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Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

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Tunnelling-induced landslides: The Val di Sambro tunnel case study

Annalisa Bandini, Paolo Berry, Daniela Boldini ⁎
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM), University of Bologna, via Terracini 28, 40131, Bologna, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tunnel excavation in mountainous or sloping regions can sometimes reactivate or accelerate landslide phenom-
Received 20 March 2015 ena with a potential important impact on the stability of such constructions. The problem of tunnelling-induced
Received in revised form 30 June 2015 landslides, that represents an important issue for many areas of the world, is very complex to analyse and de-
Accepted 1 July 2015
manding to solve. In addition, there are very few well documented case histories in literature. The paper presents
Available online 6 July 2015
the case of the Val di Sambro twin tunnels excavated in a structurally complex formation, in a geomorphological
setting characterised by landslides of various areal sizes, whose depth was not well known before tunnelling. After
Landslide a description of the main technical features of the tunnels, the geological setting and the geomechanical site
Twin tunnels conditions, the paper illustrates and comments the most significant outcomes of the monitoring system in the
Structurally complex formations Southern zone of the tunnels, one of the areas where the major deformative phenomena occurred. The Val di
Geotechnical monitoring Sambro tunnels represent a unique case study for the large amount of monitoring data collected before and during
SAR interferometry the tunnel excavation through an integrated system, consisting of various measure methods (inclinometers,
piezometers, underground and surface topographic measurements, SAR interferometric technique). The com-
bined use of surface, subsurface, underground and satellite data allowed analysing the characteristics of the land-
slide movements before the tunnel excavation and in relation to the tunnel construction.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction including roto-translational and earth-flow movements and involving

structurally complex formations (Esu, 1977; D'Elia et al., 1998). Ac-
The excavation of a tunnel causes a stress redistribution inducing cording to the regional Inventory Map (Bertolini and Pellegrini, 2001)
deformations in the ground surrounding the opening. In areas prone to one-third of them are active, while the remaining two-thirds are
instability, such as in the case described in this paper, the induced stress dormant, but they can be reactivated by triggering factors, such as
state can trigger or accelerate landslide movements, even on large scale snowmelt, earthquakes and intense and/or prolonged precipitations
(Sciotti and Calabresi, 2000; Picarelli et al., 2002; Barla et al., 2006; (Carboni et al., 2001).
Noferini et al., 2007; Urcioli and Picarelli, 2008; Wang, 2010; Bozzano The rock-mass crossed by the VDS tunnels is a structurally complex
et al., 2011; Jiao et al., 2013; Sciotti and Pigorini, 2013; Maiorano et al., formation and is characterised by extremely slow landslide bodies
2014). In particular, Urcioli and Picarelli (2008) reviewed some Italian (sensu Cruden and Varnes, 1996) of various areal sizes but whose
case studies of the interaction between landslides and man-made depth was not well known before tunnelling. With the start of excava-
works. Wang (2010) showed a number of damage patterns of the tunnel tion, an acceleration of the slope movements and light damage to
lining in relation to different slope instabilities. Noferini et al. (2007) and buildings in the neighbouring inhabited areas were observed in some
Bozzano et al. (2011) focused on GB-SAR technique applied to monitor sections of the tunnel route, especially near the tunnel entrances. This
landslides affected by tunnelling. Sciotti and Pigorini (2013) reported scenario, very complex and difficult to outline with simplified models,
the case study of the railway tunnel Scianina–Tracoccia that induced a required to set up a structured monitoring system in order to evaluate
slope collapse 156 m long. However, all these studies are characterised the stability conditions of the area affected by the construction works.
by a limited amount and types of monitoring data, that prevent a deep After describing the main technical features of the tunnels, the geo-
understanding of the ongoing phenomena. logical setting and the geotechnical site conditions, the paper is basically
The present case study concerns the Val di Sambro (hereinafter, in- aimed at illustrating and commenting the most significant outcomes
dicated as VDS, in brief) twin tunnels, excavated in a geomorphological of the monitoring system in the Southern zone of the tunnels, where
unstable setting in the Northern Apennine (Emilia Romagna, Italy). the major deformative phenomena occurred. In this study, surface
Indeed, over 70,000 landslides bodies have been identified in Emilia– (topographic measurements), subsurface (inclinometers, piezometers)
Romagna region (Bertolini, 2010), most of which are complex landslides, and underground (convergence measurements) conventional moni-
toring data, together with space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar inter-
⁎ Corresponding author. ferometry (InSAR) data, were interpreted to analyse the magnitude
0013-7952/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
72 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 1. Location of the “Valico Variant” project and of the VDS tunnels (modified from Autostrade per l'Italia, 2006). On the right, a picture of the Southern entrances of the two tunnels.

