………………………………………..Grade: (5) sec. score

READING: 1. Read the e-mail again and complete the form.

Read the e-mail and tick (✓) A, B, or C.

Hi Maria

Do you remember me? My name’s Ben Sanders, I’m twenty-nine, and

I’m British. I live in a small flat in north London and I work as a
secretary for a big computer company in central London.

I travel to work on the underground, but I often work at home. I don’t

smoke, but I drink a lot of coffee!

What else can I tell you about myself? My family live in Brighton, on
the south coast of England. I have one brother and one sister. My
brother works as a waiter and my sister’s a nurse. Their names are
Harry and Liz. My parents are both teachers.

I love sport. I play football and basketball a few times a month and I
watch all the best matches on TV. My favourite food is Mexican. I’m
very lucky because my brother works in a Mexican restaurant, so I eat Reading total
there when I visit my family. I study Italian in my free time because
one day I want to live in Italy. WRITING: {80 WORDS}
Please write and tell me about yourself. 1. Write about yourself.
➢ Birthdate.
➢ age.
Example: Ben lives with a friend. ➢ place you live.
A True ➢ Free Time.
B False ➢ who lives in your house.
C Doesn’t say ➢ food, sport, favorite color.
1 Ben works in London.
➢ future plans.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
2 He likes his job.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
3 His family don’t live in England.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
4 Liz has two brothers.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
5 Harry lives with his parents.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
6 Ben watches sport on TV.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
7 Harry’s restaurant is in London.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
8. Ben is Italian.
A True B False C Doesn’t say

Teacher: Lic José Angel Bobadilla Alvarado Writing total

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