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Module 4

I. Module Title: Interpretation and Execution of simple

Philippine Folk Dance

II. Introduction:

Folk dance depicts the culture, customs, traditions of the people, it is an expression of nationalism.
The value of folk dancing as cultural and recreational activity is, however, more fundamental and it is a
means toward development of nationalism. It has a high value as a wholesome recreation and spiritual
satisfaction it can provide, and the preservation of the people’s culture. Care must be taken to preserve
the authenticity of the Philippine folk dance.

In interpreting the literature of the Philippine folk dance, one must have to consider his/her past
experiences in dancing specifically in folk dances. Knowledge and skills in basic folk dance steps are
very essential factors in order that one can execute correctly and gracefully the folk dance of his choice.

III. Module Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
1. interpreted correctly the literature of the selected Philippine Folk Dance; and

2. executed the selected Philippine folk dance gracefully and in time with the music with
appropriate or improvised costume.

IV. Lesson 1: Interpretation and Execution of simple Philippine Folk Dance Estimated Time: 4 Hours

V. Lesson Outcomes:
1. Interpreted correctly the literature of the chosen Philippine Folk Dance.
2. Performed the selected Philippine folk dance gracefully and in time with the music.

VI. Lesson Contents:

There are three examples of simple Philippine Folk dances that you are going to interpret. One is
Ba-Ingles, Magkasuyo, and Polka sa Nayon. You may choose one from the three folk dances provided
or you may choose any simple Philippine Folk Dance that pleases you, provided that you based it on
its dance literature.

In case you don’t have a dance literature and music, you may ask your instructor to provide and
send it to you.

Good luck and enjoy interpreting and practicing the dance……
(Source: Aquino, Francisca Reyes (1996). Philippine Folk Dances, Volume 1, page 6-7

This is a lively delightful dance from Cabugao, Ilocos Sur. Ba-Ingles is derived from the words
“Baile” and “Ingles” meaning English Dance. This dance was perhaps brought here by the early English
tradesmen. Except for the last figure which is typically Ilocano in mood and movements, all the other
figures are similar in nature and mood to some English dances.

COSTUME. Dancers are dressed in Ilocano peasant costume

MUSIC is divided into three parts: A, B, and C.

COUNT. one, two, or one, and two, to a Measure (M).

FORMATION. Partners stand opposite each other about six feet apart. When
facing audience, Girl stands at partner’s right side. Any number of couples may
take part in this dance.


Music Introduction.
Three-step turn right in place and bow to partner or audience, Girl
holding skirt, Boy’s hands on waist……………………………………… .......................2M

Figure I

Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Starting with the R foot, take four change steps to meet partner at center.

Kumintang R and L hand alternately, free hand on waist……. ...............4 M (b) Turn right

about and repeat (a) going to proper places.

Finish facing partner, turning right about…………... ……………………. ................4 M
(c) Repeat (a) and (b)………………………..…………………….. ................................4 M
Figure II
Music B.

The movements of Boy and Girl are done simultaneously.

(a) Starting with the R foot, take four change steps forward to
partner’s right side (take a bigger steps to reach partner’s side)
kumintang hands as in Figure 1 (a)…. ………………………………….. ....................... 4 M
(b) Turn right about and repeat (a) going to proper places.
Finish facing partner, turning right about………………………………..… ..................... 4 M
Turn right about to face each other.
(c) Repeat (a) to partner’s left side…….............………………….. ............................... 4 M
Partners face front.
(d) Repeat (b). ………………………………………………………. ................................ 4 M

Clap hands three times to a measure (cts. 1, and, 2) throughout
this figure .....................................................................................................................16 M

Figure III

Music B.

Throughout this figure Kumintang R and L hand alternately as in

Figure I (a).
(a) Partners take two change steps forward, starting with R foot to

meet at center. …………………………………………………………… ..........................2M

(b). Change-step turn right (use two change steps) in place.
Finish the turn in front of partner, facing each other…………………. ...........................2M
(c). Execute two change steps forward, passing by each
other’s R shoulder, going to partner’s place….………………………. ...........................2M
(d) Change-step turn right about (use two change steps).
Finish facing each other…………………………………………………. ..........................2M
(e) Repeat all (a-d) finishing in proper places…………………. ....................................8M
Figure IV

Music C. Play slowly.

(a) Starting with the R foot, partners take four steps forward to meet at center, Girl

holding skirt, Boy’s hands on waist ……………… .......................... 2 M

(b) Face left and step right foot sideward (ct.1), point L foot
across R in rear and bend knees slightly, Kumintang R hand,
L hand on waist (ct. 2).Partners stand side by side by R shoulders

and looking at each other. ………………………………………….…… ............................ 1M

(c) Step L foot sideward (ct. 1), turn right about and point R across the L in rear. Bend
the knees slightly, kumintang L hand,R hand on waist (ct. 2). Partners stand side by

side by L shoulders and looking

at each other. …………………………………………………………….. ............................ 1M

(d) Facing each other and starting with R foot, take four steps backward to proper

places. Hands as in (a)……………………………. .......................... 2M

(e) Four steps in place, starting with the R foot. Hands as in (a). ..........................................