and the rate variation of the slope movements before, during and after were very useful to estimate the surface ground movements well before
tunnelling. tunnelling, integrating the information provided by the traditional
The combined use of different monitoring techniques and the large monitoring techniques, here implemented only after the start of tunnel
amount of acquired data allowed assessing the main features of the excavation.
landslide movements in undisturbed conditions and their relation In recent years, thanks to the development of Multi Temporal Inter-
with the tunnelling activities. In particular, thanks to the ESA ERS ar- ferometry methods, as the Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI)
chives of images gathering data since the early Nineties, satellite data (Ferretti et al., 2001), the InSAR has increasingly shown its usefulness

Fig. 2. Map of the area under investigation in proximity of the Southern entrances of the VDS tunnels. The location of the vertical and horizontal boreholes and the sections B–B and N–N,
represented in the Figs. 12 and 13, are also shown.
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 73

Fig. 3. Advancement versus time of the two tunnel faces and corresponding values of the GSI estimated at the tunnel faces according to Marinos and Hoek (2000).

in long-term monitoring of extremely slow landslides (Bovenga et al., from a few metres at the entrances until a maximum value of 125 m
2006; Cascini et al., 2009; Righini et al., 2012; Del Ventisette et al., (North tunnel) and 116 m (South tunnel). They were driven with
2014; Wasowski and Bovenga, 2014), especially when combined with the full-face method using traditional techniques and with fibreglass
in situ surveying, ground observations, topographic and geotechnical dowel reinforcement of the face. The primary lining was made of steel
measurements (Colesanti et al., 2003; Hilley et al., 2004; Colesanti and ribs with a shotcrete layer, with different characteristics according to
Wasowski, 2006; Calò et al., 2012; Tofani et al., 2013). the local geomechanical conditions. The permanent concrete lining, re-
inforced if necessary and completed with the casting of a tunnel invert,
2. Tunnel description and site conditions followed at a distance between one and eight tunnel diametres or im-
mediately behind the face where it was required to promptly reduce
The VDS project is part of a huge program of improvements of the the recognised deformation phenomena of the tunnel section.
Italian A1 Milan–Naples highway in the mountainous region between In the southern zone of the tunnels (Fig. 2), examined in the present
Bologna and Florence (Fig. 1). This program involves a segment of the paper, the excavation started in February 2010 in the North tunnel and
motorway approximately 60 km long. It consists partly in widening four months later in the South one (Fig. 3). The advance rate was always
the current carriageway by adding a third lane with emergency hard less than 1.5 m/d with lower values (about 0.6–0.7 m/d) in the entrance
shoulders in each traffic direction (“Third lane” project) and partly area where some instability phenomena occurred and particularly low
in straightening the highway axis by constructing new stretches (“The values of the Geological Strength Index (GSI) (Hoek, 1994; Hoek and
Valico Variant” project). A total length of about 29 km of the “Valico Brown, 1998) were estimated. The excavation proceeded also very
Variant” are in underground and the VDS tunnel is the second longest slowly at a distance from the entrance ranging from 100 to 400 m
one. As the other underground sectors of the “Valico Variant”, it consists (Fig. 3) for the occurrence of marked landslide movements, which de-
of twin tunnels (Fig. 2), identified, in the present paper, as “North termined damage to the final lining. In addition, tunnelling stopped
tunnel” (for the traffic towards Bologna) and “South tunnel” (for the for a short period during August 2011 and for a long period between
traffic towards Florence). January and May 2012 (Fig. 3), in order to understand if the observed
Each tunnel, whose excavation was completed in early November acceleration of the landslides movements, described in the paper,
2014, is 3.8 km long and has a section of approximately 180 m2 with a was induced by tunnelling and to identify the excavation parameters
maximum span of 16 m. It will include two traffic lanes, 3.75 m wide, affecting the phenomenon.
and a security lane with the same width. The distance between the Most of the tunnel route crosses the Monghidoro unit (hereinafter
tunnel axes varies from 30 m to 35 m. indicated as MOH), a structurally complex formation from a geotechni-
The two tunnels were excavated into a hillside extending from an cal point of view (Esu, 1977; D'Elia et al., 1998). Indeed, it is a heteroge-
elevation of almost 780 m a.s.l. (watershed) to approximately 340 m neous rock-mass (Carboni et al., 2001; Borgatti et al., 2006) with
a.s.l. (Setta torrent valley). The overburden above the tunnels ranges variable percentages of sandstone (Fig. 4a) and silty clay (Fig. 4b).

Fig. 4. Images of core boxes of: a) sandstone rock material and b) pelitic material.
74 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 5. Image and pictorial sketch of the tunnel face characterised by mixed soil conditions.

