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Chapter 13



Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)

1. Binding energy per nucleon vs mass number curve for nuclei is shown in the figure. W, X, Y and Z are four
nuclei indicated on the curve. The process that would release energy is

B.E. (in MeV)

8.5 X
7.5 W
5.0 Z

30 60 90 120
Mass number
(1) Y → 2 Z (2) W → X + Z (3) W → 2 Y (4) X → Y + Z
Sol. Answer (3)
Y → 2Z
θ = B.E. of products – B.C. of reactants
θ = 2 × 5 × 30 – 8.5 × 60
= 300 – 510
= – 190 MeV
θ = (60 × 8) + (30 × 5) – (120 × 7.5)
= (480 + 150) – (800)
= (630 – 800) = – 170 MeV
W → 2Y
θ = (60 × 8.5) × 2 – (120) × 7.5
= 1020 – 800 = 220 MeV

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θ = (60 × 8.5) + (30 × 5) – (90 × 8)
= (510 + 150) – 720
= (660 – 720)
= – 60 MeV
So in only their reaction energy is released.

2. In the options given below, let E denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and n a neutron. The correct option

(1) E ( 236
92 U ) > E ( I ) + E ( Y ) + 2E (n )
39 (2) E ( 236
92 U ) < E ( I ) + E ( Y ) + 2E (n )

(3) E( 236
92 U ) < E ( Ba ) + E ( Kr ) + 2E ( n )
36 (4) E( 236
92 U ) = E ( Ba ) + E ( Kr ) + 2E ( n )

Sol. Answer (1)

137 97
As 92U
236 breaks apart into 53 I + 39Y + 02 n , energy is released.
∴ The rest mass energy of reactant side is greater than product side.

3. A radioactive sample S1 having an activity of 5 m Ci has twice the number of nuclei as another sample S2 which
has an activity of 10 m Ci. The half lives of S1 and S2 can be
(1) 20 years and 5 years, respectively (2) 20 years and 10 years, respectively
(3) 10 years each (4) 5 years each
Sol. Answer (1)
For S1, activity λ1N1 = 5 μCi
For S2, activity λ2N2 = 10 μCi
Also N1 = 2N2
⇒ λ1 =
⇒ T1 = 4T2

4. An accident in a nuclear laboratory resulted in deposition of a certain amount of radioactive material of half-
life 18 days inside the laboratory. Tests revealed that the radiation was 64 times more than the permissible
level required for safe operation of the laboratory. What is the minimum number of days after which the
laboratory can be considered safe for use?
(1) 64 (2) 90 (3) 108 (4) 120
Sol. Answer (3)
N0  1
N= = N0  
64 2
⇒ x=6
Minimum number of days = 18 × 6 = 108 days.

5. The electrostatic energy of Z protons uniformly distributed throughout a spherical nucleus of radius R is given

3 Z (Z – 1)e2
5 4πε0 R

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The measured masses of the neutron, 11H, 15

7 N
and 15
8 O
are 1.008665 u, 1.007825 u, 15.000109 u and
15.003065 u, respectively. Given that the radii of both the 7 N and 15
8 O
nuclei are same, 1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2
(c is the speed of light) and e2 (4πε0 ) = 1.44 MeV fm. Assuming that the difference between the binding energies
15 15
7 N 8 O
of and is purely due to the electrostatic energy, the radius of either of the nuclei is (1 fm = 10–15 m)
(1) 2.85 fm (2) 3.03 fm (3) 3.42 fm (4) 3.80 fm

Sol. Answer (3)

BEN = [7 × MP + 8 × Mn – MN] × 931.5 MeV/c2

= [7 × 1.007825 + 8 × 1.008665 – 15.000109] × 931.5 MeV/c2

= 115.492959

BE0 = [8 × 1.007825 + 7 × (1.008665) – 15.003065] × 931.5 MeV/c2

= 111.956486 MeV

ΔBE = 3.535974 MeV

3 8(8 − 1) 3 7(7 − 1)
× 1.44 − × × 1.44 = 3.535974
5 R 5 R
(56 − 42) × 1.44
R= 5 = 3.42 fm
6. The binding energy per nucleon of 10X is 8 MeV and the of 11X is 7.5 MeV where X represents an element.
The minimum energy required to remove a neutron from 11X is
(1) 7.5 MeV (2) 2.5 MeV (3) 8 MeV (4) 0.5 MeV
Sol. Answer (2)
E = (7.5 × 11 – 10 × 8) MeV
= 2.5 meV
7. A radioactive element decays by β - emission. A detector records n β-particles in 2 s and by next
2 s (accumutavely) it records 1.1 n β-particle. Number of β-particles recorded by detector after a long time,
11n 12 n 10 n
(1) (2) (3) 2 n (4)
10 10 9
Sol. Answer (4)

 n n 
n = n + + + ...
 10 100 

n 10n
= =
1 9
8. A radioactive nuclide is produced at constant rate of n per second. If the initial numbers of nuclei are N0
and number of nuclei after long time, are 2N0 , then ‘decay rate’ of nuclide is

