The Integumentary System

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The Integumentary System

1. The skin is a ______ membrane.:

A) mucous
B) cutaneous
C) serous
D) synovial
2. The epidermis is made of
A) simple squamous epithelium.
B) stratified squamous epithelium
C) simple cuboidal epithelium
D) loose connective tissue
3. Which of the following does NOT describe the epidermis?
A) Bottom layer is stratum basale.
B) Contains Langerhans' cells.
C) Surface cells are sloughed (rubbed) off.
D) Contains blood vessels.
4. The uppermost layer of the epidermis is called the
A) dermis.
B) stratum corneum.
C) stratum basale.
D) integument
5. Identify the layer of the epidermis that contains constantly dividing cells.
A) stratum corneum
B) stratum lucidum
C) stratum basale
D) stratum hypodermis
6. Identify the layers of the epidermis in order from deepest to the most superficial.
A) Strata basale, corneum, granulosum, lucidum and spinosum
B) Strata basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum and corneum
C) Strata cornum, lucidum, spinosum, granulosum and basale
D) Strata cornum, granulosum, lucidum, basale and spinosum
7. The primary cell of the epidermis is the:
A) keratinocyte
B) Langerhans cell
C) melanocytes
D) Merkel cells
8. The cell of the epidermis that produces the pigment primarily responsible for skin color is the:
A) keratinocyte
B) Langerhans cell
C) melanocytes
D) Merkel cells
9. The cell of the epidermis that detects tactile sensations is the:
A) keratinocyte
B) Langerhans cell
C) melanocytes
D) Merkel cells
10. The cell of the epidermis that are macrophages is the:
A) keratinocyte
B) Langerhans cell
C) melanocytes
D) Merkel cells
11. The water-proofing protein found in the epidermis is
A) carotene.
B) hemoglobin.
C) melanin.
D) keratin.
12. Which layer of the epidermis is found only on the palms of the hands and other locations to protect from constant
A) stratum corneum
B) stratum lucidum
C) stratum granulosum
D) stratum basale
13. Which of the following does NOT describe the dermis?
A) Has dermal papillae.
B) Contains hair follicles.
C) Formed from epithelium.
D) Contains blood vessels.
14. The dermis is composed of
A) adipose connective tissue.
B) stratified squamous epithelium.
C) dense irregular connective tissue.
D) simple columnar epithelium.
15. Place the layers of the skin and the hypodermis in order of most superficial to deepest.
A) dermis, epidermis and hypodermis
B) epidermis, dermis and hypodermis
C) epidermis; hypodermis and dermis
D) hypodermis, dermis and epidermis
16. Bed sores are also known as ___________.
A) collagenous fibers.
B) stratum corneum.
C) albinism.
D) decubitus ulcers.
17. The hypodermis is also known as the:
A) cutaneous membrane.
B) integument.
C) mucous membrane
D) subcutaneous tissue
18. The hypodermis is composed of ______ tissue.
A) dense regular and elastic connective
B) dense irregular and adipose
C) loose connective and adipose
D) stratified squamous

19. Hair, nails and glands originate from ______ tissue.

A) dermal
B) epidermal
C) hypodermal
20. The region of hair within the follicle is the _____ and the region above the surface of the skin is the _____.
A) axon; shaft
B) shaft; axon
C) root; shaft
D) shaft; root

