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A v lIGCSEAlPast Year v
i n A y
lv m
y m Unit 14
A e d e Matrices
d a
ca A
A n
0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

Mathematical Formulae


Quadratic Equation

For the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0,

−b b 2 − 4 ac

Binomial Theorem

n n
(a + b)n = an + 1 an–1 b + 2 an–2 b2 + … + r an–r br + … + bn,

where n is a positive integer and r =
(n – r)!r!



sin2 A + cos2 A = 1
sec2 A = 1 + tan2 A
cosec2 A = 1 + cot2 A

Formulae for ∆ABC

a b c
sin A = sin B = sin C

a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A
∆= bc sin A
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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J- 1 4N J2 1N
6 Matrices A and B are such that A = K 7 6O and B = K O.
K O 3 5
L 4 2P
(i) Find AB. [2]

(ii) Find B -1 . [2]

(iii) Using your answer to part (ii), solve the simultaneous equations

4x + 2y =- 3,
6x + 10y =- 22. [3] 3! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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m, Y = f 4 5 p and Z = ^1 2 3h. Write

1 3
2 3
6 (a) Matrices X, Y and Z are such that X = c
1 2
6 7
down all the matrix products which are possible using any two of these matrices. Do not
evaluate these products. [2]

5 -2 3 9
(b) Matrices A and B are such that A = c m and AB = c m. Find the matrix B. [5]
-4 1 -6 -3 4! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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3 In a motor racing competition, the winning driver in each race scores 5 points, the second and third
placed drivers score 3 and 1 points respectively. Each team has two members. The results of the drivers
in one team, over a number of races, are shown in the table below.

Driver 1st place 2nd place 3rd place

Alan 3 1 4
Brian 1 4 0

(i) Write down two matrices whose product under matrix multiplication will give the number of
points scored by each of the drivers. Hence calculate the number of points scored by Alan and by
Brian. [3]

(ii) The points scored by Alan and by Brian are added to give the number of points scored by the team.
Using your answer to part (i), write down two matrices whose product would give the number of
points scored by the team. [1] 5! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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J 3a 2bN J- a b N
7 Matrices A and B are such that A = K O and B = KK OO , where a and b are non-zero constants.
2a 2b
L- a bP L P
(i) Find A –1 . [2]

(ii) Using your answer to part (i), find the matrix X such that XA = B. [4] 6! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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5 (a) A drinks machine sells coffee, tea and cola. Coffee costs $0.50, tea costs $0.40 and cola costs
$0.45. The table below shows the numbers of drinks sold over a 4-day period.

Coffee Tea Cola

Tuesday 12 2 1
Wednesday 9 3 0
Thursday 8 5 1
Friday 11 2 0

(i) Write down 2 matrices whose product will give the amount of money the drinks machine
took each day and evaluate this product. [4]

(ii) Hence write down the total amount of money taken by the machine for this 4-day period. [1]

J 2 4N
(b) Matrices X and Y are such that X = K O and XY = I, where I is the identity matrix. Find the
L- 5 1P
matrix Y. [3] 7! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

J- 1 5N J3 5N
7 It is given that A = K O and B = K O.
L- 3 10 P L4 10P

(i) Find A2 + B. [2]

(ii) Find det B. [1]

(iii) Find the inverse matrix, B−1. [2]

(iv) Find the matrix X, given that BX = A. [2] 8! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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J4 2N
3 Find the inverse of the matrix K O and hence solve the simultaneous equations
L5 3P
4x + 2y - 8 = 0 ,
5x + 3y - 9 = 0 . [5] 9! of 14
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0606 Additional Mathematics Unit 14 Matrices

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2 The table shows the number of passengers in Economy class and in Business class on 3 flights from
London to Paris. The table also shows the departure times for the 3 flights and the cost of a single ticket
in each class.

Departure time Number of passengers in Number of passengers in

Economy class Business class
09 30 60 50
13 30 70 52
15 45 58 34
Single ticket price (£) 120 300

(i) Write down a matrix, P, for the numbers of passengers and a matrix, Q, of single ticket prices,
such that the matrix product QP can be found. [2]

(ii) Find the matrix product QP. [2]

(iii) Given that R = K1O , explain what information is found by evaluating the matrix product QPR. [1]
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J2 - 4N
4 (a) Given that the matrix X = K O , find X 2 in terms of the constant k. [2]
Lk 0P

J 5 1N
Ja 1N K - O
(b) Given that the matrix A = K O and the matrix A -1 = K 6 6
K- 2 1OO , find the value of each of the
Lb 5P
integers a and b. L 3 3P
[3] ! of 14
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4 0 -1 52 - 8 19
3 (a) Find the matrix A if 4A + 5 c m=c m. [2]
3 -2 5 31 2 65

30 25 65
(b) P= f
70 15 80
50 40 30 p Q = ^650 500 450 225h
40 20 75
The matrix P represents the number of 4 different televisions that are on sale in each of 3 shops.
The matrix Q represents the value of each television in dollars.

(i) State, without evaluation, what is represented by the matrix QP. [1]

(ii) Given that the matrix R = f 1 p, state, without evaluation, what is represented by the matrix
QPR. 1 [1] ! of 14
12 !
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2 -1
(a) Giventhat A = f 3 5 p and B = c m,calculate2BA.
1 -2 4
4 [3]
-2 3 0
7 4

1 2 3 -2
(b) ThematricesCandDaregivenby C = c m and D = c m.
-1 6 1 4
(i) FindC–1. [2]

(ii) Hencefindthematrix XsuchthatCX + D = I,whereIistheidentitymatrix. [3] ! of 14
13 !
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J2 1N J3 8 1N
3 (a) MatricesA and B aresuchthat A = K O and B = K O .FindAB. [2]
L4 3P L6 0 2P

J4 6N
(b) Giventhatmatrix X = K O ,findtheintegervalueofmandofnsuchthat X 2 = mX + nI ,
L2 - 8P
whereIistheidentitymatrix. [5]

Ja 2N
(c) Giventhatmatrix Y = K O ,findthevaluesofaforwhichdetY=0. [2]
L3 aP ! of 14
14 !
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