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HERO 2010
This article examines the hero archetype in Rick Riordan's novel "The Lost Hero" through a
structuralist approach. The study aims to analyze how the hero archetype is represented and
developed in the novel, with a focus on the narrative structure, character development, and
symbols present in the story. A close reading of the main characters and their interactions
will be conducted to identify the traits and characteristics that embody the hero archetype.
The structuralist method will be used to analyze the narrative structure and the themes,
motifs, and symbols that contribute to the representation of the function of character
archetype in the novel. However, the qualitative descriptive method will offer a rich and
nuanced understanding of the hero archetype in contemporary literature, highlighting the
importance of the structuralist method in analyzing archetypal characters in literature. The
results of this research will provide a comprehensive understanding of the function of
character archetype in "The Lost Hero" and its significance to the narrative as a whole. This
study highlights the importance of the structuralist approach in analyzing archetypal
characters in literature and provides a deeper understanding of the function of character
archetype in contemporary adventure formula.
Keywords : Character Archetype, Hero, Formula
Makalah penelitian ini mengkaji arketipe pahlawan dalam novel Rick Riordan “The Lost
Hero” melalui pendekatan strukturalis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis
bagaimana arketipe pahlawan direpresentasikan dan dikembangkan dalam novel, dengan
fokus pada struktur naratif, pengembangan karakter, dan simbol yang hadir dalam cerita.
Pembacaan yang cermat terhadap karakter utama dan interaksinya akan dilakukan untuk
mengidentifikasi sifat dan karakteristik yang mewujudkan arketipe pahlawan. Metode
strukturalis akan digunakan untuk menganalisis struktur naratif dan tema, motif, serta
simbol yang berperan dalam representasi fungsi arketipe tokoh dalam novel. Namun,
metode deskriptif kualitatif akan menawarkan pemahaman yang kaya dan bernuansa
tentang arketipe pahlawan dalam sastra kontemporer, menyoroti pentingnya metode
strukturalis dalam menganalisis karakter arketipe dalam sastra. Hasil dari penelitian ini
akan memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang fungsi arketipe karakter dalam
"The Lost Hero" dan signifikansinya terhadap narasi secara keseluruhan. Studi ini
menyoroti pentingnya pendekatan strukturalis dalam menganalisis karakter arketipal dalam
karya sastra dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang fungsi arketipa
karakter dalam formula petualangan kontemporer.
Kata Kunci: Arktipe, pahlawan, formula
In etymology it followed the Greek word hērōs, which meant "demigod," is where the word
"heroism" originates. Since a person who displays exceptional bravery and valor is known
as a hero, their deeds are regarded as heroic deeds. Heroism is exhibited when the will
overcomes fear, when duty lays down the law to fate, and when honor scorns to make a
deal with death.
However, in dealing this construction, hero, and it is obvious to justify upon its structure
becomes the value upon reality even as the norm in a certain way. Through this notion of
hero, it shown that hero and its heroism has come to the face of social contribution, as
regarded that and would not be too much to say that the myth of hero is the secret opening
through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural
manifestation. Religions, philosophies, arts, the social forms of primitive and historic man,
prime discoveries in science and technology, the very dreams that blister sleep, boil up from
the basic, magic ring of myth(Campbell, 2017, p. 3).
Therefore, the status of literary work emerged as the genuine and become one of the main
forms of hero representation as a character. Whereby followed the stance of literary works
has mimetic as theoretical foundation(Nurachman, 2017, p. 21). Yet the form of
representation will never leave to the core of the element intrinsic. This statement followed
to the understanding that by the “work of arts” in the narrow sense, it means works created
by special techniques designed to make the words as obviously artistic as
possible(Nurrachman, 2019, p. 68).
Moreover, following those statement this journal pursues the heroism status, as the form of
alternative virtue projection principle in dealing social problem. In radical point of view the
tribute of heroism will rejoice human civilization to contemplate the attribute understanding
hero which can be signified in the behavior honor, honesty, and sacrifice to the deal in
suffering(Campbell, 2017, p. 33). Shortly, this identified construction signifier are very
close with the reality where those become the principal to the deal the reality and its
problem. As regarded the understanding that Heroism is a social attribution, never a
personal one; yet the act itself is often a solitary, existential choice. It is historically,
culturally, and situationally determined, social heroism, in contrast, typically does not
involve immediate physical peril. It is nonetheless associated with considerable risk and
personal sacrifice in other dimensions of life, including serious financial consequences, loss
of social status, possible long-term health problems(Franco , 2011, p. 100).
In this part, the developing about the notion of heroism remains the exploration about its
form and function. It also remarked where hero has become such thing in the consciousness
and its behavior. By this background, the research proposes the novel by Rick Riordan in
the title The Lost Hero 2010. The novel has genuine exploration about hero as the
synthetize in dealing social problems, in certain way the character of Jasson Grace and its
development facing trouble with bravery upon the social problem in urban modern with a
power of demigod such as democracy, social policy, helping the week, and defending the
truth. Using the fantasy of Greek mythology, this work deserves to be observed for the sake
of continuity literature as a discourse. In certain point, this novel promotes the invitation to
be inspected and gain the construction where heroism as the synthetize understanding about
dealing social problems(Spector, M., 2001).
The following capacity of research, this journal projected the literary criticism in the form
of objective enclosure. The objective enclosure however promotes the inspection upon
literary work the critic about instead of describing the effects of a work, focuses on the
features, devices, and form of the work by which such effects are achieved(Abrams, 1999,
p. 5). Thus, it will be designed as the qualitative descriptive method where the journal
deploy about its function to analyze a straight forward descriptive summary of the
informational contents of the data that is organized in a logical manners(Nassaji, 2015 p.
130), of structuralist, where the aim is to identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, and
categories(Diah Supatmiwati, 2013 p. 144).
This journal has inspired by the previous study from Zeno, Allison, Kinsella, and Ari,
where the credit to the title of research Heroism Research: A Review of Theories, Methods,
Challenges, and Trends 2016, and it discussed about places the growing discussion on
heroic action in a humanistic perspective, as heroism aligns with ethical self-actualization
in its highest form, personal meaning making, and social good, and can also involve
profound existential costs. The second was inspired by Franco in the credit research of
Heroism: A conceptual analysis and differentiation between heroic action and altruism
2011. The research contributed in the understanding about explore three apparent paradoxes
that surround heroism-the dueling impulses to elevate and negate heroic actors; the contrast
between the public ascription of heroic status versus the interior decision to act heroically;
and apparent similarities between altruism, bystander intervention and heroism that mask
important differences between these phenomena.
As sequences background above, this journal searched the aim upon the inspection about
the character archetype that supports adventure formula in the novel of Rick Riordan’s The
Lost Hero 2010.
There is various archetypes in storytelling and their functions. The theoretical foundation
emphasizes the importance of archetypes as guidelines for preserving the identity of a
narrative. Archetypes serve as character templates that heroes must adhere to, allowing
them to be identified and explore the creative process. That is to say, the following
archetype can be followed as its understanding.
 The Hero, who is the main character and embarks on a journey to face
challenges, accomplish missions, and restore harmony to the world. Heroes may
also respond to calls for adventure and develop the ability to sacrifice for others.
Their motivations are linked to inner and outer problems they must overcome, and
they often mature and learn throughout the journey.
 The Mentor archetype plays a crucial role by offering inspiration,
knowledge, and guidance to help the Hero overcome uncertainties and prepare for
the journey. Mentors may provide magical items or inner guidance to assist the
Hero in their task.
 Threshold Guardians are archetypes that present tests to the Hero,
demonstrating their dedication and worthiness while protecting the Special World.
These challenges can be overcome through various strategies, and passing them
shows the Hero's fortitude and commitment to the quest.
 Heralds are characters who issue challenges and announce significant
changes. They can appear at any time during the journey, often at the beginning,
and their role is to deliver messages or warnings that propel the story forward.
 Shapeshifters are archetypes that deceive the protagonist by concealing their
motivations and allegiances. They bring forth the Hero's doubts and questions and
add suspense to the story.
