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Rapid developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI) — algorithms used to create new text,

pictures, audio, or other types of content — are concerning regulators globally. These systems are often
trained on personal and copyrighted data scraped from the internet, leading to privacy and intellectual
property fears. They can also be used to generate harmful misinformation and disinformation.

On 15 August 2023, a new Chinese law designed to regulate generative AI came into force. This law, the
latest in a series of regulations targeting different aspects of AI, is internationally groundbreaking as the
first law that specifically targets generative AI. It introduces new restrictions for companies providing
these services to consumers regarding both the training data used and the outputs produced.

Despite these new restrictions on companies, the evolution of the draft text, combined with changes in
the wider tech policy context, could mistakenly be taken to indicate that China is starting to relax its
drive towards strong regulatory oversight of AI.

Commentators have been quick to observe that the final generative AI regulation is significantly watered
down compared to an earlier draft published for comment. Requirements to act within a three-month
period to rectify illegal content and to ensure that all training data and outputs are ‘truthful and
accurate’ were removed. It also clarified that these rules only apply to public-facing generative AI
systems. A new provision specifying that development and innovation should be weighted equally with
the security and governance of systems was also added.

Regarding the wider tech policy context, since late 2020, the Chinese government has utilised a variety
of tools, including antitrust and data security enforcement. The government also undertook seemingly
extra-legal measures that resulted in Jack Ma, co-founder of Alibaba, disappearing from the public eye
after criticising regulators in what has commonly been referred to as a ‘tech crackdown’. But in line with
the domestic economic troubles that China has been facing, the intensity of this crackdown appears to
have eased and been replaced by an increased emphasis on domestic tech innovation.

While compelling, these pieces of evidence are red herrings for understanding the future of AI policy in
China — a significant change in China’s approach to AI governance going forward is unlikely. It is correct
that the generative AI regulations were watered down, yet it has not been uncommon for the text of
draft AI regulations to change after a consultation period. For instance, explicit discrimination
protections were removed from a draft AI regulation focused on recommender systems in 2021.

The weakening of the generative AI regulations was arguably more significant than for previous
initiatives, yet ongoing work to ensure that AI is regulated effectively, including an early draft of what
could potentially turn into a new, comprehensive AI law, is indicative of continued efforts to strengthen
the country’s AI governance framework.

Similarly, the label ‘tech crackdown’ has been broadly applied to policies involving different government
agencies, targets and justifications. While some policies — like the probes into technology companies —
were largely reactionary and appear to have come to an end, establishing robust AI regulations has been
a longer-term policy aspiration of the Chinese government that will likely continue. Together, these
factors suggest that China is continuing to refine how it balances innovation and control in its approach
to AI governance, rather than beginning a significant relaxation.

China’s pioneering efforts to introduce AI regulations and the legacy of reactive measures curtailing tech
companies could cause a chilling effect that dampens industry outcomes in the short term. This
challenge is exacerbated by the impacts of US semiconductor export controls on the Chinese AI sector,
which have forced companies into workarounds as the most powerful chips become scarce. Though
China has attempted to support its AI industry in several ways — such as through financing, providing
access to compute and wider ministry reshuffles designed to promote domestic innovation — it is
unclear how fruitful these initiatives will prove.

Notwithstanding the potential impact on China’s AI industry in the immediate term, introducing
regulations designed to control AI is essential for addressing the risks from these technologies. These
regulations and the practical tools they mandate mitigate harms to individuals and disruptions to social
stability. For instance, requirements to watermark AI-generated content are essential for countering
misinformation and disinformation.

By comparison, the laissez-faire approach taken by the United States leaves it ill-prepared to address
these risks, something that could cause serious disruption in the forthcoming 2024 presidential election.
AI governance tools also support China’s ambitions for global leadership in AI — for instance, through
developing international standards that would provide them with a competitive edge.

China’s fundamental approach to AI governance is unlikely to shift significantly, even as it navigates

ongoing economic turbulence. A firm regulatory approach may prove economically challenging in the
short term but will be essential for mitigating harm to individuals, maintaining social stability and
securing international regulatory leadership in the long term.

Artificial intelligence act: Council and Parliament strike a deal on the first rules for AI in the world

Following 3-day ‘marathon’ talks, the Council presidency and the European Parliament’s negotiators
have reached a provisional agreement on the proposal on harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (AI),
the so-called artificial intelligence act. The draft regulation aims to ensure that AI systems placed on the
European market and used in the EU are safe and respect fundamental rights and EU values. This
landmark proposal also aims to stimulate investment and innovation on AI in Europe.

