Motivation Letter Samples

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Motivation letter samples

Motivation letter for a Master's in Food Safety

Dear Committee,

Allow me first, to express my deepest gratitude to [university name]

for allowing me to take part in the selection process. I am [student
name], a fresh graduate from [university name2], Indonesia. Herewith,
I would like to request your kind permission as to request a review and
further assessment for myself to be considered as a student for a
Master’s degree in [university name]. Kindly allow me to briefly
elaborate the reasoning of my request.

Since I want to deepen my previous education in Food Process

Engineering, the perfect choice for my graduate study is at [university
name]. I would like to conduct a Master of Food Safety as my first
preference and Master Food Technology as my second preference. I’m
interested in studying food production processes as an integrated
system and their relation to the legal, economic, risk management and
communication aspect of food safety. I consider that I can get
valuable knowledge about the determinant factor of sustainable
development. And I also believe the course will give me the
opportunity to deepen my knowledge about legal and policy aspects.

This Master course offers everything I need to become an expert in

food safety. The program is taught through collaboration between
academics with world-class expertise in diverse aspects of food safety
and gives students an opportunity to learn about a wide range of
problems in food safety and their application. Furthermore, the outline
of this program provides a balance between technical analysis
including microbiology and toxicology, and food policy framework.
Also, the master course offers broad specializations, such as applied
food safety, food safety law, and supply chain safety.

In my university years, I was active in my program. I was an assistant

for food processing engineering and agricultural product quality
evaluation and learnt the basics of food processing along with skills to
review and measure the properties and quality of food. I learnt further
when I did an internship for one of Indonesia’s biggest research
institutes, Indonesian Coffee and Cacao Research Institute, working in
the product process and quality department. Working with this
institution has given me many important insights on the importance of
delivering high-quality food. This was very rewarding as it led me to
gain a grant for my final research entitled “Process Analysis of
Sorghum Crackers Drainage Using Hybrid Type Dryer with Energy
Sourced From Solar Light and Biomass”. This research aimed to
improve the quality of drainage food product properties and the
potential to produce best quality food based on local resources.

I was involved in some experience such as supervisor in the program

handling food-insecure areas in Seram Bagian Barat District,
Moluccas, East Indonesia by Ministry of Rural, Development of
Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration and was involved in some
voluntary experiences such Green Village Klabanan (voluntary action
to make a green environment based on organic farming), as a
coordinator. By taking this Master’s course I hope I can deepen my
knowledge, improve the quality of my work and continue my
contribution for Indonesia.

[University name] is also known as one of the best for its

specialisations in food safety, which means that I will be taught by top
researchers and experts. Studying in [university name] also offers
opportunities for professional networking, and will be my collaboration
partner in the future. This will bring me to the greatness of Indonesia
food safety development. Pursuing a Master’s degree in [university
name] will not only help me to gain better knowledge, but also to open
my vision more about developing food safety in a global perspective. I
can fit with this program considering my background study, my life
experiences, my maturity and my passion.

At the end of my study, I believe that I can contribute to the

development of Indonesian food safety activities in academia. I will
teach at the Department of Agricultural Engineering at [university
name2]. At the same time, I have a dream to be a director of
Indonesian Agriculture Consultant focusing on community-based
sustainable agriculture and food safety. Finally, becoming a Ministry of
Agricultural Affairs in the next 15 years is one of my long-term plans,
so I am ready to take this place and get involved with my hard work
and best efforts. Hopefully, with suitable courses that fit with my
interest and prior education, my study in [university name] would lead
me into a brighter future to give a valuable contribution to Indonesia.

Lastly, allow me to express that I do strongly believe that I deserve to

be in the list of master degree student from this respectful institution
to continue my study in Netherlands. I will be patiently waiting for a
positive reply. Please accept my deepest appreciation and gratitude to
your further assessment and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

[Candidate name]

7. Sample motivation letter for an economics PhD

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in pursuing a PhD in economics at Imperial College


I am particularly keen to apply for the doctoral program in the economics department at
Imperial as its research interests are an excellent match for my academic background. I
studied Business Management for my BA at Kingston University and during this time I
developed a particular interest in the relationship between government policies affecting
small businesses and economic outcomes country-wide. Furthering this interest, my BA
thesis, which was supervised by Prof. Helen Smith, used statistical techniques to analyse
the rate of growth of small businesses before and after new legislation regarding wages
was put into place. My aim was not only to consider the ethical arguments regarding
minimum wages and small businesses, but also to find evidence about whether policies
encouraged or discouraged the growth of small businesses.

After completing my BA, I undertook an MSc in economics at University College London.

