BSBPEF502 Student Assessment Tasks Vincent Tan Assesment 1

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Assessment Guide

BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment Guide BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence 1


Introduction 3
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 4
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 9
Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio 10
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 19
Final results record 22

Assessment Guide BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence 2


The assessment tasks for BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence are outlined in the
assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence describes the performance outcomes, skills
and knowledge required to develop and use emotional intelligence to increase self-awareness, self-
management, social awareness and relationship management in the workplace.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

• Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

• Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a
project portfolio.

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

• review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Business
Works Student User Guide

• comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

• adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

• answer all questions completely and correctly

• submit work, which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

• avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

• where this task should be completed

• the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

Note: A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if
your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you
use that.

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Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain emotional intelligence and the importance of this characteristic at work.

The capacity of a person to recognize and manage their own and other people’s emotions is
called emotional intelligence. At workplace emotional intelligence is very important as it helps
an employee to work more effectively in a team. Also, a leader with emotional intelligence is
more successful because of empathy. Lack of emotional intelligence can cause
misunderstandings between colleagues.

2. Explain each of the five essential principles of emotional intelligence as defined by Daniel

• Self-awareness A person’s ability to understand his own moods and emotions and recognize
their impacts on others is known as self-awareness. Being a manager with complete
awareness of personal emotions and drives will not only improve the workplace environment
but also increase productivity. The people can communicate better at workplace if they identify
the effect of their own on others.

• Self-regulation A person’s ability to properly express and regulate disruptive moods and
exhibiting self-control is known as self-regulation. Being a manager self-regulation allows to
manage emotions and impulses wisely to use it in favour of the situation. It will help a manager
to earn the respect and trust of his team by reacting rationally rather than aggressively.

• Empathy A person’s ability to identify and understand the emotional makeup of others is
known as empathy. Being manager empathy is helpful to deliver constructive feedback by
considering himself in someone else's position. Job performance will improve as the team
respect for manger will increase.

• Motivation A person’s ability to work for internal reasons (joy in doing something) rather than
external reward (money) is called self-motivation. Being manager internal motivation will
increase self-confidence and enhance spirits even in case of setbacks.

• Social skills A person’s ability to manage work-related relationships and networks to achieve
organisational goals efficiently is called social skills. Being manager social skill helps to

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develop rapport with team to earn their trust and identify the best way to use their abilities for
the success of organisation.

3. Explain the key principles of the Emotional Intelligence Theory developed by Caruso and
Salovey (2004).

The four-branch model Perceive emotion: (1) Use emotion to facilitate thought (2) Understand
emotions (3), and Manage emotion (4).

These branches, which are ordered from emotion perception through to management, align
with the way in which the ability fits within the individual’s overall personality (Mayer, Salovey
& Caruso, 2004).

In other words, branches 1 and 2 represent the somewhat separate parts of information
processing that are thought to be bound in the emotion system – whereas emotion
management (branch 4) is integrated into his/her plans and goals (Mayer et al., 2004). Also,
each branch consists of skills that progress developmentally from more basic skills through to
more sophisticated skills. Let’s examine each branch: This branch involves the perception of
emotion, including being able to identify emotions in the facial and postural expressions of
others. It reflects non-verbal perception and emotional expression to communicate via the face
and voice (Mayer et al., 2004). Branch 2 includes the ability to use emotions in order to aid
thinking. This branch represents the capacity to understand emotion, including being able to
analyse emotions and awareness of the likely trends in emotion over time, as well as an
appreciation of the outcomes from emotions. It also includes the capacity to label and
discriminate between feelings. This branch, emotional self-management, includes an
individual’s personality with goals, self-knowledge and social awareness shaping the way in
which emotions are managed (Mayer et al., 2004). According to Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso,
these skills are what define EI. In 2016, based on the developments in EI research, Mayer,
Caruso, and Salovey updated the four-branch model. They included more instances of
problem-solving and claimed that the mental abilities involved in EI do, in fact, remain to be
determined (Mayer, Caruso & Salovey, 2016). Mayer and colleagues suggested that EI is a
broad, ‘hot’ intelligence. Mayer, Roberts, and Barsade (2018) include practical, social and
emotional intelligence in their understanding of ‘hot’ intelligences. So-called ‘hot’ intelligences
are those in which people engage with subject matter about people (Mayer et al., 2016).
Mayer et al. (2016) invite comparison of EI with the personal and social intelligences, and they
contend that EI can be positioned among these other ‘hot intelligences’.

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4. Explain three strategies that can be used to build emotional intelligence.

1. Identify and understand personal emotions regularly to increase self-awareness and to

recognize personal emotional triggers. Improving self-awareness is one of the best strategies
to further develop emotional intelligent.

2. Exercise empathy regularly by understanding and sharing the feelings of others. By

practicing empathy, a deeper connection can be established with others and a person can be
more thoughtful about how to engage others.

3. Practicing self-regulation can be helpful to build emotional intelligence. Self-examination

combined with Self-regulation can is important for increasing emotional intelligence. By setting
a new course informed by focused behaviour to serve a higher purpose can enhance
emotional intelligence.