According to the prevailing component (engineering rock or soil), are- zone between La Quercia and Badia Nuova (Fig. 1). The study was per-
naceous turbidites with different thickness up to isolated sandstone formed on a wide area, long approximately 17 km and with a mean
blocks embedded into a silty-clay matrix (Fig. 5) may be encountered width of 4 km around the Setta torrent valley, through photogramme-
(Picarelli et al., 2010). Consequently, the MOH can be locally assimilated try followed by an in situ survey. The resulting inventory map highlighted
also to bimrocks according to the Medley definition (1994). The sand- a situation of widespread instability in the investigated area, characterised
stone is characterised by a medium to fine grain size distribution, at by diffuse landslide bodies of great areal extension within which small-
times coarse or micro-conglomeratic. In the rock-mass volumes where er instabilities are often recognisable, both on the left and right bank of
the highly fractured sandstones prevail, the joints, especially in the the Setta torrent. Near the Southern entrances of the tunnels, Crosta
coarse fraction, are generally weakly cemented. Large volumes of et al. (2003) identified complex landslides composed by large main
the MOH are brecciated and tectonised, giving a chaotic structure to bodies, classified as relict, with secondary dormant slides inside
the rock-mass, as clearly visible on the tunnel face during tunnelling (Fig. 6), without however providing any information about their exten-
(Fig. 5). sion at depth.
The hillslope crossed by the twin tunnels is affected by complex Fig. 7 represents the landslide bodies recognised in the area, soon
landslide bodies of various areal sizes, which were prone to instabil- after the start of the tunnel excavation, by Picarelli and Viggiani
ities already in the past. For instance, when the A1 highway was (2012) through in situ observations of terracing and trenches.
built in the Sixties, a stretch of the motorway next to the VDS tunnel The geotechnical characterisation of the MOH and of the more su-
route was abandoned and moved into underground because of land- perficial landslide bodies was extremely difficult, due to their chaotic
slide movements. Afterwards, some years before starting the excava- nature. Table 1 summarises the values of the mechanical parameters
tion, a geostructural study (Crosta et al., 2003) was performed to used in the design (Autostrade per l'Italia, 2007). The strength values
identify and to delimit the boundaries of the landslide bodies in the of the landslide materials were obtained after a back-analysis of the

Fig. 6. Extract of the landslide inventory map near the VDS tunnel entrance (modified from Crosta et al., 2003). The sections B–B and N–N, represented in the Figs. 12 and 13, are also drawn.
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 75

Fig. 7. View of the slope in which the tunnel is excavated (modified from Picarelli and Viggiani, 2012). The perimeters of the main landslide bodies identified by geomorphologic studies are
also shown.

