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Government of the Punjab



No.PWC/CHR/zozz/a1& : In exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 4 of

the Punjab Vocational Training Council Act, r99B read with Rule 3 of Punjab
Vocational Training Council Rules, 1998, the Council has been pleased to approve
the following 'Recognition of Prior Learning' Program in its 56it meeting lield on
February 12, zo2o.

1. Name, Extent and Application: (r). This program shall be called

'Recognition of Prior Learning' Program.
\!. _It shall apply to all Vocational Training Institutes as may be declared by QAB
(PWC) as Assessment Centre.
(S). It shall applywith immediate effect.
ct Definitions: In this Notification,
(r) "Accredited Institute" means a Vocational Training Institute accredited with
(z). "Assessment" means assessment of prior learning under this program.
(s). "Assessor" means certified assessor by NAVTIC.
(+). "Assessment Centre" means Vocational Training Institute declared as such
Assessment Centre by the Competent Authority/QAB (pWC)
(s) "Candidate" means any person having acquired informal training acquired
through any of the following means:
(a). Work PIace based training,
(b). Apprenticeshiptraining,
(c). Life experience,
(d). Self-directedstudy,
(e). Non-Recognizedstudy,
(0. Formal Certified Learning,
(S). Informal or undocumented study (Ustaad / Shagird),
(h). In-Service training,
(i). Distdnce education, or
(j). Communitybasededucation.
(6). "Competent Authority" means QAB (PWC)
0). "Exlernal Assessor" means certified assessor from institute other than exam
(B). "Focal person" means APo, AAo, computer operator or any employee from
Instructional staff notified as such by the Principal of the Institute.
(s). "NAVTIC" means National Vocational and Technical Training Commission.
(ro) "NVQF" mean National Vocational Qualification Framework implemented by

134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Madar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. ph: 042-3520 9200
Fax: 042-3521 3459, Web:

(rr). "Qualification Awarding Body (QAB)" means Examination & Certification

Department of PWC. lr'
(tz), "RPL" means Recognition of Prior Learning.

, Process Flow Chart for Selection of Candidates:

. Application Submission by Candidate

. Guidance about submission of Portfolio

r Submission of Portfolio
o Evaluation of Application and Portfolio

. Skill and Knowledge test by relevant lnstructor

. Recommendation of selection committee
. Enrollment for finalAssessment

3. Requirements for RPL:

(r). The Institute, Industry cir Working Site, accredited or approved by QAB as
Assessment Centre will be authorized to run RPL activities in selected
Qualifications as notified by QAB.
(z). QAB will notify Fee & Schedule to conduct RPL activities.
(s). The Assessment Centre will charge RPL fee from the candidates as
prescribed by QAB.
(+). The candidates interested to earn I.IVQF Qualification will apply on
Application Form at Annexure-A, at notified Assessment Centers.
(s). The candidates will be selected through an evaluation process, documented
on "Evaluation of Evidences Form" at Annexure- B.
(6). Group size for any Qualification will be from B- ro candidates.
0). Minimum age of candidate must be rB years on the last date for submission
of application.
(B). The application must complete in all respect and copies of following must be
attached with application :
. CNIC/ B-Form
. Qualification Certificates (if any)
. Work Experience Certificates relevant with trade (if any)
o Part-t of Evaluation of Evidences Form (Annexure-B) must be filled &
signed by candidate
(g) Data of all RPL candidates will be uploaded on MIS Portal

134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Madar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. Ph: 042-3520 9200
Fax: 042-352t 3459, Web:
(ro). system based enrollment slip wil! b-e issued to candidates for final
assessment. This enrollment slip will be issued to candidates who were
L recommend by selection committee and deposited final assessment fee.

Note: - The candidates will not attach Portfolio with application. They will
bring Portfolio with them on the day finalized by Selection Committee'

4, Selection of Candidates:

The selection criteria include Academic Qualification, Work Experlgn9e, Portfolio,

[""*f"age checking and skill Test of at least two _practical /skill knowledgetests. In
"K";d"As" .t trade related questions *tJlU. asked to assess the
".i.i"?", competencies of candidate will be assessed with short
and in "Skill Test"
practical designed by relevani _trade instructor. The candidates will be selected
t'firth ar, ..Id*rutio,, documented on "Evaluation of Evidences Form" at
Annexure- B.
itl. The Selection Committee shall comprise Principal, as convener, and
Instructor of relevant trade, as member'
(z). ift. .ut aiauie shall bring original documents with him on the day of
Knowledge Interview and skill test.
e). elt of each candidate will be evaluated and documented on
of Evidences Form" at Annexure-B. The candidates having at
least 6o% marks will be declared eligible for Final Assessment by QAB. - -
(+). Origi"ul Evaluation of Eviden..r For* (Annexure-B) of each candidate
*rit be signed by Trade Instructor (member) and Convener of Selection
G). Data of eligible candidites will be forwarded to QAB for registration along
with copy OUC and original Form (Annexure-B) of each candidate.
However, a copy of same wil[be placed in candidate's folder.

