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IPTC 11205

History Match of an Old Waterflood: Dealing Wth Decades Worth of Data

From Hundreds of Wells
N. Belova and L. Berul, Schlumberger, and A. Sentyuriyev, NOVA Technologies

Copyright 2007, International Petroleum Technology Conference

Upon analysis of development history and accounting for
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology the full-field 3D model outcomes, we suggested to the
Conference held in Dubai, U.A.E., 4–6 December 2007.
operating company the following ways of making
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
improvements to development:
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference - Well intervention programs for selected wells;
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily
reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its officers, or - Rearrangement of existing water injection patterns
members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor Society
Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
within the development cells;
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum Technology - Redistribution of water injection between the
Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not
more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous development cells.
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, IPTC, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.

Introduction Field Brief

The main objective of the mature fields development The field is being developed since 1970. A total of 1419
optimization is the value adding through extension of field wells were drilled (Fig. 2). The target interval is the
life. While elaborating field development additions, an Bashkirian. Now the filed has 417 active producers and 165
operating company meets a number of problems falling into injectors. The oil recovery is driven by water flooding. The
two categories: Bashkirian contains 7 pay zones. Marked regularities of
1. The problems associated with the quality and quantity reservoir parameters distribution and thickness changes have
of initial data (ID). Very often, when the development not been revealed.
history counts more than 20 years, some well data, for The absence of geological and geophysical regularities in
instance, formation pressures, become unavailable. distribution of parameters and the absence of impermeable
Well logs and well tests can be missing, if not properly seals between pays hampers the assessment of a pay-based
archived. Moreover, the data may be complete, but the reserves depletion.
formerly used methodologies (e.g. the use of well
cluster metering units) and instrumentation may have an
adverse influence on the accuracy of production, WC, 300
vojadge replacment
oil production 1
injected water, and formation pressure measurements. WCUT
2. The problems associated with decision supporting
vojadge replacment ,%,oil production x10

instruments, e.g. a 3D dynamic model, or reservoir
engineering analysis, used for elaboration of 200

recommendations. 0,6


This paper illustrates the authors’ approach to the mature 150 0,5

field development optimization, and providing an example 0,4

from the Schlumberger Consulting Services practice. The 0,3

project was completed within a 4½-month timeframe. 50


Optimization of development envisages the following job 0,1

types: 0 0
1. Elaboration of methodology of ID quality control; 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002

2. Creation of a program of idle low-productive or high- Data

WC wells rehabilitation;
3. Building of a 3D full-field geological and dynamic Fig. 1. Field development parameters.
models being able to serve for development
optimization, and elaboration of a program of well
2 IPTC 11205

Fig. 4 presents a generalized chart of the reservoir

engineering analysis.

Fig. 2. A well pattern. Fig. 4. A reservoir engineering analysis chart.

Methodology ID Gathering and Quality Control, Engineering Project

For reaching the project objectives, we used an integrated Creation
approach, which suggested the following: An important project phase, which comes ahead of the
- Verification of ID and creation of an ID database; field development analysis and modeling, is gathering of
- Reservoir engineering analysis for qualitative required volumes and quality control of ID, corrections to the
evaluation of major development problems and data, and rejection of the invalid data.
formulation of well intervention recommendations; During this work, among other ID inaccuracies, we
- Building of a 3D geological model; encountered errors in well perforation and isolation data. Most
- Up-to-the-date computer simulation of a dynamic of the revealed mistakes were corrected by the data owner, but
model with more than 200 wells history matching; some well data were corrected referring to the logic of
- Selection of the best case of development perforation strategy. Below are the most common
optimization and economic assessment of its inconsistencies encountered in well files:
efficiency. 1. All pay zones were isolated but not reperforated
(production record continues), 12 wells;
2. A well was perforated after the recorded production
(injection) commencement, 7 wells;
3. A well was not perforated at all, or the perforated
interval is below or above the pay zone, 60 wells;
4. No deviation survey provided, 8 wells;
5. An oil producer was perforated at a gas cap TD, 41
6. An oil producer was perforated at a water zone TD,
45 wells.
Having these inconsistencies in mind, we significantly
improved the database reliability.