5. Explain how a manager with high emotional intelligence can assist in achieving business
objectives. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

A manager with high emotional intelligence can play a vital role in achieving business
objectives. He can create improved workplace environment for all the employees to feel
relevant and motivated to succeed. He also can use his social skills to develop rapport and
trust with employees. High emotional intelligent managers treat every employee as an
individual with unique personalities, backgrounds, and skills. For example, if within business
setting an unpopular decision is made, a manager with high emotional intelligence will be able
to build mutual trust and respect to keep his team working efficiently to achieve business

6. Explain the importance of recognising cultural differences in emotional intelligence. Provide

two examples example to illustrate your answer.

Different cultures have different ways of expressing emotions. The differences range from
language to context. So it is fundamental for emotional intelligence that a person identifies and
respect cultural differences so that diversity-related problems can be avoided.

7. Explain two ways of communicating effectively with a diverse workforce with varying emotional

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Have knowledge on people’s cultural background- Understanding cultural backgrounds will
enable one to stay clear of actions that might lead to miscommunication and emotional
disturbance among the various types of cultures in an entity. Understanding how people act up
emotionally in a large way will lead to one moderating and finding the right manner to address
issues in an entity. It helps people to figure out on what is moderate behavior vs desired
behavior. Example-When you have call from India to America, it is appropriate to wish them in
their time zone. Good morning in the evening hours to an American is wrong indication
Watching your nonverbal communication- Actions tend to have different meaning in different
cultures. it is thus wise for people to watch out the non-verbal communications in an entity to
ensure that the wrong misinterpretations are not send to individuals.Example- Hand-gestures
are not universal as thumbs up is sign of acceptance in most countries but is considered in
Iran or Afghanistan, it is called rejection

8. Explain two ways of using emotional intelligence to build and manage effective workplace

Emotional intelligence can often be used to build effective workplace relationships as it helps
to understand and empathise with others to form stronger workplace relationships.

1. Developed communication skill through emotional intelligence means improved listening

skills. It helps to send clear and convincing messages to others. This results in setting
expectations, giving and receiving feedback, and communicating your intentions with greater

2. Enhanced interpersonal effectiveness is achievable through emotional intelligence which

makes you aware of the needs of others. This will make you closer to them emotionally.
Compassion and empathy is vital for building strong workplace relationships.

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to complete activities and fill out a project portfolio. You will participate
in a number of activities to demonstrate that you can identify, use and promote emotional
intelligence in yourself and others.
You will need access to:

• a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a

meeting space and computer and internet access

• your learning resources and other information for reference

• Project Portfolio template.

Ensure that you:

• review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works
Student User Guide

• comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

• adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

• answer all questions completely and correctly

• submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

• avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

• where this task should be completed

• how your assessment should be submitted.

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Note: A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if
your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you
use that.

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Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

Parts of this project requires you to work with others collaboratively in a team
setting where you will be able to demonstrate that you can recognise and respond
to the emotional states of others and promote the development of emotional
intelligence in yourself, and others. You can do this based on the assumption that
you are the team leader of a case study business or your own business if
applicable. It’s important that this business has organisational and team objectives
already developed. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this
on your own business.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills
that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career.
For this reason, basing your project on real relationships with classmates or work
colleagues will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant,
practical and meaningful way!

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project

2. Develop evaluation criteria and test yourself

Develop a set of evaluation criteria that you can use for assessing emotional
strengths and weaknesses in yourself. You must develop a set of at least 10
questions that will help you to analyse strengths and weakness related to:

• Empathy

• Emotional self-control

• Positivity

• Adaptability
You can develop the evaluation however you choose, namely multiple-choice
questions, true or false, respond to the scenario etc. You will be using this criterion
to analyse yourself and you may choose to develop a soft or hard copy evaluation
or you may like to use an online tool. You must also develop some way to measure

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the results, for example, a point system for multiple choice. Attach a copy or include
the link to the evaluation you have developed in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
Complete the review yourself and attach the results to your portfolio.

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3. Review and feedback

Document your findings from the activity step above and discuss the results with
two other people – these may be classmates you know well or family and friends.
Using the information in Section 2 of your Project Portfolio, ask them to give you
feedback on sections b and c (what they believe your emotional strengths and
weaknesses are) and take notes so you can include their analysis in your
personality test review.
Now, answer all of the questions in section 2 using the results of your evaluation to
guide your answers.
Each question should be answered in approximately a paragraph and be
professionally written in a way that clearly explains your concepts and ideas in a
logical and cohesive manner.
Submit to your assessor.