S. Responsibilities of Focal Person:

The focal person shall perform all clerical activities related to RPL, as desired by
Convener of Selection C-ommittee, including the following:
ar):' a;h;duie of RPL activities on Notice Board and on the Gate of
Assessment Centre.
(z). Recei re applications, along with fee & requisite documents, sort applications
trade-wise and prepare list of candidates.
(s). Maintain propei record of RPL process, session and trade wise.
(+). p;"p*; foiaei of each candidate, which must contain following documents in
sequence: -
i: Application with photograph and copy of CNIC of candidate;
ii. Qualification Certificate (If any);
iii. Work Experience letter(s) in relevant trade;
iv. Markingiheet of skill test duly signed by relevant Trade Instructor;
v. Copy oT "Evaluation of Evidenies" form duly signed by selection
(s) The candidate's folders wiil be presented to External Assessor at the time of
Final Assessment, who is authorized to declare any candidate "Not
Eligible" for Final Assessment in case any critical discrepancY found in
folder of candidate.

134A-IndustrialArea, Kot Lakhpat, Madar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore' Ph:
Fax: 042-3521 3459, Web

(6). Issue enrollment slip to selected candidates for final assessment

6. Responsibilities of Selection Committee:
(t). The relevant Trade rnstructor of selection committee sha]l:

a) Brief the candidates about RPL processes and requirement of

evidences of past learning for submission of application. The
candidates will also be informed about the competency standards
against which they will be assessed. A copy of relevant competency
standards may be provided to candidates for doing self-asseisment
and to make necessary preparation to demonstrate their competencies
against approved competency standards.
b) Facilitate/guide ca.ndidates for preparation of portfolio which may
consist of work sztmples, photographs and other evidences of past
c) Evaluate the candidate's documents attached with application
(Qualification and work Experience) to assess its relevince with
Qualification and shall give marks on "Evaluation of Evidences Form"
at Annexure-B.
d) Verify original documents of candidates before the start of skill test. At
the time of knowledge and skill test, portfolio of candidates will also
be evaluated.
e) conduct "Knowledge test / interview" and "skill Test" of at least two
practical skills under supervision of Head of Selection Committee. The
performance of candidate will be marked on "Evaluation of Evidences
Form" at Annexure-B.

(z). The Convener of Selection Committee will:

a) Supervise "Knowledge test / Interview" and "Skill Test,,.

'll b) Verify marks entered against Qualification and Work Experience and
Portfolio. In case he disagrees with the evaluation of Trade Instructor,
he may change/modify marks with red ink and will also authenticate ii
with signature in
red, on "Evaluation of Evidences Form" at
c) Scrutinized total marks obtained by candidate, sign Annexure-B and
ensure its completion with signature of Head of Assessment Centre.
d) Ensure completion of each candidate's folder before sending data to
e) Exam request to QAB and data entry on NVeF registry

Z, Final Assessment of Candidates by eAB:

(t). QAB will conduct Final Assessment in order to determine that requisite
comp-etencies have been achie'ved by the candidates as prescribed in tfVqn
standards. Time of Final Assessment will be from 9.oo a.m to 5.oo p.m.
(z). Assessment Process Flowchart

134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Madar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. ph: 042-3520 g2OO
Fax'. 042-352L 3459, Web: www.pvtc.oop.ok
1*\ o.

L Final Assessment RPL

a egrs ra ton o atc an a es on
Re ist al
o lssuance of Datesheet

o Finalization of Assessment Centre

. Deputation of Certified Assessor

. Cond uct of Assessment
o Receipt of Exam Material

r Announcement of Result
. lss u a n ce of Ce rtificate

(S). The candidates will keep original CNIC and enrollrnent slip with them
during Final Assessment, that may be checked by any monitoring officer.
(+). External Assessors will first check the Candidate's Folders and Portfolio
before the start of final assessment. They are authorized to declare any cand.idate
'Not Eligible" for Final Assessment in the absence of Portfolio or due to any critical
discrepancy in candidate's folder.
(S). In order to declare "Competent" (C) in Final Assessment, candidate needs to
perform at least at "satisfactory" level in all three aspects of competency i.e
Knowledge, Skill & Attitude. "Un-Satisfactory" performance in any aspect wil be
deemed as Not Yet Competent" G.fYC).

