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Question 1:

a) To investigate the spending habits of dentists a sample of 25 dentists was picked randomly.
In May, the average of the amounts spent on pizza by the dentists was found to be 124 YTL,
and the standard deviation of the amounts was found to be 38 YTL. What is the sum of
squares and the square of the sum of the amounts spent on pizza in May for these 25 dentists?
b) What are the 75th and 80th percentiles of the data set consisting of 150 consecutive even
numbers, starting with 2 ?

Question 2:
The temperature for the next 6 days is going to be 32, 29, 28, 31, 34, and 37. (All numbers are
in degrees centigrade).
a) Find the average and variance of the temperatures for the next 6 days
b) Find the average and variance of the temperatures for the next 6 days in degrees
Fahrenheit. ( [Fahrenheit] = 32 + 1.8[Celsius]. Example: [86F] = 32 + 1.8[30C] ).

Question 3:
There are 21 numbers in the set of all odd integers between 5 and 45.
a) The k’th number in this data set is the 70th percentile. What is k?
b) Find the 70th percentile for the data set of all even integers between 5 and 45.

Question 4:
A set of discrete numerical data is given below:
5, 4, 8, 6, 10, 7, 7, 4, 8, 9, 6, 6, 5, 7, 6, 9, 8, 7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 8, 11, 9, 10, 4.
(a) Draw the line diagram (bar chart with lines instead of boxes) for this data set.
(b) Find the mode, median and mean.
(c) Is the histogram symmetric? If not, is it left or right-skewed?
(d) Find the 75th percentile and the interquartile range.

Question 5:
For 20 data points, Sxx = 15015.2 and x = 47.8.

(a) Find the sum of squares, i .
i 1
(b) How would you do part (a) if the standard deviation [sd(X) = 28.11] was given instead of

Question 6:
The mean of a population data set is 10. Use this information in all the questions below.

a) If 𝜎 = 2 , assuming an empirical distribution, approximately ____________ % of the data

is between 12 an14, an approximately 68% of the data is between ______ and ________

b) If 𝜎 = 2 , and nothing is known about the distribution of the data, then at most
_______________% of the data is below 4.

c) If all the numbers are between 4 and 16, then the standard deviation cannot be below
______________ and above ______________ .

d) If 𝜎 = 2 , and if the two numbers _______ and _______ are added to the set, the standard
deviation and the mean will not change.

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