landslide movements near the tunnel entrances, where an increase in 3.1. Subsurface monitoring
the displacement rate was noted after the tunnelling start. The MOH
was conversely characterised using the approach proposed by Marinos The position of the inclinometers and Casagrande piezometers is
and Hoek (2000) for flyshoid formations. shown in Fig. 8. It can be noted that they are grouped in two different
The hydraulic conditions in the rock-mass are significantly affected regions: most of them are located near the tunnel entrances, inside
by the heterogeneity of the MOH and the permeability is mainly related the landslide body SB2 of Fig. 7, while a smaller group is placed in the
to the fracturing state of the sandstone layers, due to the low intrinsic area undercrossed by the tunnels at a distance from the entrance
permeability of the sandstone and pelitic components. between 400 and 700 m, inside the landslide body SD of Fig. 7.
A synthesis of the GSI values estimated at the tunnel faces during the The Casagrande cells were installed in boreholes, typically drilled
construction is provided in Fig. 3. Very low values, ranging between 25 close to the inclinometers, up to a depth of 51 m b.g.l. The evolution in
and 30, were identified near the entrance, while larger values, even time of the water depth measured by the piezometers is reported in
higher than 45, were observed gradually moving away towards North Fig. 9. As it can be observed, no measurements were performed before
from a chainage of 1000 m, due to the increment in the arenaceous per- the start of the tunnel construction, as they began in July 2010. After
centage of the MOH formation. an initial transient, they fluctuate seasonally around a mean value
over the observation period. The maximum values are recorded, every
year, at the beginning of the spring, while a decrease is observed after
3. Slope monitoring April in most of the instruments. The oscillations in the water level are
more significant in those piezometers indicating a deeper water table,
The stability of the area affected by the tunnel excavation was ex- suggesting the presence at depth of high permeability zones, probably
tensively studied with surface and subsurface investigations through associated to the more intense fracturing of the MOH.
an integrated monitoring system. The subsurface monitoring was As concerns the inclinometric monitoring, 14 inclinometric tubes
carried out with conventional geotechnical methods (inclinometers, were initially installed in 2010, near the tunnel entrances in the land-
Casagrande piezometers), while the surface movements were con- slide body SB2, followed by other 5 inclinometers in the landslide body
trolled with a robotic topographic network and with SAR interferomet- SD in the next years. As it can be noticed in Fig. 8, they are mainly
ric techniques. located near the two tunnels, especially the ones at the entrance,
The intense vegetation cover, together with the limited number of with a planimetric distance to the tunnel axes ranging from a few
buildings and infrastructures, and the rate of the slope movements in metres to 280 m (inclinometer 14) and a depth varying between 34 m
the investigated area greatly affected the ground investigations and (inclinometer 6) to 97 m b.g.l. (inclinometer 16). The measurements
the subsurface measurements. Consequently, the monitoring system ar- were initiated before the start of tunnelling only in 5% of the inclinom-
chitecture was modified several times during the tunnel construction eters, making possible to follow the evolution of the movements also
on the basis of the measured data, as described below. prior and during the tunnel face passage. Indeed, due to the delay in
the installation, most instruments allowed only to study the magnitude
and the rate of the displacements while the tunnel faces gradually
Table 1 moved away. In addition, the monitoring period was very short in
Main mechanical properties of the different geomechanical units (E: Young's modulus;
some boreholes, as the inclinometric tubes broke soon after their instal-
c': effective cohesion; ϕ': effective friction angle) (Autostrade per l'Italia, 2007).
lation for the relevant recorded displacements. Near the dismissed incli-
E [MPa] c' [kPa] ϕ' [°] nometers, new boreholes (indicated with code “bis” in Fig. 8), deeper
Landslide deposits 20 + 2.5 z(⁎) 10 30 than the previous ones, were subsequently drilled and equipped with
Fractured MOH 500 75 30 inclinometer tubes to substitute the ones no longer usable. Consequent-
MOH 1200–3450 100–375 28–32 ly, the inclinometer number has been increased over time by 50% as
z*: depth below the ground level. compared to the initial monitoring plan.
76 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 8. Location of the piezometric and inclinometric boreholes. The vectors represent the cumulated inclinometric displacements at the ground surface associated to the advancement of
the two tunnel faces over periods of 6 months.

The inclinometric measurements were performed almost weekly The investigated stretch of the two tunnels is generally included in
with readings at intervals of 0.6 m along the length of the guide tubing. the sliding masses. Fig. 12 shows that along the section B–B inside the
Fig. 10 shows an example of typical cumulative displacements versus landslide body SB2 near the tunnel entrances (Fig. 2) the deepest sliding
depth profiles relative to the inclinometric tube 11, long 59 m. As it surface is identified at a maximum depth of about 65 m b.g.l. and it under-
can be seen in Fig. 10, the movements predominantly occur along crosses the two tunnels that at this chainage were excavated between 40
multiple shear surfaces that slide on each other along the direction and 50 m b.g.l. Furthermore, the downhole displacements (zoom boxes
of the local maximum slope gradient (Fig. 11). At the various sliding of the inclinometric profiles in Fig. 12) possibly indicate creep phenomena
surfaces, the displacement vector typically undergoes a slight rotation, at depth. Within the main deep landslide body, secondary shallow slides at
represented by the change in the azimuth angle in Fig. 11. The cumula- maximum depths of 30–35 m b.g.l. can be recognised. This reconstruction
tive displacement profiles of Fig. 10 indicate two main discontinuities at confirms the model of complex landslides with compound slide move-
the depths of 33 m and about 57 m b.g.l.. The magnification box in ments proposed by Crosta et al. (2003).
Fig. 10 shows significant displacements near the borehole bottom, Along the section N–N drawn inside the landslide body SD (Fig. 13),
which reached 65 mm 7 months after the tube installation at the movements concentrate along a sliding surface having a maximum
depth of 56 m. The most relevant displacements are observed in corre- depth of approximately 20 m b.g.l., well above the tunnel position. How-
spondence of the sliding surface at 33 m b.g.l., where the tube rupture ever, also in this case, the displacements measured at the tube bottom
occurred 10 months after its installation. even in the longest inclinometric borehole (inclinometer 16, long
A comprehensive analysis of the integral inclinometric move- 97 m) support the presence of deeper movements affecting the portion
ments highlights that the depth of the shallowest sliding surfaces of the boreholes below the sliding surface.
ranges from 10 to 30 m b.g.l., while the deepest ones are found In order to study the existence of a relationship between the excava-
also over 80 m b.g.l., as suggested by the displacements measured tion advance and the slope movements, the influence of the inclinome-
at the bottom of the tubes by the majority of the instruments, in- ter distance to the tunnel face was examined. In particular, for each
cluded the “bis” ones. Unfortunately, it was not possible to establish inclinometer, a reference chainage was determined projecting the in-
the exact depth of the deepest sliding surfaces because of the limited strument position on the North tunnel axis. The horizontal axis in
length of the inclinometric boreholes. Since the bottom of the incli- Fig. 14 represents the distance between this reference chainage and
nometer tubes was often not fixed, the inclinometric measurements the position of the tunnel face. The zero abscissa thus corresponds
did not permit to determine the real displacement magnitude at the to the face passage at the reference section and, in other words, to
sliding surfaces and at the ground surface, which is consequently the minimum distance between the inclinometer and the North tun-
underestimated. nel face. The negative values correspond to positions of the face
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 77

