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Mrs. P. Srilatha1, K. Siri Reddy2, A. Sruthi Reddy3, Devarasetty Kedhar4 and Moru Bhavana5
1Associate Professor, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science
2,3,4,5Student,Vignan Institute of Technology and Science

Abstract— Organ donation and transplantation are donation and transplantation system is fraught with
essential medical procedures that have significantly complexities and limitations. Patients in need of life-
improved and saved countless lives. However, the saving transplants often face prolonged waiting
current systems for managing organ donation and times, and the allocation of organs is not always fair
transplantation processes face several challenges,
and efficient. Additionally, maintaining the privacy
including issues related to transparency, security, and
efficiency. This paper introduces a novel approach to
and consent of patients and donors while ensuring the
address these challenges through the implementation of integrity of the data is a continuous challenge in this
blockchain technology. We propose a blockchain-based sensitive domain.
system that can enhance transparency, security, and the Blockchain technology, with its inherent features of
overall effectiveness of these life-saving processes. By decentralization, security, and transparency, has the
leveraging the decentralized and immutable nature of potential to address these issues. By implementing a
blockchain, we aim to streamline organ allocation, blockchain-based system, we can re-imagine the
improve organ traceability, and provide a
organ donation and transplantation process, making it
comprehensive solution for the healthcare industry.
more efficient, secure, and patient-centric.
Index Terms— Blockchain, Organ Donation.
Transparency, Transplantation, Decentralized.

I. INTRODUCTION In the realm of organ sharing and medical

transplantation utilising blockchain technology, the
The title of the paper is “ORGAN CONNECT – A primary focus is on designing a system that places a
DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR ORGAN DONATION strong emphasis on user-friendliness. This involves
AND TRANSPLANTATION”. An injury or illness the creation of an intuitive interface that simplifies
can lead to organ failure or damage, impacting an interactions for all stakeholders, including healthcare
individual's quality of life, and in some rare cases, professionals, patients, and donors. The ultimate goal
even resulting in death. Organ donation is recognized is to streamline processes, facilitate data entry, and
as one of humanity's most noble acts, aimed at saving offer comprehensive user support, ensuring that
lives through organ transplantation. Successful individuals with varying levels of technological
transplantation requires that the donated organ be in expertise can seamlessly engage with the system.
good working condition, match the recipient, and This user-centred approach enhances organ donation
ensure the donor's safety during removal. The first and transplantation management, promoting
successful organ transplant, a kidney transplant transparency and accessibility.
between twin brothers, took place in 1954. Since
then, the number of annual transplants has steadily A. Existing System
increased. Nevertheless, the demand for organ
donation consistently surpasses the available donors. The existing system for organ transplantation and
Tragically, twenty people die every day while donation relies on traditional websites. They lack
awaiting an organ transplant, and a new patient is transparency in the collection, preservation, or
added to the waiting list daily. The current organ transplantation of organs. They are slow and are
provided with minimum security requirements, A. Powell's recommendation [2] underscores the
resulting in the illegal trade of organs or other serious unique requirements and challenges associated with
medical scams. Overall, the current system, being organ donation and transplantation systems. These
web-based, offers familiar functionalities, but it lacks encompass aspects of registration, donor-recipient
the efficiency, security, and transparency that a matching, organ removal, organ delivery, and
blockchain-based system can provide. transplantation, all of which grapple with legal,
clinical, ethical, and technical limitations. To enhance
Problems in Existing System: the patient experience and instill confidence, it is
 Inefficiency and Delays imperative to establish end-to-end organ donation
 Lack of Transparency and transplantation platforms that ensure a fair and
 Data Discrepancies efficient process. As a solution, a private Ethereum
 Privacy and Consent Challenges blockchain-based system is proposed to manage
organ donation and transplantation in a fully
B. Proposed System decentralized, secure, traceable, auditable, private,
and trustworthy manner. The implementation
We present a robust platform designed to oversee and includes the creation of smart contracts and three
streamline the organ donation process through the web-based modules for comprehensive validation.
utilization of blockchain technology within a The suggested solution's performance is evaluated
decentralized framework. This approach guarantees through privacy, security, and confidentiality
security, data integrity, and transparency throughout assessments, with a comparison to the existing
the entire process. This system creates hash codes for system.
each different organ and assures data provenance for The terms "Organ donation," "transplantation,"
that particular actor during the organ donation and "Blockchain," "Ethereum," and "Decentralized" are
transplantation. Patient and donor data are securely central to this discourse. Organ donation refers to the
stored and shared on the blockchain, ensuring data process of surgically removing an organ or tissue
integrity. Ultimately, the proposed system promises from one person (the organ donor) and implanting it
to revolutionize the organ transplantation process, into another person (the recipient). Transplantation
making it more secure, efficient, and patient-centric. becomes necessary when the recipient's organ has
failed or been damaged due to illness or an accident.
Advantages of the Proposed System: Organ transplantation stands as one of the most
 Transparency and Trust remarkable advancements in modern medicine.
 Data Accuracy Unfortunately, the demand for organ donors
consistently surpasses the number of individuals
 Patient-Centric
willing to donate. Each day in the United States, 21
 Real-Time Coordination
people lose their lives while awaiting an organ
 Auditability
transplant, and more than 107,380 men, women, and
III. LITERATURE SURVEY children remain in dire need of life-saving organ
According to L.A. Dajim's proposal [1], the
suggested system involves a blockchain-based
decentralized software for organ donation. This
A. System Architecture
system would manifest as a website where patients
can register their information, including their medical
System architecture encompasses the design and
ID, blood type, organ type, and state. Under normal
behavior of the technological framework within an
circumstances, the system would operate on a first-
enterprise, solution, or system. In simpler terms, it
come, first-served basis.
illustrates the flow of applications, often represented
visually. The concept of system architecture often 3. Hospital
revolves around the somewhat abstract idea of The hospital manages hospital records to provide
structure, primarily the relationships between organ storage services for donation and surgical
elements. Some experts, in their interpretations, limit transplantation and also performs the following
the types of structure under consideration to specific operations, such as:
dimensions like functional, temporal, and other  View all Patients and Authorize
aspects.  View all Donors and Authorize
 Add Organ Type
 View All Blockchain Hash Code for Organ
 View All Organ Donated Details
 View All Patient Transplantation Requested
 View All Organ Donated Details By
 View All Organ Transplantation Details By
 View All Organ Donation Results
 View Organ Transplantation Results

