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Review Articles

Prognostic value of brain natriuretic peptides in

patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension:
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Paul M. Hendriks, MD a,b , Liza D. van de Groep, MD c , Kevin M. Veen, MD, PhD d , Mitch C.J. van Thor, MD, PhD c ,
Sabrina Meertens, MSc e , Eric Boersma, MSc, PhD, FESC a,f , Karin A. Boomars, MD, PhD b , Marco C. Post, MD,
PhD c,g , and Annemien E. van den Bosch, MD, PhD a The Netherlands

Background Multiple biomarkers have been investigated in the risk stratification of patients with pulmonary arterial
hypertension (PAH). This systematic review and meta-analysis is the first to investigate the prognostic value of (NT-pro)BNP in
patients with PAH.
Methods A systematic literature search was performed using MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library
and Google scholar to identify studies on the prognostic value of baseline (NT-pro)BNP levels in PAH. Studies reporting hazard
ratios (HR) for the endpoints mortality or lung transplant were included. A random effects meta-analysis was performed to
calculate the pooled HR of (NT-pro)BNP levels at the time of diagnosis. To account for different transformations applied to
(NT-pro)BNP, the HR was calculated for a 2-fold difference of the weighted mean (NT-pro)BNP level of 247 pmol/L, for studies
reporting a HR based on a continuous (NT-pro)BNP measurement.
Results Sixteen studies were included, representing 6999 patients (mean age 45.2-65.0 years, 97.3% PAH). Overall,
1460 patients reached the endpoint during a mean follow-up period between 1 and 10 years. Nine studies reported HRs
based on cut-off values. The risk of mortality or lung transplant was increased for both elevated NT-proBNP and BNP with a
pooled HR based on unadjusted HRs of 2.75 (95%-CI: 1.86-4.07) and 3.87 (95% CI 2.69-5.57) respectively. Six studies
reported HRs for (NT-pro)BNP on a continues scale. A 2-fold difference of the weighted mean NT-proBNP resulted in an
increased risk of mortality or lung transplant with a pooled HR of 1.17 (95%-CI: 1.03-1.32).
Conclusions Increased levels of (NT-pro)BNP are associated with a significantly increased risk of mortality or lung
transplant in PAH patients. (Am Heart J 2022;250:34–44.)

Key words: Pulmonary arterial hypertension; Pulmonary hypertension; BNP; NT-proBNP; Prognosis

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is an uncom- lar remodelling which leads to an increase in pulmonary
mon disease that is characterized by pulmonary vascu- vascular resistance (PVR) resulting in an increased pul-
monary arterial pressure. This will eventually cause right
ventricular failure. The prognosis of patients with PAH is
From the a Department of Cardiology, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, b Department of Respiratory medicine, Erasmus University Medical primarily related to this progressive decline in right ven-
Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, c Department of Cardiology, St. Antonius Hospital, tricular function.1 , 2
Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, d Department of Cardio-thoracic surgery, Erasmus Uni-
versity Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, e Medical Library, Erasmus Univer-
The survival rate of PAH is poor with a 5 years survival
sity Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, f Department of Clinical epidemiology, after diagnosis varying around 60% despite PAH specific
Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, g Department of Cardi-
ology, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
medical treatment.3-6 Treatment options include support-
Abbreviations: BMI, Body mass index; BNP, Brain natriuretic peptide; PAH, Pulmonary ive therapy (e.g. oxygen therapy), PAH specific drugs and
arterial hypertension; PVR, Pulmonary vascular resistance; mPAP, Mean pulmonary arterial lung transplant.7 Multiple blood biomarkers have been
pressure; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro hormone brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA, New York
Heart Association. investigated for the risk prediction of patients with PAH.
Submitted January 12, 2022; accepted May 4, 2022
Reprint requests: Annemien E. van den Bosch, MD, PhD, Erasmus University Medical
Centre, Department of Cardiology, Room RG-433, P.O. box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
The Netherlands. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
E-mail address: a.e.vandenbosch@erasmusmc.nl. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
0002-8703 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2022.05.006
American Heart Journal
Hendriks et al 35
Volume 250

