Classwork G7 - Ans

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1. What is Microsoft Excel used for?

A. Word processing

B. Creating presentations
C. Spreadsheet calculations

D. Graphic design

Correct Answer: C. Spreadsheet calculations

2. What do you call the intersection of a row and a column in Excel?

A. Cell

B. Box

C. Cube

D. Block
Correct Answer: A. Cell

3. What is the function of the SUM function in Excel?

A. Finds the average of a range of cells

B. Adds up all the numbers in a range of cells

C. Multiplies the numbers in a range of cells

D. Subtracts the numbers in a range of cells

Correct Answer: B. Adds up all the numbers in a range of cells

4. Which tab is used to change the font style and size in Excel?

A. Home
B. Insert

C. Format

D. Page Layout

Correct Answer: A. Home

5. Which of the following is a valid cell reference in Excel?

A. 1A

B. A1

C. A#1

D. @A1

Correct Answer: B. A1
6. What is a slide in PowerPoint?

A. A type of animation
B. A printed document

C. A single page in a presentation

D. A sound effect

Correct Answer: C. A single page in a presentation

7. Which tab is used to insert a new slide in PowerPoint?

A. Design

B. Home

C. Insert
D. Slide Show

Correct Answer: C. Insert

8. What is the purpose of slide layouts in PowerPoint?

A. To change the color scheme of the slide

B. To add animations to the slide

C. To organize the content and formatting of the slide

D. To change the font style of the slide

Correct Answer: C. to organize the content and formatting of the slide

9. What is the purpose of the Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint?

A. To edit individual slides

B. To view and organize all slides in the presentation

C. To apply animations to the slides

D. To change the slide layout

Correct Answer: B. to view and organize all slides in the presentation

10. Which view allows you to see your presentation as it will appear in the final output?

A. Slide Sorter view

B. Normal view

C. Reading view
D. Slide Show view

Correct Answer: D. Slide Show view

11. What is the purpose of the Design Ideas feature in PowerPoint?

A. To automatically design slides based on content

B. To add slide numbers to the presentation

C. To change the slide layout

D. To apply animations to the slides

Correct Answer: A. to automatically design slides based on content

12. What is the purpose of the title slide in a PowerPoint presentation?

A. It contains the main content of the presentation.

B. It provides an introduction to the presentation and sets the tone.

C. It is used for adding detailed information about each slide.

D. It is the last slide in the presentation.

Correct Answer: B. It provides an introduction to the presentation and sets the tone.

13. Which information is typically included on a title slide?

A. Presentation title, presenter's name, and date

B. Bullet points and detailed information about the topic

C. Only the presentation title

D. Clipart and animations

14. What is a workbook in Excel?

A. A single sheet within Excel

B. A collection of worksheets

C. A formula in Excel

D. A type of chart

Correct Answer: B. A collection of worksheets

15. What is the extension of a Microsoft Excel workbook file?
A. .docx

B. .xls
C. .ppt

D. .pdf

Correct Answer: B. .xls

16. What is the extension of a Microsoft PowerPoint file?

A. .docx

B. .xls

C. .pptx

D. .pdf
Correct Answer: B. .xls


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