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61 - Cau tric quan trong ap dung khi lam bai thi TOEIC ndi b6 hoac Quéc té SSO lit is difficult for old people to learn 1 [itis + tinh tir+ (for smb ) + to do smt English . | Nguisi e6 tudi hoe tiéng Anh thi khé ) 2, [Tobe interested in +N/-V_ing (Thich edi gi/ Vici interested in reading books on lam edi gi) (Ching t6i thich doc sich vé lich sit) We are bored with doing the same . jt an Lam edi v1 things everyday, 3. [To be bored with (Chan lim cai gi) [Ching tai chan ngiy nao eiing lam Inhing céng vige kip di lap tai ) It's the first time we have visited this 4, [It’s the first time smb have (has) +PIIsmt( place. [Day 14 Lan du tién ai Lam edi gi) | Day 1 Lin dau tién ching t6i t6i thm Inoi nay ) (di edi oi I don’t have enough time to study. + + Oo ae crea a 5 |enough + danh tir (dui edi gi) + (todo smt) | 5; khong e6 dt thai gian dé hoe ) [Tinh tir + enough (di lam sao) + (toddienit) [/’m not rich enough to buy a car. 6 AAS ena ne COW | Tai khong di gidu dé mua 6t6 ) 7 [too tinh tir + to do s eS sap 4 Tim [i'm to young to get married. Jedi gi) | Tai con qué tré dé két hn ) |She wants someone to make her a ldress. 8 To want) » N Sais ailam gi) (C6 dy muén ai d6 may cho 6 dy mot |chiée vay ) To want to have smt + PIT (Mudn c6 esi gi [Se mats to have a dress made 9 : | Cé ay muén cé mét chiée vay duge ldurge kim ) Imay ) 10 [IPs time smb did sme (Da den Tie ai phai Him [/1s time we went home. i) (Ba dén hie t6i phai vé nha ) les not necessary for smb to do smt=Simb I nor necessary for you to do this 11 {don’t need to do smt levcretse, \( Ai khéng cén thiét phai lam gi ) doesn’t have ‘khong cdn phai lam bai tp na Ko docene | Ban khéng cin phai lim bai tp nay ) 12, |Te look forward to V_ing ( Mong ché, mong re are looking Jorward to going on \agi lam gi) \( Ching tdi dang mong duge di nghi ) ICan you provide us with some books in 13 {Te provide smb from V_ing (Cung clip cho ai |history? * |eai gh) (Ban c6 thé cung ep cho chiing 61 lmét sé sich vé lich sir khong? ) [To prevent/stop smb from V_ing ( Can tré ai [The rain stopped us from going for a halk, 14 lam gi) \( Con mua da ngin can ching t6i di ldgo ) 4g [Te fall o do sme (Khong lim duge efi gi [We failed to do this exercise [That bai trong vige Kim cai gi) (Ching t6i khéng thé 1am bai tp nay ) 16 [te be succeed in V_ing (Thanh cng trong vige We were sueceed in passing the exam. lam edi gi) (Ching ti da thi a6 ) [She borrowed this book from the 17 |To borrow smt from smb ( Mugn cai gi ciia ai) es a muon cubn sich nay 6 the ign’) 1g |Tolend smb smt (Cho al murgn e&i gl). <0) |Gin you Tend me some money? of (Ban 6 thé cho t6i vay it tién khong? WW a |fhe teacher made us doa lot of 19 fromate mb dsm (Raggi. am a sm fi N Ww Y"l( Gio vién bit ching ti lam rét nhigu Gy se |bai tap 6 nha) we The exercise is so difficult that noone ap [CN + be + so + tinh tir + that +8 + d9ng tir. (Jean do it IDén mite ma ) | Bai t€p khé dén mite khéng ai lim [duge ) lite spoke so quickly that I couldn't ay \CN* dong tir + so + trang tir+that+CN+ — understand him. lang tir. (Dén mire mi) (Anh ta néi nhanh dn mite ma t6i Ikh6ng thé hiéu duge anh ta) li is such a difficult exercise that noone a2 |CN tbe + such + (tinh tir) + danh tir+ that + Jean do it . ICN + dng tir. (én mite ma) (D6 1a mot bai tap qua khé dén ndi Ikhdng ai cé thé kim duge ) 33 [lf is (very) kind of smb to do smt (Ai that tt [Iris very kind of you to help me. 5 |bung / tir té khi am gi) | Ban that t6t vi da gitp ti) 34 [To find it + tinh tir + to do sme (Thay ea gi thE |We find it difficult 1 learn English Indo a6 (Ching t6i thay hge tiéng Anh khé ) Ihave to make sure of that information. 25 |To make sure of smt ( Bao dam diéu gi) \( Téi phai bao dim chae chan vé thong lin d6 ag Pe make sure that+ CN + dng tr (Bio dim |" hhave to make sure that you ll pass laigu giy ie era pio da athiad | Ban phai bao dim 1a ban sé thi dé ) 77 |lt takes (smb ) + théi gian + to do smt ( Matt (_ [It took me an hour to do this exercise. lcia ai ) bao nhigu thdi gian dé 1am gi) (Toi mat mot tiéng dé lam bai nay ) [To spend + time / money + on smt (Dinh thai _|We spend a lot of time on TV. 28 |gian / tién bac vao cai gi \( Ching t6i danh nhiéu théi gian xem ldoing smt Lam gi) rv) ITo have no idea of smt = don’t know about sme |! ve "9 idea of this word = I don't 29 lknow this word, \( Khong biét vé cdi gi) |(T6i khong bi tirnay ) [To advise smb to do smt ( Khuyén ai lam gi |Our teacher advises us to study hard. |( C6 gido khuyén ching tdi hoc chim. Ichi) [To advise smb not to do smt (khuyén ai khong [She advises her not to smoke. at |( Cé dy khuyén anh dy khéng nén hut jam g) hnuée.) 