C. Methodology

In the context of organ donation and transplantation

systems, the generation of hash codes plays a crucial
role in ensuring data integrity and security. Each
Fig. 1. The System Architecture
organ type is represented as a structured data object
B. Modules containing essential information such as donor and
recipient details, organ type, timestamp, and other
 Donor relevant data. This data is then serialized into a
 Patients consistent format to ensure uniform representation
across platforms. A suitable cryptographic hashing
 Hospital
algorithm, such as SHA-256 or SHA-512, is applied
to the serialized data, generating a unique fixed-
1. Donor
length hash code. These hash codes are stored on the
In this module, the donor will register and login, then
blockchain, allowing for data integrity verification at
upload their organ donor data to the hospital and do
any time by recalculating the hash code and
the following operations, such as:
comparing it with the stored value. This robust
 View Profile
method enhances the security and trustworthiness of
 Send Organ Donating Details
the organ donation and transplantation system,
 View Organ Donated Details Status
enabling the swift detection of unauthorized data
alterations or tampering.
2. Patients
In this module, patients log in by using their
username and password. After logging in, the user
will do some operations, such as: A. The Java Platform
 My Profile
 Register For Organ Transplantation The Java platform is a versatile and highly adaptable
 View All Organ Transplantation Details computing environment known for its "write once,
run anywhere" capability, enabling developers to
create applications that can be executed on various and Java Server Pages (JSP), facilitating the creation
operating systems without modification. At its core, of dynamic and interactive web applications. It also
the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) interprets and functions as a basic web server and offers
executes Java bytecode, translating it into machine compatibility across a range of operating systems,
code for the host system. Java's extensive standard making it a versatile choice for web application
library, strong security model, and support for deployment. Tomcat's Java-based nature allows
multithreading make it a preferred choice for a wide developers to harness the power of the Java
range of applications. Its active and expansive ecosystem, while its security features, clustering
developer community, along with the availability of capabilities, and a supportive community ensure the
open-source implementations like OpenJDK, ensures reliability and integrity of hosted web applications.
a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Java is With extensive documentation and integration
particularly well-suited for enterprise-level and possibilities, Apache Tomcat remains a preferred
performance-critical applications, and its automatic solution for a broad spectrum of web development
memory management simplifies memory allocation projects.
and reduces the risk of memory-related errors,
making it a go-to platform for diverse software D. MySQL Database Server
development projects.
MySQL is a highly favoured Relational Database
B. Eclipse IDE Management System (RDBMS) that caters to the
needs of a wide spectrum of businesses, both small
Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and large. It is the brainchild of the Swedish
is a powerful and widely used open-source software company MySQL AB and stands out for several
development platform that provides a comprehensive compelling reasons. Firstly, MySQL is offered as an
set of tools for building, testing, and deploying open-source solution, meaning users can leverage its
software applications across a range of programming capabilities without incurring any licensing fees. In
languages and platforms. Eclipse is highly regarded terms of functionality, MySQL holds its own,
for its flexibility, extensibility, and a vast ecosystem providing an extensive feature set comparable to
of plugins and extensions. Here are some key features more costly database systems. It employs a
and aspects of Eclipse IDE: standardized variant of the widely recognized SQL
data language, ensuring compatibility and ease of
 Cross-Platform Compatibility use. Furthermore, MySQL's compatibility extends to
 Versatile Language Support various operating systems and programming