Fig. 9. Measurements of the piezometric head by Casagrande piezometers (a) and location of the instruments in the investigated area (b) (the depth of the Casagrande cells is indicated
into parenthesis in the legend).

approaching the inclinometer, while the positive ones indicate that second stop occurred when the face was moving away (Fig. 15). The
the face is moving away. abscissa scale in the plot of Fig. 15 does not allow highlighting the
The example of Fig. 14, referring to the inclinometer 11, shows that bell-shape trend of Fig. 14a, because soon after the face passage
at a depth of 33 m, the displacement rate increases when the tunnel the inclinometric tube broke in correspondence of the sliding surface.
face is approaching the inclinometer and decreases when it is moving It can be noted that, in this case, as for the other inclinometers very
away, with a roughly symmetrical profile with respect to the “zero close to the tunnels, the effects of the subsidence induced by the excava-
distance”. Conversely, the displacement rate on the deeper sliding sur- tion on the displacements may be not negligible, but in the present
face, at 57 m b.g.l., increases when the tunnel face is approaching, paper they were not analysed.
reaches the maximum value at the minimum distance and remains con- When the tunnel face reaches large distances from the monitored
stant in the observation period, when the tunnel face is moving away. area, the slope movements seem no more influenced by the excavation
It should be noted that the number of inclinometers that allow this works. As an example, in Fig. 16, relative to two inclinometers located in
analysis is limited, because the maximum distance between each incli- the SB2 (inclinometer 12) and SD (inclinometer 19) landslide bodies, the
nometer and the tunnel face in the approaching and moving away differential displacement rate on the shallow sliding surface (located in
phases is fairly reduced. Therefore, on the basis of these considerations, both cases at about 19 m b.g.l.) significantly drops with the progressive
the analysis cannot be completely generalised. tunnel face advancement. The two trends are completely similar, but,
The recording period of inclinometer 4, very close to the North because of a different minimum distance of the two inclinometers to
tunnel, whose monitoring started two months before the advancing the tunnel (130 m for the former and 60 m for the latter), the maximum
face passage, is characterised by three temporary excavation stops rate values observed with the inclinometer 19 are three times higher
(Fig. 15). The differential displacement rate along the shallow sliding than those recorded by the other one.
surface (i.e. 20 m b.g.l.) decreases almost imperceptibly during the The differential displacement rate measured in the borehole 12 indi-
first stop occurred when the tunnel face was approaching the moni- cates an influence of the piezometric conditions on the movements. In
tored point, while it reduces of one order of magnitude during the fact, the values show that the displacements accelerate during the
78 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 10. Example of inclinometer measurements (inclinometer 11). The cumulative displacement versus depth profiles show the presence of movements also at the borehole bottom.

spring of the years 2013 and 2014, in correspondence of the increase in position of the two tunnel faces in time is also indicated for sake of com-
the groundwater level recorded by the close piezometer (Fig. 9). Fig. 17, parison. The considerations already discussed for single inclinometers
referring to the borehole 8 near the Southern tunnel entrances (Pz_08 in are clearly valid for the total set of instruments. In addition, Fig. 18
Fig. 9), further highlights the influence of the hydraulic conditions on shows the effect of the long-term excavation stop of Fig. 3, which deter-
the slide movements. The local increments in the movement rate on mined a temporary deceleration of the movements.
the sliding surface at a depth of about 19 m b.g.l. can be clearly associat- The corresponding rate of the differential displacements displayed
ed to the raise in the water level. As the tunnel face moves away, the in Fig. 18 are presented in Fig. 19 adopting the same colour legend.
31.2 m deep discontinuity was no longer distinguishable. The values are provided in terms of distance between the inclinometers
The whole representation of the inclinometric measurements and the position of the North tunnel face, already clarified. The maxi-
over time is reported in Fig. 18 in terms of differential displacements mum rates were recorded for inclinometer — face distances ranging
along the different sliding surfaces versus time. The inclinometric mea- from −50 m to 100 m, with the highest values recorded at the shallow
surements inside the landslide body SB2 and SD are depicted with differ- sliding surfaces, especially in the landslide body SB2. For distances larger
ent colours taking into account the depth of the sliding surfaces. The than 300 m the movement rates tend to concentrate below a threshold

