RSCON Reflection

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Taking part in this well-known event was very escalating, enthusiastic, and
memorable. It was my second time attending this event, and I can always say it was
always worth it. At first, I was hesitating to join since I had no budget for all the
expenses we needed, from registration, transportation, accommodations, and personal
expenses. But God really gave me a sign to take this opportunity. I was one of the
delegates to represent our school in the Mr. and Mrs. RSCON competition. Honestly, I
have been palpitating since I have zero experience when it comes to beauty pageants,
especially since this pageant is not just all about beauty but also related to our course,
which is electrical engineering. But gratefully, I was able to represent our school, and I
can say, not bad for a first timer.

As for the venue, the school was aesthetic and welcoming. The vibes were
somewhat like those of UM since their bell is just the same as ours. The people there
are also approachable, and they have this accent that we almost adopted. The hotel we
stayed at was comfortable and calming. The staff accommodated us with all our needs
and concerns. I am missing our room, which is room 6. It was not the room that I
missed, but the people who I stayed there with. The laughter we shared, the lessons we
learned, and the memories we built will forever be engraved in my heart and mind. I
never had a dull moment with them. In addition, all the UM participants performed their
roles at the highest level. I've seen that they competed fairly with fun and determination.
I am just one of the officers and delegates, but I am genuinely proud of my fellow
students who participated in this event despite the expenses and the distance. Truly, we
are one, UMian.

To rate the overall event, it was almost impeccable. This event and the journey
we had for 5 days, and 4 nights will not be successful without the undying support of our
beloved program head, Sir Nicanor Fabracuer, and our dedicated professor in Electrical
Engineering, Sir Jifford Hernan. Of course, to our UMEESS president, who always gave
motivation to just enjoy the whole event and be humble and friendly, Ryan Daniel Dagoc
To my fellow officers who balanced enjoyment and leadership throughout the event.
Thank you for the unforgettable experience, for the leadership, and for the undying
support. I am forever grateful that I have been part of this prestigious event. Till next
time, mga Ga.

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