 Rich Plugin Ecosystem languages, including PHP, PERL, C, C++, JAVA,
 Integrated Development Environment. and more, making it versatile and accessible. Its
 Code Assistance speed and efficiency, even when dealing with
 Robust Debugger substantial datasets, make it a top choice. Particularly
 Integrated Version Control noteworthy is its synergy with PHP, a leading
 Refactoring Tools language in web development. MySQL is adept at
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design managing large databases, accommodating up to 50
 Community and Support million rows or even more per table, with room for
 Free and Open Source scalability. To top it off, MySQL's open-source
General Public License (GPL) allows developers the
C. Apache Tomcat Server freedom to adapt and customize the software to suit
their specific needs and environments, making it an
Apache Tomcat, an open-source application server attractive and adaptable database solution.
and servlet container, is a fundamental component in Additionally, MySQL's strong community support
the world of Java-based web development. As a and active developer ecosystem ensure that it
lightweight and highly flexible server, Tomcat serves continues to evolve and stay up-to-date with modern
as a dependable platform for running Java Servlets database management needs.
D. Client-side Technologies to run directly in the user's browser enables a
seamless, responsive, and engaging user experience
Client-side technologies, which include HTML, CSS, on the web.
and JavaScript, are the backbone of modern web
development, playing a pivotal role in creating E. Server-side Technologies
dynamic and interactive user experiences.
In the realm of web application development,
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML is Servlets, JSP, and JDBC are indispensable
the foundation of web development, responsible for technologies that work in harmony to deliver
structuring web pages and defining their content. It dynamic and data-driven user experiences.
utilizes tags to create a hierarchical structure that
includes headings, paragraphs, lists, images, links, Servlets: Servlets are Java-based server-side
and more. HTML serves as the backbone of web components that run on the web server. They handle
documents, providing a clear and organized layout client requests, execute server-side logic, and
for browsers to render. It allows developers to generate dynamic web content in response. Servlets
structure content, insert multimedia elements, and are typically used to manage the application's control
create links to navigate between pages. HTML5, the flow, process user input, and interact with databases
latest version of HTML, introduces even more or other backend services.
features, such as native video and audio support,
canvas for graphics, and enhanced form elements, JSP (Java Server Pages): JSP is another Java-based
enabling richer and more interactive web technology used on the server side. JSP allows
experiences. developers to create dynamic web pages by
embedding Java code within HTML templates. JSP
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS complements files are translated into Servlets at runtime. They are
HTML by managing the presentation and styling of primarily used to handle the presentation layer of
web content. It enables web designers and developers web applications, dynamically generating web
to control the visual aspects of a webpage, including content and rendering it in response to user requests.
typography, colours, margins, padding, and layout.
CSS is responsible for creating responsive designs JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): JDBC is a
that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. By Java API that enables server-side Java applications to
separating content (HTML) from presentation (CSS), connect to and interact with relational databases. It
web designers can maintain consistent branding, provides a standardized way to perform database
aesthetics, and user experiences across websites. operations, such as querying data, inserting, updating,
CSS3 introduces advanced features like animations, and deleting records. JDBC is used on the server side
transitions, and flexible box layouts, allowing for to ensure seamless database connectivity for web
even more creative and dynamic web designs. applications.