From this course I gained deeper knowledge of statistics and modelling, which I made use
of in my thesis project – an investigation into how the number of people employed by a
small business affects the ability of that business to weather changes in wage laws. My
aim throughout this project was to gather more evidence on the effect of new wage laws
on the long-term stability of small businesses.
I now wish to continue my academic career with a PhD in economics, and I cannot
imagine a better place to study this than the business school at Imperial. I admire the
economics department’s commitment to both fairness and to accuracy, and I wish to
further my work on minimum wage increases and small businesses in a way that respects
both the dignity of workers and the needs of business owners. I particularly wish to work
with Dr. Jane Brown, whose work on small business ethics has been a great source of
inspiration for me.

This research has the potential to contribute to the theoretical models of small business
growth in economics, but it also can contribute real-world value to policymakers and
small business owners. As small businesses are often touted as the counterbalance in the
move towards large multinational corporations due to globalisation, greater
understanding of how to support these small businesses, and how to help them grow, will
only become more valuable in the future.

Owing to my extensive knowledge of small business and wage laws, and my experience
with statistical analyses and modelling, I am confident that I can complete the research
project which I have proposed to a high standard. While both my previous thesis projects
were on a smaller scale, I have recently been volunteering as a research assistant in a co-
operative project focussing on cultural differences in small business creation, which has
given me experience on large-scale projects too. This experience has helped me to plan out
the time for my PhD realistically and confidently.

After completing the PhD, I plan to either pursue a postdoc placement within academic
economics, or to work as a consultant for small business associations and policymakers. I
believe that with my knowledge and experience in this increasingly important field, I can
make important contributions to both the Imperial Business School and wider discipline of
economics. I hope to be considered for this position.

Pressured on becoming more dynamic, the business world has created prevalent modus
operandi based on interpreting data processed through information technology. However,
making advances requires handling the intricate and delicate balance at play, which
entails Economics, Mathematics and Computer Science but also leadership, management,
entrepreneurial skills, as well as understanding of business. Declaring my fascination
about the complex world of decision-makers would certainly be an understatement on my

What kindled my interest for this course was a combination of extracurricular and
academic activities. While preparing for the national stage of the Economics Olympiad
(after having won 1st place at the regional stage) I became a voracious reader of various
business publications. Some of the materials I went through were truly illuminating in my
choice of a university course: ‘Introductory Management Science’ by G.D. Eppen,
‘Information Technology and Organizational Transformation’ by R.D. Galliers and Dr.
Hossein Arsham’s ‘Success Science’. Consequently, my urge to learn more on the subject
was unleashed.

My academic achievements and high school studies come only to reinforce my suitability
for this course. I have a penchant for Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics, and
I could not possibly imagine not incorporating them into my future activities. What
gripped my attention was the applied and critical way of thinking required as well as the
constant novelty. Though I have participated in many contests for all three subjects, the
American Mathematics Competition, in which I won the 4th place at the regional stage in
2009, was the most tantalizing and demanding. Due to my high scores, I was awarded a
monthly merit scholarship starting with 2006.

Under the impetus to find my element and change something in my community, I involved
myself in various extracurricular activities, of which the project nearest and dearest to me
is Science Week. I initiated and developed it when I was in the 10th form; it represents a
fair for five areas in the sciences for over 2500 students, involving about 25 national
institutions. The whole experience of initiating and coordinating it not only taught me how
to make use of time efficiently but also what it really means to be the leader of a diverse
team. In addition, it gave me the insight in motivating people and having the
responsibility of creating a success with them, being open and creative to solve problems
easier and incorporating closure.

When I started volunteering for the British Council Centre 2 years ago, I did not expect
that this experience would make me want to work with multinational organizations once I
graduated from university. I am confident that the knowledge and skills such as
responsibility and professionalism gained in this multicultural environment will help me in
my future studies.

Having received two accolades (3rd prize in a Junior Achievement leadership contest and
participation in the “Economics for Leaders” Summer Camp which helped me discover the
world of Economics; the Romanian Student of the Year Award, offered by the ‘Dinu
Patriciu’ Foundation) as public recognition of the impact of my involvement in the
community as well as my academic achievements, made me even more self-confident and
aware of the role I can play.
As far as my plans are concerned, I intend to apply for an internship in the planning
department of a multinational corporation. Once I graduate, it is my desire to complete a
master’s degree and eventually work in operational research as analyst.

Overall, I feel that the analytical side of the management world suits me best and I believe
that my previous academic and extracurricular activities and aptitudes I have gained from
them, as well as my enthusiasm, creativity and tenacity are backbones for pursuing this
undergraduate course, which I perceive as an exclusive door-opening chance of personal
and professional fulfillment.

In this letter of intent, I am going to focus on the rewards of studying economics further
at the graduate level. I have chosen Texas A&M University because I feel it will best
prepare me to fulfill my future career objectives.

