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Principle to continue and develop the program:

1. Need more time to follow up with the audience.

2. The home work: might be affect from the culture for people to open about financial.
3. Also not just technique but need to help audience to maximize resource.
4. Happy with HSP done -> to continue in the future
5. Topic is important
6. Professionalism the culture to aspect budgeting is challenge (there’s a way to get
through that).
7. Detail of of session is good
8. 1:1 coaching is necessary to optimize expense or raise income
9. Shorten the session
10. The lengthen time of the seminar ( need 4 seminar because the wide range of subject).
May be subject too boring -> need to improve to make it more fun, less serious, more
11. Can do online course
12. Saturday morning (relaxing) is a good time? Location is important and time is
important? -> Earlier in the morning of Saturday (9 am) or during the week
1. Keen to continue. Pray for this group to do the right thing/ see if this help to organize?
2. Session start: 9 am Saturday (prefer 1st / 2nd session offline, the last (1:1) will be online).
3. Keep people interested -> reduce number of course to 3, session need to be livelier and
more interesting to people (game).
4. Each time we do it we will get better.
5. How do we develop and get more people involve in the future? Bring the people who
interested? We’ll think about it?

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