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Type of microbe Name of micro-organisms Commercial Product Application

Coagulate& partially digest

Bacteria Lacto bacillus Curd
milk proteins

Bread Baking industry

Yeast Saccharomyces cereviseae

Alcohol(ethanol) Breewing industry

Large holes due to

bacteria Propionibacterium sharmanii Swiss cheese production of large amount
of CO2

Characterstic greenish blue

fungus Penicillium roquefortii Roquefort cheese

fungus Penicillium notatum Penicillin Antibiotic

Used in medicines, dyeing,

manufacture of ink,
fungus Aspergillus niger Citric acid
preservation of food and
candies etc.

Preparation of vinegar,
bacterium Acetobacter aceti Acetic acid Used in colouring agents,
insecticides and plastics.

is of considerable
commercial importance as
a raw material in the
bacterium Clostridium butylicum Butyric acid
manufacture of esters of
lower alcohols for use as
flavouring agents

Used as food preservative,

bacterium Lactobacillus delbrueckii Lactic acid curing agent, and flavoring

Used in detergent
Lipases formulations, helps in
removing oily stains

Proteases & Used to clear fruit juices

pectinases during bottling
Used as clot buster, for
removing blood clots blood
bacterium Streptococcus Streptokinase
vessels of patients suffered
from myocardial infraction.

Immune suppressive agent

fungus Trichoderma polysporum Cyclosporin A during organ

Blood cholesterol lowering

agent as it acts as a
yeast Monascus purpureus Statins competitive inhibitor of the
enzyme involved in
cholesterol synthesis.

reduces BOD in primary

biological sewage effluent by decomposing
Flocs Bacteria with fungal filaments
treatment organic matter in the


Bacterium Biogas Electricity & Cooking

Biocontrol agents- does not

eradicate the pest but keep
the population at
Get rid of aphids
Insects Lady bird and Dragon flies manageable levels by a
and mosquitoes
complex system of checks
and balances within a living
and vibrant ecosystems.

Biocontrol agents- sachets

of dried spores mixed with
water sprayed on plants
such as brassicas and fruit
trees. The caterpillar
get rid of
ingests it and toxin
Bacteria Bacillus thuringensis caterpillars of
released in the gut will kill
butterflies etc
it leaving other insects
unharmed. Now through
genetic engineering Bt
cotton plant had been

effective agent for

Fungus Trichoderma several plant Biocontrol agent
pathogens as they
grow in root

Biocontrol agent- excellent

candidates for species-
specific, narrow spectrum
insecticidal applications. No
Baculoviruses - Genus attacks insects and negative impacts on plants,
Nucleopolyhedrovirus other arthropods mammals, birds, fish and
even non-targeted insects.
Used in IPM (Integrated
Pest Management)

Symbiotic Rhizobium Biofertilisers- Fix

bacteria Azospirullum& atmospheric nitrogen &
Free living enrich soil nutrients

Biofertilisers- Fix
atmospheric nitrogen &
Anaebena, Nostoc,Aulosira,
Cyanobacteria increase the organic matter
of soil through their
photosynthetic activity

Biofertilisers- Absorbs

Resistance to root borne

Fungus Mycorrhizae( Glomus) pathogens,

Tolerance to salinity,
drought & Overall increase
in plant growth and

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