Fig. 11. Variation with depth in the azimuth angles of the inclinometric displacements: inclinometer 7(a), downstream of the tunnels, and 11bis (b), in the upstream side.
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 79

Fig. 12. Interpretation of the inclinometric measurements along the Section B–B of Fig. 2, identifying sliding surfaces at different depths.

value (approximately 5 mm/month) in both the landslide bodies SB2 follow a downward trend approximately in the direction of the maxi-
and SD, with some exceptions related to the seasonal increments due mum slope gradient.
to water table oscillations. These values can be considered as represen- Topographic measurements were carried out with automatic total
tative of the landslide natural activity. stations (accuracy of 1 mm in distance and 1 arcsec in angle) on the in-
clinometer heads near the tunnel entrances. Fig. 20 illustrates the tem-
3.2. Ground monitoring through conventional and SqueeSAR techniques poral evolution of the horizontal displacements of some representative
targets. The measurements started when the tunnel faces were already
In Fig. 8 the inclinometric cumulative displacements at the ground distant but, however, they indicate some correlations with the excava-
surface are represented by segments of length proportional to the tion activities. In particular, they show a marked tendency to movement
movements recorded during successive periods of 6 months. They are stabilisation in time. The comparison between the topographic and
correlated with the tunnel face advances in the same periods. It is evi- the corresponding inclinometric measurements was possible only for
dent that the tunnel passage induces large movements at the ground one instrument and it highlights an agreement in terms of recorded hor-
surface, that reach, in some cases, a few tens of centimetres on the izontal displacements at the ground surface. Also in this case, the hy-
whole, such as for the inclinometers 10 and 11, characterised by maxi- draulic conditions are found to affect the displacement rate especially
mum displacement rate of about 40 mm/month. These movements con- in the last two years of monitoring, when the influence of the excavation
tinue also when the faces are distant, even if they are less marked, and works can be considered negligible.

Fig. 13. Interpretation of the inclinometric measurements along the Section N–N of Fig. 2. Some integral displacements versus depth profiles highlight movements also at the inclinometric
borehole bottom.
80 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 14. Inclinometer 11: differential displacements and related rates on the two sliding surfaces at 33 m and 57 m b.g.l. as a function of the distance between the inclinometer reference
chainage and the face of the North tunnel.

Basically, the conventional monitoring described up to now mainly about the slope movements before tunnelling, while the RADAR-SAT
began after the start of tunnel excavation. In order to investigate the data (106 images), going from March 2003 to April 2012, refer to obser-
slope activity even before tunnelling, SAR interferometry analyses per- vational windows prior and during the excavation. The descending ge-
formed in the area through the SqueeSAR technique (Ferretti et al., ometry was chosen taking into account the orientation of the hillside
2011) were also considered. The SqueeSAR analysis undertaken by interested by tunnelling and of the maximum slope line, assumed as
Tele-Rilevamento Europa (T.R.E.) consisted of processing SAR images the preferential direction for sliding phenomena.
acquired with a descending orbital geometry by the two satellites ERS The two image datasets were processed to compute the movement
1–2 and RADARSAT-1 over an overall period of twenty years. The two magnitude and rate of natural targets available on the ground surface.
image datasets cover different time periods: the ERS data (80 images) The algorithm provides the component of the displacement vector
range from April 1992 to January 2001, thus providing information along the line of sight (LOS), i.e. the line joining the radar and the target.

Fig. 16. Decrease in the inclinometer differential displacements on the sliding surface
Fig. 15. Inclinometer 4: effect of the temporary excavation stops on the differential dis- at approximately 19 m b.g.l.: comparison between two inclinometers located in the SB2
placement rate on the sliding surface at about 20 m b.g.l. (inclinometer 12) and SD (inclinometer 19) landslide bodies.
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 81

Fig. 17. Effect of the piezometric level on the differential displacements along the two sliding surfaces identified by inclinometer 8.

Fig. 18. Differential displacements on the shallow and deep sliding surfaces recorded by the inclinometers in the landslide bodies SB2 and SD.