 The Shadow archetype represents the main villain or antagonist. It embodies
the Hero's darkest aspirations, fears, and discarded traits. Shadows may have
redeeming features or mirror the Hero's characteristics. Their goal is to eliminate the
Hero and their cause.
 Tricksters are archetypes that disrupt the status quo and create chaos in the
Ordinary World. They use their wit and antics to bring about change and highlight
the ridiculousness of situations. Tricksters can be comedic, outwitting others or
defeating antagonists.
Each archetype serves a specific function within the narrative, such as serving and
sacrificing (Hero), guiding (Mentor), testing (Threshold Guardian), warning and
challenging (Herald), questioning and deceiving (Shapeshifter), destroying (Shadow), and
disrupting (Trickster).
The research design upon this study applied the literary criticism which specifically based
on the departure from structuralist criticism. The understanding upon structuralist criticism
can be uttered as a design to threat the structuralist critic claims that criticism's purpose is
to concentrate on the work as a generated structure aesthetics item and to figure out how it
works. The study can find everything in this study’s interest; it's an eternal related structure
aesthetic item(Strauss, 1972, p. 67). As nature of method, the study employs the descriptive
qualitative design. The descriptive functioned to analyze a straight forward descriptive
summary of the informational contents of the data that is organized in a logical
manners(Nassaji, 2015 p. 130), of structuralist and pragmatic, where the aim is to identify
characteristics, frequencies, trends, and categories(Diah Supatmiwati, 2013 p. 144)
character archetype function along in every characters within the hero journey of The Lost
Hero 2010.
That is to say Data collection is the systematic acquisition and measurement of information
to answer research questions and test hypotheses. It involves various procedures such as
reading, marking, and displaying data. The analysis of data includes identifying,
classifying, describing, and interpreting data for a better understanding of the subject. In
this case, the data collection and analysis focus on the character archetypes function in the
novel "The Lost Hero" by Rick Riordan
The function of character in hero archetype is simply the tool or format which drive a story
or theme which contain in the narrative to be represented, connotatively to be alive figure.
However, in the context of hero journey, it lies serial function that regard of somehow the
character archetype is the template which become the key and red line where all hero as a
genre must obey to be signified and exploring the aesthetical process creative.
Thereby the purpose or position a character fill in a narrative is described by an archetype.
Consider the Archetype as a character's mask that they don in a specific moment. It's
possible for one character to play the role of the mentor throughout most of the journey in a
story. The characters in a story, however, have the capacity to don any of the link of
archetypal masks, depending on the needs of the narrative, much as we play various roles
during people lives or even switch masks within a single day.
A. Hero Archetype
In the understanding of the main character in this genre “Hero”, the noble and center
character in the narrative is obviously the core of the cooperative function withing the battle
in the story. In regard this reminder, it is necessary to regain the denotation that mention
that “Hero” is our protagonist or main character, and his main goal is to give himself for the
journey at hand to meet the challenge, accomplish the mission, and restore harmony to the
regular world(Vogler, 1999, p. 9). A challenge for personal development could be the Hero's
Journey to succeed in a game, to mend a wound, or to fall in love. When physical lives and
perhaps the fate of the world are at risk, heroes may also need to respond to calls for
adventure. These Heroes must develop the ability to tolerate giving their lives and limbs to
help others.
1. Jason
“But why use her energy to send me here?” Jason asked. “She wiped my memory, plopped
me into the Wilderness School field trip, and sent you a dream vision to come pick me up.
Why am I so important? Why not just send up an emergency flare to the other gods—let
them know where she is so they bust her out?”. “The gods need heroes to do their will
down here on earth,” Rachel said. “That’s right, isn’t it? Their fates are always intertwined
with demigods.” (Riordan, 2015, p. 87)
In such a detail Jason is well narrated to be known as a kind and brave person. he got
unexpectable big quest. He was choosen to be a hero who save Hera because God always
need heroes to do their quest or their will down on earth. By doing so, the analysis above
can be justified that Jason is hero, cause the he is containing the property of hero that one
must be able to relate to the hero in some way since we experience the journey via his or
her eyes. The wants of all people, such as those for love, success, redressing wrongs, and
seeking justice, must motivate the hero(Campbell, 2017, p. 97). These motivations are
linked to the inner and outer problems that the hero must overcome.
The narrative is continued in the scenery about Jason and his friends ambushed by Dylan
the storm spirit, with his brave heart he teamed up with coach hedge to defeat Dylan. Jason
also saves Piper from fallin from the sky even though he didn’t know what to do when they
were fallin but as a hero and demigods miracle happens and the wind helped them, its mean
that Jason have a brave heart and such a very kind heart.
“ My turn,” Jason said.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out the gold coin. He let his instincts take over,
flipping the coin in the air like he’d done it a thousand times. He caught it in his palm, and
suddenly he was holding a sword—a wickedly sharp double-edged weapon. The ridged
grip fit his fingers perfectly, and the whole thing was gold—hilt, handle, and blade. “
(Riordan, 2015, p. 15)
“ In a heartbeat, he caught up with Piper, who was flailing wildly. He tackled her waist and
closed his eyes, waiting for death. Piper screamed. The wind whistled in Jason’s ears. He
wondered what dying would feel like. He ``was thinking, probably not so good. He wished
somehow they could never hit bottom.
Suddenly the wind died. Piper’s scream turned into a strangled gasp. Jason thought they
must be dead, but he hadn’t felt any impact.” (Riordan, 2015, p. 16)
Both narrative above is strengthened to identified Jason, he is the character which the
archetype of his algorithm decision is to serve and sacrifice himself to save other. However,
this archetype is genuinely justified to sentence the function of hero in Jason is to gain the
archetype of break the individuality. One needs to be able to identify with the hero in some
manner since we see the adventure through his or her eyes. The desire for justice,
achievement, redressing wrongs, and love are universal desires that must drive the hero
2. Leo Valdez
“Leo spun the remote’s toggle, and the second robotic arm whacked Sump in the chest. The
salsa case exploded like a piñata and Sump flew backward, right into the base of Leo’s
third machine. Sump may have been immune to getting hit with truck chasses, but he wasn’t
immune to robotic arms that could deliver ten thousand pounds of force. The third crane
arm slammed him against the floor so hard, he exploded into dust like a broken flour sack.
“ (Riordan, 2015, p. 120)
The archetype of Leo Valdez is can be determine in the form of familiar with such deeds
from our Jack-the-Giant-Killer nursery tales and the classical accounts of the labors of such
heroes as Herakles and Theseus(Campbell, 2017, p. 314). That in action upon his narrative
is also taking care of each other in the notion of serve and sacrifice.
By doing so, Leo also receives the in-departure stage about the call of adventure. in order to
detailing the justification is also framed in Jason and Piper, Leo join the quest to rescue
Hera (Tia Callida) from the evil, the display can be justied in the identified narrative down
He picked his way down the crater and approached the vat. The fumes were almost
overpowering, and his eyes started watering. He remembered a time when Tía Callida
(Hera, whatever) had made him chop jalapeños in the kitchen and he’d gotten the juice in
his eyes. Serious pain. But of course she’d been like, “Endure it, little hero. The Aztecs of
your mother’s homeland used to punish bad children by holding them over a fire filled with
chili peppers. They raised many heroes that way.”
A total psycho, that lady. Leo was so glad he was on a quest to rescue her. (Riordan, 2015,
p. 102)
The narrative of Leo as hero above is caused that he is experienced and officially stated
himself to willingly join the quest. And joing the quest is obviously the format of hero’s
life. This critic is supported by the understanding that the Hero must deal with a situation
that compels him to enter the Special World, and Leo cannot exit(Vogler, 1999, p. 4). Or
commonly this stage called as “belly of the whale” stage, a stage where hero has no way to
cancel the journey, it seems that hero takes the role as the hope and all carry out the burden
in such society, group, or anything that hero picked up as it aims to pursue.
By doing the commitment that Leo has no longer of having the way to exit after receiving
the call of adventure. in his narrative of his character also formed to be protagonist, in such
a detail like Leo has a kind heart, when Piper had kind of injure in her legs after falling
from the sky, he cured piper foot with his own magical medic tool. This is the kind heart
archetype of hero within Leo.
