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GeeksforGeeks | A

computer science portal

for geeks
Web development has evolved at a very fast pace and
keeping this in mind, paying attention to IDEs
(Integrated Development Environment) is an important
aspect… Read More

Today, Python has become everyone’s first preferable

language especially when it’s about DATA everywhere. It
has never disappointed anyone when it comes to data
analysis,… Read More

PWC comes to our campus in 1st week of September

2021. So it was an on-campus recruitment program.
There are a total of 4 rounds… Read More

Round 1: This was a Coderpad round. Duration-75

minutes. Need to code while the interviewer monitors
your approach. This round had 2 questions to code.…
Read More

Given an array arr[] of positive integers of size N, the

task is to divide the array into two non-empty subsets X
and Y in… Read More

The selection process included 1 MCQ test, 1 coding test,

and 3 technical interviews. 1st Round – MCQ: We had to
solve 20 MCQs in… Read More

Online coding test: It consists of 3 questions that were in

the medium level. One question was a dynamic
programming one. Another was based on… Read More

The recruiter connected with me based on my profile. The profile was for Cloud Analyst at
Oracle India. I strongly recommend having an updated…
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Given a grid on the XY plane with dimensions r x c

(where r denotes maximum cells along the X axis and c
denotes maximum… Read More

Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to find if there

exists a pair in the array, such that their bitwise XOR…
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Given an array arr[] of length N, the task is to count the

number of pairs (i, j) such that arr[i] * arr[j] > 0… Read

I applied to Google IT support Engineering Profile by

Referral from one of my friends, Initially, I provided my
Resume and Transcript of all my… Read More
I got a call from HR (some 3rd party HR that works for
Morgan Stanley) for a Job application. I shared an
updated resume over… Read More

Given a string s of length N, containing digits written in

words but in jumbled form, the task is to find out the
digits present… Read More

Given an integer array arr of size N[], the task is to find

the longest equilibrium subarray i.e. a subarray such that
the prefix sum… Read More

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