Positive displacement values indicate movements towards the satellite natural targets were limited in number, because of the high vegetation
(shortening along the LOS), while negative displacements denote cover and the lack of buildings. In particular, approximately 60 and 35
movements away from the sensor (lengthening along the LOS). stable points were identified in the ERS and R-SAT images, characterised
In the area investigated through interferometry, that extends for by coherence mean values of 0.72 and 0.56, respectively. They are con-
about 1.0 km from the Southern tunnel entrance to the North, the centrated mainly on the sides of the old A1 highway and on its

Fig. 19. Differential displacement rates on the shallow and deep sliding surfaces recorded by the inclinometers in the landslide bodies SB2 and SD.
82 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 20. Horizontal displacements of the topographic targets placed at the heads of the inclinometer boreholes.

carriageways, with an inhomogeneous distribution (Fig. 21). As it can be neighbouring R-SAT points in Fig. 22. In all cases, the movements do
seen in Fig. 21, where the permanent scatterers (PS) are coloured differ- not increase regularly over time and they show continuous changes in
ently according to the mean displacement velocity along the LOS, signif- the displacement rate with a strong data scatter, which hides the local
icant movements were recorded also before tunnel excavation. Indeed, rate variations. The movements of the ERS points exhibit a roughly cur-
in the monitoring period 1992–2001, the ground displacement rate vilinear trend with a progressive velocity reduction especially from
along the LOS reaches a maximum value of approximately 10 mm/ 1999. Generally, before the end of November 2010 the displacement
year (targets A015P and A015O on the old highway carriageways, left rate of the targets is comparable, irrespective of the dataset. After the
picture in Fig. 21). The displacement rate, in most cases, is around 5–6 North tunnel excavation start, the displacements of two (000JI and
mm/year except for the targets in the upper part of the left picture of 000JJ) of the three R-SAT points in Fig. 22 become more pronounced
Fig. 21, that practically do not move. with a movement acceleration in the last years. The mean displacement
In order to compare the ground movement rate of the ERS and R-SAT rate significantly increases from 18 mm/year (000JI) and 13 mm/year
targets, the displacements along the LOS were projected on the horizon- (000JJ) in the first period to 80 mm/year for both the targets in the latter
tal plane, because the images were acquired by the two satellites with period starting from the end of November 2010. On that date, the North
different off-nadir angles (24.1° for ERS and 34.3° for R-SAT). Only in tunnel face, the closer to the coherent points of the interferometry anal-
a few cases, there is a correspondence between the positions of the co- ysis, was about 400 m distant from the two permanent scatterers. In
herent points obtained from the two image datasets. As an example, the April 2012 (end of the R-SAT monitoring period), the two targets
displacements on the horizontal plane versus time of three representa- moved totally 260–300 mm (Fig. 22). Only few targets show a similar
tive ERS permanent scatterers are compared with the trends of the piecewise linear trend characterised by a higher displacement rate

Fig. 21. Spatial distribution and mean LOS displacement rate of the coherent targets (ERS, on the left, and R-SAT, on the right) in the area surrounding the Southern entrance of the VDS
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 83

Fig. 22. Evolution in time of the horizontal displacements of six targets: comparison between ERS (on the left) and R-SAT (on the right) data.

during the tunnelling operations and they are all located in the hillside increasing in time, as the target 000JL in Fig. 22. In any case, any velocity
next to the old A1 highway. Most of the R-SAT points next to the tunnel trends differing by the linear increasing and the piecewise linear have
entrance in the period 2003–2012 moved with a rate regularly not been observed (Fig. 22).
84 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 23. North tunnel: time elapsed between the initial and final measurements (a) and distance between the face and the monitoring section at the time of the first and final readings (b).