Brain natriuretic peptides remain the most promising tation Index Expanded (1975-present); Social Sciences
blood biomarkers. N-terminal-pro hormone brain natri- Citation Index (1975-present); Arts & Humanities Cita-
uretic peptide (NT-proBNP) or brain natriuretic peptide tion Index (1975-present); Conference Proceedings Cita-
(BNP) are secreted by cardiomyocytes due to excessive tion Index- Science (1990-present); Conference Proceed-
stretching of the ventricles. In PAH, as in other forms ings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities (1990-
of PH, increased myocardial stress and right ventricular present) and Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015-
hypertrophy due to an increase in PVR and pulmonary present) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
arterial pressure might cause a rise in (NT-pro)BNP.8 Trials via Wiley (date of inception 1992). Additionally, a
The overall treatment goal is achieving a clinically sta- search was performed in Google Scholar from which the
ble situation with a low risk of mortality.7 Multiple risk 200 most relevant references were downloaded using the
stratification tools are developed to assess the risk of software Publish or Perish. After the original search was
mortality in patients with PAH. The ERS/ESC guidelines performed in December 2020, the search was last up-
provide a risk assessment tool, including 9 clinical pa- dated on May 11, 2021. The full search strategies of all
rameters, that stratifies patients in different risk cate- databases are available in supplementary file 1.
gories based on the 1-year mortality rate.7 These vari-
ables are also the basis of the risk assessment strategy End points
developed by the Prospective Registry of Newly Initiated The primary end point included in this systematic re-
Therapies for Pulmonary Hypertension, the Swedish PAH view is mortality (all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mor-
Register and the French Pulmonary Hypertension Reg- tality or cardiopulmonary mortality), if reported as a sin-
istry.9-11 Other validated risk prediction tools have also gle endpoint. If mortality was not reported as a single
been developed, such as the Registry to Evaluate Early endpoint, the composite endpoint of mortality or lung
and Long-term Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Disease transplant was also included. Studies using a compos-
Management (REVEAL) risk score and the REVEAL risk ite endpoint including endpoints other than mortality or
score 2.0.12 , 13 More recently, the REVEAL Lite 2.0 risk lung transplant were excluded to limit heterogeneity.
score has been developed. It uses 6 non-invasive charac-
teristics including (NT-pro)BNP. This risk score demon-
Study selection
strated good discrimination between high risk and low
Duplicates were removed from the database. Two au-
risk patients and showed that the discriminative power
thors (PH and LG) independently screened the remain-
improved when patients with missing (NT-pro)BNP were
ing titles and abstracts for eligibility using predefined se-
excluded from analysis.14 Clinicians can use these risk as-
lection criteria stated in Table I. Following the title and
sessment tools to monitor PAH patients in clinical prac-
abstract screening, the same 2 authors performed full-
tice. Plasma (NT-pro)BNP levels are part of all of these
text screening using the same selection criteria. Discor-
risk stratification tools.
dances were resolved by consensus. All references of in-
To our best knowledge, no systematic review of the evi-
cluded articles were manually searched for possible rele-
dence for the prognostic value of (NT-pro)BNP on mortal-
vant studies missed by the search syntax.
ity has been performed yet, despite the widely accepted
position of (NT-pro)BNP in the risk stratification of pa-
tients with PAH. The aim of this systematic review and Quality assessment
meta-analysis is to determine the prognostic value of NT- All included full-text articles were critically assessed
proBNP and BNP on mortality or lung transplant at the for study quality by the first 2 authors using the QUIPS-
time of diagnosis in patients with PAH. tool developed by Hayden et al.17 We assessed (1) study
participation, (2) study attrition, (3) prognostic factor
measurement, (4) outcome measurement, (5) study con-
Methods founding, and (6) statistical analysis and reporting. Arti-
This systematic review was performed according to the cles with a high risk of bias in one domain or moderate
PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and risk of bias in 3 or more domains were excluded.
meta-analyses and the MOOSE guidelines.15 , 16 The pre-
defined study protocol was registered in PROSPERO in Data extraction
2021 (registration number: CRD42021224963). Data of the included articles were independently ex-
tracted by the first 2 authors using a predefined standard-
Search strategy ized electronic extraction file based on the CHARMS-PF
An exhaustive search strategy was developed by an ex- checklist.18 The following characteristics were extracted
perienced information specialist (SG). The search was from each article: study design, number of participants,
carried out in the databases Embase.com (date of in- age, sex, BMI, NYHA class, WHO classification, treat-
ception 1971), Medline ALL via Ovid (1946 to Daily ment type, follow-up duration, type of biomarker, (NT-
Update), Web of Science Core Collection (Science Ci- pro-)BNP levels, renal function, analyzing assay, cut-off
American Heart Journal
36 Hendriks et al
August 2022