3. Piper
“You’re Medea,” she said. “You helped the original Jason steal the Golden Fleece. You’re
one of the most evil villains in Greek mythology. Jason, Leo—don’t trust her.” Piper put all
the intensity she could gather into those words. She was utterly sincere, and it seemed to
have some effect. Jason stepped away from the sorceress.Leo scratched his head and
looked around like he was coming out of a dream.“What are we doing, again?” (Riordan,
2015, p. 139)
As the foundation to judge, the analysis upon paper is based on the understanding that the
narrative of saving her friend above has the function to denote the archetype of hero is
nothing to lose upon himself, the archetype to sentence hero in this novel is putting the
other person or subject as the main point of be protected at all costs. Thereby this changing
archetype is portraying the hero journey which determine that the adventure of the hero
normally follows the pattern of the nuclear unit above described a separation from the
world, a penetration to some source of power, and a life-enhancing return.(Campbell, 2017,
p. 31)
By doing so, in such a continuation of Piper as hero. The detail upon her is signified that
Piper has a brave soul. She helped to buy some time for Valdez to finish his remote
machine to kill the e-cyclop by distract the cyclops, and also the addition detail that Piper
wants to rescue her dad even she know she will fall into a trap that used her dad as a lure.
“Hey, wait,” Piper said, trying to get the Cyclopes’ attention. “Hey, can I just ask—”The
wires sparked in Leo’s hand. The Cyclopes froze and turned in his direction. Then Torque
picked up a truck and threw it at him. Leo rolled as the truck steamrolled over the
machinery. If he’d been a half-second slower, he would’ve been smashed. He got to his feet,
and Ma Gasket spotted him. She yelled, “Torque, you pathetic excuse for a Cyclops, get
him!” (Riordan, 2015, p. 120).
“ Piper’s heart sank. First, she’d been asked to betray her friends. Now they were trying to
help her rescue her dad even though they knew they were walking into a trap. The idea of
fighting a giant had been scary enough. But the idea that Gaea was behind it—a force more
powerful than a god or Titan …”( Riordan, 2015, p. 196)
The detail of bravery in the character of Piper is determined by the archetype of hero which
form in the understanding that defined as individuals who choose to take physical risks on
behalf of one or more people, despite the possibility of suffering serious consequences,
including death(Franco et al., 2011, p. 6). Piper took the initiation which can be determine
as the solution over the problem which trouble and danger the people. That is also answered
her archetype of hero is pointed on how she saves other. The interesting archetype of Piper
in detail narrative is that she is a pure and firm heart, she chooses her friends rather than
obey the Giant to betray them even she is being threatened by the giant that if she do not
obey the giant will kill her father. By the narrative which denoting that Piper is a character
that serve her friend, this only serving that the hero archetype of Piper is getting bold that
he serve the protagonist side. Disobeying the antagonist here, namely the giant is
sentencing Piper as determined character in the first place. The determination of Piper is
can be denoted as heroine archetype, where she is independent, brave, and confident with
full ambition and courage(Daulay, 2021, p. 14). However, in such result upon hero
archetype analysis. it can be collected where it found the archetype of hero in Jason and
Leo, indeed heroine in Piper. From those detail of archetype it can be denoted that the
formula upon this novel in narrating hero as the perspective is enchanting the core notion of
serve and sacrifice. While the furry and spirit may reclaim as the addition.
B. Mentor Archetype
`In portraying the corridor of analysis upon this sub object identification. one shall
remember that the Mentor, a crucial archetype always offers inspiration, knowledge, and
instruction to assist the Hero in overcoming his uncertainties and anxieties and preparing
for the Journey. A Hero who is hesitant to face the unknown can benefit from the Mentor's
experience and assistance because they have frequently been where they are now. The
mentor archetype refers to a wise and experienced character in a story who serves as a
guide, teacher, or advisor to the hero. The mentor is often depicted as a wise and
knowledgeable character who has lived through many experiences and is able to offer
guidance and wisdom to the hero as they embark on their journey. In the hero's journey, the
mentor serves as a source of support, encouragement, and guidance for the hero. They often
provide the hero with important information, skills, and magical items that the hero will
need to complete their quest.

1. Coach Hedge
The first vivid identified mentor in this novel in Coach Hedge. In such a detail He is a satyr,
he introduces the trio indirectly when they were in a fight against Dylan and the other storm
spirit. The narrative can be followed up down below.
“Jason, Leo, stay behind me,” the coach ordered. “This is my fight. I should’ve known that
was our monster.” “What?” Leo demanded. A rogue worksheet slapped him in the face, but
he swatted it away. “What monster?”
“Get him how?” Jason demanded. “You going to fly?”“Not fly. Climb.” Hedge kicked off
his shoes, and Jason almost had a coronary. The coach didn’t have any feet. He had hooves
—goat’s hooves. Which meant those things on his head, Jason realized, weren’t bumps.
They were horns. “You’re a faun,” Jason said. (Riordan, 2015)
At the beginning of the fight with Dylan who threw Leo away the cliff, to save Leo and the
other Coach Hedge ordered Jason to keep Dylan busy so Hedge can save Leo and the others
who get kicked by Dylan typhoon. Through this moment our hero is learn in the section of
simulation before facing the life and death quest, his mentality also growth and high
confident. By doing so, the property that Coach Judge can be justified as mentor archetype
is very genuine of guidance. However, it is also supported from the understanding in hero
genre that Mentor role is to guide the hero while achieving what his are looking for. The
hero meets the Mentor to gain confidence, insight, advice, training, or magical gifts to
overcome the initial fears and face the threshold of the adventure(Hesse, 2018, p. 4)
2. Annabeth
The second identified character which very has a big influence in training the herp is
Annabeth. Annabeth is demigod from half-blood camp, at the first her appearance was to
fulfil her dream or vision to save her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. After Trio meet Annabeth,
she told them about being claimed and invite them to the camp, in camp she told them
about what is Half-blood camp and other thing that related to demigods.
“Would somebody tell me what claimed means?” Piper asked.
Suddenly there was a collective gasp. The campers backed away. At first Piper thought
she’d done something wrong. Then she realized their faces were bathed in a strange red
light, as if someone had lit a torch behind her. She turned and almost forgot how to
breathe.Floating over Leo’s head was a blazing holographic image —a fiery
hammer.“That,” Annabeth said, “is claiming.” (Riordan, 2015)
In the narrative above, Annabeth is providing the knowledge and skill of what hero need in
his context of capability. It can be claim that this stage is mentoring stage, however it
automatically denoted that Annabeth is a mentor who guide what is necessity the hero
needs. As the evidence where Annabeth also take Leo, Jason, and Piper to do a tour to
introduce all things about demigods and Half-blood camp. This narrative however justified
the understanding that The Mentor, a crucial Archetype, offers inspiration, knowledge, and
instruction to assist the Hero in overcoming his uncertainties and anxieties and preparing
for the Journey. A Hero who is hesitant to face the unknown can benefit from the Mentor's
experience and assistance because they have frequently been where they are
now(Campbell, 2017, p. 77). In genuine detail of Annabeth archetype, it is very bold to
justify that she is serving anything that Hero needs before entering the unusual world. Like
the way She explains about God’s realm like Tartarus.
3. Chiron
The next identified the archetype of mentor in this novel is existed in the narrative of
Chiron. Chiron is a Head-officer in Half-blood Camp he is a centaur. When he meets Jason
and Annabeth, he tells and helped to discuss about Hera or Juno to Jason and explain
something about chaos things. Chiron also had a wise thought to not to talk about what is
facing the trio, because it will make they scare and make this camp burn in riot. The
narrative can be followed in the down below.
Chiron nodded reluctantly. “Of Juno, Hera’s Roman aspect, in her most warlike state. The
goatskin cloak was a symbol of the Roman soldier.”“So Hera is imprisoned?” Rachel
asked. “Who could do that to the queen of the gods?”Annabeth crossed her arms. “Well,
whoever they are, maybe we should thank them. If they can shut up Hera—”
“Annabeth,” Chiron warned (Riordan, 2015)
The quality of Chiron archetype is seeming quite different. It is because by Chiron
existence, it is creating that in mentor archetype in this novel contain a hierarchy of rule
and policy in area. By how the form of Chiron was made up as the head officer in the camp.