The AI act is a flagship legislative initiative with the potential to foster the development and uptake of
safe and trustworthy AI across the EU’s single market by both private and public actors. The main idea is
to regulate AI based on the latter’s capacity to cause harm to society following a ‘risk-based’ approach:
the higher the risk, the stricter the rules. As the first legislative proposal of its kind in the world, it can set
a global standard for AI regulation in other jurisdictions, just as the GDPR has done, thus promoting the
European approach to tech regulation in the world stage.

The main elements of the provisional agreement

Compared to the initial Commission proposal, the main new elements of the provisional agreement can
be summarised as follows:

rules on high-impact general-purpose AI models that can cause systemic risk in the future, as well as on
high-risk AI systems

a revised system of governance with some enforcement powers at EU level

extension of the list of prohibitions but with the possibility to use remote biometric identification by law
enforcement authorities in public spaces, subject to safeguards
better protection of rights through the obligation for deployers of high-risk AI systems to conduct a
fundamental rights impact assessment prior to putting an AI system into use.

In more concrete terms, the provisional agreement covers the following aspects:

Definitions and scope

To ensure that the definition of an AI system provides sufficiently clear criteria for distinguishing AI from
simpler software systems, the compromise agreement aligns the definition with the approach proposed
by the OECD.

The provisional agreement also clarifies that the regulation does not apply to areas outside the scope of
EU law and should not, in any case, affect member states’ competences in national security or any entity
entrusted with tasks in this area. Furthermore, the AI act will not apply to systems which are used
exclusively for military or defence purposes. Similarly, the agreement provides that the regulation would
not apply to AI systems used for the sole purpose of research and innovation, or for people using AI for
non-professional reasons.

Classification of AI systems as high-risk and prohibited AI practices

The compromise agreement provides for a horizontal layer of protection, including a high-risk
classification, to ensure that AI systems that are not likely to cause serious fundamental rights violations
or other significant risks are not captured. AI systems presenting only limited risk would be subject to
very light transparency obligations, for example disclosing that the content was AI-generated so users
can make informed decisions on further use.

A wide range of high-risk AI systems would be authorised, but subject to a set of requirements and
obligations to gain access to the EU market. These requirements have been clarified and adjusted by the
co-legislators in such a way that they are more technically feasible and less burdensome for stakeholders
to comply with, for example as regards the quality of data, or in relation to the technical documentation
that should be drawn up by SMEs to demonstrate that their high-risk AI systems comply with the

Since AI systems are developed and distributed through complex value chains, the compromise
agreement includes changes clarifying the allocation of responsibilities and roles of the various actors in
those chains, in particular providers and users of AI systems. It also clarifies the relationship between
responsibilities under the AI Act and responsibilities that already exist under other legislation, such as
the relevant EU data protection or sectorial legislation.

For some uses of AI, risk is deemed unacceptable and, therefore, these systems will be banned from the
EU. The provisional agreement bans, for example, cognitive behavioural manipulation, the untargeted
scrapping of facial images from the internet or CCTV footage, emotion recognition in the workplace and
educational institutions, social scoring, biometric categorisation to infer sensitive data, such as sexual
orientation or religious beliefs, and some cases of predictive policing for individuals.

Law enforcement exceptions

Considering the specificities of law enforcement authorities and the need to preserve their ability to use
AI in their vital work, several changes to the Commission proposal were agreed relating to the use of AI
systems for law enforcement purposes. Subject to appropriate safeguards, these changes are meant to
reflect the need to respect the confidentiality of sensitive operational data in relation to their activities.
For example, an emergency procedure was introduced allowing law enforcement agencies to deploy a
high-risk AI tool that has not passed the conformity assessment procedure in case of urgency. However, a
specific mechanism has been also introduced to ensure that fundamental rights will be sufficiently
protected against any potential misuses of AI systems.

Moreover, as regards the use of real-time remote biometric identification systems in publicly accessible
spaces, the provisional agreement clarifies the objectives where such use is strictly necessary for law
enforcement purposes and for which law enforcement authorities should therefore be exceptionally
allowed to use such systems. The compromise agreement provides for additional safeguards and limits
these exceptions to cases of victims of certain crimes, prevention of genuine, present, or foreseeable
threats, such as terrorist attacks, and searches for people suspected of the most serious crimes.

General purpose AI systems and foundation models

New provisions have been added to take into account situations where AI systems can be used for many
different purposes (general purpose AI), and where general-purpose AI technology is subsequently
integrated into another high-risk system. The provisional agreement also addresses the specific cases of
general-purpose AI (GPAI) systems.