I have chosen to work in financial economics since it requires a lot of analytical skills.
Furthermore, it demands a good mathematical background and leads to lucrative jobs. I
have solid educational credentials that will enable me to excel in this field of study. I
have a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Economics with a specialization in financial
economics and mathematics and statistics minors from the University of Minnesota –
Twin Cities. Additionally, I have broad research experience in economics which
augmented my knowledge of data manipulation and abstract modeling.

A Texas A&M Master of Science degree in Economics will make me an outstanding

economist. I had the privilege of taking an international trade honors course taught by
Professor Michael Lewin who is a Texas A&M graduate school alumni. I enjoyed the
class, and this gave me all the more reason to apply to Texas A&M. Furthermore, the
lectures that he gave made me think deeply about the financial markets and to come up
with innovative ideas to make them better for investors to understand and get

I have learned a considerable amount from my lecturers, and I like their intuitiveness
and comprehensive view of economics. I firmly believe that a Master of Science in
Economics from Texas A&M University will give me the same sophistication in applying
economic techniques.

During my undergraduate education, I completed a thesis titled “How the original CAPM
would alter if there is no risk-free asset in which the investor can borrow and lend”
which I want to talk about here. In this piece of research which I completed under the
guidance of Professor Johnson, American economist Fischer Black demonstrates that
even when there are borrowing restrictions, there would remain a positive relationship
between expected return and beta. However, the security market line would be less
steep as a result.

It was great to see how Black had utilized ideas from economists such as Eugene Fama,
Robert Merton and William Sharpe who have commented that efficient frontier
portfolios have some interesting characteristics. For instance, any portfolio that is a
combination of two frontier portfolios is itself on the efficient frontier.

My undergraduate thesis has been presented at the “Conference on Financial Economics

and Accounting.” We are also getting it ready for publication. Currently, I am
undertaking empirical research on fiscal policy and interest rates.

As much as I enjoy financial economics, I want to get a broad education in economics,

so I will look to take courses in international economics and labor economics. The good
thing about economics as a discipline is that it is not too restrictive. There is a lot of
complexity on this subject, and it would not be the best course of action to specialize

I am applying now because I have a lot of passion for the discipline and I want to further
my studies. I have previously been a teaching assistant in Professor Cai’s
Microeconomics class and Professor Rustochini’s Intermediate Macroeconomics class. I
realized that there is a lot of dedication and effort that makes a good student also a
good teacher. Being a good researcher also requires a similar amount of energy and
passion and a Texas A&M MS in Economics will give me a big advantage.

I am an innovative and persistent student, and I am prepared for the big leap in my
career as an economist. I look forward to putting in considerable time and effort in
acquiring a world class education. I have always desired to work with the best
researchers and compete against the best students in the world. This is why I have
chosen to apply to Texas A&M University.

Please help me make correction where need may be and rate my letter.Thanks

Dear sir/Madam
I appreciate this opportunity to provide further information in support of my application for
masters in development economics offered by Georg-August university Gottingen for the year
The objective of my study is to research in the field of development economic and I believe that
further education at Georg-August university of Gottingen would satisfy me and give me needed
After I graduated from high school in the department of social science having learnt
mathematics,Economics,Accounting and other basics of social science ,I applied for a bachelors
degree in Accounting at Madonna University Nigeria where I graduated with a second class
upper division .During my course of study in Accounting ,I did some economic courses in my
year one and two.They were principle of economic,macro economic theory and micro economic
theory after which my interest for economic gradually grew stronger .Regarding to my academic
performance at the university I can honestly say I performed well.
I have always dreamed about studying abroad and I believe that Georg-August University is
more than perfect to make my dreams come to reality.I love Economic and during my studies,I
developed a deep interest in one of its field,in development economics.Development Economics
targets activities and program that work to improve the economic wellbeing and quality of life of
a community by building local wealth,diversifying the economy,creating and retaining jobs and
also building the local tax base.Economic represent me with a question "why are some nations so
rich and others so poor?".Researching for the answer to this question is at once challenging and
motivating and I know the further education at your university would be more beneficial for me.
As far as I know,your master program offers the excellent teaching facilities and staffs and I am
attracted by seriousness and demanding news of your course as well as the opportunity to study
under prominent professors and researchers.
I value that as a fact,the education in development economics at Georg-August University
Gottingen does not stop with theory and emphasizes also the necessity of own research in the
To study Development Economics at Georg Agust university Gottingen is a great opportunity to
acquire more knowledge.i believe that this master program at your university would allow me
gain a deeper understanding of Economics and how to implement it later in my financial future.
Having a chance to learn in an environment with others as interested in the subject as I am would
lead to meaningful exchange of ideas from which woukd be beneficial to all.I believe studying
masters in development economics with Georg-August University Gottingen would allow me
explore economics at deeper level.
Thank you for your time and consideration

Your sincerely

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