Medication Profile

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The Medication Profile

The medication profile information is sent to the eHR Viewer from The Pharmaceutical Information
Program (PIP). The first page to display is called the Rx Summary page.


The eHR Viewer will initially display 4 months of information but you have the option to view up to 25
months. The information displayed in the summary is reflective of the time frame selected.

The Rx Summary page has three tabs of information available: Active Prescriptions, Recently Active
Prescriptions and Prescription History.

Active Prescriptions will display any prescription the PIP system believes the patient is still actively
taking. This includes prescriptions that are continuous, short term or external. Medication can have a
status of; Filled, Pending, Revoked, Refused or Hold. Once a medication is no longer active it will move
to the Recently Active Prescription tab.

Recently Active Prescriptions tab will display any medication it is believed the patient completed taking
within the last 30 days. The medication will stay on this tab for 30 days and then move to the
Prescription History Tab.
Prescription History tab will display all historical medications.

Searching in the Medication Profile

The search field allows you to filter the information you see on the screen. The system will use the
information you enter in this field and display only the rows that have matching information.

If you want to see how many prescriptions for Lorazepam an individual has it is hard to look at an
alphabetical view of the screen because it can be listed under

By searching for “Lorazepam” you will be provided with

 All Loraepam prescriptions
 Any prescriptions that have a recorded contraindication with that drug
 Any prescriptions that mention LORAZEPAM in the note
The system will search all the columns of information as well as the attached notes and

In addition, you can sort by the date by clicking on the headings in each column.

If you sort by
 Category – allows you to view the continuous medications together, short term medications
together and external medication together
 Prescribed Date – allows you to view the medication in reverse chronological offers and visa
 Drug – allows you to view the medication in alphabetical order
 Dose – allows you to view the highest to the lowest days supply
 Status – allows you to view all the medication statuses grouped together (filled, pending, hold)
 Prescriber – allows you to view the medication sorted by the prescriber in alphabetical order

The icons on the medication profile are show below.



Additional Medication

To view the detail information about a prescription click on the row – you will be taken to the Rx Details
Rx Detail Screen

Bread Crumbs: As you move through the system from one screen to the next, the system will keep track
of you movements and allow you to easily return to the previously viewed screen. In this example the
Rx Detail screen is displaying however clicking on the Rx Summary will cause that page to display.

This is the prescription information.


There are three icons that allow you to navigate to additional information.
Rx Summary – will direct you back to the medication profile
Rx Report – will allow you to select any of the following print options
 Print profile
 Print Profile History
 Print Medication Reconciliation Form
 Print Dispensed Drugs
 Print Blank Medication Reconciliation Form
Allergies – will take you to the allergies summary page

By clicking on the individual allergy, you will be able to view detailed information.

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