Table I. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion Exclusion

Pulmonary arterial hypertension, (WHO class 1) Postcapillar y pulmonar y hypertension (WHO class 2),
Pediatric studies,
Animal studies

NT-proBNP, Atrial natriuretic peptides

All-cause mortality, All other composite endpoints
Cardiopulmonary mortality,
Composite endpoint of mortality or lung transplant

Outcome measurements
HR obtained by univariable cox-PH regression, Multivariable HR obtained by overfitted cox-PH models
HR obtained by multivariable cox-PH regression

Publication type
English language, Non-English language,
Full text available Full text unavailable,
Conference abstracts
ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; HR, hazard ratio.

values and HR with accompanying 95% confidence inter- of all included studies based on the reported mean (NT-
vals. Corresponding authors were contacted when the pro)BNP levels and the number of study participants. In
univariable or multivariable HR were not reported. Stud- the meta-analyses these calculated HRs based on a 2-fold
ies were excluded if additional information could not be difference were pooled to ensure all HRs represent the
provided. same difference on a continuous scale. Interstudy het-
erogeneity was assessed using Cochran’s Q and the I2 -
Statistical analysis statistic. Publication bias was assessed by means of fun-
The interrater reliability for inclusion was evaluated nel plots, the Egger’s test and Orwin’s fail safe N using
using the Cohen statistic K.19 Meta-analysis was per- target log HRs of 0.1 and 0.05. Analyses were performed
formed using random effects meta-analytic models with using R version 4.0.5 (packages meta, metafor).
weighted estimation by inverse-variance weights. Be-
tween study variance was estimated using restricted Funding
maximum likelihood.20 , 21 A pooled crude unadjusted HR This research project was supported by an unrestrict-
was calculated based on reported univariable HRs. The ing research grant by Johnson & Johnson - Actelion phar-
adjusted pooled HR was calculated based on multivari- maceuticals. The authors are solely responsible for the
able HRs reported in the articles. Studies reporting mul- design and conduct of this study, all study analyses, the
tivariable cox-PH models containing more than one co- drafting and editing of the paper and its final contents.
variate per ten events were considered to be overfit and
were therefore excluded from our analyses of multivari- Results
able HRs.22 Separate meta-analyses were performed for Our search strategy identified 2912 records after dupli-
both BNP and NT-proBNP and for both dichotomously re- cates were removed (Figure 1). We excluded 2860 arti-
ported HRs and HRs based on a continuous measurement cles based on title and abstract screening. Fifty-two arti-
scale. Different types of statistical transformation are ap- cles were carefully read in full text after which 16 stud-
plied to (NT-pro)BNP across studies which influence the ies were included in our systematic review and meta-
HRs based on continuous measurements (e.g. HR per lo- analysis.11 , 23-35 The Cohen statistic K for agreement on
gunit, per 1000 pg/ml, per 2logunit increase). To be able study inclusion was 0.84. The excluded studies with de-
to compare and pool the results, we calculated for each tailed reason of exclusion are presented in Supplemen-
study with a HR based on a continuous measurement, the tary Table I. Twelve corresponding authors were con-
HR for a 2-fold difference of the weighted (NT-pro)BNP tacted for essential missing data, one provided the nec-
levels. The weighted mean (NT-pro)BNP was calculated essary information.
American Heart Journal
Hendriks et al 37
Volume 250

Figure 1

Flowchart showing the process of inclusion of publications.