Identification of Low Productivity Zones

For evaluation of the geologic model validity, we
Fig. 3. A work flow chart. constructed maps of porosity, permeability, net pays, and
current OIP with well performance plotted on them. The
Fig. 3 presents a workflow chart. unbiased field data are oil, gas, water production, and
As a result, we supplied the operating company with a formation pressure changes. Typically, the wells situated in oil
program of additional field development. zones with better reservoir quality demonstrate better
- cumulative oil production,
Reservoir Engineering Analysis - cumulative fluid production,
- time of water breakthrough
The engineering analysis was focused on the regularities
and lesser average deviation of well performance from the
of reservoir parameters distribution, oil sweep analysis, and
field average figures (Heterogeneity Index, HI).
assessment of field potentialities using statistics of well
This observation enables calculation of the following
performance, WC, behavior of formation and downhole
ratios for each well:
a) HI (identification of four well groups);
IPTC 11205 3

b) Cumulative fluid production vs. water breakthrough

c) Max fluid flow rate vs. water breakthrough time;
d) Cumulative fluid production vs. max fluid flow rate.
The HI can help with outlining the low productivity zone.
We constructed, for each well, a temporal trend of water and
oil production vs. field-wide average values of the same. Fig.
5 presents a scatter plot dividing the wells between four
quadrants (groups). Axis X is a trend of water production
change, axis Y, is the same for oil. So, the water/oil ratio from
each well places the well into its quadrant:
Quadrant I (Group I) hosts the wells with increasing oil
and decreasing water production. Such wells typically drain
highly productive oil zones.
Quadrant II (Group II) hosts the wells with increasing Fig. 5. A HI scatter plot and outlining of the low productivity area.
production of both oil and water. Such wells drain highly
productive oil zones in immediate vicinity of injection wells, Evaluation of the Existing Development Pattern
or situated close to marginal waters.
Quadrant III (Group III) hosts the wells with increasing We evaluated the efficiency of the existing water flooding
water and decreasing oil production. As a rule, such wells patter, for each development cell, by computing the final
belong to the development cells with active water flooding recovery factor (RF) from the production decline curves (1, 3).
system. Firstly, we adjusted the boundaries of existing seven-spot
Quadrant IV (Group IV) hosts the wells with decreasing development cells using a material balance calculations.
production of both water and oil. The wells of this group were Secondly, we evaluated the final RF of each cell. The
subjected to a detail analysis of earlier formation treatments evaluation was rather qualitative because the RF so computed
and pressure build-up curve interpretation that showed low may contain errors. The aim of such evaluation was to outline
efficiency of treatments in most of the wells. We found that no areas with the final RF being lower than the similar fields
individual treatment programs was used for the wells normally have, but only if the development pattern remains as
penetrating impermeable or vertically heterogeneous pays; and it is. Fig. 6 shows that the final RF in most cells does not
the treatments resulted in deterioration of a cement bond (by exceed 16%, and this figure indicates low efficiency of the
pressure squeeze of acids) or in fractures propagating more existing development pattern.
permeable water-bearing intervals. Using these data, the Water flooding is a driving force in the reservoir we
authors selected the most promising candidates to be worked describe, so for better understanding of reservoir low
over. productivity we had to analyze the water flooding history. A
As our analysis showed, the critical condition for planning water breakthrough time is the conventional time when WC
enhanced production is outlining of areas with lower- or reaches 30%.
higher-than-average porosity and permeability.
As seen from the well distribution across the field (see
Fig. 5), a clearly outlined area with the wells of Group IV
exists. We assumed that this area is a low productivity area,
and used this conclusion in our 3D geological modeling and in
selecting a pilot locality for testing our field development
optimization proposals.

(а) (b)

Fig. 6. (а) A cumulative injected water volume at the water

breakthrough time; (b) a final recovery factor (based on decline curve

The areas oversaturated with water were formed by 1986

(Fig. 6(a) shows them in dark-green) and our reservoir
4 IPTC 11205

engineering analysis defined these areas as ones having a low selected 9 wells with WC lower that 70% (whereas the
final RF. average WC was 89%). The nine selected wells with lower-
The presence of zones of the priority water flow serves as than-average WC appeared to be scattered throughout the
an indirect indicator of permeability anisotropy. field. These wells were selected as candidates for formation
Fig. 7 illustrates how water/oil ratio changed in every stimulation treatment.
development cell after 1986 (a water breakthrough time). And
it shows a priority water flow zone in the reservoir.
To explain the revealed water trend, we analyzed water
injection by development cells, but no relation between the
priority water flow zone and the well pattern was found. So,
this phenomenon may have an explanation in geological terms

Fig. 8.A max fluid flow rate vs. well commissioning date. The nine low
productivity wells with low current wcut selected for interventions.

A time of water breakthrough vs. well commissioning

date (Fig. 9) and comparison of well locations helped us to
outline the well group with WCs exceeding the development
cell average based on the entire well history.
Fig. 7. A water/oil ratio change.

So, we assumed the anisotropy of permeability, and used

it in the building of a 3D geological model.