8. Responsibilities of Assessment Centre for Final Assessment:

(t). The Head of Assessment Centre shall be responsible for all arrangements
including equipment, machinery, tools and consumable etc., for the smooth conduct
of Final Assessment.
(z). The Head of Assessment Centre shall receive Assessment Material provided
by QAB and hand over the same to External Assessors on the dav -of final
(S). The Assessment Centre shall also present candidate's folders to External
Assessors before start of Final Assessment for verification purpose.

134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Madar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. ph: 042-3520
Fax: 042-352t 3459, Web: www.p)
(q). Finished jobs of candidate's Skill Assessment shall remain in safe custody E \
with Assessment Centre for about 6-months after the conduct of Final Assessment, a
for verification purpose.

g. Responsibilities of External Assessors Deputed by QIB for Final

(r). Each Assessor is authorized to assess up to ro candidates per day. Assessors
shall observe Code of Professional Practice as notified by NA\TIC.
(z). Assessors shall reach at Assessment Centre at least one hour before time to
make necessary preparation for Final Assessment.
G). Assessors shall not allow the candidates to keep electronic gadgets such
as mobile,laptop etc during Assessment.
(+). Only those candidates shall be allowed to enter the Assessment Centre who
have original CNIC and enrollment slip with them.
Inspecting/Monitoring Officer may check CNIC for verification of candidate's
identity during Final Assessment.
(S). Assessors are responsible for marking of attendance of candidates on each
day. Any cutting on attendance sheet shall be verified with signature byAssessor.
(6). External Assessors shall first check the folders and portfolio of all candidates
before the start of final assessment. External Assessor shall verify the evidences of
evaluation, especially the skill and Knowledge Test, to verify their eligibility to
appear in Final Assessment. External Assessors are authorized to declare any
candidate 'oNot Eligible" for Final Assessment in the
absence of
evidences of Challenge Test, or any other critical discrepancy.
(il. The external assessors may conduct brief Technical discussion with
candidates during checking of folders and portfolio to assess their
understanding about trade and their attitude.
(8). After checking the folders, the candidates declared as Not Eligible, shall not
allowed to appear in Final Assessment. For such candidates "Not Eligible"
shall be marked on Attend.ance Sheet.
\ (g). Assessor shall conduct Skill Test on prescribed time. In case of power shut
down or machine break down, the Assessor may give extra time in lieu of the
time lost.
(ro). Assessors shall check and mark Skill Test on same day. Assessment should be
iair, impartial and without any external influence.
(rr). Assessors are responsible to forward all assessment material including
Marked Papers, Award List, Attendance Sheets, Initial Result Sheet etc. to QAB,
within one day after the conduct of Final Assessment, through courier
service. Any cutting on award list shall be verified with signature by Assessor.
10. Role of Quatification Awarding Body (QAB):
(r). QAB shall notify Fee and Schedule to conduct RPL activities. Local holiday at
' any location shall not affect the scheduled date of Final Assessment.
(z). Preferably final assessment shall be conducted on Saturday & Sunday to
avoid disturbance of regular classies.
(S). QAtsr(dHal,scrutinize data bf rselected candidates and verify the registration on
I.IVQF registry. rrtri i
(+). QAB shall prepare Assessment Tools, Material List and other Assessment
Material etc. and ensure its delivery at Assessment Centre one day before Final

134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, l4adar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. Ph: 042-3520 9200
Fax: 042-3521 3459, Web:

,l l,,i
t, lr
ltr i,
(S). QAB shall notify External Assessor from approve assessor list.
t ,/\ (6). QAB shall tabulate the result on the basis of performance evaluated by
Assessors in Final Assessment.
0). A copy of result, duly approved by Manager / Controller QAB shall be
uploaded in NVQF Registry and MIS, and copy of same along with Certificates of
successful candidates will be provided to Assessment Centre.
(B). The marked papers of Final Assessment shall be kept in record for 6-months
after the conduct of Final Assessment and thereafter shall be disposed of by QAB.
(g). QAB shall take necessary action against the assessor if corrupt practice or
misconduct is discovered. Discipiinary action will also be tal<en against the
candidate on account of misconduct or use of unfair means or to exert external
pressure on assessor.

11. Selection of Assessment Centre

QAB shall notify Assessment Centres for RPL Assessment. Criteria to select
Assessment Centers shall include:
(r). Only accred.ited institute can apply for assessment Centre.
(z). Lab of accredited program will be considered for fusessment Centre.
(S). Relevant CBT&A trained Instructor is available in the institute.
(+). Tools & Equipment available as per defined competencylevel.

Lz.. Fee Structure for RPL:

Assessment centers shall charge RPL Assessment fee as per below given criteria.
(r). Total Rs. 5,ooo shall be charged for RPL Assessment.
(z). Application processing fee is Rs. 1,ooo. Candidate shall deposit this fee at the
time of submission of application for RPL assessment. If candidate is recommended
by Selection Committee for final assessment, then candidate shall deposit further
Rs. 4,ooo before appearing in final Assessment.
(S). MIS Department shall develop system based fee collection voucher.