But Chiron’s property as the archetype of mentor is only pointing of how Chiron gave the
tools and the advice of hero’s mentality. Chiron in such a place is ordered in the archetype
to assist the Hero in overcoming his doubts and anxieties and preparing for the Journey, the
Mentor offers inspiration, knowledge, and instruction. A Hero who is hesitant to face the
unknown can benefit from the Mentor's experience and assistance because they have
frequently been where they are now(Vogler, 1999, p. 34).
4. Lupa
In such a content of mentor, Lupa can be determined to join the signification as mentor.
Despite Lupa’s quality content is by dreaming and not a figure which portray as full
wisdom of wiser than any of figure, or at least older. Lupa’s narrative is very functional and
creative in projecting the defamiliarization of mentor. Because in the narrative, Lupa is a
She-wolf that Jason met in his dream, in the dream Lupa guide Jason to the place that
chosen by the enemy to wake their king. The action to guide by Lupa is an act of mentor
characteristic. The narrative of Lupa can be followed in the down below.
“Can you guide me?” Jason asked.
Lupa made a rumbling noise deep in her throat, and the mist in the pool dissolved. At first
Jason wasn’t sure what he was seeing. At opposite ends of the pool, two dark spires had
erupted from the cement floor like the drill bits of some massive tunneling machines boring
through the surface. Jason couldn’t tell if the spires were made of rock or petrified vines,
but they were formed of thick tendrils that came together in a point at the top. Each spire
was about five feet tall, but they weren’t identical. The one closest to Jason was darker and
seemed like a solid mass, its tendrils fused together. As he watched, it pushed a little farther
out of the earth and expanded a little wider. (Riordan, 2015)
The discussion of Lupa may enter the claim that aesthetic of this narrative is genuine in
technique of defamiliarization. The technique to use animal figure which has the function to
hold guidance. It is affirmative that the form of concept demigod is also unfamiliar, but a
wolf is obviously unfamiliar withing the story environment. However, the justification of
Lupa as mentor is determine by its content and the understanding that o assist the Hero in
overcoming his doubts and anxieties and preparing for the Journey, the Mentor offers
inspiration, knowledge, and instruction. A Hero who is hesitant to face the unknown can
benefit from the Mentor's experience and assistance because they have frequently been
where they are now. As a reward for the Hero's dedication, the Mentor may give him
magical items (such as a key, weapon, piece of clothing, or piece of advice) that will aid
him in the coming stages of the Journey. To entice the Hero to undertake the task, the
Mentor can offer a potent magical gift(Vogler, 1999, p. 34).
5. Hephaestus
The next identified the mentor archetype is belong to the character of Hephaestus. In this
novel detail of Hephaestus archetype. Hephaestus is narrated as the God of craft and fire, he
is the father of Leo Valdez, once in the story he appears in Leo Dream, helped, and guide
him to fulfil the quest. He such kind of God, he violates Zeus order to not to talk to their
children just to threat Leo well and help him.
“Used this in the Cold War,” the god said fondly. “Radio Free Hephaestus. Those were the
days. I keep it around for pay-for-view, mostly, or making viral brain videos—”“Viral
brain videos?”
“But now it’s come in handy again. If Zeus knew I was contacting you, he’d have my hide.”
(page. 147)
“It was the second Titan War, I suppose,” Hephaestus said. “That’s what got Zeus upset.
We gods were … well, embarrassed. Don’t think there’s any other way to say it.”“But you
won,” Leo said. ( page147).
“Hardest part, boy. Letting my children walk their own paths. Interfering doesn’t work. The
Fates make sure of that. As for the claiming, you were a special case, boy. The timing had
to be right. I can’t explain it much more, but—” (Riordan, 2015)
It can be justified in this novel contained many mentor archetypes in the character.
The quality of Hephaestus in this novel only functioned to add the sense of personal
guidance. Because he is the father of Leo Valdez. It is very familiar where the form of
giving guidance came from the closest relation, despite in referring that the mentor has
something valued or power. By doing so, this novel form that the power is also came out
from our closest relation like father and son. This is justified because mentorship content
as the archetype can denoted as This narrative is only preserving the section where the hero
needs to understand and denoting the relationship between a parent and child, a teacher and
pupil, a doctor and patient, and God and man are all represented by the mentor(Vogler,
1999, p. 77). The mentor's job is to get the hero ready to accept the adventure and face the
6. Aphrodite
The last character which identified containing the archetype of mentor is Aphrodite.
Aphrodite is goddess of love, she also mother of Piper, once she met piper in her dream to
guide her to save her father and gave the potion to erase recent memories of her father.
“ She opened her hand and showed Piper a glowing glass vial of pink liquid. “This is one
of Medea’s kinder mixtures. It erases only recent memories. When you save your father, if
you can save him, you should give him this.”Piper couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“You want me to dope my dad? You want me to make him forget what he’s been through?”
rio(Riordan, 2015)
It is understandable given that the character in this work embodies many mentor tropes. In
this book, Aphrodite simply served to enhance the sense of personal direction. Even if the
mentor is referred to as having worth or authority, it is quite acquainted where the manner
of offering advice originated. By doing this, this innovative form which has the power also
emerged from our closest relationships, such as those between mother and daughter. But in
this narrative Aphrodite not only giving the advice yet there is a reward for the Hero's
dedication, the Mentor may give him magical items (such as a key, weapon, piece of
clothing, or piece of advice) that will aid him in the coming stages of the Journey(Vogler,
1999, p. 34). To entice the Hero to undertake the task, the Mentor can offer a potent
magical gift, and at this point Aphrodite gave Piper glowing glass vial of pink liquid.
C. Threshold Guardian Archetype
The understanding of Threshold Guardians signification to be analysis is containing the
narrative about the function of character, which ordered to protect the Special World and its
secrets from the Hero and provide essential tests to prove a Hero’s commitment and worth.
The Hero must bypass these obstacles, and use any method available: ignoring, outwitting,
overcoming, appeasing, or befriending.
1 Boreas
The first identification to be analysis is Boreas. This character containing the threshold
guardian because when the trio accept their call to adventure, they recognized that they
must follow the storm spirit for the clue to fulfil their prophecy, so they go to the Boreas
palace. Boreas is king of north wind so they thought that he must know about the storm
When Trio arrived, they met the guard Zerthes and Cal they are sons of Boreas or known as
Boreads?” Jason cut in. “Do you mean, like, the sons of Boreas?”
“Ah, so you’ve heard of us!” Zethes looked pleased. “We are our father’s gatekeepers. So
you understand, we cannot have unauthorized people flying in his airspace on creaky
dragons, scaring the silly mortal peoples.” (Riordan, 2015)
In the detail of testing the the hero. The Trio was blocked a while by the guard because of
the dragon and Leo. Boreads doesn’t like Dragon and fire because it will melt their hair. As
soon as debate end, they met Khione, daughter of Boreas and she bring the Trio to her
Father. Boreas is north wind king; he got the order to kill the Trio. By doing so, this is
sublimed the understanding where the property of threshold guardian that denoted and offer
necessary tests to demonstrate a Hero's dedication and value while shielding the Hero from
the Special World and its mysteries. These challenges must be overcome by the hero using
every strategy at his disposal, including ignoring, outsmarting, surmounting, appeasing, or
befriending. Characters, a locked door or vault, an animal, or a natural phenomenon like a
tornado are all examples of Threshold Guardians. However, Threshold guardian is an
element that prevents the unworthy from entering. They tend to congregate at thresholds
but may be passed or turned into an ally. These guardians are there to test the hero's
fortitude and dedication to the quest(Campbell, 2017, p. 62). However, to claim where
Boreas has the archetype of threshold guardian. At the based of hid form is simply like the
form of prank and realization of how he become and joining the progress of protagonist. By
doing so, the test of the trio in Boreas section can be claimed in the form of comedy.
Nevertheless, the form is unfamiliar, it still has content of testing the hero dedication. That
is to say, in claiming the analysis above.