(f) Repeat all (a-e)……………………………………….…………. ............................................


Figure V
Music A.

Repeat figure I. ………………………………………………………. ................................. 16M

Figure VI

Music B.

Repeat figure II. This time Girl goes to the right and then to the left
side of partner, Boy claps hands……………………………………………...................... 16M
Figure VII
Music B.

Repeat figure III.


............................ 16M Figure VIII

Music B.

Repeat figure IV. ……………………………………………………. ..............................16M

Music Finale.

Three step turn right in place and bow to partner or audience,

Girl holding skirt, Boy’s hands on waist……………………………………. ...................2M


(Source: Aquino, Francisca Reyes (1996). Philippine Folk Dances, Volume 3, page 42-43)

Magkasuyo is a simple, easy dance from Quezon. Magkasuyo literally means good friends
(pal or chum) or sweethearts. This dance can be performed or executed on any occasion.

COSTUME. Girl wears balintawak style costume, Boy wears barong tagalog and white

MUSIC is composed of two parts: A and B.

COUNT. one, two, three to a Measure (M).

FORMATION. Partners stand opposite each other about six feet apart. Girl stands at Boy’s
right side when facing audience. Any number of pairs may take part in this dance.
Figure I

Music A.
Partners face each other.
a.) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position, moving
sideward right and left. ……………………………………………………. ..............2 M
(b) Starting with the R foot, take two waltz steps forward to meet at center. The

movement of the arms is the same as in (a). ..…. ...............2 M

(f) Repeat (a). …………………………………………………….. ...............................2 M

(g) Repeat (b) moving backward to proper places. .………….. ...............................2 M
(h) Step R sideward (ct. 1), brush L forward (ct. 2), tap L foot in front (ct. 3). Girl holds

skirt, Boy places hands on waist. ……….......... ...............1 M

(i) Repeat (e), three more times (L, R, and L). …………….….. ...............................3 M
(j) Repeat (a). ……………………………………………………... ...............................2 M
(k) Waltz turn right in place. Hands as in (e). …………………... ...............................2 M
(l) Repeat all (a-h). …………………………………………….…. .............................16 M

Figure II

Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Four touch steps, R and L alternately. Boy holds skirt,

Boy places hands on waist. ……………………………………….…….. ..................4 M
(b) Starting with the R foot, take take four step-brush-swing-hops moving forward to

partner’s place. Pass each other by R shoulders

hands as in (a)…………………………………………………………….. ..................4 M

Turn right about to face each other.

(c) Repeat (a) and (b), finishing in proper places. ……………. ..................................8 M
Partners face front.
(d) Repeat (a). ……………………………………………………. ..................................4 M
(e) Waltz sideward, R and L. Arms in lateral position, moving sideward R and L.

………………………………………….................... ...................2 M

(f) Three-step turn right in place. Hands as in (a). ………….. ....................................2 M

(g) Repeat (d-f), starting with the L foot and turning L in (f). … .................................8 M
Figure III

Music A.
Partners face each other.
(a) Starting with the R foot, take two waltz steps forward to meet at center (2 M) and
two waltz steps backward (2 M). Arms in lateral position moving sideward R and L

alternately…………………………. .............. 4 M

(b) Two close steps sideward R. Kumintang R hand at every measure, L hand on

waist. Do not put weight on L foot at the second

close step………………………………………………………………….. .............. 2 M

(c) Repeat (b) going sideward L. Reverse position of hands… .............................. 2 M

(d) Repeat (a-c). ………………………………………………….. .............................. 8 M
Partners face front

(e) Repeat all (a-d). .……………………………………………… ............................ 16 M

(f) Repeat all (a-h). ………………………………………………. ............................ 16

M Figure IV

Music B.
Partners turn R shoulder toward each other.
(e) Starting with the R foot, take eight cross waltz steps forward moving clockwise.

Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on waist. ……….. ...... 8 M

(f) Turn right about and repeat (a) counterclockwise……………. ...................... 8 M

Partners face each other

(g) Do-si-do --- Starting with R foot, take four waltz steps forward
passing by R shoulders and four waltz steps backward passing by
L shoulders. Arms in hayon-hayon position, R and L forearm in front
alternately.............................................................................................. ........ 8 M

(h) Repeat (c) passing by L shoulders and L forearm in front

first. Finish bowing to partner or audience……………………………… ......... 8 M
(Source: Aquino, Francisca Reyes (1996). Philippine Folk Dances, Volume 3, page 70-71)

This ballroom polka was popular in the province of Batangas in the Spanish time. It was
usually danced during town fiestas and in big social affairs.

COSTUME. The Girl wears the Maria Clara or balintawak style costume; the Boy wears
barong tagalog and black or white trousers.

COUNT one, and, two and to a measure.

MUSIC is composed of three parts: A, B, and C.

FORMATION. When performed for demonstration, dancers may be grouped into sets of four
pairs in square formation, each couple occupying a corner, or a side of an imaginary square
or they may be arranged in longways formation.

When performed as a ballroom dance, partners may face in any direction and are scattered
about the room.