32, [To plan/ intent to do sme (Dy dink /e6 KE |We planed to go for a picnic. %? hogch Him gi) (Ching t6i dy dinh di di ngoai ) avi = ailam wh IThey invited me to go fo the cinema 33. |To invite smb to do smt ( Mai ai lam gi) [Ho mai toi di xem phim) He offered me a job in his company 34 [To offer smb smt (Moi / dé nghi ai cai gi) —_{( Anh ta mai tdi lam vige cho cong ty anh ta ) in ch im vio ai You can rely on him. 35 |To rely on smb (tin efy, dya dim vio ai) [pa co thé tin anh dy) ise ( Gi loi ha life always Keeps promises. 36 |To keep promise ( Gite 1di hira ) [Anh dy tuon gt 101 his) [To be able to do smt = To be capable of + [im able to speak English = 1am 37 | ing (Cé kha aang lim gh) Icapable of speaking English ne e | Téi cé thé néi tiéng Anh ) gq. [Te be good at (+ V_ing ) smt ( Gidi (Tim ) cA I'm good at (playing } tennis. 8 ley . oS YCT6i choi quan vot gidi ) [To prefer doingsth/ smt to doing tiga We prefer spending money than 39 [Thich edi gi hon cai gi) Ws oe learning money. . ; : cys \Q__ feChing 161 enfen teu tién hom RN \ wi : hign ) WE 1 want fo apologize for being rude to To apsiog WS doing si Nin Joi ai vi da Kam|you, 40 [E “tai muén xin Idi vi a b4 , i) (Tai muén xin 16i vi da bat lich su vei Iban ) , ‘tnlam aA You'd better Tearn hard. 41 |Had (‘d_) better do smt ( Nén Lam gi) [Ban nén hoc cham chi) IHad ( “d) better not do smt (Khong nén lam gi [You'd better not go out. 2 werne : D |(Ban khdng nén di ra ngoai ) vould (“ amen Wd rather stay at home. 43 |Would (‘d)) rather do smt (Tha Lim gi) [rai tha a g aha) Jould (4 saolamen [td rather not say at home. 44 [Would (+d) rather not do smt (dimmg tam 1) [ort hon ls ti khong nen hd) I'd rather you (he/she ) stayed at 4g | Would (‘d) rather smb did smt ( Muén ai lam |home tox gi) |( Tai muén ban / anh dy / c6 dy & nha hi nay ) gees (shou y 4g {To suggest smb (should ) do sme ( Goi ¥ ai lam yous sted she (should) buy this at) crai goi ¥ ¢6 dy nén mua edn nha ndy) ' vA suggested going for a walk 47 [To suggest doing sm (Goi ¥ Tam gl) \(16i nghi ching ta nén di dgo) same We tried to learn hare 48 |Try to do(Cé lam gi) tried to learn hard. | Ching t6i d& 6 hoc cham chi ) 49 | Try doing smt (‘Thir lam gi) We tried cooking this food. (Ching t6i da thir néu mén an nay ) 50 |To need to do smt ( Can lam gi) You need to work harder. |( Ban can lam vige tich ewe hon ) 51 |To need doing ( Can durge am ) IThis car needs repairing |( Chiée 6t6 nay can duge sita ) 52 |To remember doing ( Nhé aa lam gi) Ir remember seeing this film. (Toi nhé 14 da xem b6 phim nay ) [To remember to do (Nha Kim gi) ( chura Jam {Remember to do your homework 53 |céinay) SAMY? [Crtay ne tam bai tap vé nha ) To have smt + PII ( Co cai at I'm going to have my house repainted. 54 «we (Toi sé son lai nha ngudi khde son, [khong phai minh son lay ) oe 55 |To have sm ee ‘ai lam gi) li'm going to have the garage repair my lcar. I’m going to have my car repaired, (Toi thué xuéng sita xe, sita xe cho t6i) 56 [To be busy doing smt ( Bn rn lam gi) We are busy preparing for our exam |( Ching t6i dang bn rn chun bj cho Iky thi ) 57 |To mind doing smt ( Phién Lam gi) [Do / Would you mind closing the door for me? | Ban c6 thé ding ctta gidip t6i khong? | 58 [To be used to doing smt ( Quen véi vige lam gi) We are used to getting up early. |( Chuing t6i da quen day sém ) 59 |To stop to do smt ( Dimng Iai dé lam gi ) We stopped to buy some petrol |( Ching t6i da dimg lai dé mua xing ) 60 |To stop doing smt (Thdi khéng lam gi nita ) We stopped going out late. |( Ching t6i théi khong di choi khuya Inia ) 61 |Let smb do smt ( Dé ai lam gi) ILet him come in, |(_Bé anh ta vao ) C6 Hoang Anh Lién tuc khai gidng Khéa hoc luyén thi TOEIC 500+ hoc offline tai Phong TC 305 nha ‘TC Bach Khoa - 94 Lé Thanh Nghj ( Béi dién san van déng Bach Khoa) ign Thoai: 0904.41.41.55 (zalo) Facebook: C6 cam két Hoan Iai 100% hoc phi (hoc em durge hoc Iai hoan toan mign phi) Néu nhur em ding kyva hoc theo phuerng phap ciia cd day ma em khang. ud TOEIC 450+ (435 v inh vign Xay ‘dyng), TOEIC 500+ Déi véi sinh vin Bach Khoa va sinh vién thi TOEIC ching chi Quéc t&

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