2 Khione
The next threshold guardian is khoine. In the archetype of Khione, she was the daughter of
Boreas, she was goddess of snow. She has the cold heart; she wants to freeze Jason and his
friends in the castle as her statue. The narrative of testing from Khoine can be followed
down below.
“Khione stepped behind Jason and put her cold fingers on his neck. “My father gives me
such lovely presents,” she murmured in his ear. “Join our court. Perhaps I’ll let your
friends go.” (100) (Riordan, 2015)
At the bottom step, Khione turned to Piper. “You have fooled my father, girl. But you have
not fooled me. We are not done. And you, Jason Grace, I will see you as a statue in the
throne room soon enough.” “Be careful,” Zethes warned. “She never forgets an insult.”
(Riordan, 2015)
In such a continuation, in the narrative above Khoine also want to get revenge on
the Trio because her father let them free to go, and she did not want that. By doing so, to
called Khoine is the same part of prank formula is not too much to claim about. She is quite
strong enough to test and guard the unordinary word. Genuine as the trial, connotatively
match to try slashing the sword or magic to be spelled on her. Pretty sure by her form of
power, it raised up the nuance of life and death. Hereby the justification of khoine may
rejoice. That her archetype is threshold guardian because the function is only to test
whether he is worthy to enter the special world facing the guardian figures that may appear
and block the hero's path(Campbell, 2017, p. 76). It is also shall be remembered the
discussion of the archetype that Threshold Guardians protect the Special World and its
secrets from the Hero and provide essential tests to prove a Hero’s commitment and worth.
The Hero must bypass these obstacles, and use any method available: ignoring, outwitting,
overcoming, appeasing, or befriending(Vogler, 1999, p. 14)
3 .Midas
Midas, a wealthy businessman, can be seen as a threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero".
Threshold guardians are characters in mythology and storytelling that serve as obstacles or
challenges that must be overcome by the hero before they can progress on their journey.
In the novel, Midas is presented as a wealthy and powerful individual who blocks the
heroes' progress on their journey. He possesses a vast fortune and vast influence, and he is
not afraid to use it to get what he wants. The heroes must overcome Midas's power and
influence if they hope to complete their quest.
Midas's ability to turn everything he touches into gold can be seen as symbolic of his power
and influence, and the challenge that he presents to the heroes. The heroes must find a way
to overcome Midas and his wealth if they hope to succeed in their quest.
“But you accidentally turned your own daughter to gold,” Piper remembered. “And you
realized how greedy you’d been. So you repented.” (157)
He really greedy and ignorance about the curse he have.
“I told you I was sorry, son. At any rate, gold is wonderful. Why would I give it up?”“Well
…” Piper looked truly lost now. “Isn’t that the point of the story? That you learned your
Midas laughed. “My dear, may I see your backpack for a moment? Toss it here.”
Piper hesitated, but she wasn’t eager to offend the king. She dumped everything out of the
pack and tossed it to Midas. As soon as he caught it, the pack turned to gold, like frost
spreading across the fabric. It still looked flexible and soft, but definitely gold. The king
tossed it back. (Riordan, 2015)
That is to say, Midas serves as a threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero" by providing a
significant obstacle for the heroes to overcome as they journey towards their goal. He
represents the idea that wealth and power can be used to block progress and that the heroes
must find a way to overcome these obstacles in order to succeed.
4 Lityerses
Lityerses is son of Midas he has cruel heart even get known as Reaper of the man because
in the past he loves to kill somone. He such annoying guy, he so arrogant, he can also be
seen as a threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero". Threshold guardians are characters in
mythology and storytelling that serve as obstacles or challenges that must be overcome by
the hero before they can progress on their journey.
Lit stood behind the throne, both hands on his sword, glancing at Piper and flexing his
muscular arms just to be annoying. Jason wondered if he looked that ripped holding a
sword. Sadly, he doubted it.
Yes! I was told there was an oracle in Omaha.” The king shrugged. “Apparently I was
mistaken. But this is a rather nice house, isn’t it? Lit—it’s short for Lityerses, by the way—
horrible name, but his mother insisted—Lit has plenty of wide-open space to practice his
swordplay. He has quite a reputation for that. They called him the Reaper of Men back in
the old days.” (Riordan, 2015)
In the novel, Lityerses is presented as a skilled and dangerous opponent who blocks the
heroes' progress on their journey. He is a skilled fighter and has a reputation for being
unbeatable in combat. The heroes must overcome Lityerses if they hope to complete their
quest.Lityerses's ability to defeat all who challenge him can be seen as symbolic of the
challenge he presents to the heroes. The heroes must find a way to overcome Lityerses and
his combat skills if they hope to succeed in their quest. Hereby, Lityerses serves as a
threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero" by providing a significant obstacle for the heroes to
overcome as they journey towards their goal. He represents the idea that skill and prowess
in combat can be used to block progress and that the heroes must find a way to overcome
these obstacles in order to succeed.
5 Lyacon
Lyacon is the Werewolf. He such a cruel monster and also arrogant. When he met the trio
he speak Roman, and that show how arrogant he is.
Lycaon glared at Jason’s sword. He moved to each side as if looking for an opening, but
Jason’s blade moved with him. “Leave,” Jason ordered. “There’s no food for you
here.”“Unless you want tofu burgers,” Leo offered.Lycaon bared his fangs. Apparently he
wasn’t a tofu fan. “If I had my way,” Lycaon said with regret, “I’d kill you first, son of
Jupiter. Your father made me what I am. I was the powerful mortal king of Arcadia, with
fifty fine sons, and Zeus slew them all with his lightning bolts.” “Lycaon invited Zeus to
dinner,” she said. “But the king wasn’t sure it was really Zeus. So to test his powers,
Lycaon tried to feed him human flesh. Zeus got outraged—”“And killed my sons!” Lycaon
howled. The wolves behind him howled too. “So Zeus turned him into a wolf,” Piper said.
“They call… they call werewolves lycanthropes, named after him, the first werewolf.”
(Riordan, 2015)
Lyeacon, the king of the party animals, can also be seen as a threshold guardian in "The
Lost Hero". Threshold guardians are characters in mythology and storytelling that serve as
obstacles or challenges that must be overcome by the hero before they can progress on their
journey.In the novel, Lycaon is presented as a charismatic and powerful individual who
blocks the heroes' progress on their journey. He is the king of the party animals and has the
ability to control them, making him a formidable opponent. The heroes must overcome
Lycaon if they hope to complete their quest. Lycaon's ability to control the party animals
and use them to do his bidding can be seen as symbolic of the challenge he presents to the
heroes. The heroes must find a way to overcome Lycaon and his powers if they hope to
succeed in their quest. Overall, Lycaon serves as a threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero"
by providing a significant obstacle for the heroes to overcome as they journey towards their
goal. He represents the idea that charisma and influence can be used to block progress and
that the heroes must find a way to overcome these obstacles in order to succeed. Aeolus
Aeolus is master of the wind, he know about weather, about storm spirit and about anything
happened in world. Aeolus is mad man, he rather to hear what other people say except it get
his attention.
“Um, sir,” Mellie said, “this is Jason, son of—” “Yes, yes, I remember,” Aeolus said.
“You’re back. How did it go?”Jason hesitated. “Sorry? I think you’ve mistaken me—”
“No, no, Jason Grace, aren’t you? It was—what—last year? You were on your way to fight
a sea monster, I believe.” (183)
He really mad, completely mad so the weather turn randomly
Mellie smirked. “And how often are the mortal weathermen right? They talk about fronts
and air pressure and moisture, but the weather surprises them all the time. At least Aeolus
tells us why it’s so unpredictable. Very hard job, trying to appease all the gods at once. It’s
enough to drive anyone …”She trailed off, but Jason knew what she meant. Mad. Aeolus
was completely mad.
“And that’s the weather,” Aeolus concluded. “See you in twelve minutes, because I’m sure
it’ll change!”(Riordan, 2015)
Aeolus, the god of winds, can also be seen as a threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero".