Specific rules have been also agreed for foundation models, large systems capable to competently
perform a wide range of distinctive tasks, such as generating video, text, images, conversing in lateral
language, computing, or generating computer code. The provisional agreement provides that foundation
models must comply with specific transparency obligations before they are placed in the market. A
stricter regime was introduced for ‘high impact’ foundation models. These are foundation models
trained with large amount of data and with advanced complexity, capabilities, and performance well
above the average, which can disseminate systemic risks along the value chain.

A new governance architecture

Following the new rules on GPAI models and the obvious need for their enforcement at EU level, an AI
Office within the Commission is set up tasked to oversee these most advanced AI models, contribute to
fostering standards and testing practices, and enforce the common rules in all member states. A
scientific panel of independent experts will advise the AI Office about GPAI models, by contributing to
the development of methodologies for evaluating the capabilities of foundation models, advising on the
designation and the emergence of high impact foundation models, and monitoring possible material
safety risks related to foundation models.

The AI Board, which would comprise member states’ representatives, will remain as a coordination
platform and an advisory body to the Commission and will give an important role to Member States on
the implementation of the regulation, including the design of codes of practice for foundation models.
Finally, an advisory forum for stakeholders, such as industry representatives, SMEs, start-ups, civil
society, and academia, will be set up to provide technical expertise to the AI Board.

The fines for violations of the AI act were set as a percentage of the offending company’s global annual
turnover in the previous financial year or a predetermined amount, whichever is higher. This would be
€35 million or 7% for violations of the banned AI applications, €15 million or 3% for violations of the AI
act’s obligations and €7,5 million or 1,5% for the supply of incorrect information. However, the
provisional agreement provides for more proportionate caps on administrative fines for SMEs and start-
ups in case of infringements of the provisions of the AI act.

The compromise agreement also makes clear that a natural or legal person may make a complaint to the
relevant market surveillance authority concerning non-compliance with the AI act and may expect that
such a complaint will be handled in line with the dedicated procedures of that authority.

Transparency and protection of fundamental rights

The provisional agreement provides for a fundamental rights impact assessment before a high-risk AI
system is put in the market by its deployers. The provisional agreement also provides for increased
transparency regarding the use of high-risk AI systems. Notably, some provisions of the Commission
proposal have been amended to indicate that certain users of a high-risk AI system that are public
entities will also be obliged to register in the EU database for high-risk AI systems. Moreover, newly
added provisions put emphasis on an obligation for users of an emotion recognition system to inform
natural persons when they are being exposed to such a system.

Measures in support of innovation

With a view to creating a legal framework that is more innovation-friendly and to promoting evidence-
based regulatory learning, the provisions concerning measures in support of innovation have been
substantially modified compared to the Commission proposal.

Notably, it has been clarified that AI regulatory sandboxes, which are supposed to establish a controlled
environment for the development, testing and validation of innovative AI systems, should also allow for
testing of innovative AI systems in real world conditions. Furthermore, new provisions have been added
allowing testing of AI systems in real world conditions, under specific conditions and safeguards. To
alleviate the administrative burden for smaller companies, the provisional agreement includes a list of
actions to be undertaken to support such operators and provides for some limited and clearly specified

Entry into force

The provisional agreement provides that the AI act should apply two years after its entry into force, with
some exceptions for specific provisions.

Next steps

Following today’s provisional agreement, work will continue at technical level in the coming weeks to
finalise the details of the new regulation. The presidency will submit the compromise text to the
member states’ representatives (Coreper) for endorsement once this work has been concluded.

The entire text will need to be confirmed by both institutions and undergo legal-linguistic revision before
formal adoption by the co-legislators.
Background information

The Commission proposal, presented in April 2021, is a key element of the EU’s policy to foster the
development and uptake across the single market of safe and lawful AI that respects fundamental rights.

The proposal follows a risk-based approach and lays down a uniform, horizontal legal framework for AI
that aims to ensure legal certainty. The draft regulation aims to promote investment and innovation in
AI, enhance governance and effective enforcement of existing law on fundamental rights and safety, and
facilitate the development of a single market for AI applications. It goes hand in hand with other
initiatives, including the coordinated plan on artificial intelligence which aims to accelerate investment in
AI in Europe. On 6 December 2022, the Council reached an agreement for a general approach
(negotiating mandate) on this file and entered interinstitutional talks with the European Parliament
(‘trilogues’) in mid-June 2023.

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