2n n ne 2 n
(1) N (2) 2N0 (3) (4) N0
0 2N0
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Sol. Answer (2)

N (t ) =
( )
1 − e −λt + N0 e −λt

= 2N0
λ = 2N

9. Mx and My denote the atomic masses of parent and daughter nuclei respectively in a radiaoactive decay. If
Q value of B+ decay is Q1, then value of Q1 is (me : mass of electron)

(1) ( Mx − My ) C 2 (2) ( Mx − My − me )C 2
(3) ( Mx − My − 2me )C 2 (4) ( Mx − My + 2me )C 2
Sol. Answer (3)
Q1 = (Mx – My – 2me)C2
K1 K2
10. Consider the sequential radioacitve decay process: A ⎯⎯→ B ⎯⎯⎯ → C , with decay constant, K1 and K2
such that 2K1 = K2. At time t = 0 the number NA(t) of the species A is N0 and the numbers NB(t) and NC(t) of
species B and C respectively, are zero. Then which of the following statements is incorrect ?
(1) The sum NA(t) + NB(t) + NC(t) is a constant at any given time t.
(2) NB(t) exhibits a maximum
(3) NC(t) approaches N0 as t → ∞
(4) For t smaller than the half life of species A, NB(t) is greater than NA(t)
Sol. Answer (4)
For NB (t) maximum

K1NA = K2NB also NA = N0e − k1t

11. A freshly prepared radioactive source of half-life 2 hours emits radiation of intensity which is 64 times higher
of the permissible safe level. The minimum time after which it would be possible to work safely with the source
(1) 6 hours (2) 12 hours (3) 24 hours (4) 128 hours
Sol. Answer (2)
 1
A = A0  
12. The half-life of I 131 is 8 days. Given a sample of I 131 at time t = 0, we can assert that
(1) No nucleus will decay before t = 4 days (2) No nucleus will decay before t = 8 days
(3) All nuclei will decay before t = 16 days (4) A given nucleus may decay any time after t = 0
Sol. Answer (4)
Refer theory
13. Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay constants 10 λ and λ respectively. If initially they have the
same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of active nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will be 1/e after a time

1 1 11 1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
10λ 11λ 10λ 9λ
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Sol. Answer (4)
N1 1 −9 λt
N1 = N0e–10λt & N2 = N0e–λt, N = e = e

14. Energy released in the fission of a single 92U235 nucleus is 200 MeV. The fission rate of a U-235 fuelled reactor
operating at a power level of 5 W is

(1) 1.56 × 1010 Bq (2) 1.56 × 1011 Bq (3) 1.56 × 1016 Bq (4) 1.56 × 1017 Bq
Sol. Answer (2)
N × 200 × 106 × 1.6 × 10–19 = 5
N is the no. of 92U235 nucleus which decay in 1 s
15. Nuclides A undergoes α decay and another nuclides B undergoes β-decay.
(I) All the α-particles emitted by A will have almost the same speed.
(II) The α-particles emitted by A may have widely different speeds.
(III) All the β-particles emitted by B will have almost the same speed.
(IV) The β-particles emitted by B may have widely different speeds.
(1) (I), (II) (2) (II), (III) (3) (III), (IV) (4) (I), (IV)
Sol. Answer (4)
Refer theory
16. The half-life of substance X is 45 years, and it disintegrate to substance Y. A sample from a meteorite was
taken contained 2% of X and 14% of Y by quantity of substance. If substance Y is normally not found on a
meteorite, what is the approximate age of the meteorite?
(1) 270 years (2) 135 years (3) 90 years (4) 45 years
Sol. Answer (2)

X ⎯⎯→ Y
N X = N0X e −λt λ=
NY 14
We have, N = 2

17. The binding energy per nucleon of deuteron ( H)

1 and helium nucleus ( 4
2 He ) is 1.1 MeV and 7 MeV
respectively. If two deuteron nuclei react to form a single helium nucleus, then energy released is
(1) 13.9 MeV (2) 29.9 MeV (3) 23.6 MeV (4) 19.2 MeV
Sol. Answer (3)
1H + 12H ⎯⎯→ 24He

ΔE = 7 × 4 − 2 × 1.1 × 2 = 23.6 MeV

18. In α-decay, the kinetic energy of the α-particles is 48 MeV and the Q-value of the reaction is 50 MeV. Assume
the daughter nucleus is in the ground state. The mass number of the mother nucleus is
(1) 96 (2) 100 (3) 104 (4) 98
Sol. Answer (2)

Kα =
( A − 4 ) Q  48 A = 50 A − 200 or A = 100
my + mα A

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1 1
19. A radioactive material decays by two processes A and B with half lives hour and hour respectively.
2 4
Assume for the first half hour, it decays only with process A and the next one hour with B. The next half hour
it decays both with A and B. The original number of atoms in the material is N0, then after two hours, the
number of active atoms in the material is
N0 N0 N0 N0
(1) 8 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4)
2 2 2 25
Sol. Answer (1)
1 1 1 N
Initial hour : T1 = h , After hour → 0
2 2 2 2

