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E: Hello, today we will talk about the greatest mosque in Islam, the AL-

haram mosque.

A: In the beginning, Allah commanded the angels to build the Kaaba

before the creation of the prophet Adam.

E: Then, the Kaaba was destroyed by the flood of the prophet Noah.

A: After that, Allah commanded the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail
to rebuild the Kaaba and gave them well to build it in mecca.

E: The Kaaba remained unchanged until it was rebuilt by the Quraysh

tribe in the time of Jahiliyya, after thirty years of the year of the
Elephant, a great fire occurred in the Kaaba by a woman from the
Quraysh tribe who was trying to perfume the Kaaba she accidently
burned the Kaaba resulting in weakening its construction.

A: also in the same year a flood emerged and destroyed parts of the
Kaaba, so the Quraysh tribe rebuilt the Kaaba again while the Prophet
Muhammad was 35 years old when he helped them.

E: When the Quraysh tribe wanted to lift the black stone to put it in its
place, a war almost broke out because everyone wanted to have the
honor of lifiting the black stone and placing it.

A: So they agreed that the first man who entered the Kaaba should be
the chosen one to rule amongst them, and the Prophet Muhammad
was the first person to enter so he was the chosen one. He placed the
black stone in clothing and with the help of his companions he placed
the black stone.

E: In the month of Dhu al-Qa'ida in the Year 6 AH, corresponding to 628

AD, the Prophet Muhammad ordered his companions to make
preparations to perform Umrah in Mecca.
A: after he saw in a dream that him and his companions entered the
Grand Mosque and roared and worshiped, and he came out of Medina
on Monday Ghar Dhu al-Qa'ida in the Year 6 AH, and about 1400
Muslims did not come out with a weapon except to the traveler's
weapon (swords), and brought with him seventy pounds.

E: When the Quraysh tribe learned about this, they decided to stop
him from the Kaaba, so they sent two hundred Horsemen led by Khalid
bin al-Walid to the main road to Mecca, but the Prophet Muhammad
took a more difficult path to avoid confronting them, and then the
Prophet Muhammad sent Uthman bin Affan to the Quraysh to
negotiate with them.

A: So he was delayed in Mecca until a rumor spread that he had been

killed, so the Prophet decided to take the Pledge of allegiance from the
Muslims provided that they did not flee, in what was known as the sale
of Radwan, no one left behind this pledge except the grandfather of Ibn

E: On the twentieth of Ramadan, in the eighth year of the hijra,

Muslims were able to conquer the city of Mecca and occupy it to their
Islamic State, and this conquest was called the conquest of conquest,
also called the year of conquest.

A: Today the Kaaba is located in the Arab kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and
the Grand Mosque has been expanded several times, becoming an
international wide spread figure that can fit more than a million people.

Thank you for listening

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