4. Round table discussion

In a group round-table style discussion with a student group of approximately four

or five, you will analyse the results of your emotional intelligence assessment with
others and share ideas on ways to improve your emotional intelligence and also
how this can contribute towards the team goals and objectives of the business. The
group will also share stories of their own personal culture and its characteristics,
and any experiences they would like to share (positive or negative).
Each person will have a turn (10 minutes per person) to talk about:

• Personal characteristics in relation to emotional intelligence, as set out in the

personality test results.
• Personal stressors, resulting emotions and actions to control emotional

• Own emotional response to unmet needs and effective strategies to control

emotional responses.
• Emotional triggers in the workplace and an analysis of how this can make you
react (negatively) or respond (appropriately).
Then, with your group participants, share and discuss strategies for improving your
emotional intelligence based on the reviews you have made in your portfolio and
discuss the methods for responding to personal stressors and how likely they are to
work. Make sure you take notes on strategies brainstormed for yourself and for at

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least two of the other participants as you are going to have to develop individual
and team plans in later steps. This part of the discussion must run for at least 30
minutes and not more than one hour.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

• respond appropriately to the emotional states and cues of others

• create an inclusive atmosphere by way of speech and interaction

• demonstrate consideration, empathy and acknowledgement of others’ feelings
and perspectives

• create opportunities for others in the group to express themselves: their ideas,
thoughts and feelings

• evaluate impacts of specific situations discussed and the impact of reacting

versus responding

• demonstrate effective communication skills including:

o Speaking clearly and concisely
o Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
o Asking questions to identify required information
o Responding to questions as required
o Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video
record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you
with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and
meet the timeframes allocated.

5. Develop a personal emotional intelligence development plan

After the round table, using the feedback from your group as well as the results
from your evaluation, plan how you are going to improve your own emotional
intelligence in Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. Your emotional intelligence
development plan should include at least 5 actions you could take to improve your
ability to identify and respond appropriately to a range of expressions of emotions.
Keep this plan private for now and do not share with the rest of your group.

6. Develop a team emotional intelligence development plan

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Assume you are the team leader for the group that you were in for the round table
discussion. Select two members from this group to develop planning for. Use
Section 4 of your Project Portfolio to develop these plans based off the information
you learned during the round table discussion. Ensure that actions will help this
team member to meet the organisational and team goals. You will develop these
plans on your own based from your observations during the round table and not in
discussion with your team members. You have to compete one of these activities
planned so make sure it’s something realistic that can be completed in the

7. Discuss the plans with team members

Meet individually with the two team members as if you were their manager and
discuss the plan in a positive manner that highlights the actions and benefits to
themselves and their team. Explain your decisions about actions that will help them
to achieve their goals. The meeting should last for at least 15 minutes each and no
more than 30 minutes.
Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

• respond appropriately to the emotional states and cues of your team members
by being flexible and adaptable, modifying your approach as relevant

• create an inclusive atmosphere by way of speech and interaction

• demonstrate consideration, empathy and acknowledgement of their feelings

and perspectives

• create opportunities to express themselves: their ideas, thoughts and feelings

about your plans

• demonstrate effective communication skills including:

o Speaking clearly and concisely
o Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
o Asking questions to identify required information
o Responding to questions as required
o Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video
record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you

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with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and
meet the timeframes allocated.

8. Implement planning to achieve two different work tasks

Based on your planning and the meetings with your team members, it’s now up to
you and your team to implement an aspect of the planning in order to enhance the
team’s performance and complete two work tasks. This could include completing a
professional development session together, a trust or team building activity or the
development of something for the business that helps to achieve a team or
organisational goal. Make sure you adhere to the professional development policy
and procedures of your chosen business when planning and completing this.
The two tasks must be different, for example, you cannot complete two team
building activities.
Summarise this information in your portfolio and attach the policy.
Complete Section 5 of your Project Portfolio.

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9. Submit your completed Project Portfolio

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary.
Submit to your assessor for marking.

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Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Identify the impacts of their own

emotions on others in the workplace by:

• Developing evaluation criteria to

determine their own emotional
strengths and weaknesses

• Identifying personal stressors and

emotional states that are related to
them and the workplace

• Analysing, evaluating and

documenting emotional triggers and
better ways to respond

• Using self-reflection and feedback

from others to improve their own
emotional intelligence to develop a
plan for themselves

Recognise and address emotional

strengths and weaknesses of others and
promote the development of emotional
intelligence by:

• Analysing and documenting

emotional responses of co-workers

• Developing planning for two

colleagues to improve their
emotional intelligence, create
opportunities for them to express
their thoughts and feelings and to

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consider their personal behaviour
and its effects

• Encouraging a positive and

inclusive atmosphere when
completing a team task together
that will contribute to achieving
organisation and team goals and
adhered to organisational policy

• Modelling behaviours that

demonstrate management of
emotions to teammates

During interactions with teammates:

• respond appropriately to the

emotional states and cues of others
by being flexible and adaptable

• create an inclusive atmosphere by

way of speech and interaction

• demonstrate consideration,
empathy and acknowledgement of
their feelings and perspectives

• create opportunities to express

themselves: their ideas, thoughts
and feelings about your plans

During interactions with teammates

demonstrate effective communication
skills including:

• Speaking clearly and concisely

• Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

• Asking questions to identify

required information

• Responding to questions as

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• Using active listening techniques to
confirm understanding

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S U DNS

Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC

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