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IELTS Speaking test

11 to 14 minutes

The Speaking component assesses your use of spoken English, and takes
between 11 and 14 minutes to complete. Every test is recorded. The Speaking
component is delivered in such a way that it does not allow candidates to
rehearse set responses beforehand.

Part 1
The Examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a range of
familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests. This part lasts
between four and five minutes.

Part 2
You will be given a card which asks you to talk about a particular topic. You will
have one minute to prepare before speaking for up to two minutes. The
examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic to finish this part
of the test.

Part 3
You will be asked further questions connected to the topic in Part 2. These
questions will give you the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and
issue. The part of the test lasts between four and five minutes.
Drills for IELTS Speaking Test


Common Introduction

- What is your full name?

- Can I see your ID?

- Where are you from?

- Do you work or study?

Questions ( from 3 different tests)

- Do you live in an apartment or a house?
→I live in my apartment for civil servant. Since my father works for the government.

- Which is your favourite room there?

→I love my room the most. Because I basically like quiet places so my room is perfect.

There are two reasons. One is that it is hard to concentrate on anything in a noisy place. Some people
play music while studying, but I do not. The other reason is that I get a headache when I am in a
noisy place.

- Are you planning to change your home?

→I will be moving to Belgium this summer if I am accepted to university. In Belgium I will not live
alone, rather I will live in my father's house.

- Did you have a lot of toys in your childhood?

→Yes, I did. I had many opportunities to receive handouts from my mother's friends, so I think I had
a lot of toys and picture books.

- What kind of toys did you like to play with?

→I remember playing with various toys. For instance, a tent with a small ball in it, a small slide, and

- Which was your favourite toy? Why?

→I liked dolls such as barbie dolls with changeable clothes and hair. Because, I still do, but I liked to
arrange the hair and other.

- Do you still have that toy?

→No, I don't have it anymore. If I remember right, I gave it away to someone or threw it away when
I moved.

- What type of home do you live in?
→I live in my apartment for civil servant. Since my father works for the government.

-- What do you like or dislike about the place?

→One of the most convenient aspects of my house is that it is less than a 10-minute walk from the
station, so you can live without a car. One disadvantage is that I live on the fourth floor of a five-
floor apartment, and since there is no elevator, it is very tiring to go up and down.

---What is the most common type of housing in your country?

→I don't know much about it, but I think a house is the most popular type of house. This is because
in the past, there was no culture of building apartments, so there are many single-family homes that
have remained from the past.

--Are there any differences between housing in the urban area and in the rural?
→Yes. There is one major difference. That is, in the city, because of the large population and small
land, many houses are long and narrow. However, in the countryside, I believe there are many
houses with only one floor and a large site because there is enough land.

- Were you taught painting or drawing in school?
→Yes, I did learn art in elementary and junior high school. But not in high school because I did not
choose art classes.

- Do you think children should be taught painting in school?

→Yes I guess so. Unlike other classes, there are no answers in art making. Therefore, I believe that
the ability to think by oneself and creativity will be nurtured. Moreover, since there is no right
answer in art, students can learn to be tolerant and accepting of others.
- Why do people like to keep paintings in their homes?
→I do not know because I do not use to hang paintings, but perhaps it is most often meant as
decoration. A beautiful painting can enhance the atmosphere of a room.

- Would you like to buy a painting?

→No. I would not buy it at this time. However, I would like to buy it if I become rich. Because
sometimes you can make a lot of money by buying and selling famous pieces.

--Do you use mobile devices except mobile phone?
→I have a laptop because I use it for school classes and assignments.

- When did you start using mobile devices?

→I assume I had my first cell phone when I was about 9 years old. However, that cell phone could
only make phone calls. I suspect my parents gave me this type of cell phone because they
determined that as an elementary school student, I could not properly use the internet.

- Would you swap your mobile device for the latest one?
→No, I don't. I have no plans to do so because my smartphone and laptop are both working fine. I
consider replacing them when they are still usable as a waste of money, and at the same time, it is
harming the environment.

- Do you like weekends?
→Of course, I do. There is lots of stuff on my plate right now and weekends are typically the only
time I can unwind. Also, all my good friends have busy schedules too, so we could hang out on the

- What do you do on weekends?

→I suppose it depends on their type of occupation. If the person

- Do you think people should work on weekends or not?

→If they worked in the service industry, such as restaurants, they should work on the weekends
since they have more customers on the weekends. Instead, they should put their days off into
weekdays and take a moderate amount of rest.
I don't think I should do the job. Because vacation is for resting, both physically and mentally. By
exercising on your days off, which you normally can't do, you can get some exercise and have a
healthier life.

- Should those who work on weekends be paid more?

→Yes, it should. Restaurants and salespeople in particular need to work on the weekends, as they
have more customers on the weekends. However, this prevents them from spending time with family
and friends who have weekends off. Therefore, if the weekend wages are not raised, there will be no
employees to work on weekends.


Cue Card

①Talk about a story that you were told in your childhood. Please say
- Who told you this story?
- What was the story about?
- Who were the main characters in the story?
- Why do you still remember the story?

I would like to describe the most memorable story I heard as a child.

I heard this story from my kindergarten teacher and it is called "Momotaro". In this story, there are
mainly Momotaro, Grandpa, Grandma, Monkey, Pheasant, Dog, and Demon. Momotaro is born
from a peach and raised by his grandfather and grandmother, and one day he goes to exterminate
ogres. One day, Momotaro goes to exterminate demons and defeats them with a monkey, a dog, and
a pheasant, who become his buddies along the way.
This story left a strong impression on me because it was shocking to see humans talking with
animals that are not supposed to speak the same language and becoming friends with them.

②Talk about a website that you have visited recently. Please say
- How did you find it?
- How often do you visit this website?
- What do you like about this website?


③Talk about a seaside place that you would like to visit. Please say
- Where is it?
- What can you do there?
- Why would you like to go there?

④Describe an older person whom you respect, please say

- Who the person is
- What your relationship with this person is
- Why you respect the person

⑤Describe a nation (not your own) that you know well. Please say
- What is this nation?
- What and how did you learn about it?
- Why are you interested in it?

⑤Talk about a situation where you helped someone. Please say

- Whom have you helped?
- When did you do it?
- How did you feel after that?
- Explain why you have made a decision to help him/her.

Part 3

- Do children in your country like story-telling?
- What stories are told to the children today by their parents?
- What are the benefits of story-telling?
- How has story-telling changed in the last 30 years?
- Do children like to hear fairy-tales?

- Do you think people like the seaside for holidays?
- Do you think the seaside will always be a preferred holiday place?
- Is it more fun for children than adults do you think?
- Do you have some good memories from seaside trips as a child?
- In what circumstances the seaside might stop being an attractive destination for holidays in your

- What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?
- Is there anything that older people should learn from younger generation?
- What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?
- Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?
- Do you think that elderly people should be taken care of at home?

- Do you think good communication is necessary?
- What kind of work requires good communication?
- How can you develop good communication skills?
- Do you believe that robots will be able to speak in the future like humans?

- What are the advantages and disadvantages of volunteering work in your country?
- What important values have you got from your parents?

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