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Physics Grade 10 AY 2022 - 2023

Name: Score:

Date: Class:
16 September 2022

Unit Test 2: Graphing, Scalars and Vectors

50 minutes/ 40 marks

Part 1: Write the letter of the best answer on the space before each number. [10]

………. 1. M is inversely proportional to p. Which of the following is the shape of the graph of M
against p?
A. straight line B. parabola C. hyperbola D. circle

………. 2. The shape of the graph of H against k is shown below:

What will the graph of H against 1/k look like?

A. straight line B. parabola C. hyperbola D. circle

………. 3. Which equation represents the relationship between x and y based on the graph

1 1
A. y = kx B. y=k C. y = kx2 D. y=k 2
x x

………. 4. Which of the following contains three vector quantities?

A time mass volume

B mass force area

C weight displacement momentum

D speed temperature mass

………. 5. Two vectors are shown below, their magnitudes are 15 m and 10 m. What is the
resultant vector?

A. 25 m B. 25 m, to the right C. 5m, to the left D. 25 m upward

………. 6. Two vectors are shown below, their magnitudes are 15 m and 10 m. What is b - a?

A. 25 m B. 25 m, to the right C. 5m, to the left D. 25 m upward

………. 7. Two vectors are shown below:

Which of the following is a - b = c ?

A. B.

C. D.

Use the figure below for items 8 - 10.


………. 8. Which of the following gives the magnitude for the x-component of the given vector?
A. 230 cos 39.1° B. 230 sin 39.1° C. 230 tan 39.1° D. 230 cos-1 39.1°

………. 9. Which of the following gives the magnitude for the y-component of the given vector?
A. 230 cos 39.1° B. 230 sin 39.1° C. 230 tan 39.1° D. 230 cos-1 39.1°

………. 10. Which of the following gives the direction of the given vector?
A. 140.9° South of East C. 39.1° North of East
B. 140.9° South of West D. 39.1° North of West

Part 2. Use the space after each number to show your solutions and/or answer. Highlight
your final answer.

1. The total distance a steel ball rolls down an incline at various times is given in the table

Distance versus Time

Time, t (s) Distance, d (m)

Δt = ±0.1 s Δa = ±1 m

0.0 0.0

1.0 2.0

2.0 8.0

3.0 18.0

4.0 32.9

5.0 50.0

a. Draw a distance-time graph of the motion of the ball. When setting up the axes, use
10 divisions for each 10 m of travel on the d-axis. Use 10 divisions for 1 s of time on the
t-axis. Draw using the graph paper provided.

b. Based on your graph, what is the distance if the time is 3.5 s? [1]


2. A shopper walks from the door of the mall to her car 100 m down a lane of cars, then turns
90° to the right and walks an additional 55 m. Use graphical method to find the resultant
displacement of the shopper. Use the scale 1 cm = 10 m. [5]

3. A hiker travels a distance of 1000 m due north before going 2500 m due east followed by
500 m northwest.
a. Draw a sketch of the given displacement. Include in your sketch the resultant
displacement. [2]

b. Complete the table below showing the x- and y-components of the given
displacements. [5]

x-component y-component

1000 m, north 0 1000

2500 m, east

500 m, northwest


a. Find the resultant displacement. [5]

4. A swimmer swims from the bank of the river, heads due south with a speed of 0.85 m s -1.
The river flows due west at 0.3 m s-1 .
a. Calculate the resultant velocity of the swimmer relative to the bank of the river.
b. The river is 50 m wide. Calculate the displacement from its initial position when
the swimmer reaches the opposite bank.

Part 1
1C 6C
2A 7D
3C 8A
4C 9B
5B 10 D

Part 2
1. a

1 - Correct label and title
1 - correct interval
1 - 2 points correctly plotted with error bars
2 - 3 points correctly plotted with error bars
3 - 5 points correctly plotted with error bars
2 - smooth curve drawn through the points. [7]

b. 20.5 m [1]

2 a.
100 m

55 m

114.13 m, 28.8 South of East

2 - drawing of the 2 given displacement to scale

1 - drawing of the resultant displacement to scale
2 - identifying the resultant displacement based on the drawing
3. a.


x-component y-component

1000 m, north 0 1000

2500 m, east 2500 o

500 m, northwest -500cos45 500sin45

Total 2146.45 1353.55

c. VR = √ ❑

= 32.2°
25037.6 m , 32.2° North of East



a. VR = √ ❑= 0.90 ms-1

= 70.6°
VR = 0.90 ms-1 , 70.6° from the river bank


DR 19.4 50

cos 19.4=
D= = 53 m
cos 19.4

53 m, 19.4 degrees from the vertical OR 70.6degrees South of west


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