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2, WATER & ENVIRONMENTAL / RAPID TESTS Measuring high levels of free chlorine in water Measuring high eves of free chlorine canbe problematic; Colorimeters used to test tree chlorine are based on a colour change test; The DPD 1 (NN«iethy!p-phenylenediamine) method for residual chlorine was fst introduced by Palin in 1957, Over the years thas become the most widely used method for determining free chlorine in water and wastewater. Hach introduced its frst Chlorine test based on DPD chemistry in 1973 A DPO 1 tablet is add to the water sample and this causes a pink colour change. The intensity ofthe colours then measured by the meter to give @ reading In mg/L or ppm free chlorine High levels of combined chlorine (cloramines) can cause false . posttves with these kits, Low to moderate levels of combined chlorine are neutralized in most DPD kis, but combined chlorine can occasionally build up to such a point that it seems to Indicate @ level of tree chlorine is present when, in fac, there tt ‘Another problem can be caused by high sanitizer levels, when may be none. the D20 indicators “leached out” A Nash of pink colour accute whee the indiator ie added and then uieMly becomes colourless. This can happen when testing is performed very s00n ater dosing, (the high levels of ‘ee chlorine. are exhausting the levels of reagents added and the test does not reach a steady stat) act's DPD powder reagents are quite stable when protected from moisture, light and temperature extremes, Excellent reagent stabilty is achieved by sealing the reagent in unitdose foil pouches, AccuVac® DPD reagent ampoules are air evacuated and hence are protected ffom oxidation and ‘moisture. tis recommended that all OPO reagents, both iquiés and powders, be stored between 10 0 25°C (50 t0 77°F). To measure free and total Chlorine (total Chlorine is free and combined Chlorine) n water the Hach Pocket Colorimeter Mil ie simple handheld device in routine disinfectant applications ‘Small ghtweight and batery operated this meter is a tue ‘go: anywhere’ instrument. It can accurately measure fee Chlorine between 0.0220 mg/L. To read a higher concentration of chlorine with the same pocket colorimeter you can use this sample cell -cm/10-mi this changes the way the meter can measure the colour concentration and allows you to measure chlorine levels up to 8.0 mg/L/. This option is detailed on the Hach method sheet. If high levele of free chlorine are suspected and you need to measure above 8.0 mg/L, there are other chlorine meters that Use tablet reagents that canbe chosen, you want a meter that can measure both high and low ehlrine| ranges the compact chlorometer duo will do the jab; this tests for Chlorine (0PD) 0.01 - 5 mg/l, Chlorine HR, 1 - 250 ray), and is @ compact fully waterproof meter thats both simple to use and highly accurate. If you just need to measure chlorine at a high range the MD100 pocket colerimeter will ‘measure in the range of -200mg/ For more information please us ethe contact form or give our technical team a ring on 01954239 120 | cLoRBK Fs, ARI, MORNE MASUR, UH, COVHON, LINES You Might Also Like <> Novel Pool and Spa PhotometerLumiso Enhancing Water Testi Categories Select Category Us on Titer Subscribe frome

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