1 N0 1 N0
Next 1 hour : T1 = h , After 1 more hour → ⋅ =
4 2 24 25

1 1 1 N 1 N
Further hour : T1 = h , After more hour 50 ⋅ 3 = 80
2 6 2 2 2 2

20. A radioactive nucleus X-decays in to a stable nucleus Y. The graph of formation rate of Y will be


(1) (2) (3) (4)

t t t t
Sol. Answer (1)
= −λN
N = N0e–λt

Objective Type Questions (More than one options are correct)

1. Choose the correct alternative

(1) During the nuclear fusion reaction, two light nuclei combine to give a heavier nucleus and possibly other

(2) In a working nuclear reactor, control rods are used to slow down neutrons

(3) Fusion reaction takes place at high temperature because atoms at ionised at high temperature

(4) Energy in the sun is generated mainly by fusion of hydrogen atoms

Sol. Answer (1, 4)

Control rods in nuclear reactor are used to absorb the excess number of neutrons. Fusion reaction takes place
at high temperature because nucleus attractive force acts for very small range.

2. A nucleus undergoes a series of decay according to the scheme,

α β α γ
A ⎯⎯→ B ⎯⎯→ C ⎯⎯→ D ⎯⎯→ E
Atomic number and mass numbers of E are 69 and 172
(1) Atomic number of A is 72 (2) Mass number of B is 176
(3) Atomic number of D is 69 (4) Atomic number of C is 69

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Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)
y → yx −−42B ⎯⎯
A ⎯⎯ → yx −−14C ⎯⎯
→ yx −−83D ⎯⎯
→ yx −−83E
y – 3 = 69 ⇒ y = 72
x – 8 = 172 ⇒ x = 180
Atomic number of A = 72
Atomic number of D = y – 3 = 69
Atomic number of C = y – 1 = 71
Atomic number of B = x – 4 = 180 – 4 = 176
3. A nitrogen nucleus 7 N absorbs a neutron and transforms into lithium nucleus 3 Li7 under suitable condition
after emitting
(1) 4 protons and 3 neutrons (2) 1α particle, 4 protons and 2 negative β particle
(3) 4 protons and 4 neutrons (4) 5 protons and 1 negative β particle
Sol. Answer (2, 3)
14 1
7 N + 0n → 37Li + 4 11H + 3 10n
14 1 0
→ 37Li + 24 α +
7 N + 0n ⎯⎯ 411H + 2 −1 e

14 1
→ 73Li +
7 N + 0n ⎯⎯ 411H + 410 n

14 1 0
→ 73Li + 511H +
7 N + 0 n ⎯⎯ 2 −1 e

Atomic number and mass number are concerned in second and third reaction only.

4. Which of the following processes does not represent a gamma decay?

XZ + r → A
XZ – 1 + a + b (2) X Z + 1n0 → A – 3 X Z – 2 + c
(3) XZ → XZ + f (4) X Z + e –1 → XZ – 1 + g

Sol. Answer (1, 2, 4)

In γ decay atomic number and mass number both remain unchanged.

5. Which of the following is correct for a nuclear reaction?
(1) A fission represented by

235 + 0n1 → 56Ba
143 + 36Kr
93 + energy
(2) Heavy water is used as moderator in preference to ordinary water because H-atom may capture neutrons,
while D-atom would not
(3) Cadmium rods increase the reactor power when they go in, decrease when they go outward
(4) Slower neutrons are more effective in causing fission than faster neutrons in case of U235
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 4)
6. The decay constant of a radioactive substance is λ. At t = 0, the number of active nuclei are N0. Select the
correct alternative
(1) The number of nuclei decayed in time interval 0 – t is N0e–λt
(2) The number of nuclei decayed in time interval 0 – t is N0(1 – e–λt)
(3) The probability that a radioactive nucleus does not decay in interval 0 – t is e–λt
(4) The probability that a radioactive nucleus does not decay in interval 0 – t is 1 – e–λt

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Sol. Answer (2, 3)

The number of decayed nuclei in A time = N0(1 – e–λt)

The probability of nucleus to remain active upto t time = e–λt.

7. Radioactive nuclei are being generated at a constant rate by some kind of nuclear reaction. If the decay constant
for the radioactive nuclei is λ, which of the following graphical representation is correct? (initially, there are no
radioactive nuclei present)

N – dN N – dN
dt dt
(1) (2) (3) (4)
t t t t

Sol. Answer (1, 2)

A ⎯⎯ →B
dN N
= α – λN
N =N t =t
 α – λN =  dt
N =0 0

 1 
N =N t
 – λ ln(α – λN ) =t
 N =0
1 α – λN dt
– ln =t
λ α
α – λN
= e–tλ
λN t
1– = e–λt
α =1–e
N= (1– e – λt )
dN α
– = 2 e – λt .
dt λ

8. The count rate of a radioactive sample was 1600 count/s at t = 0 and 100 count/s at t = 8 s. Select the
correct alternatives
(1) Its count rate was 200 count/s at t = 6 s (2) Its count rate was 200 count/s at t = 4 s
(3) Half life of the sample is 4 s (4) Mean life of the sample is 2.88 s
Sol. Answer (1, 4)
 1
R = R0  
 2
 1
⇒ 900 = 1600  
 2
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4 n
 1  1
⇒   = 
 2  2
n = 4,

t1 = 2 s

n 3
 1  1
Count rate at t = 6 s, R = R0   = 1600   = 200
 2  2

Mean life = 1.44 × t 12 = 2.88 s.