Note: Boy starts with L foot and Girl, with R foot in figures I, II, III. The letter or word in
parenthesis in the instructions is for Girl.


Music Introduction.
Partners face audience, inside hands joined, free hand of

Girl holding skirt, that of Boy is placed on waist.

a. Tap R foot on every count of the measure………………… ......................................8 M
b. Partners hold in closed ballroom dance position to get ready
for figure I. ……………………………………………………………. ...........................4 M
---- I ----
Music A.
Extended arms toward audience.

a. Starting with L ® foot, take four polka steps around clockwise finishing in original

position………………………………………… ................................... 4 M

b. Point L (R) sideward (cts. 1, point L (R) (ct. 2). Take one polka step sideward left

(right) (cts. 1, and 2, and)……………… .................................. 2 M c. Repeat (b), starting with

R (L) foot. ..……........................ .............................................. 2 M

d. Repeat all (a-c), three more times. ………………… ......................................................24 M

---- II ----
Music B.
Face audience. Partners release hold. Stand side by side,
Girl at right, inside hands joined. Free hand of Girl holds skirt, that
of Boy is placed on waist.

a. Starting with outside foot, take two heel

and toe polka steps forward. ………………………………………………………………. ...4
b. One polka step outward (1M) and one polka step inward (1M).. 2 M
c. Drop inside hand. Starting with outside foot, take two polka steps to turn about outward in
Finish facing in opposite direction. ……………………………………………. ………............. 2 M
Join inside hands, free hand as above.
d. Repeat (a-c), starting with inside foot. Reverse direction

in (b) and (c). …………………....................................................... ............................... 8 M e.

Repeat all (a-d). ……………………………………………… .......................................... 16 M ----

III ----

Music A.

Partners hold inclosed ballroom dance position,

extended arms toward audience.
a. Starting with L (R) foot, take four polka steps clockwise
as in figure I (a). ……………………………………………………… .............................4 M
b. Take three gallop steps sideward left (right) toward front (3 cts.), pause (1 ct.). do not
put weight on the closing foot on the third gallop step.

……………………………………….. ..............................2 M

c. Repeat (b), starting with other foot, going in opposite

direction. …………………………………………………………….. ...............................2 M d.

Repeat all (a-c), three more times. …………………….... .........................................24 M ----

IV ----

Music C.
Partners face front, Girl at right side.
Join inside hands as in figure II. Both starts with R foot.
a. Partners take one polka step R sideward and one polka step L sideward.

………………………………………………… ...................................2 M

b. Point R in front (ct. 1) , raise same foot across L foot in front, just above the ankle (ct.
2). Point R foot in front (ct. 1), step R close to L foot (ct. 2). ……………………….
................................2 M c. Repeat (a) and (b), starting with L foot.………………….

..........................................4 M

Drop inside hands, Face each other and place both hands on own waist.

d. With R elbows near each other (jaleo position), take eight polka steps forward,

turning clockwise twice (four polka steps for each turn). Finish in proper places.
…………………………. ................................8 M e. Repeat all (a-d).

………………………………………… .................................. 16 M SALUDO

Music Finale.
Partners face audience. Join inside hands, free hands as
in figure II.

a. Starting with R foot, take four polka steps forward.…….. ..........................................4 M

b. Girl whirls counterclockwise under arch of arms as many times as possible.

…………………………………………... ...............................3 M

c. Drop inside hands. Face and bow to each other or

to audience; Girl holds skirt and Boy places hands on waist.…. ...............................1 M

Note: If desired, the whole dance may be repeated in sets
of four pairs in square formation, all facing center of set.
The saludo is performed withal facing front only when
ending dance.

VII. Teaching Delivery:

a. Remote (modular, VLE/messenger/ google classroom)
b. Individual performance (modular/ VLE/ Messenger/ Video/ email)

VIII. Assessment: (to be submitted in 5-7 days)

a. Individual performance of your choice of simple Philippine Folk Dance with appropriate or
improvised costume. (Use a video, record your performance and send it to VLE/ email/
messenger/ google drive).

Note: Male or female Performer should do their part with imaginary partner as you dance in the video
that you are going to submit through fb class link.

Note: The folk dance that you are going to perform

will be your Midterm Performance test.

Good Luck everyone!!!!!!!!!



Alejandro, 1978, in Piamonte and Porras (2010). The Philippine Dance: Mainstream and
Crosscurrents. Manila, Philippines: Vera-Reyes, Inc.

Aquino, Francisca Reyes (1992). Fundamental Dance Steps and Music. Manila, Philippines.

Aquino, Francisca Reyes (1996). Philippine Folk Dances. Volume 1, and Volume 3. Manila,

49 Retrieved August 3, 2020). Retrieved July 15, 2020., retrieved August 2,

2020 Retrieved August 3, 2020 August 3, 2020. Retrieved July 15, 2020. Retrieved August 2, 2020.

Piamonte and Porras (2010).Teaching Guide in Philippine Folk Dance and Recreational Ballroom

Villaruz, 1989, in Piamonte and Porras (2010). Teaching Guide in Philippine Folk Dance and
Recreational Ballroom Dancing


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