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Allyssa Dain D.

Refre BSCA 1B

Do you agree with the statement of IPCC? Why or why not?

- Yes. Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. The current
warming trend is of particular significance because it is unequivocally the result of human
activity since the mid-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over


1.Which of the phrases given below describe CLIMATE? Hint: Choose only 3.

2. Looking at the picture above, what signs of climate change have you personally
experienced/Observed here in the Philippines? What made you say that?
-The higher temperatures, more heat waves, harsher storms, coral damage, changes in plant
life cycles, rising sea levels and changes in animal migration and life cycle are those I have
experience that currently happening in the Philippines because as I observed and as time passes
by, the environment literally change. Just because of irresponsible human activity we and the
environment suffer.

3.How can the effects of climate change affect our:

A. Health?
Increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease, injuries and premature deaths as a result of
extreme weather events, changes in the prevalence and distribution of food- and water-borne
illnesses and other infectious diseases, and threats to mental health are all health effects of
these disruptions.

B. Water resources
Increasing evaporation rates, a higher proportion of precipitation received as rain rather than
snow, earlier and shorter runoff seasons, increased water temperatures, and poor water quality
in both inland and coastal areas are all key consequences of global climate change.

4.Philippines is frequently visited by natural calamities. Can you think of one adaptation
measure for us Filipinos to be protected from floods and typhoon.
-Implementation of Nature-based solutions, such as conserving forests, wetlands and coral
reefs, can help communities prepare for, cope with, and recover from disasters, including slow-
onset events such as drought. They can also reduce the secondary impacts from non-climate-
related disasters such as landslides. Forests and other vegetation help stabilize slopes and
therefore reduce the risk of landslides. Wetlands can help regulate floods. Coastal vegetation
and natural features such as sand dunes and mangroves can provide protection from storm
surges, strong winds and cyclones.

5.Of all the mitigation measures listed above, which one do you commit to do or follow? Why?
-Energy efficiency was promoted, transportation systems were improved, fuels and vehicles
were switched to cleaner fuels, solid waste management and wastewater treatment was
improved, forest protection, restoration, and rehabilitation was ensured, and climate-resilient
agriculture practices was adopted. I want to follow this because this will help the environment
as well as we can avoid to get harm especially when a natural calamities will happen. This will
also help to lessen the possibilities for climate change and global warming, living into a healthy
and more productive environment.

6.Study the drawing of Carbon Cycle, in what compound does carbon normally found in the
-Carbon dioxide is present in the Earth’s atmosphere at a concentration of roughly 0.04 percent
by volume, and it’s growing. All natural waterways contain carbon dioxide, which is a
greenhouse gas.

7.Name the process in which plants convert CO2 from the atmosphere into carbon compounds?

8.What do you call the process wherein vehicles and factories emits carbon to the atmosphere?
-Carbon Cycle

9.How does carbon get back into the atmosphere from the food we eat?
-Carbon is present in the form of carbs and proteins when animals eat food. When animals
breathe and exhale, the carbon combines with oxygen to generate carbon dioxide (CO2), which
is then released back into the atmosphere as a waste product.

10.How do animals get carbon?

-Animals that eat plants digest the sugar molecules to get energy for their bodies. The carbon is
released back into the atmosphere or soil through respiration, excretion, and decomposition,
completing the cycle.
11.Where does carbon go when animal and plant dies?
-When the creatures die, their remains degrade and create sediment, trapping the carbon in
layers that eventually turn into rock or minerals as they decay. When fossil fuels, such as coal,
oil, or natural gas, are burned, they release carbon back into the atmosphere, releasing carbon
back into the atmosphere.
12. Humans breathe in _________________ and exhale _________
-Oxygen, carbon dioxide
13.What will be produced if carbon atom is combined chemically with oxygen atom?
-An atom of Carbon will combine with two atoms of Oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2); or
two atoms of Hydrogen will combine with one atom of Oxygen to form water (H20).