Threshold guardians are characters in mythology and storytelling that serve as obstacles or
challenges that must be overcome by the hero before they can progress on their journey. In
the novel, Aeolus is presented as a powerful and aloof deity who blocks the heroes'
progress on their journey. He controls the winds and can use them to his advantage, making
him a formidable opponent. The heroes must overcome Aeolus if they hope to complete
their quest. Aeolus's ability to control the winds and use them as a weapon can be seen as
symbolic of the challenge he presents to the heroes. The heroes must find a way to
overcome Aeolus and his powers if they hope to succeed in their quest. Overall, Aeolus
serves as a threshold guardian in "The Lost Hero" by providing a significant obstacle for
the heroes to overcome as they journey towards their goal. He represents the idea that
supernatural powers can be used to block progress and that the heroes must find a way to
overcome these obstacles in order to succeed.
D. Herald Archetype
In order to start the continuation, od analysis upon the archetype of Herald. One
shall remember the corridor of determination in the first place. The Herald archetype in the
hero journey theory is the character or event that signals the start of the hero's quest. This
could be a messenger, a summons, or a crisis that calls the hero to action. The Herald serves
as the trigger for the hero's journey and sets the stage for the rest of the adventure.
1 Dylan
Dylan is a storm spirit, at the first time he mock into one of the student of hedge coach but
he turn out into a storm spirit—his real identity and he lock on the three (Jason, Piper and
leo) for the sake of his mistress.
Dylan’s laugh sounded like a tornado tearing off a roof. “I’m glad I waited, demigod. Leo
and Piper I’ve known about for weeks. Could’ve killed them at any time. But my mistress
said a third was coming—someone special. She’ll reward me greatly for your death!”(pg
“What happened? The tornado guy, the gold sword … I hit my head. That’s it, right? I’m
hallucinating?”Jason had forgotten about the sword. He walked over to where it was lying
and picked it up. The blade was well balanced. On a hunch he flipped it. Midspin, the
sword shrank back into a coin and landed in his palm.“Yep,” Leo said. “Definitely
hallucinating.” (pg 17).(Riordan, 2015)
Dylan indirectly made the three realize that they are demigods with such a power and they
wait for their big journey in the further. Dylan, a demigod, can also be seen as a herald in
"The Lost Hero". Heralds are characters in mythology and storytelling who bring news,
information, or a call to action to the hero. They often serve as the catalyst that sets the
hero's journey in motion. In the novel, Dylan is presented as the demigod who brings news
of the hero's quest to the protagonist, Jason. Dylan's appearance serves as the catalyst that
sets Jason on his journey and sets the events of the story in motion. Dylan's role as a herald
can also be seen in his interactions with the other characters in the story. He brings
information and guidance to the heroes as they journey, helping them to make decisions and
navigate their way through the challenges they face. Overall, Dylan serves as a herald in
"The Lost Hero" by bringing the news of the hero's quest and setting the events of the story
in motion. He represents the idea that information and guidance can be a powerful tool in
helping the hero on their journey.
2 Hera
Hera appearance come to heroes’ dream like Piper, Leo Valdes, and Jason to call them for a
quest to save her from the dangerous enemy. At the first appearance she come to Piper,
Jason and then Leo. Hera told that she was in danger and she call for the Heroes to save her,
or to make the Heroes realize that they must be conquer the quest.
In the dream she also informs the Hero that there are But mostly, the dream had warned her
this was coming. Soon they will find you, demigod, that voice had rumbled. When they do,
follow our directions. Cooperate, and your father might live. (23)
Free me, she said. But it wasn’t Rachel’s voice. It sounded like an older woman, speaking
from somewhere far away, down a long, echoing pipe. Free me, Piper McLean, or the earth
shall swallow us. It must be by the solstice. (33)(Riordan, 2015)
terrifying enemy that must be defeated by the Heroes, but Hera never said directly who is
the enemy, all she told just warn that the enemy dangerous. Hera, the queen of the gods, can
also be seen as a herald in "The Lost Hero". Heralds are characters in mythology and
storytelling who bring news, information, or a call to action to the hero. They often serve as
the catalyst that sets the hero's journey in motion. In the novel, Hera is presented as the
goddess who provides information and guidance to the heroes as they journey. She appears
to the heroes at various points in the story, offering her wisdom and helping to steer them in
the right direction. Hera's role as a herald can also be seen in her interactions with the other
characters in the story. She brings news and information to the heroes, helping them to
understand their quest and the challenges they face. Overall, Hera serves as a herald in "The
Lost Hero" by providing information and guidance to the heroes as they journey. She
represents the idea that wisdom and knowledge can be powerful tools in helping the hero
on their journey.
3 Rachel
Rachel is an oracle that can deliver message, tell the propechy and communicate indirectly
with gods. When the trio came to Half-Blood camp, she tell the prophecy same with hera as
a call to the adventure. She also warn Jason that he must beware the earth and giant, and
some description about the things could save they are.
“For those of you who have not heard it,” Rachel said, “the Great Prophecy was my first
prediction. It arrived in August. It goes like this: “Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire the world must fall—” Jason shot to his feet. His eyes looked wild, like
he’d just been tasered. Even Rachel seemed caught off guard. “J-Jason?” she said.
“What’s—” “Ut cum spiritu postrema sacramentum dejuremus,” he chanted. “Et hostes
ornamenta addent ad ianuam necem.” (Riordan, 2015)
Rachel can be seen as a herald in "The Lost Hero". Heralds are characters in mythology and
storytelling who bring news, information, or a call to action to the hero. They often serve as
the catalyst that sets the hero's journey in motion.In the novel, Rachel serves as the herald
who helps to guide the heroes on their quest. She brings information to the heroes, helping
them to understand their mission and the challenges they face. She also helps to point the
heroes in the right direction and provide them with the knowledge they need to succeed.
Rachel's role as a herald can also be seen in her interactions with the other characters in the
story. She brings news and information to the heroes, helping to steer them towards their
goal and aiding them in their quest. Overall, Rachel serves as a herald in "The Lost Hero"
by providing the heroes with information and guidance as they journey. She represents the
idea that knowledge and information can be powerful tools in helping the hero on their
4 Thalia
Thalia is Jason brother; she never knows that Jason still alive until she met him. She same
with Jason, son of Zeus. When Jason met Her, she explains about what happened when they
still child, when Jason 2 years old. And she also helps to recognize Jason himself because
Jason told that he had an amnesia. Thalia also helps to recognize the place where the
prophecy will start but rather than to speak it directly she told Jason indirectly by asking for
himself for a good sake.
“Possibly,” Thalia said. “I’ve never heard of something like that happening, but it might
explain why you think in Roman terms, why you can speak Latin rather than Ancient Greek.
That would make you unique. Still, it doesn’t explain how you’ve survived without Camp
Half-Blood. A child of Zeus, or Jupiter, or whatever you want to call him—you would’ve
been hounded by monsters. If you were on your own, you should’ve died years ago. I know
I wouldn’t have been able to survive without friends. You would’ve needed training, a safe
haven—” “He wasn’t alone,” Leo blurted out. “We’ve heard about others like him.” (174)
(Riordan, 2015)
Thalia can be seen as a herald in "The Lost Hero". Heralds are characters in mythology and
storytelling who bring news, information, or a call to action to the hero. They often serve as
the catalyst that sets the hero's journey in motion. In the novel, Thalia serves as a herald by
bringing news to the heroes and helping to guide them on their quest. She provides
information and guidance to the heroes, helping them to understand their mission and the
challenges they face. She also helps to steer the heroes in the right direction and provide
them with the knowledge they need to succeed. Thalia's role as a herald can also be seen in
her interactions with the other characters in the story. She brings news and information to
the heroes, helping to steer them towards their goal and aiding them in their quest. Overall,
Thalia serves as a herald in "The Lost Hero" by providing the heroes with information and
guidance as they journey. She represents the idea that knowledge and information can be
powerful tools in helping the hero on their quest
E Shapeshifter Archetype
The shapeshifter archetype refers to characters in stories who could change their form or
appearance. Shapeshifters can take on different physical or metaphysical forms and are
often seen as cunning, unpredictable, and untrustworthy. In mythology and folklore,
shapeshifters are often depicted as magical beings, such as witches, werewolves, or shape-
shifting spirits, who use their powers for both good and evil. In contemporary fiction,
shapeshifters are often depicted as beings with supernatural abilities, such as mutants or
aliens, who have the ability to manipulate their form. The shapeshifter archetype represents
the idea of transformation and change, both in a literal and a metaphorical sense.