9. Disintegration constant of a radioactive material is λ

log e 2
(1) Its half life equal

(2) Its mean life equals

(3) At time equal to mean life, 63% of the initial radioactive material is left undecayed

(4) After 3-half lives, rd of the initial radioactive material is left undecayed
Sol. Answer (1, 2)
Half life ⇒ Time after which number of active nucleus remain half .

N = N0e–λt =
⇒ eλt = 2
log e 2
⇒ t=
∞ −λt

Mean life =
 tdN =  0 tN, e dt
N0 N0 λ
(3) Undecayed = N0e–λt
At, t =
Undecayed = N =
(4) After 3 half lives, of the initial radio active material is left undecided.

10. The probability disintegration per second of a nucleus in a given radio-active sample
(1) Increases in proportion to life time lived by the nucleus
(2) Decreases with the life time lived
(3) Is independent of life time lived
(4) Depends on the total number of identical nuclei present in the sample

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Sol. Answer (3)

The probability disintegration per second of a nucleus in a given radioactive sample does not depend on half
life time, life time or total number of identical nuclei present in the sample.

11. Assume that the nuclear binding energy per nucleon (B/A) versus mass number (A) is as shown in the figure.
Use this plot to choose the correct choice(s) given below.

100 200
(1) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the range of 1 < A < 50 will release energy
(2) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the range of 51 < A < 100 will release energy
(3) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of 100 < A < 200 will release energy when broken into two
equal fragments
(4) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of 200 < A < 260 will release energy when broken into two
equal fragments
Sol. Answer (2, 4)
When BE/nucleon increases, energy is released.
If final product has atomic number between 100 and 200, energy will be released.

236 140 94
12. A fission reaction is given by 92 U → 54 Xe + 38 Sr + x + y, where x and y are two particles. Considering
92 U to be at rest, the kinetic energies of the products are denoted by KXe, KSr, Kx(2 MeV) and Ky(2 MeV),
236 140 94
respectively. Let the binding energies per nucleon of 92 U, 54 Xe and 38 Sr be 7.5 MeV, 8.5 MeV and 8.5 MeV,
respectively. Considering different conservation laws, the correct option(s) is(are)
(1) x = n, y = n, KSr = 129 MeV, KXe = 86 MeV (2) x = p, y = e–, KSr = 129 MeV, KXe = 86 MeV
(3) x = p, y = n, KSr = 129 MeV, KXe = 86 MeV (4) x = n, y = n, KSr = 86 MeV, KXe = 129 MeV
Sol. Answer (1)
→ 140
92 U ⎯⎯
54 Xe + 38 Sr + x + y

54 + 38 = 92  x = n
140 + 94 = 234 y = n
Total energy released
= 140 × 8.5 + 94 × 8.5 – 236 × 7.5 = 219 MeV
Total energy of X and Y = 2 + 2 = 4 Mev
So total energy of Xe & Sr will be = 219 – 4 = 215 MeV
Comparable energy of X and Y are negligible
So to conserve momentum, energy of Sr will be greater than the energy of Xe and total energy of these two
will be 215 MeV.
So correct answer is (1).
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13. The variation of decay rate of two radioactive samples A and B with time is shown in figure. Which of the
following statements are true?


(1) Decay constant of A is greater than that of B, hence A always decay faster than B
(2) Decay constant of B is greater than that of A but its decay rate is always smaller than that of A
(3) Decay constant of A is greater than that of B but it does not always decay faster than B
(4) Decay constant of B is smaller than that of A but still its decay rate becomes equal to that of A at a later

Sol. Answer (3, 4)

From the given graph slope of A is greater than B so rate of decay of A is greater than of B, = − λt or
instant t or for a particular time t , ∝ λ so λA > λB at point P the intersecting point of two graphs at time
t same.
14. In the options given below let E denotes the rest mass energy, and n denotes a neutron, then choose correct
(1) E(92U235) > E(56Ba140) + E(36Kr94) + E(n) (2) E(92U236) > E(56Ba140) + E(36Kr94) + 2E(n)
(3) E(92U236) < E(53I137) + E(39Y97) + 2E(n) (4) E(92U236) > E(53I137) + E(39Y97) + 2E(n)
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 4)

Rest mass of parent nucleus should be greater than the rest mass of daughter nuclei

Linked Comprehension Type Questions
The rate at which a particular decay process occurs in a radio active sample, is proportional to the number
of radio active nuclei present. If N is the number of radio active nuclei present at some instant, the rate of
change of N is = – λN . Consider radioactive decay of A to B which may further decay either to X or to
Y, λ1, λ2 and λ3 are deacy constants for A to B decay, B to X decay and B of Y decay respectively. If at
t = 0 number of nuclei of A, B, X and Y are N0, N0, zero and zero respectively

λ2 X
and N1, N2, N3, N4 are number of nuclei A, B, X and Y at any instant.

