Essay 3

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Improvements on technology will change the teaching system completely

I think it is likely that this trend of learning with these new technologies will continue
and that we will see a greater emphasis on blended learning models that combine online
and face-to-face learning experiences. As technology continues to advance, we may see
more educational games and simulations that can be used to teach a wide range of
subjects. It will be up to educators, policy makers and other stakeholders to ensure that
these changes are harnessed in a way that maximises the benefits of technology for both
students and teachers.

Over-reliance on technology can also make students less independent and resourceful,
as they may struggle to complete tasks without the help of digital tools. Overall, while
technology can bring many benefits to education, it is important to be aware of these
potential disadvantages and take steps to mitigate them. This may involve finding a
balance between traditional and digital teaching methods, implementing appropriate
safety measures, and ensuring that students are equipped with the skills they need to
use technology responsibly and effectively.

It is very important to emphasise that not all people have these technologies and
therefore do not have sufficient resources to teach in this way. There is already a lot of
overuses of technology especially with teenagers and electronic devices and I think that
teaching should stay as it is now as students are only focused on the teacher and not on
the laptop or wherever.

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