Script 1

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•Ask Al v t.•eopy text 1g to each and every one of you !

MHE: The month of March marks a special spot in every PGCHSians heart, since
we have several occasions to celebrate. Today, we welcome you all to the 74'"
Founding Anniversary of Polangui General Comprehensive High School, with
this year's theme, "PGCHS at 74: Building a Stronger Community, Resilient to
Adversities" and at the same time,with the launching of SPJ and ALS-SHS and
1" SEM ACCOMPLISHMEN T REPORT with its theme, "Accomplishing Life-long
Skills for Secured, Progressive and Justified Life through Education".This
program will emphasize our school's meritorious achievements through
decades and its bright years to look forward to.

(Singing of PNA and Opening Prayer)

SARAH: To begin this auspicious occasion, may I request everyone to stand for
the singing of the Philippine National Anthem through an Audio-Visual
Presentation followed by an opening prayer to be led by Ma'am Agnes B.
Namia, Head Teacher V of the ESP Department.

(Welcome Remarks)
MHE: Thank you very much Ma'am Agnes. You may now all be seated. At this
point, may we request Ma'am Genebieve D. Sabile, our commendable SPJ
Coordinator to give us the welcome remarks. Let's give her a hand.

(Special Messages)

SARAH: Thank you Ma'am Gen for welcoming all the attendees for today's
activity. Now, to warm our hearts with hopeful words of inspiration, may we
listen to the ever indefatigable and committed EPS in English, Ma'am Maianne
Rondola. Let's give her a round of applause.

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