Study characteristics Twelve studies reported a univariable HR (Supplemen-

The studies included in this systematic review were tary Table III). Four studies reported a HR for BNP and
published between 2006 and 2020. Six of the fourteen ar- ten studies reported a HR for NT-proBNP. Ten studies
ticles had a prospective study design. A total of 6999 pa- used a dichotomous cut-off point, 5 studies used a contin-
tients with (NT-pro)BNP measurements were included. uous difference. Fifteen studies reported a multivariable
The mean age ranged from 41-65 years and 53% to cox model. Three of these studies were excluded from
80% was female. Of all patients 97.2% was diagnosed the analysis because they reported overfitted multivari-
with PAH (WHO class 1). The mean follow-up differed able cox proportional hazards models.36-38 Three studies
between 1 and 10 years after diagnosis. During this reported a HR for BNP and eleven for NT-proBNP. Eight
follow-up period, 1421 patients died and 39 underwent studies reported a dichotomous cut-off value and 6 were
lung transplant. The weighted mean NT-proBNP was 248 based on a continuous difference. All reported HRs are
pmol/L. Other patient and study characteristics are sum- based on measurements performed at the time of diagno-
marized in Table II. Methodological assessment of each sis. Details of assays used for (NT-pro)BNP measurements
included article is presented in Supplementary Table II. and cut-off values are shown in Supplementary Table IV.
38 Hendriks et al
Table II. Characteristics of included studies.

First author, Year Study Study WHO NYHA class III NT-proBNP BNP level BMI Renal function PAH specific Mean or End point
design population classification or IV (%) level medication median
follow-up in

Andreassen, P N: 61 1: 40 (66%) 95 266 ± 274 - NR NR NR 2.0 ± 1.5 Cardiopulmonary

200624 Age: 47.2 4: 19 (31%) pmol/L mortality (n = 15)
±15.5 5: 2 (3%)
Female: 69%
Benza, 201025 P N: 2716 1: 2716 49 1455 ± 3296 286 ± 530 NR Renal ERA: 1231 1.4 All-cause mortality
Age: 50.4 ± (100%) pg/ml pg/mL insufficiency: (46,9%) (n = 340)
16.8 104 (4%) PDE5-i: 1301
Female: 79% (49,6%)
1095 (41,6%)
Boucly, 201712 R N: 603 1: 603 74 NR - 27.8 ±7 NR ERA: 307 (30%) 2.8 All-cause mortality
Age: 57 ±17 (100%) PDE5-i: 151 (1.3-4.7∗ ) or lung transplant
Female: 59% (15%) (n = 269)
Prostacyclines: 9
Duijnhouwer, P N: 217 1: 175 (81%) 71 1587 - BSA: 1.80 NR NR 4.1 All-cause mortality
202026 Age: 65 4: 42 (19%) (341-4048∗ ) (1.64-1.94) (n = 85)
(51-73∗ ) pg/ml
Female: 69%
Fijalkowska, P N: 55 1: 50 (91%) NR 1674 - NR NR ERA: 7 (13%) 2.1 ± 0.9 All-cause mortality
200637 Age: 41 ± 4: 5 (9%) (51-1951∗ ) PDE5-i: 10 (18%) (n = 16)
15.1 pg/mL Prostacyclines: 36
Female: 76% (65%)
Geenen, 201928 P N: 106 1: 54 (51%) 54 205.0 - 28.2 ± 6.5 eGFR <30 NR 3.3 All-cause mortality
Age: 59 3: 15 (14%) (87.9-407.0∗ ) ml/min/1.73 (2.3-4.6∗ ) or lung transplant
(47-69∗ ) 4: 21 (20%) pmol/L m2 : 3 (2.8%) (n = 29)
Female: 64% 5: 16 (15%)
Helgeson, 2018 R N: 138 1: 138 71 - 406 ± 443 27.9 ± 8.4 eGFR <50 Oral PAH med: 10 All-cause mortality
Age: 59.2 ± (100%) pg/mL ml/min/1.73 46 (33%) (n = 63)
13.6 m2 : 0 (-) Prostacyclines
Female: 75% inh./i.v.: 23
Lim, 201938 P N: 148 1: 148 NR 2318.5 ± - NR NR ERA: 3 (3%) 10 All-cause mortality
Age: 50.8 ± (100%) 4381.3 PDE5-i: 60 (54%) (n = 67)
15.9 Prostacyclines: 1
Female: 77% (1%)