1. Rate of accumulation of B of any instant will be

(1) N1λ1 + N2λ2 + N3λ3 (2) N1λ1 – N3λ2 – N4λ3 (3) N1λ1 – N2λ2 – N2λ3 (4) N1λ1 + N2λ2 – N2λ3

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Sol. Answer (3)

Rate of accumulation of B at any instant
= [Rate of decay of A into B] – [Rate of decay of B into X and Y]
= N1λ1 – (N2λ2 + N2λ3) X
dN λ1
= N1λ1 – N2λ2 – N2λ3 A B
dt λ3
At, t = 0, N1 = N2 = N0 Y
= (λ1 –λ2 – λ3)N0 will be positive if λ1 > (λ2 + λ3)
But loss time after will be negative
2. The number of nuclei of B will first increase then after a maximum value, it will decreases, if
(1) λ1 > λ2 + λ3 (2) λ2 = λ2 = λ3
(3) λ1 = λ2 + λ3 (4) For any values if λ1, λ2 and λ3
Sol. Answer (1)

3. At t = ∞, which of the following is incorrect?

N0 λ 2 2N 0 λ 3
(1) N2 = 0 (2) N 3 = λ + λ (3) N 4 = λ + λ (4) N3 +N4 +N1 +N2 =2N0
2 3 2 3

Sol. Answer (2)

N2 = N1 = 0

N3 λ 2
N4 λ3

But N3 + N4 = 2N0
λ3 2N 0 λ 3
So, N 4 = (N 3 + N 4 ) =
λ2 + λ3 λ2 + λ3

2N 0 λ 2
and N 3 =
λ2 + λ3

During alpha-decay, a nucleus decays by emitting an α-particle (a helium nucleus 2He4) according to the
A A −4 4
ZX → Z −2 Y + 2He + Q
In this process, the energy released Q is shared by the emitted α-particle and daughter nucleus in the form
of kinetic energy.
The energy Q is divided in a definite ratio among the α-particle and the daughter nucleus.
A nucleus that decays spontaneously by emitting an electron or a positron is said to undergo β-decay. This
process also involves a release of definite energy. Initially, the β−decay was represented as
Z X → Z +1 Y + e – (electron) + Q

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According to this reaction, the energy released during each decay must be divided in definite ratio by the
emitted e′(β-particle) and the daughter nucleus. While, in alpha decay, it has been found that every emitted
α-particle has the same sharply defined kinetic energy. It is not so in case of β-decay. The energy of emitted
electrons or positrons is found to vary between zero to a certain maximum value.
Wolfgang Pauli first suggested the existence of neutrinoes in 1930. He suggested that during β-decay, a third
particle is also emitted. It shares energy with the emitted β particles and thus accounts for the energy

1. When a nucleus of mass number A at rest decays emitting an α-particle, the daughter nucleus recoils with
energy K. What is the Q value of the reaction?

(1) K (2) 2K (3) (4)
A 4
Sol. Answer (4)
Here linear momentum is conserved.
Pγ = Pα

2mγ K γ = 2mα K α

mγ A–4 A 
Kα = Kγ = K =  – 1 K
mα 4 4 

Q = Kα + Kγ

A  KA
=  – 1 K + K = .
4 4

2. The beta particles (positron) are emitted with different kinetic energies because
(1) Neutrino shares a definite amount of energy with positron
(2) The disintegration energy is shared between positron and neutrino in varying proportions
(3) Neutrino is massless and carries no energy
(4) Neutrino possesses very high kinetic energy
Sol. Answer (2)
The position is emitted with different kinetic energies because the disintegration energy is shared between
and neutrino in varying proportions.

3. During β+ decay (positron emission) a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron, positron and neutrino.
The reaction is correctly represented as
A A −1
(1) ZX → Z −1 X + e+ + ν + Energy (2) A
ZX → A
Z +1 X + e+ + ν + Energy
A A −1
(3) A
ZX → A
Z −1X + e+ + ν + Energy (4) ZX → ZX + e + + ν + Energy

Sol. Answer (3)


Scientists are working hard to develop nuclear fusion reactor. Nuclei of heavy hydrogen, 12 H , known as deuteron
and denoted by D, can be thought of as a candidate for fusion reactor. The D-D reaction is
2 2 3
1 H +1 H → 2He + n + energy . In the core of fusion reactor, a gas of heavy hydrogen is fully ionized into deuteron
nuclei and electrons. This collection of 1 H nuclei and electrons is known as plasma. The nuclei move randomly