Well Integrity Checking

The following parameters may depend on the lack of well
integrity or on geological peculiarities of the well
- Max daily fluid flow rate (Qmax) through the whole
production period is a characteristic of the well
drainage zone;
- Max cumulative oil production vs. same of the
neighboring wells is a characteristic of the well
drainage zone depletion;
- Water breakthrough time vs. well commissioning
date is related to the well position against the swept
(flooded) zones. It indicates the way of water
encroachment. Fig. 9. A water breakthrough time vs. well production date. The
The wells were divided between the parameter-based twenty-three wells selected for water encroachment examination.
groups, and then the group locations were analyzed. We
wanted to select the wells with high WC or low productivity, Fig. 10 demonstrates WC vs. cumulative oil production.
which are not associated with reservoir geology. When the We revealed the wells with a 70% WC change per month,
wells form a local group with similar characteristics, the group while cumulative oil production was low.
may indicate a zone with specific geologic features. From our study of all interventions in 127 wells we
Below is an example of the analysis. Fig. 8 presents a assumed that the sharp changes of WC were provoked by
diagram of maximum fluid flow rate vs. well commissioning external impacts (hydrofracturing, acid treatment,
date. We identified 52 low productivity wells commissioned in reperforation, etc.).
different dates. We evaluated the WC dynamics and so
IPTC 11205 5

In parallel, we used a common Chang’s (5) methodology, So, we selected 225 wells the data from which were used
which allows identification of water encroachment. Finally, in the model matching
the operating company was supplied with a list of 71 wells
requiring water encroachment studies. We assumed that high
WC depends on poor well integrity, and we used this
assumption in dynamic modeling.

Fig. 11. A flow chart of the computer-aided history matching.

Fig. 10. A max monthly WC vs. cumulative oil production.

The geological ID quality control has resulted in depth

corrections of the seven Bashkirian productive zones, and the
corrected tie-ins were used for geological modeling.
From core data and well logs we identified petrophysical
dependencies for modeling of porosity and permeability
Using common algorithms, we have built a 3D geological
model of the entire field. Its history matching is described

Dynamic Modeling Fig. 12. A modeled vs. actual data RMS map. The blue zones require
The engineering analysis has resulted in the outlining of adjustment of values.
the following:
- A zone of lower reservoir quality, which was used as The initial data for adjustments were the actual well data
an alternative for facies determination in wells having such as BHP, oil production, WC, and other.
no log data; The zoning of the matched parameters allows using the
- A zone of the permeability anisotropy, which served information contained in the production history of each well
for reorientation of the model grid; for matching only those cells that contribute to the named
- Wells with abnormal skins, which helped in better production.
approximation of DHP in the model and in history Then, the iteration procedure was used for minimization
matching: of the root mean-square (RMS) (Fig. 12) of three
- Wells with behind casing crossflows, which were parameters—oil, water production, and DHP. The quality of
excluded from matching of WC matching. the history matching (a relative divergence of actual and
Also, the engineering analysis helped in identifying modeled data in the most representative iterations) is shown in
irregular water flooding and redistribution of fluid flow. Fig. 13.
The matching was done in several phases (Fig. 11): So, after 9 iterations, we acquired datasets of multipliers
- Identification of wells with maximum cumulative for permeability along X, Y и Z.
production and cumulative injection for each
development cell;
- Identification of 3D drainage zones with the use of
“pipe flow” simulators
- The use of automatic tool for model history matching
with permeability multipliers in selected drainage zones
as adjustment parameters.
6 IPTC 11205

Selection of the Best Development Case

While selecting the most efficient way of field
development, the authors considered many options. Some of
them do not require changes to the existing water flooding
pattern (Cases 1–8), some envisage changes to the injection
pattern (Cases 9–10). The objective was to select a case
defining the strategy of future development and adding
maximum value (4).
Below are the considered cases:
The cases based on the existing water flooding system:
1. Baseline case: field development as per the existing
2. Lateral sidetracking in bypassed zones;
b) 3. Hydrofracturing in low flow rate wells;
4. Cyclic water flooding;
5. Gas reinjection to the gas cap;
6. VAG;
7. Polymer flooding;
8. Well performance optimization by a downhole
pressures decrease.
The cases based on rearrangement of the existing water
flooding system:
9. A five-spot whole-field injection pattern;
10. A five-spot injection pattern in the area of unbalanced
water injection in the southern portion of the field.
Fig. 15 compares the oil production vs. time graphs for
Fig. 13. Divergence of actual and modeled data: (a) annual averaged each development case.
WC; (b) annual oil production.

Fig. 14 illustrates the comparison of permeability

distribution in the geological model (well log data) and in
matched dynamic model.
As the comparison shows, the vertical permeability was
initially overestimated.

Fig. 15. Annual oil production as per simulated cases. Engineering

evaluation of the proposed case involving changes to the flooding
system revealed its advantage over the base case (the current
development system).