American Heart Journal

sGC stimulators: 1
Combination: 36

August 2022
(continued on next page)
Volume 250
American Heart Journal
Table II. (continued)

First author, Year Study Study WHO NYHA class III NT-proBNP BNP level BMI Renal function PAH specific Mean or End point
design population classification or IV (%) level medication median
follow-up in

Maurer, 202030 R N: 65 1: 65 (100%) 41 1838 ± 2088 - NR Creatinine: NR 4.2 All-cause mortality

Age: 45.2 ± ng/L 80.0 ± 22.9 (1.2-7.5∗ ) (n = 16)
6.8 µmol/L
Female 68%
Mauritz, 201131 R N: 198 1: 198 59 6818 - NR NR NR 3.2 ± 1.9 All-cause mortality
Age: 54 ±17 (100%) (287-3039∗ ) (n = 54)
Female: 53% pg/L
Nickel, 201232 R N: 109 1: 109 NR 1292 - NR Creatinine: ERA: 33 (30%) 3.2 All-cause mortality
Age: 55 (100%) (300-3510∗ ) 80.0 (68-96) PDE5-i: 51 (47%), (2.1-5.8∗ ) or lung transplant
(42-68∗ ) ng/L µmol/L Prostacyclines: 25 (n = 57)
Female: 72% (23%)
Radchenko, R N: 281 1: 229 (81%) 75 1360.3 ± - 25.4 ± 7.4 Creatinine: PDE5-i: 143 1.9 ± 1.2 All-cause mortality
201933 Age: 45.5 ± 4: 52 (19%) 240.6 pg/mL 85.2 ± 24.9 (51%), (n = 31)
14.3 µmol/L Prostacyclines: 70
Female: 74% (25%)
Combination: 66
Rhodes, 201134 R N: 139 1: 139 73 909 ± 849 - NR Creatinine: 96 ERA: 64 (46%) 4.0 ± 2.4 All-cause mortality
Age: 47.6 ± (100%) fmol/mL ± 30 µmol/L PDE5-i: 22 (16%) (n = 49)
15.8 Prostocyclines: 12
Female: 70% (9%)
Roy, 201435 P N: 90 1: 71 (79%) 35 - 63.6 NR Creatinine: ERA: 52 (48,1%) 2.4 ± 1.0 All-cause mortality
Age: 55.2 4: 19 (21%) (22.1-250.3∗ ) 92.0 ± 27.9 PDE5-i: 33 (n = 33)
±15.7 pg/mL µmol/L (30.6%)
Female: 71% Prostacyclines: 15
Simpson, 202036 R N: 2017 1: 2017 63 672 - NR NR ERA: 1205 (60%) 1 All-cause mortality
Age: 55 ±15 (100%) (217-2164∗ ) PDE5-i: 1546 (n = 324)
Female: 80% pg/mL (77%),
699 (35%)
Torbicki, 200339 P N: 56 1: 51 (91%) NR 2923 ± 4794 - NR NR Calcium 1.4 ± 0.7 All-cause mortality
Age: 41 ± 15 4: 5 (9%) antagonist: 15 (n = 12)
Female: 77% (27%)
ERA: 7 (13%)

Hendriks et al 39
Prostacyclines: 37
ERA, endothelin receptor antagonist; NR, not reported; NYHA, New York heart association; P, prospective; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PDE5-I, phospodiesterase-5 inhibitor; R, retrospective; WHO, world health

Interquartile range.
American Heart Journal
40 Hendriks et al
August 2022

Figure 2

Meta-analysis calculating the pooled hazard ratio of hazard ratios based on dichotomous cut-off values. Abbreviations: BNP, brain natriuretic
peptide; CI: confidence interval; NT-proBNP: N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide; RE: random effects.