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126 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

in the reactor core and occasionally come close enough for nuclear fusion to take place. Usually, the temperatures
in the reactor core are too high and no material wall can be used to confine the plasma. Special techniques are
used which confine the plasma for a time t0 before the particles fly away from the core. If n is the density
(number/volume) of deuterons, the product nt0 is called Lawson number. In one of the criteria, a reactor is termed
successful if Lawson number is greater than 5 × 1014 s/cm3.
It may be helpful to use the following: Boltzmann constant k = 8.6 × 10–5 eV/K ; = 1.44 × 10 −9 eVm.
4 πε 0

1. In the core of nuclear fusion reactor, the gas becomes plasma because of
(1) Strong nuclear force acting between the deuterons
(2) Coulomb force acting between the deuterons
(3) Coulomb force acting between deuteron-electron pairs
(4) The high temperature maintained inside the reactor core
Sol. Answer (4)
Electrons get detached from nucleus as they acquire ionisation energy at high temperature.

2. Assume that two deuteron nuclei in the core of fusion reactor at temperature T are moving towards each other,
each with kinetic energy 1.5 kT, when the separation between them is large enough to neglect Coulomb potential
energy. Also neglect any interaction from other particles in the core. The minimum temperature T required for
them to reach a separation of 4 × 10–15 m is in the range
(1) 1.0 × 109 K < T < 2.0 × 109 K (2) 2.0 × 109 K < T < 3.0 × 109 K
(3) 3.0 × 109 K < T < 4.0 × 109 K (4) 4.0 × 109 K < T < 5.0 × 109 K
Sol. Answer (2)

= 3kT
4πε0 r

T = 1.4 × 109 K

3. Results of calculations for four different designs of a fusion reactor using D-D reaction are given below. Which
of these is most promising based on Lawson criterion?

(1) Deuteron density = 2.0 × 1012 cm–3, confinement time = 5.0 × 10–3 s

(2) Deuteron density = 8.0 × 1014 cm–3, confinement time = 9.0 × 10–1 s

(3) Deuteron density = 4.0 × 1023 cm–3, confinement time = 1.0 × 10–11 s

(4) Deuteron density = 1.0 × 1024 cm–3, confinement time = 4.0 × 10–12 s

Sol. Answer (2)

nt0 > 5 × 1014

The β-decay process, discovered around 1900, is basically the decay of a neutron (n). In the laboratory, a
proton (p) and an electron (e–) are observed as the decay products of the neutron. Therefore, considering the
decay of a neutron as a two body decay process, it was predicted theoretically that the kinetic energy of the
electron should be a constant. But experimentally, it was observed that the electron kinetic energy has a
continuous spectrum. Considering a three-body decay process, i.e., n → p + e − + νe , around 1930, Pauli

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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 127

explained the observed electron energy spectrum. Assuming the anti-neutrino ( νe ) to be massless
and possessing negligible energy, and the neutron to be at rest, momentum and energy conservation principles
are applied. From this calculation, the maximum kinetic energy of the electron is 0.8 × 106 eV. The kinetic
energy carried by the proton is only the recoil energy.

1. What is the maximum energy of the anti-neutrino?

(1) Zero (2) Much less than 0.8 × 106 eV
(3) Nearly 0.8 × 106 eV (4) Much larger than 0.8 × 106 eV

Sol. Answer (3)

Maximum energy of the antineutrino will be nearly 0.8 × 106 eV.

2. If the anti-neutrino had a mass of 3 eV/c2 (where c is the speed of light) instead of zero mass, what should be
the range of the kinetic energy, K, of the electron?

(1) 0 ≤ K ≤ 0.8 × 106 eV (2) 3.0 eV ≤ K ≤ 0.8 × 106 eV

(3) 3.0 eV ≤ K < 0.8 × 106 eV (4) 0 ≤ K < 0.8 × 106 eV

Sol. Answer (4)

Minimum kinetic energy of electron can be zero or greater than zero. But maximum kinetic energy will be
less than 0.8 × 106 eV.

Matrix-Match Type Questions

1. Let Rt represent activity of a sample at an instant and Nt represent number of active nuclei in the sample at
the instant. T1/2 represents the half life

Column-I Column-II

(A) t = T1/2 (p) Rt =
T1/ 2 N0
(B) t = (q) N0 – Nt =
ln 2 2

3 Rt − R0 1 − e
(C) t = T1/ 2 (r) =
2 R0 e

(s) Nt =
2 2

Sol. Answer A(p, q), B(r), C(s)

N = N0e–λt, R = R0e–λt

N0 N0
(A) At, t = T½ , N = so, R=λ
2 2

N R0
N0 – N = =
2 2

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128 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

T½ 1 N0 R
(B) At t = = N= ,R = 0
ln 2 λ e e

 1
N 0 – N t = N 0 1 − 
 e

 1
Rt − R0 = R0 1 − 
 e

t 3
N  1 T½  1 2
(C) t = 1.5T½ =  = 
N0  2  2

⇒ N=
2 2

2. In Column-I, name of radiation is given and in Column-II, reaction for radiation and nucleus phenomena.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Alpha decay (p) Atomic number (Z) of nucleus changes
(B) Beta decay (β–) (q) Mass number does not change
(C) Beta decay (β+) (r) z X ⎯⎯→ z −1Y +B+ν

A A−4
(D) Gamma decay (s) z X ⎯⎯→ z − 2Y +A

(t) z X ⎯⎯→ z +1Y +C + ν

Sol. Answer A(p, s), B(q, t), C(r, t), D(q)

Information based.