14. What is the potential effect of increase in the CO2 level?

-Plant growth will accelerate as carbon dioxide levels rise. More transpiration could result from
a faster growth rate of leaf area and a larger total leaf area. The conductance of leaf stomata to
water vapor will decrease as carbon dioxide levels rise. In this way, transpiration could be
15. Are your contributing to the increase the amount of atmospheric CO2? Why o why not?
-Yes, Carbon dioxide concentrations are rising mostly because of the fossil fuels that people are
burning for energy.

16. Examine the graph. Describe the trend of atmospheric CO2 from 2005 to present?
•-The Atmospheric C02 is getting higher up to present.

17.As a student, think of two ways you can do to minimize or lessen CO2 emission.
-Plant trees and switch to clean energy.

18.How many layers are there in our Earth’s atmosphere?

Earth’s atmosphere has five major and several secondary layers.

19.In what layer do we live?

-We humans live in the troposphere, and nearly all weather occurs in this lowest layer.

20.What is the role of the atmosphere?

-It not only provides us with the oxygen we require to survive, but it also shields us from
damaging UV rays from the sun. It produces the pressure that allows liquid water to exist on
our planet’s surface without the need for it. It also keeps our planet’s temperatures
comfortable for our living planet’s inhabitants.

21. Are you optimistic that student like you can help attain a “cleaner” atmosphere? How?
-Yes, by avoiding the burning of garbage at home and using of gasses that might harm the

22.What is the chemical formula of ozone?

The chemical formula of ozone is O3. It is a pale blue gas with a distinctively pungent smell. It is
an allotrope of oxygen that is much less stable than the diatomic allotrope O2, breaking down
in the lower atmosphere to O2 (dioxygen).

23.What is being trapped in an ozone layer?

-Ultraviolet radiation or UV light.

24. In what layer can ozone become beneficial to living organisms?

-Both the top and lower atmospheres of the Earth contain ozone, as well as the ground.
Depending on where it is found, ozone can be either good or bad. Good ozone, also known as
stratospheric ozone, is found in the upper atmosphere, where it forms a protective layer that
protects us from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

25.What can you do (as a responsible student) NOT to contribute to a “bad” ozone?
-Avoid consuming gases that are harmful to the ozone layer because of their composition or
manufacturing process. Use automobiles as little as possible. Buy local items instead of cleaning
products that are damaging to the environment and ourselves.

26. “The greenhouse gases act like a blanket in the atmosphere”. Explain this.
-In the atmosphere, greenhouse gases serve as a blanket, trapping heat and keeping our world
warm. The rise in greenhouse gases created by humans, on the other hand, has exacerbated
the greenhouse effect, causing the climate system to warm, a phenomena known as global

27.What is greenhouse effect?

-It occurs when a planet’s atmosphere allows unrestricted radiant energy from the sun to heat
the planet’s surface, but then prevents that heat from travelling to space until the surface
warms more than it would have if the atmosphere had not existed.

28. How does humans add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere?

-By burning fossil fuels, tearing down forests, and rearing cattle, humans are progressively
influencing the climate and earth’s temperature. To the natural greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere, this adds massive volumes of greenhouse gases, resulting in an increase in the
greenhouse effect and global warming.

29.As a student, how can you reduce the emission of greenhouse gases?
-By switching to alternative technologies that either don’t require as much petroleum (such as
bicycles and electric cars) or don’t require as much, we can minimize emissions (like hybrid
cars). There are fewer vehicles on the road and less greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere as
a result of using public transportation, carpooling, biking, and walking.

30.When does global warming occur? What is Global Warming?

-Global warming has been seen since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900).Global
warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. Though this warming
trend has been going on for a long time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred
years due to the burning of fossil fuels. As the human population has increased, so has the
volume of fossil fuels burned. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, and burning them
causes what is known as the “greenhouse effect” in Earth’s atmosphere.

31. As a student, what can you do to lessen global warming?

- The best way I can do is conserving energy as well as the water I used, also participating into
community service or project for the environment and persuading everyone to cooperate and
take effort in caring the environment.

32. Do you agree that with everybody’s effort, we can reduce the warming of the Earth?
Suggest One way how we can we do it?
- Yes, one way is simply taking care of the environment and starting it at home like applying the
4Rs Waste Management in order to minimize the waste .

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