21. Which of the following is NOT associated with a hair follicle?

A) sebaceous gland
B) arrector pili muscle
C) epidermal cells
D) All of these are associated with hair follicles.
22. The contraction of this structure causes "goose bumps".
A) arrector pili muscle
B) hair follicle
C) sebaceous gland
D) ceruminous gland
23. The sweat glands that open onto the skin surface are called _______ sweat glands.
A) sebaceous
B) eccrine
C) ceruminous
D) apocrine
24. The area of rapidly reproducing cells of the nail is the
A) follicle.
B) nail bed
C) lunula
D) cuticle.
25. Ceruminous glands produce:
A) ear wax
B) keratin
C) oil
D) sweat
26. Identify the gland that helps to lower body temperature.
A) Apocrine sudoriferous gland
B) Ceruminous glands
C) Eccrine sudoriferous glands
D) Sebaceous glands
27. Identify the glands that begin secreting at puberty and secrete sexual attractants.
A) Apocrine sudoriferous gland
B) Ceruminous glands
C) Eccrine sudoriferous glands
D) Sebaceous glands
28. Another term for sweat glands is ______ glands.
A) sebaceous
B) sudoriferous
C) endocrine
D) ceruminous
29. The substance that lubricates skin and hair and weakens bacteria on the surface of the skin is:
A) cerumen
B) keratin
C) sebum
D) sweat
30. Which of the following is NOT a function of sebum?
A) weakens or kills bacteria
B) lubricates hair and skin
C) helping to cool the body.
D) helps water-proof the hair and skin

31. What do we call a skin inflammation caused by sensitivity to various chemicals, fabrics, or heat?
A) eczema
B) mole
C) psoriasis
D) melanoma
32. What skin disorder is characterized by pink patches covered by silvery scales?
A) impetigo
B) psoriasis
C) eczema
D) urticaria
33. Which skin disorder is NOT matched correctly with its cause?
A) athlete's foot - fungal infection
B) impetigo - viral infection
C) dandruff - accelerated rate of keratinization
D) psoriasis - overactive cell division
34. What type of skin cancer is more likely to be malignant?
A) basal cell carcinoma
B) mole
C) squamous cell carcinoma
D) melanoma

35. The most common type of skin cancer is:

A) basal cell carcinoma
B) mole
C) squamous cell carcinoma
D) melanoma
36. The most common cause of skin cancer is
A) smoking.
B) exposure to certain chemicals.
C) exposure to UV radiation.
D) exposure to fungus.
37. The ABCDE warning signs for melanoma are:
A) Asymmetrical, bleeding, color, diameter and evolve
B) Asymmetrical, border, change, diameter and elevation
C) Asymmetrical, border, color, diameter and evolve
D) Altered, bleeding, change, discharge and evolve
38. Place the events of wound healing in chronological order:
1)Clot forms.
2)Fibroblasts promote tissue regeneration.
3)Inflammation and wound fills with blood.
4)Migration of fibroblasts and white blood cells to the wound.
5)Scar is formed.
A) 1-3-4-5-2
B) 3-1-4-2-5
C) 3-4-1-2-5
D) 1-5-3-4-2

39. A scar is made of

A) simple squamous cells.
B) adipose connective tissue.
C) white blood cells.
D) collagen fibers.
40. A burn that extends through the epidermis and part of the dermis is a _____ degree burn.
A) first
B) second
C) third
D) fourth
41. When all the skin has been destroyed and the patient feels no immediate pain, this is a ____ degree burn.
A) first
B) second
C) third
D) fourth
42. Willi burned his entire right leg, the back of his trunk, and the back of his head. Using the "rule of nines", estimate
the percent of his body burned.
A) 40.5%
B) 45%
C) 36%
D) 27%
43. Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging of the skin or its appendages?
A) The skin wrinkles.
B) The hair turns gray.
C) There are more sweat glands.
D) There are less sebaceous glands.
44. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin?
A) Temperature regulation.
B) Vitamin D synthesis.
C) Protection from bacterial infection.
D) Blood cell production.
45. Which of the following is NOT a protective function of the skin?
A) covering to keep pathogens out
B) sweating to reduce temperature
C) melanin to protect from UV radiation
D) sebum to retard bacterial growth

46. Which of the following does NOT occur in cool temperatures?

A) blood vessels dilate
B) shivering
C) sweat glands become inactive
D) arrector pili muscles contract
47. What is a special case of hyperthermia caused by an infection called?
A) hypothermia
B) fever
C) goose bumps
D) immunotherapy
48. Which of the following is NOT a sign of heat exhaustion?
A) low blood pressure
B) loss of salts
C) high body temperature
D) no sweating

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