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Name: __________________________________ Date: __________ Score: ____________

I. IDENTIFICATION. Write the correct answer on the space provided.
____________1. It is the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a State.
____________2. Economy on which the means of production is owned and controlled by the government.
____________3. Type of mobility which refers to the movement of an individual or people or groups from one
status to another.
____________4. It refers to mobility which is brought about by changes in stratification or system itself.
____________5. Mobility that denotes “social failure” on the part of individual or group.
____________6. It is a fixed portion on the surface of the earth inhabited by the people of the state.
____________7. In this economy, the means of production is controlled by private enterprises.
____________8. Process of moving funds among two or more accounts held by the same or different entities.
____________9. Social mobility in family.
____________10. It refers to the inhabitants of the state.
____________11. Combination of the three economic systems.
____________12. Power of the State to impose tax on individuals and properties to support programs.
____________13. In this economy, the people employ the same practices which were also applied by their
____________14. Power of the State to regulate freedoms and property rights.
____________15. The State’s ability to achieve a desired outcome, through whatever means.
____________16. A system of production, resource allocation and distribution of goods and services within a
society or a given geographic area.
____________17. It refers to the movement of an individual or group from one social position, class or social
stratum to another”.
____________18. It is the instrument that provides mechanisms in determining, formulating, and implementing
the policies of the state.
____________19. Compulsory function of the government.
____________20. The power of the State to acquire private property upon payment of just compensation for
some intended public use.

II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if it is not.
______1. According to Plato, politics is an ethical activity concerned with creating a just society.
______2. The inescapable presence of diversity and scarcity ensures that politics is an inevitable feature of
the human condition.
______3. Political sovereignty is the authority of state which it has the power to issue final commands.
______4. In history, monarchs serve as symbols of the state with few real powers.
______5. A unitary system of government divides power between national and local forms of government.
______6. A military system of government is composed of one central government that holds all the power.
______7. In social philosophy, reciprocity is a social rule that says people should repay, in kind, what
another person has provided for them.
______8. Economic institutions is a company or an organization that deals with money or with managing
the distribution of money, goods, and services in an economy.
______9. Social mobility refers to the movement of a person or persons from one social status to another.
______10. There is a single criteria by which the social status of the people is evaluated.
______11. Vertical mobility is change in position without the change in status.
______12. Politics is thought of as public life or public affairs.
______13. Economic institution is a system of production, resource allocation and distribution of goods and
services within a society or a given geographic area.
______14. Administration refers to the group of persons in whose hands the reins of the government are
held for the time being.
______15. Command economic system is based on traditions, practices and even beliefs of the people.
III. ENUMERATION. List down what is asked.
1-5. Forms of Vertical Mobility
6-10. Factors that promote social mobility.
11-13. Three Branches of Government.
14-17. Four essential elements of the state.
18-20. Principles governing the operations of governmental powers
21-24. Economic Systems of the world

IV. ESSAY. Explain each social, political and economic challenges in 2 – 3 sentences. (3 points each)
1. Social Inequality
2. Gender Equality
3. Armed Conflict in Southern Philippines
4. Global Warming and Climate Change


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