The assessment was based on a single case consideration (HF,

polymer flooding, or other) and did not use a combination of
Fig. 14. Permeability distribution (a) along X and (b) along Z in the them.
geological model and in matched dynamic model. Cases 9 and 10 (alternative injection patters)
demonstrated the best engineering results. The rearrangement
The 3D distribution of residual OIP derived from matched of the water injection pattern provides the highest increments
data helped in identification of bypassed zones. The suggested to oil production and is the most value adding. The effect is
below additional developed cases are focused on flooding of produced by better oil sweep and production from bypassed
the missed zones. reservoir areas.
IPTC 11205 7

The economic calculations used the applicable taxation Pilot Project: Water Flooding Optimization
and included the Capex, Opex, and transportation costs.
Taking the best development case (recommended Case
The following are the key economic indicators:
10), the Schlumberger DCS team designed a pilot project for
- Cash Flow (CF);
practical implementation. The selected target includes four
- Net Present Value (NPV):
development cells with maximum OIP and cumulative water
- Profitability Index (PI);
injection/production ratio within 1.
- Government Income (IG).
While comparing cumulative CF, it becomes clear that
Case 10 with a five-spot flooding system in the area of
unbalanced water injection beats all other development cases
(Fig. 15).

Fig. 17. The 2003 and 2013 (map of density of Mobile-oil-in-place).

A case with alternative water injection pattern.

Fig. 16. A total cash flow generated by development cases. We recommended to convert the low productive
producers into injectors.
A sensitivity analysis was carried out for the selected best The main benefit will come from redistribution of the
case. It was focused on risk assessment and uncertainty of its fluid flows and sweeping of bypassed zones.
realization with fluctuations of oil prices, Capex, Opex, and
taxation (that is specific to Russian Federation legislation).
Below is an example of sensitivity assessment by two 250
parameters. Optimization case

Oil production per year x10 3 t

The results say that the project is rather tolerant to the Base case
risks in question. The most sensitive matter is oil prices.
Considering Capex as a variate with the normal distribution, a
pessimistic evaluation of NPV will be not lower than 150
USD47.44 a 0.9 probability, and a pessimistic one, not
higher than USD59.58 mln. at a 0.1 probability. PI will vary 100
between 1.43 and 2.19, i.e. invested funds will be paid back
even at an international and domestic 10% price drop, and
may be highly beneficial at a price rise. Price variability—the 50
most sensitive matter—was subjected to the more
comprehensive analysis. A critical oil price, when PI reaches 0
1, is USD30 per tonne of oil at a domestic market (a 39% price 1972 1982 1992 2002 2012
drop) and USD118 per tonne of oil at an international market
(a 27% price drop) with all other variables unchanged.
The project key indicators have lower sensitivity to Opex
fluctuations. When the project Opex changes within ±10%, PI Fig. 18. Annual production in the case with water injection
ranges from 1.75 to 1.87; and NPV ranges from 58.12 to 61.95 optimization and the baseline case.
(Fig. 17).
The economic evaluation outcomes are as follows: When the project is implemented, the anticipated annual
- The most efficient cases are those incorporating production will increase 2.5 times (Fig. 19), and investments
alternative water injection system, and redistribution in surface facilities will be rather low.
of water injection among the development cells; The economic efficiency of the pilot project was proved
- Recommendations on water injection system changes by the following key indicators: additional investment of
induce economical and geological risks; USD2 mln. Capex (a 3.5% increase) to the Pilot Project, as
- The recommended case shall be tested in the area compared with the baseline case, will result in NPV increases
with the highest OIP values. from USD24.14 mln. to USD31.5 mln. (a 23.4% increase),
8 IPTC 11205

and PI increases from 1.01 to 1.23 (a 17.9% increase) (Fig.


Fig. 19. Baseline case vs. pilot project case economic indicators.

1. The used approach has resulted in a six-fold project
time saving (including 600-well history matching).
2. The engineering analysis helps in setting challenges,
which may be resolved with a 3D geologic and
dynamic modeling.
3. The engineering analysis helps identifying the most
prominent tendencies in reservoir behavior, which
then make grounds for the 3D model history
4. The history matching goes much easier, if the
reservoir parameters are attributed to zones revealed
with the help of flow lines.

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Прогноз разработки нефтяных залежей на
поздней стадии. М, Недра, 1994.
2. Голф-Рахт, Т.Д. Основы нефтепромысловой
геологии и разработки трещиноватых
коллекторов. М, Недра, 1986.
3. Крейг, Ф.Ф. Разработка нефтяных месторождений
при заводнении. М, Недра, 1974
4. Сургучев, М.Л., Горбунов А.Т. и др. Методы
извлечения остаточной нефти. М, недра, 1991.
5. Chang, K.S., Schlumberger SPE 30775 Water Control
Diagnostic Plots

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