Outcome data Discussion

All included studies systematically showed an associa- This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated
tion between (NT-pro)BNP and mortality or lung trans- a significantly higher risk of mortality or lung transplant
plant. Nine studies reported a HR based on a dichoto- with elevated levels of (NT-pro)BNP at the time of diag-
mous cut-off of NT-proBNP (Figure 2). Meta-analysis nosis. This highlights the importance of the use of (NT-
shows a significantly increased risk of mortality or lung pro)BNP as a prognostic marker and endorses the impor-
transplant with an unadjusted pooled HR of 2.75 (95% CI: tance of brain natriuretic peptides in the risk stratifica-
1.86-4.07) and adjusted pooled HR of 2.51 (95% CI: 1.52- tion of patients with PAH. Patients with a higher (NT-
4.14). Four studies reported a HR based on a dichoto- pro)BNP at the time of diagnosis, have a significantly de-
mous cut-off of BNP (Figure 3). Pooling of these effects creased survival.
resulted in an unadjusted pooled HR of 3.87 (95% CI: In PAH, increased myocardial stress, volume overload,
2.69-5.57) and adjusted pooled HR of 2.39 (95% CI: 1.49- hypoxia and pro-inflammatory cytokines may result in
3.82). transcription of the NPPB gene, eventually leading to the
Of the 7 studies investigating the prognostic effect of production of BNP.39 Circulating BNP binds to the na-
(NT-pro)BNP using a continuous scale, 6 used NT-proBNP triuretic peptide receptor A that induces vasodilatation,
and one used BNP. A 2-fold difference in NT-proBNP re- natriuresis and decreased aldosterone activity.39 Multi-
sulted in a significantly increased risk of mortality or lung ple studies demonstrated correlations between circulat-
transplant with an unadjusted pooled HR of 1.17 (95% CI: ing BNP and NT-proBNP levels and pulmonary hemody-
1.03-1.32) and adjusted pooled HR of 1.19 (1.08-1.32). namics in PAH: NT-proBNP levels correlate with mPAP,
The HR observed in the single study investigating BNP PVR, right atrial pressure and cardiac index.39-42 Changes
was 1.15 (95% CI: 1.06-1.23). in NT-proBNP levels have also shown to correlate with
Publication bias was assessed using Funnel plots, Eg- changes in pulmonary hemodynamics.41 , 42 An increase
ger’s test and Orwin’s fail safe N. The results of these of (NT-pro)BNP levels may reflect right ventricular re-
analyses are presented in Supplementary Table V. Both modeling leading to impaired right ventricular systolic
the Egger’s test and funnel plots imply the presence function.40 , 41
of publication bias in some analyses. However, Orwin’s Besides pulmonary hypertension, there are multiple
fail safe N is >20 at a target log HR of 0.05 in all other factors that can lead to elevated (NT-pro)BNP lev-
analyses. els. Myocardial stress can also be caused by left heart dis-
American Heart Journal
Hendriks et al 41
Volume 250

Figure 3

Meta-analysis calculating the pooled hazard ratio for mortality of hazard ratios based on continuous measurements. Hazard ratios represent
a 2-fold difference of the weighted mean (NT-pro)BNP at baseline. Abbreviations: BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CI: confidence interval;
NT-proBNP: N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide; RE: random effects.