Shapeshifters can be seen as symbols of the power of transformation and the ability to
adapt to different situations and environments.
1 Hera
Hera is the Goddes who call the Heroes to fulfil the quest, but she also a shapeshifter that
make the hero confuse, she steals Jason Memory and also want Jason to help her to free her
from a cage. This was so ridiculous because why she steals the person memories that you
want to save you.
But if Hera took your memory, only she can give it back. And if I had to meet the queen of
the gods, I’d hope she was more in a Hera mood than a Juno mood. Can I go back to sleep
now?” (51)
Our enemies stir. The fiery one is only the first. Bow to his will, and their king shall rise,
dooming us all. FREE ME! (Riordan, 2015)
Hera, the queen of the gods, can also be seen as a shapeshifter in "The Lost Hero".
Shapeshifters are characters in mythology and storytelling who have the ability to change
their form or appearance. In the novel, Hera is presented as a powerful goddess who has the
ability to shapeshift. She uses this ability to change her appearance and interact with the
other characters in the story. This allows her to appear in a different form, making it easier
for her to carry out her plans and manipulate the events of the story. Hera's role as a
shapeshifter can also be seen in her interactions with the other characters in the story. She
uses her ability to change her appearance to mislead and manipulate the heroes, creating
obstacles and challenges for them to overcome. Overall, Hera serves as a shapeshifter in
"The Lost Hero" by using her ability to change her appearance to influence and manipulate
the events of the story. She represents the idea that appearances can be deceiving and that
those who have the power to change their form can wield significant power and influence.
2 Aeolus
Aeolus is the shapeshifter too, because once he helped Jason and friends to locate Hera’s
cage and give them some important information, but it’s turned out when he realize that he
don’t promoted he got disappointment toward Jason and tried to kill them.
“And Aeolus here was just about to help us,” Jason said.“Yes,” the wind lord muttered. “It
seems so. You’ll find Enceladus on Mount Diablo.” “Devil Mountain?” Leo asked. “That
doesn’t sound good.” “I remember that place!” Piper said. “I went there once with my
dad. It’s just east of San Francisco Bay.”“The Bay Area again?” The coach shook his
head. “Not good. Not good at all.”“Now …” Aeolus began to smile. “As to getting you
there—” “She hasn’t spoke to me for centuries. I can’t—yes, yes I understand.”
He swallowed, regarding Jason as if he had suddenly turned into a giant cockroach. “I’m
sorry, son of Jupiter. New orders. You all have to die.” (188)(Riordan, 2015)
Aeolus, the god of the winds, can also be seen as a shapeshifter in "The Lost Hero".
Shapeshifters are characters in mythology and storytelling who have the ability to change
their form or appearance.In the novel, Aeolus is presented as a powerful god who has the
ability to shapeshift. He uses this ability to change his appearance and interact with the
other characters in the story. This allows him to appear in a different form, making it easier
for him to carry out his plans and manipulate the events of the story. Aeolus' role as a
shapeshifter can also be seen in his interactions with the other characters in the story. He
uses his ability to change his appearance to mislead and manipulate the heroes, creating
obstacles and challenges for them to overcome.Overall, Aeolus serves as a shapeshifter in
"The Lost Hero" by using his ability to change his appearance to influence and manipulate
the events of the story. He represents the idea that appearances can be deceiving and that
those who have the power to change their form can wield significant power and influence.
3 Khione
Khione is shapeshifter because once she want to keep Jason with her by exchange it to free
Jason friends. The interest of Khione towards Jason turn into betraying, she told that she
would get revenge on Jason, and then she do it. She froze Thalia; Jason sister. Khione also
the one who destroy the festus; Leo’s Dragon pet.
“ Your persuasive powers are improving, girl. But I am a goddess. You can’t charm-speak
me. We wind gods are creatures of chaos! I’ll overthrow Aeolus and let the storms run free.
If we destroy the mortal world, all the better! They never honored me, even in Greek times.
Humans and their talk of global warming. Pah! I’ll cool them down quickly enough. When
we retake the ancient places, I will cover the Acropolis in snow.” (Riordan, 2015)
She reveals her goal is to make this world burn in chaos. Khoine is a character in "The Lost
Hero" and could potentially be seen as a shapeshifter. Shapeshifters are characters in
mythology and storytelling who have the ability to change their form or appearance. In the
novel, it's not specified whether Khoine has the ability to shapeshift or not. However, if the
character is portrayed as having the ability to change their form, they could be considered a
shapeshifter. The role of shapeshifters in storytelling often involves using their ability to
change their form to mislead and manipulate other characters, creating obstacles and
challenges for them to overcome. If Khoine is portrayed as a shapeshifter in the novel, their
role in the story would likely involve using their ability to change form to influence and
manipulate events. Overall, if Khoine is portrayed as a shapeshifter in "The Lost Hero",
they would represent the idea that appearances can be deceiving and that those who have
the power to change their form can wield significant power and influence.
F. Shadow Archetype
The shadow archetype refers to the darker, unconscious aspects of a person's personality
that are repressed and hidden from conscious awareness. In psychology, the shadow is often
associated with the unconscious and the unconscious desires, fears, and impulses that are
seen as unacceptable or undesirable. In storytelling, the shadow archetype is often depicted
as a character or force that represents the hero's inner demons and weaknesses. This
character can take many forms, such as an evil twin, a dark version of the hero, or a sinister
force that threatens to destroy the hero's world. The shadow archetype serves as a reminder
that everyone has a dark side and that it is important to acknowledge and confront these
aspects of oneself to achieve wholeness and balance. In the hero's journey, the hero often
must confront and overcome their shadow self in order to complete their quest and become
a better person.
1 Piper
Piper had another whisper than Hera, it became the shadow of piper and make she dilemma
about to betray her friend to save her father or loyal to her friends to save Hera, and at the
first heard the whisper Piper didn’t tell her friends. The shadow threat piper to kill her
father if she didn’t obey and cooperate Then the shadow reveal himself as Enceladus the
giant he tried to order Pipe to Betray her friends again and serve the giant.
The last few weeks had been the best of her life. And then, three nights ago, the dream had
ruined everything—that horrible voice, giving her horrible news. She hadn’t told anyone
about it, not even Jason. (19)
Soon they will find you, demigod, that voice had rumbled. When they do, follow our
directions. Cooperate, and your father might live. (23)
You’ll betray them for us, the voice had warned. Or you’ll lose everything.(27)(Riordan,
In the narrative above, the character of Piper McLean can be seen as embodying the
shadow archetype. As a demigod and a daughter of Aphrodite, Piper struggles with her own
insecurities and fears, as well as with the darker aspects of her personality that she tries to
keep hidden. Even throughout the novel, Piper faces challenges that force her to confront
her own fears and weaknesses, including her insecurity about her abilities as a demigod, her
fear of not being good enough, and her fear of losing those she loves. These fears represent
Piper's shadow self and the darker aspects of her personality that she must overcome in
order to achieve growth and self-discovery. Piper must confront her shadow self in order to
become a stronger, more confident person and to play a critical role in saving the world. In
conclusion, Piper McLean in "The Lost Hero" embodies the shadow archetype and serves
as a symbol of the inner demons that the hero must face and overcome in order to achieve
growth and self-discovery. Through her journey, Piper transforms from a insecure and
afraid young woman to a confident and capable hero, demonstrating the power of
confronting one's shadow self in order to achieve personal growth and fulfillment
2 Leo
The consideration to put Leo in shadow archetype is that Leo had traumatized to someone
who called Tia, it reminded him of his mom death and Tia that had to kill him. His past
makes him little stress and trauma, all the thing that like his past it triggered his trauma.
Leo once promised that he would never play with fire because fire killed his mom and it’s
because Tia Calinda triggered it to Leo when he can’t control his ability to make fire. The
narrative can be followed down below.