4. Tunnel monitoring with almost negligible movement components parallel to the tunnel
axes. Most sections show asymmetry in the deformation and appear
The tunnel wall displacements were monitored with geodetic mea- distorted (Fig. 25(b)). These observations are congruent with the iden-
surements carried out on the primary and permanent linings. Measures tification in this area of the landslide body SB2 and with the indications
were performed with a total station (accuracy of 1 mm in distance and 1 of the slope monitoring. It should be noted that, conversely, other sec-
arcsec in angle), which recorded, at different tunnel positions, the 3-D tions of the tunnels are characterised by positive values of the average
(transversal, longitudinal and vertical) coordinates of the targets placed transversal displacement (Fig. 24). This finding could be explained by
along the tunnel profile with respect to a zero reading in a local refer- considering the possible non-fixed position of the reference points in
ence system. the topographic measurements. The larger positive values were gener-
Almost 300 sections on the temporary lining of each tunnel were ally recorded after significant stops in the excavation works. During
monitored, at a mean spacing of 5–7 m. Each monitoring section in- these periods, the higher transversal displacement values recorded by
cluded five optical targets installed on the crown and on the sides of the targets on the tunnel valley side compared to the month one can
the tunnel lining, according to the scheme of Fig. 23. The reflectors be due to the translation of the tunnel axis (and, as a consequence,
were welded to bolts, anchored to the surrounding rock-mass, during of the measure reference points) towards valley in consequence of
the installation of the steel ribs. Measurements were taken periodically, the slope movements. If the variation of the tunnel axis were
usually once per day, as soon as the shotcrete spraying on the steel rib accounted for, the average values of the transversal displacements
and the positioning of the optical targets were completed, at a variable would become zero or assume also negative values, compatibly with
distance from the face (Fig. 23), always larger than 1 m. Consequently, the landslide kinematics.
the measured convergence values in the monitoring sections cannot The movements tend to run out over time. The vertical (a) and trans-
be directly compared one to the other, but can provide indications on versal (b) displacements of the two targets 1 and 2, placed on the left
movements in progress from a qualitative point of view. side of the permanent lining in a section of the tunnel stretch moving to-
Generally, the measurements on the temporary lining covered little wards valley, are represented in Fig. 26. The displacement amount and
periods of time (on average, 20 days, Fig. 23), because the permanent rate of the two targets vary with the distance between the tunnel face
lining followed at a short distance from the face. In each tunnel the and the monitoring section (Fig. 26(c)), but the movements tend to
monitoring was extended to about 30 sections on the final lining in reduce as the face moves away with negligible velocities at distances
order to check the long-term behaviour of the construction. larger than 400 m.
Fig. 24 shows the final average transversal displacements of two
diametrically opposite targets (1 and 5) on the sides of the primary 5. Discussion and final remarks
lining. These values present a high scatter, generally fluctuating around
zero. However, along a tunnel stretch at a distance of 100 m from the The paper presented the case study of the Val di Sambro large
entrances and long about 230 m (marked by the shaded areas in section twin tunnels excavated in a structurally complex formation af-
Fig. 24), the values are always negative, thus indicating tunnel move- fected by landslides of various areal sizes. For the large amount of mon-
ments towards the Setta river valley. In some sections of this moving itoring data collected during the excavation, it represents a unique case
stretch of the two tunnels, the displacement vectors of the five targets history in the study of the interaction between tunnelling and land-
are all oriented downstream, as indicated in the example of Fig. 25(a) slides. In fact, the installed integrated monitoring plan, based on
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 85

Fig. 24. Final average transversal displacements of the two targets 1 and 5 at the sidewalls of the primary lining along the two tunnel routes (the negative sign indicates downstream
displacements towards the Setta river valley).

Fig. 25. Displacement vectors of the targets on the primary lining: comparison between two monitoring sections of the North (a) and South (b) tunnels in the stretch characterised by
movements towards the Setta river valley (section chainage: 268 m (a) and 173 m (b)).
86 A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87

Fig. 26. Example of temporal evolution of the vertical (a) and transversal (b) displacements of the targets 1 and 2 (left sides) on the North tunnel final lining (section at chainage 118 m).
The distance of the considered monitoring section from the N tunnel face over time is also shown (c).

coupling traditional monitoring methods (inclinometers, piezometers, displacement rate of approximately 10 mm/y, were recorded even
underground and surface topographic measurements) with SAR inter- before the tunnel excavation. A careful analysis shows that the move-
ferometric technique, allowed to investigate the behaviour of the ments were characterised by continuous changes in the displacement
slope in relation to the tunnel excavation and in the long term. rate;
In particular, referring to the examined case study, the monitoring • the tunnelling caused a displacement acceleration along the sliding
provided interesting results which lead to the following considerations: surfaces at the various depths, reaching a maximum movement rate
of about 40 mm/month at the ground surface with the face passage.
• the information deriving from inclinometers could help in defining The movements were particularly significant in a stretch of both the
the location of the sliding surfaces and the in-depth development of tunnels, long approximately 230 m, extending from a distance to the
the sliding masses. Complex landslide bodies characterised by multi- entrances of 100 m, as highlighted by the topographic measurements
ple shear surfaces that slide on each other along the direction of the on the temporary lining;
locally maximum slope gradient were identified. The shallow sliding • the sliding surfaces, shallow and deep, display a different kinematic
surfaces are approximately located at a depth ranging from 10 to` behaviour, when the tunnel face is moving away, but this analysis
30 m b.g.l., while the deepest ones are found also over 80 m b.g.l. Un- could not be generalised as, unfortunately, all measurements started
fortunately, the limited length of the inclinometric boreholes, mostly to be collected after the beginning of excavation works, thus not
lower than 60 m, did not allow investigating over such a depth; allowing to have a long observation period of the slope behaviour in
• the two tunnels are generally included in the moving mass and inter- undisturbed conditions;
sect the sliding surfaces of the landslide bodies SB2 and SD; • the slope movements continued in time even when the tunnel faces
• the results of SqueeSAR analysis on ERS data indicate that extremely were at a very large distance, but with much lower rates at distances
slow landslide movements (Cruden and Varnes, 1996), with a mean from the tunnel face larger than 200 m. The landslide movement
A. Bandini et al. / Engineering Geology 196 (2015) 71–87 87

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