JavaScript: JavaScript is a versatile and powerful In web application development, HTML, CSS, and
client-side scripting language that brings interactivity JavaScript handle the client-side user interface and
to web pages. It enables developers to create interactivity, while Servlets, JSP, and JDBC on the
responsive and dynamic user experiences by handling server side manage logic, data processing, and
user inputs, validating forms, creating animations, database interactions to deliver dynamic, engaging
and communicating with web servers. JavaScript is content to users.
crucial for modern web applications, providing
features like real-time updates, client-side data VI. RESULTS AND OUTPUT
processing, and interactive elements. Libraries and
The following screenshots are the results of the
frameworks like jQuery, React, and Angular further
ORGAN CONNECT web application developed by
enhance JavaScript's capabilities, making it an us.
integral part of web development. JavaScript's ability
Fig. 5 View All Organ Donated Details

Fig. 2 Home page

Fig. 6 View All Patient Transplantation Details

Fig. 3 Hospital Login

Fig. 7 Patient Main

Fig. 8 Donor Main

Fig. 4 Hospital Main
VII. CONCLUSION gy/blockchain-andcryptoassets/blockchain-
We have proposed a blockchain-based solution that [4] M. Hölbl, M. Kompara, A. Kami²ali¢, and L. N.
manages organ donation and transplantation in a Zlatolas, ``A systematic review of the use of
decentralized, accountable, auditable, traceable, blockchain in healthcare,'' Symmetry, vol. 10, no. 10,
secure, and trustworthy manner. One of its primary p. 470, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.3390/sym10100470.
advantages is the enhanced transparency it offers. [5] L. A. Dajim, S. A. Al-Farras, B. S. Al-Shahrani,
Patients, donors, and healthcare professionals can A. A. Al-Zuraib, and R. M. Mathew,
access and verify data related to organ availability, ``Organ donation decentralized application using
medical records, and transplant procedures, reducing blockchain technology,'' in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf.
the potential for fraud and errors. Comput. Appl. Inf. Secur. (ICCAIS), May 2019, pp.
Another key benefit is improved data security. 14, doi: 10.1109/cais.2019.8769459.
Blockchain's decentralized and immutable ledger [6] A. Soni and S. G. Kumar, ``Creating organ
ensures the security and integrity of sensitive medical donation system with blockchain technology,'' Eur. J.
data, protecting it from unauthorized access and Mol. Clin. Med., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 23872395, Apr.
manipulation. This reduces the risk of data breaches 2021.
and privacy concerns, a crucial consideration when [7] G. Alandjani, ``Blockchain based auditable
handling highly sensitive patient information. medical transaction scheme for organ transplant
The integration of blockchain technology in this services,'' Tech. Rep., 2019,
system enhances the confidentiality of patients and doi:10.17993/3ctecno.2019.specialissue3.
donors during their contributions. This is achieved
because blockchain transactions are inherently


First of all, we would like to extend our deepest

appreciation to Mrs. P. Srilatha, Associate Professor,
who served as our project’s mentor. Next, We would
like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Vignan
Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, and
especially the Department of Information Technology
for providing our team with all the tools, resources,
help, and direction required to finish this project.


[1] L. A. Dajim, S. A. Al-Farras, B. S. AlShahrani,

A. A. Al-Zuraib, and R. Merlin Mathew, ``Organ
donation decentralized application using blockchain
technology,'' in Proc. 2nd Int.Conf. Comput. Appl.
Inf. Secur.(ICCAIS), May 2019, pp. 14, doi:
[2] V. Puggioni. (Feb. 26, 2022). An Overview of the
Blockchain Development Lifecycle. Cointelegraph.
Accessed: Apr. 8, 2022. [Online].
[3] History of Blockchain. Accessed: Apr. 8, 2022.

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