Leo wanted to protest, but when he looked back toward the big white cabin, Tía Callida
was gone. He was sure she’d been there, almost as if thinking about his mom had
summoned Callida back from the past.
And that wasn’t good, because Tía Callida had tried to kill him (35)
He pushed that thought away. He didn’t like painful memories. Keep moving—that was his
motto. Don’t dwell on things. Don’t stay in one place too long. It was the only way to stay
ahead of the sadness. (35)(Riordan, 2015)
Leo Valdez, one of the main characters in "The Lost Hero," can be seen as embodying the
shadow archetype. The shadow archetype refers to the unconscious aspects of the self,
often representing negative traits or characteristics that an individual tries to repress or hide
In the novel, Leo is portrayed as being a skilled engineer and craftsman, but he also
struggles with feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. He often tries to hide these
feelings behind a joking, lighthearted demeanor, but they continue to haunt him throughout
the story. Additionally, Leo's experience of feeling like an outsider and not belonging,
which stems from his difficult childhood and the loss of his mother, can be seen as a
manifestation of the shadow archetype. These experiences and feelings represent the darker,
unconscious aspects of his personality that he tries to hide or repress. Overall, Leo serves as
the shadow archetype in "The Lost Hero" by representing the unconscious and darker
aspects of the self, and the journey to confront and integrate these aspects into one's overall
3 Porphyrion
Poryphyron is the Giant, but with more powerfull power, he really arrogant and belittle
He is the Giant who kidnap Hera, he really cruel and has big power because hi is
the king of giant and the son of Gaea.
“So … we’ll start by boasting, will we? Just like old times! Very well, demigod. I am
Porphryion, king of the giants, son of Gaea. In olden times, I rose from Tatarus, the abyss
of my father, to challenge the gods. To start the war, I stole Zeus’s queen.” He grinned at
the goddess’s cage. “Hello, Hera.” (224)(Riordan, 2015)
Porphyrion, a giant in Greek mythology, is a character in the novel "The Lost Hero" by
Rick Riordan. In the book, Porphyrion serves as the main antagonist and can be seen as
embodying the shadow archetype. The shadow archetype refers to the unconscious aspects
of the self, often representing negative traits or characteristics that an individual tries to
repress or hide. In the novel, Porphyrion represents the darker, more destructive aspects of
humanity, such as greed, power-hungriness, and violence. He embodies the archetype of the
shadow by serving as a representation of the destructive forces that exist within the
unconscious mind and must be faced and overcome. Throughout the story, Porphyrion
serves as a constant threat to the main characters, forcing them to confront the darker
aspects of their own personalities as well as the dangers posed by the unconscious mind. In
this sense, Porphyrion serves as a powerful representation of the shadow archetype in "The
Lost Hero."
4. Gaea
Gaea or the earth itself is the enemy of all demigods and god, she resurrected all the boss of
the story such as Midas and Medea to destroy demigods and the god itself to achieve her
own goal to take the earth from the gods.
Gaea also sent the others villain to destroy the demigods like Ma Gasket and the cyclops,
Dylan the Storm spirit, Aulus and Khione.
Suddenly his face went slack. He bent over and tapped his earpiece as if it were
malfunctioning. When he straightened again, his eyes were wild. Despite the makeup, he
looked like an old man—an old, very frightened man. “She hasn’t spoke to me for
centuries. I can’t—yes, yes I understand.”He swallowed, regarding Jason as if he had
suddenly turned into a giant cockroach. “I’m sorry, son of Jupiter. New orders. You all
have to die.” (188)(Riordan, 2015)
As a main villain Gaea has a big role to interrupt the heroes journey. She was the reason
why Leo got traumatized about fire because in the past Leo burned his house and his
mother with it. He lost his control because of Gaea whisper.
“ Leo steped to the doors and control his breathing. The voice of the earth woman still
rang in his ears, reminding him of his mother’s death. (117) “(Riordan, 2015)
Gaea, the Greek goddess of the earth, is a character in the novel "The Lost Hero" by Rick
Riordan. In the novel, Gaea can be seen as embodying the shadow archetype. The shadow
archetype refers to the unconscious aspects of the self, often representing negative traits or
characteristics that an individual tries to repress or hide. In the novel, Gaea represents the
darker, more destructive aspects of the earth and nature, such as violence, destruction, and
chaos. She embodies the archetype of the shadow by serving as a representation of the
destructive forces that exist within the unconscious mind and must be faced and overcome.
Throughout the story, Gaea serves as a constant threat to the main characters, forcing them
to confront the darker aspects of their own personalities as well as the dangers posed by the
unconscious mind. In this sense, Gaea serves as a powerful representation of the shadow
archetype in "The Lost Hero."
G Trickster Archetype
The trickster archetype refers to a character in a story who uses wit, humor, and cunning to
challenge the status quo and subvert expectations. Tricksters are often depicted as
mischievous or humorous characters who use their wit to challenge authority, disrupt order,
and play pranks. In mythology and folklore, tricksters are often portrayed as gods, spirits,
or animals that have the ability to shape-shift and are known for their ability to deceive,
manipulate, and disrupt the status quo. Examples of trickster figures in mythology include
Loki in Norse mythology, Hermes in Greek mythology, and Anansi in African folklore. In
storytelling, the trickster archetype serves a variety of functions. They can be used to bring
about change and disruption, to challenge established norms and conventions, and to offer a
different perspective on the world. Tricksters can also serve as comic relief and can provide
a lighthearted and humorous contrast to the serious events of the story.
1 Leo
Leos is really trickster, with his dumb persona he hides his power to make people not
knowing his very great power. To hide his power, he uses Jokes. He hides his ability to
resist and bend the fire from his friend. Until he reveal his power when in danger situation,
like fighting Ma Gasket and the Cyclops. The narrative can be analysis down below.
A firestorm erupted around him. When Leo opened his eyes he was bathed in flames
swirling twenty feet into the air. Ma Gasket shrieked with delight, but Leo didn’t offer the
fire any good fuel. The kerosene burned off, dying down to small fiery patches on the
floor.Piper gasped. “Leo?”
Ma Gasket looked astonished. “You live?” Then she took that extra step forward, which put
her right where Leo wanted. “What are you?” (121)
However, by the narrative above. The consideration of Leo Valdez, one of the main
characters in the novel "The Lost Hero" by Rick Riordan, can be seen as embodying the
trickster archetype. The trickster archetype refers to a character who uses wit, cunning, and
deception to disrupt the status quo and challenge the established norms and beliefs.
Tricksters are often chaotic and unpredictable, but also serve as catalysts for change and
growth. Leo, with his quick wit and mechanical expertise, embodies the trickster archetype
by using his skills to disrupt the plans of the gods and monsters, and to find creative
solutions to the challenges that the heroes face. He often uses his mechanical inventions
and clever schemes to create chaos and confusion, and to help the heroes in unexpected
ways. At the same time, Leo's trickster nature also creates challenges for the heroes, as his
impulsiveness and tendency to act without thinking sometimes lead to dangerous situations.
In this sense, Leo serves as a complex representation of the trickster archetype in "The Lost
Hero," embodying both the positive and negative aspects of the archetype.

In such a conclusiion, this article serve "The Lost Hero" is a novel by Rick Riordan and is
part of the "Heroes of Olympus" series. In this novel, the hero archetype is represented by
multiple characters, each with their own unique qualities and challenges. The main
protagonist, Jason, embodies the classic hero archetype, as he goes on a journey to find
himself and his place in the world. He possesses bravery, cunning, and a strong sense of
loyalty and honor, which serve him well as he faces various challenges and obstacles.
Another character, Piper, also embodies the hero archetype as she uses her charisma and
intelligence to navigate the trials she faces and ultimately helps to save the world. Finally,
Leo, the third point-of-view character, represents the hero archetype in a different way. He
is the comedic relief and the inventor, but he also shows bravery and cunning in his own
right and plays a crucial role in the group's success. Overall, "The Lost Hero" uses the hero
archetype to explore the idea that anyone can be a hero, regardless of their background or
abilities, and that heroism can take many different forms.

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