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The first line graph illustrates the fluctuation of proportion of households possessed three different

electrical devices, namely a washing machine, refrigerator, and vacuum cleaner while the other line
graph depicts the time engaged in housework in each week per household in 1920 to 2019.
Generally, proportion of every electrical machine increased between 1920 and 2019, with the
remarkable growth occurred by refrigerator. At the same time, the time engaged in housework had
consistently declined throughout the period.

The main observation here is that rate of households obtained washing machine witnessed a
significant rose, staring with 0% in 1920 and surged to 80% over the next 40 years. It rose to 100%
in 1980 and maintained thereafter. The percentage of vacuum cleaner had increased 20% per 20
years in the period of 1920 to 1960 and reached 100 % in 2000. Despite of proportion of washing
machine increased 30% during the period, it was the only one of the three device that did not
achieved 100% over the time.

Interestingly, the number of hours of housework per week significantly decreased during the period.
Looking more closely at the second graph, the time spent on housework per week was approximately
50 hours in 1920 and dropped to 20 hours in 1960. Since 1960, only a few hours of decline has
occurred every 20 years and end with roughly 11 hours in 2019.

228 words
The diagram illustrates the process of producing sugar from sugar cane. In short, sugar production
involves several steps from growing sugar canes, harvesting and crushing, to squeeze juice and
finally separating sugar crystals from the syrup.

To begin with, raise sugar cane for 12 to 18 months. Once the sugar cane has been growth, it
harvested by hand or through a harvester. The harvested sugar cane placed into a crushing machine
to squeeze out the juice. The next stage is purifying the juice by passing through the limestone filter.
After the purifying is completed, purified juice introduce to in to the heated evaporator. Due to the
heat beneath the evaporator, gradually juice alter to syrup. Subsequently, centrifuge the syrup to
separate the sugar crystals from syrup. The crystal generated at this stage are sugar and it dried and
cooled at the end. The final sugar product is now ready for shipment.

151 words
Nowadays, the vast majority of several countries have the high curiosity to their housing. I
personally believe that this because they have to informed about housing before the rebuild and
sometimes it would be a house history might be a meaning of life for people. And there is various
method such as exploring internet are available to gain information.

To begin with, there are primarily two purposes for learning their housing history. First, essential
facts for deciding whether rebuild or not is history of housing. This is because private homes
occasionally become important cultural properties. For instance, the building called Sugimoto
Family Housing in Kyoto prefecture was private home previously. However, it certified as a
important cultural property due to their feature that Edo period technology was used to build. Thus,
learning about history of house before the rebuilding is significant to protect the culture.

In addition, every human being sometimes loses the meaning of his or her own existence. However,
looking out the history of house and family, they can realize that they are an important piece of a
long history of their house and family. By having a sense that you are born today because many of
your ancestors lived desperately. You can know your "existence" and "role" as such, which increases
your sense of self-affirmation.
Several approach will be effective to gain the information about housing they live in. Searching the
internet is the most convenient process. Since Internet information is unreliable, it is necessary to
refer to scholarly publications and official websites, not internet articles. Similarly, it is possible to
find literature and other materials at local libraries. Moreover, asking to someone knowledgeable
about the community such as erdely local residents might be an effective method.

In conclusion, people are being curious about their housing for deciding rebuild of the house or to
discover the meaning of their life. The effective approach to gain information about their house
history is that reading literatures and scholarly publications from internet and local library or hearing
from elderly local residents. Since there are a variety of benefits to knowing about a house, it is
worth doing for those who have the spare time.

364 words
With the widespread of the internet, advertising is becoming more significant for the business. And
there is tendency of emphasizing the fresh point of the products when advertising. In this essay, I
will discuss about the objective of this trend and if they are positive or negative development.

To begin with, the purpose of tendency is based on primarily two human’s phycology. First, humans
are constantly desiring a better, more comfortable life. This is common in all ages since this
phycology has enable the humans to star fires. In ancient times, humans had to protect their self from
animals and colds, therefore humans invented the method to start fire and they get the comfortable
and convenient life. Thus, fresh products which contains the new technology are popular for humans
and companies market them aggressively.
In addition, something new that other’s do not possess will gives the sense of superiority to humans.
In recent Japan, iPhone is maintaining popularity since the Japanese residents likely to think that
having the new iPhone are one of their status. Therefore, advertising new products are effective to
the human’s phycology of feeling sense of superiority by possessing new products.

I personally believe that positives are much stronger in this development. Nowadays, global
warming is becoming the serious environmental issue in all over the world. Due to the company’s
striving to produce the new technology, the products that contribute to the improvement of global
warming will be created. For instance, paper straw was made to reduce the plastics which emits
carbon dioxide when burning. However, products obtaining something new is not always mean that
they are beneficial for environment such as plastic products. The new law including the limiting of
plastics has to be created. Nevertheless, advantages overweigh the disadvantage by legislation.

To summarize, advertising of emphasizing the fresh point of products is smart strategy for corporate
development since it effectively affects the human’s phycology. And those strategy are positive
development as it contributes to addressing environmental issues. A balanced development of human
and environmental concerns will improve human life.

344 words

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