3. Match Column-I of the nuclear processes with Column-II containing parent nucleus and one of the end products
of each process and then select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
Column-I Column-II

(A) Alpha decay (p) 8 O →15
7 N + .....

238 234
(B) β+ decay (q) 92 U →90 Th + .....

(C) Fission (r) 83 Bi →184
82 Pb + .....

(D) Proton emission (s) 94 Pu →140
57 La + .....

Sol. Answer A(q), B(p), C(s), D(r)

In alpha decay, charge number decreases by 2 and mass number decreases by 4.
In B+ decay, charge number decreases by 1 and mass number remains same.
In proton emission, charge no. decreases by 1 and mass no. decreases by 1.

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Assertion-Reason Type Questions
1. STATEMENT-1 : An isolated radioactive atom may not decay at all whatever be its half life.
STATEMENT-2 : Radioactive decay is a statistical phenomenon.
Sol. Answer (1)
Decay of a nucleus is a matter of chance.
2. STATEMENT-1 : Isotopes of an element can be separated using a mass-spectrometer.
STATEMENT-2 : Separation of isotopes is possible because of the difference in electron numbers of isotopes.
Sol. Answer (3)
Mass number of isotopes of an element are different but atomic number are same
3. STATEMENT-1 : In a spontaneous fission reaction a heavy nucleus is split into two medium sized ones, each
of the new nuclei will have more binding energy per nucleon than the original nucleus.
STATEMENT-2 : Joining two light nuclei together to give a single nucleus of medium size means more binding
energy per nucleon in the new nucleus.
Sol. Answer (3)
4. STATEMENT-1 : In the process of nuclear fission, the fragments emit two or three neutrons as soon as they
are formed and subsequently emit β-particles.
STATEMENT-2 : As the fragments contains an excess of neutrons over protons, emission of neutrons and
β-particles bring, their neutron/proton ratio to stable values.
Sol. Answer (1)
To decrease n/p ratio, a neutron is transformed into proton and β-particle
5. STATEMENT-1 : Light nuclei having equal number of protons and neutrons are more stable.
STATEMENT-2 : In heavy nuclei, there is an excess of neutrons due to coulomb repulsion between protons.
Sol. Answer (2)
In heavy nuclei coulomb repulsion is balanced by n-n strong nuclear forces
6. STATEMENT-1 : All the radioactive elements are ultimately converted to lead.


STATEMENT-2 : All the elements above lead are unstable.

Sol. Answer (2)
All those elements which are heavier than lead are radioactive. This is because in the nuclei of heavy atoms,
besides its nuclear attractive forces, repulsive forces between the protons are also effective and these forces
reduce the stability of the nucleus. Hence, the nuclei of heavier elements are being converted into lighter and
lighter elements by emission of radioactive radiation. When they are converted into lead, its emission is stopped
because the nucleus of lead is stable. (lead is most stable elements in radioactive series). However there are
series changing to stable bismuth.

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Integer Answer Type Questions
1. The energy of an excited hydrogen atom is 0.38 eV. Its angular momentum is n. . Find n.

Sol. Answer (6)
= 0.38
⇒ n=6
So, J = n.

2. A single electron orbits around a stationary nucleus of charge +Ze. It requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from
the 2nd to 3rd Bohr orbit. Find atomic number ‘Z’ of atom.

Sol. Answer (5)

E Z2
= × 13.6
n n2

2  1 1
ΔE = Z × 13.6  2 − 2 
 2 3 

2 1 1
⇒ 47.2 = Z × 13.6  −
4 9 

⇒ Z=5

3. The activity of a freshly prepared radioactive sample is 1010 disintegrations per second, whose mean life is 109s.
The mass of an atom of this radioisotope is 10–25 kg. The mass (in mg) of the radioactive sample is

Sol. Answer (1)

4. A freshly prepared sample of a radioisotope of half-life 1386 s has activity 103 disintegrations per second. Given
that ln 2 = 0.693, the fraction of the initial number of nuclei (expressed in nearest integer percentage) that will
decay in the first 80 s after preparation of the sample is

Sol. Answer (4)

N = N0e −λt

⇒ = e −λt

ln 2
N − × 80
⇒ = e 1386

0.693 × 80
N −
⇒ =e 1386

⇒ = e −0.04

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N  1
⇒ = 
N0  e 
N  1
Fraction of nuclei decayed = 1 − = 1−   = 0.04 = 4%
N0  e

5. A nuclear power plant supplying electrical power to a village uses a radioactive material of half life T years
as the fuel. The amount of fuel at the beginning is such that the total power requirement of the village is 12.5%
of the electrical power available from the plant at that time. If the plant is able to meet the total power needs
of the village for a maximum period of nT years, then the value of n is

Sol. Answer (3)

Pavailable = 8Prequired
The available power becomes of initial value in 3T years. So, till 3T years, power requirement will be met.
This is based on the assumption that surplus power goes waste.