13. Remuneration for RPL Assessrnent:

Assessment Centre may disburse remuneration as per criteria givgn below.
a) Trade Instructor R.s. z5o / candidate
b) Head of Selection Committee Rs. 2So I candidate
c) Focal Person Rs. roo / candidate
The payments under this paragraph shall be made from Application Processing fee
received from candidate.

L4. Allocation of other RPL Expense:

(t). External Assessor remuneration is Rs. 5oo / candidate.
(z). Consumable Material Rs. rooo / candidate.
(S). Miscellaneous Expense (Utilities, advertisement, entertainment etc.) Rs.

134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, Madar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. Ph: 042-3520
Fax: 042-3521 3459, Web:
(+). Rs. rooo/ candidate shall be paid to QAB of PVIC as E&C charges by \ \
Assessment Centre.

15. Schedule for RPLAssessment:

RPL Assessment shall be conducted in approved assessment centers quarterly.

However, QAB shall announce final dates of RPL assessment for each quarter.

Badar (R)

Dated: nebruaryZ8, ,oz

Copies to information and necessary action to:

1. Managing Director, PWC.

2. All HODs, PVTC.
3. All Regional Managers
4. All Area Managers
5. All President BOMs
6. All VTIs
7. Notification File
B. Master File


134 A - Industrial Area, Kot Lakhpat, l,ladar-e-Millat Road, Green Town, Lahore. Ph: 042-3520 92OO
Fax: 042-3521 3459, Web:


‫‪Govt. of the Punjab‬‬

‫‪Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Programme‬‬


‫ادیمواراکانم ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫وادلاکانم ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫ادیمواراکانشیتخاکرڈربمن(اکیپکلسنمرکںی)ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ‪.4‬اترخیدیپاشئـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫رنہاکانم‪/‬رٹڈیانمــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫میلعتـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ‪. 6‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫ومابلئربمن ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.8‬‬ ‫رجتہب(اسولںںیم) ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫وموجدہہتپسجرپطخاراسلایکاجےکس ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.9‬‬


‫وموجدہاکمرکےنیکہگجاورہتپ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.10‬‬

‫اسہقباکمرکےنیکہگجاورہتپ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪.11‬‬


‫ںیمہیفلحایبن ‪،‬دصتقیرکاتوہ‪/‬رکیتوہںہکدرجابالامتموکافئریمےملعےکاطمقبدرتسںیہاورںیم دییئگرٹڈیےکوظنمردشہاقتیلب‬

‫ےک ایعمر )‪ (Competency Standard‬ےک ااحتمن ےکےئل قفتم وہں اور ںیم اس ادارے ےک دےئ ےئگ ‪ RPL‬ےک وقانین یک اپدنبی‬

‫اترخیـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫دطختس‪/‬اوگناھٹاکاشنن (ادیموار) ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬


‫____________________________________________ ‪Name of Assessment Centre:‬‬
‫‪I hereby confirm that above candidate has gone through the selection process and found □ Eligible □ Not Eligible‬‬
‫‪for Final Assessment through RPL by QAB.‬‬

‫____________________ ‪Date:‬‬ ‫‪Signature Head Selection Committee‬‬

‫‪134-A, Quaid-e-Azam Industrial Estate, Madar-e-Millat Road, Kot Lakhpat, Lahore. Web:‬‬

Evaluation of Evidences Form
Part 1
Name of Candidate: ____________________________

Father’s Name: _______________________________

CNIC No. _________________________ Photo of

Signature: ________________Thumb Impression:___________
Part 2
Grading of Evidences
Sr Criteria Marks
No (Encircle the Appropriate One) Obtained
Primary /
Middle Matric
1 Qualification Literate
(20- Marks)
5 10 20

Work Up to More than

2 Experience 5-years 5-years
(10- Marks) 5 7 10
Ref. Letter(s)
Reference Work Employer(s)/
Portfolio Letter from Samples/ Experience
(20- Marks) Employer/ Pictorial Certificate
3 Experience Evidence of And
Certificate doing work Work Samples /
10 10 20

Less than
Knowledge 60% Above 70% 100%
4 Interview Correct Correct Answer Correct Answer
(10- Marks)
0 7 10
Did not
Skill Test, Performed Performed
Two Competency in Competencies in
5 Competencie
Practical One Test Two Tests
(40- Marks) 0 20 40

Total Marks= 100

60 % marks are necessary to declare eligible for Final Assessment

Prepared by:
Name Member Trade Instructor: __________________

Designation: _____________________

Signature & Designation

Date:________________ Signature: ______________ Head Selection Committee

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