6. For a radioactive material, its activity A and rate of change of its activity R are defined as
dN dA
A=− and R = − , where N(t) is the number of nuclei at time t. Two radioactive sources P (mean life τ)
dt dt
and Q (mean life 2τ) have the same activity at t = 0. Their rates of change of activities at t = 2τ are RP and
RP n
RQ, respectively. If = , then the value of n is
RQ e

Sol. Answer (2)

∝ λe–λt
dAP 1 −t / τ
⇒ ∝ e
dt τ
dt 2e −2 2
⇒ dAQ = −1 =
e e
⇒ n=2

12 12 12
7. The isotope 5 B having a mass 12.014 u undergoes β-decay to 6 C. 6 C has an excited state of the nucleus

( 12 *
6 C ) at 4.041 MeV above its ground state. If 12
5 B decays to 12 *
6 C , the maximum kinetic energy of the β-
particle in units of MeV is (1 u = 931.5 MeV/c2, where c is the speed of light in vacuum).
Sol. Answer (9)

5 ⎯⎯→ * C12 0
6 + β –1 ⎯⎯→ C12

Δm = 12.014u – 12.000u

= .014u
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132 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

(Δm)c2 = 0.014 × 931.5 MeV

= 13.041 MeV
So (KE)max of β-particle is
= 13.041 – 4.041
= 9 MeV

8. 131I is an isotope of Iodine that β decays to an isotope of Xenon with a half-life of 8 days. A small amount of
a serum labelled with 131I is injected into the blood of a person. The activity of the amount of 131I injected was
2.4×105 Becquerel (Bq). It is known that the injected serum will get distributed uniformly in the blood stream
in less than half an hour. After 11.5 hours, 2.5 ml of blood is drawn from person's body, and gives an activity
of 115 Bq. The total volume of blood in the person's body, in liters is approximately (you may use ex ≈ 1 + x
for |x| << 1 and ln 2 ≈ 0.7).
Sol. Answer (5)
Suppose total volume of blood is V ml
∵ 2.5 ml of blood activity = 115 Bq

∴ 1 ml of blood activity =

 115 
∴ Activity of whole blood =  V Bq
 2.5 

 115V  5 −λt
  = 2.4 × 10 e
 2.5 
ln 2
− ×11.5
= 2.4 × 10 e 8 × 24

0.7 ×11.5

= 2.4 × 105 e 8 × 24

1  1
− = 2.4 × 105  1 − 
= 2.4 × 105 e 24  24 

23 2.5
V = 2.4 × 105 × × ≈ 5000 ml
24 115
∴ Total volume of blood = 5 L

9. What is the binding energy per nucleon (in MeV) in 2He4?

Given, Mass of 2He4 = 4.002604 amu
Mass of proton = 1.007825 amu
Mass of neutron = 1.008665 amu
Sol. Answer (7)
Mass defect = [2.01565 + 2.01733 – 4.002604]
= 0.030376 amu
Binding energy = (0.030376 × 931) MeV
= 28.28 MeV
∴ Binding energy per nucleon = = 7.07 MeV
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Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Nuclei 133
 1 
10. Find the half-life period (in years) of a radioactive material if its activity drops of   of its initial value in
 16 
40 years.

Sol. Answer (10)

R  1
R0  2 
n 4 n
1  1  1  1
=  ⇒   =  ⇒n=4
16  2  2 2
t 40
T1/2 = = = 10 years.
n 4
11. Binding energy per nucleon versus mass number curve for nuclei is shown in figure. A, B, C and D are four
nuclei indicated on the curve. The Q value of following nuclear reaction A + B → C is N × 107 eV. Find the
value of N.

40 45 85 100 number
Sol. Answer (21)
Q = 7 × 85 – 5 × 45 – 4 × 40
= 210 MeV
= 21 × 107 eV

12. A stationary Pb200 nucleus emits an α-particle. If f is the fraction of total energy librated in this decay which
is accounted for the recoil energy of the daughter nucleus, then the value of 100 f is
Sol. Answer (2)
k 1 mα
k md
k1 mα
k + k1 mα + md

k1 mα
= = 0.02
kt mα + md

13. In hydrogen-like atom (Z= 11), nth line of Lyman series has wavelength λ equal to the de-Broglie's wavelength
of electron in the level from which it originated. What is the value of n?
Sol. Answer (24)
1  1 1 
= RZ 2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 

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134 Nuclei Solutions of Assignment (Level-II)

1 2 1 1 
= R (11)  − 2 
λ 1 n 
h h
λ= =
ρ mv
hr rh 2π 2πr
λ= = =
mvr nh n
2πr π ( 0.529 × 10 −10 ) n 2
λ= =
n ( n )(11)
n− = 25
n2 – 1 = 25n

n2 – 25n – 1 = 0

n = 24

‰ ‰ ‰

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