ease including left ventricular dysfunction, left ventric- proBNP at baseline itself.30 This highlights that not only
ular hypertrophy and left heart failure.39 , 43 Extra-cardiac the baseline levels of (NT-pro)BNP might be important
disease like impaired renal function will also increase the in the risk stratification of PAH-patients, but that (NT-
levels of (NT-pro)BNP. Furthermore, (NT-pro)BNP levels pro)BNP measurement during follow-up is also impor-
are inversely correlated with obesity, diabetes mellitus tant in the continuous risk assessment of patients with
and metabolic syndrome.39 , 44 Demographic factors such PAH.
as female gender and increased age are also associated Geenen et al. investigated multiple biomarkers in pa-
with higher levels of (NT-pro)BNP.39 , 44 This might be an tients with pulmonary hypertension.27 They demon-
argument to opt for age and sex standardized normal strated that the use of a panel of 6 blood biomarkers was
values of (NT-pro)BNP. In this systematic review we ex- able to discriminate well between high and low risk pa-
tracted data on renal function and BMI. Unfortunately, tients. This multi-biomarker approach improved the pre-
not all included studies provided these data. The studies dictive value of NT-proBNP on transplant free survival. A
that did report on renal function and BMI showed normal multi-biomarker approach in the risk stratification of PAH
renal function and BMI in the vast majority of patients. poses an interesting prospect for the future and requires
Even though it was not possible to perform a subanalysis more research.
on patients with normal renal function and normal BMI, Measurements of (NT-pro)BNP are implemented in
we expect the possible introduced bias by these patients multiple risk stratification tools for patients with PAH like
to be very limited. the ESC/ERS-guidelines, the REVEAL-risk score and the
In this meta-analysis we focused on the prognostic French registry.7 , 12 , 45 These meta-analyses showed that
value of (NT-pro)BNP at the time of diagnosis. Some indeed, (NT-pro)BNP should be a cornerstone of identi-
studies also demonstrated that an increase of NT-proBNP fying high-risk patients. The ERS/ESC guideline does not
over time is associated with an increased risk of mortal- distinguish between the use of NT-proBNP or BNP. Both
ity.30 , 31 Mauritz et al. investigated serial NT-proBNP mea- peptides are cleared by the kidney, but NT-proBNP is
surements after diagnosis and initiation of PAH-specific more stable with a half-life of 70 minutes as compared
medical treatment. They showed that a decrease of 15% to BNP with 22 minutes. It has been demonstrated that
of NT-proBNP per year was associated with improved sur- NT-proBNP performed slightly better in comparison to
vival. They also found that extrapolating the baseline NT- BNP in prognostic models for chronic heart failure.46
proBNP level based on follow-up NT-proBNP measure- There are several limitations regarding this study. First
ments was a better discriminative factor between sur- of all, there is noticeable heterogeneity across studies
vivors and non-survivors than the measured value of NT-
American Heart Journal
42 Hendriks et al
August 2022

regarding the study population, assays used for (NT- Conflict of interest
pro)BNP measurement and used cut-off values. Despite The authors declare that they have no conflict of inter-
this heterogeneity, all studies show a systematic asso- est.
ciation between (NT-pro)BNP at the time of diagnosis
and mortality or lung transplant. Several studies were
excluded from the meta-analysis using adjusted HRs be- Funding
cause they used an overfitted cox-PH model. This might This research project was supported by an unrestrict-
lead to a loss of evidence, however calculations based ing research grant by Johnson & Johnson - Actelion phar-
on an overfitted cox-PH model may be biased and the maceuticals.
95%-confidence intervals may not be reliable. Exclud-
ing these studies does ensure pooling of only appro-
Supplementary materials
priately calculated multivariable HRs.22 The funnel plots
Supplementary material associated with this article can
and Egger’s test are suggestive of publication bias in the
be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.ahj.
analysis of the adjusted HR based on dichotomous NT-
proBNP values and the unadjusted HR based on contin-
uous NT-proBNP levels. However, when interpreting the
Orwin’s fail safe N, there has to be a substantial amount CRediT authorship contribution
of publications missed by our search syntax to nullify statement
the significant effect of (NT-pro)BNP on the prognosis of
PAH. Since the used search strategy represented a broad Paul M. Hendriks: Conceptualization, Data curation,
search of the literature, it is very unlikely that possible Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – re-
unpublished articles will change the main outcome of view & editing. Liza D. van de Groep: Conceptualiza-
this systematic review. It is possible that the extent of tion, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing – original
the relationship between (NT-pro)BNP and mortality or draft, Writing – review & editing. Kevin M. Veen: For-
lung transplant could not be determined exactly for these mal analysis, Writing – review & editing. Mitch C.J. van
analyses. However, it is very unlikely that the main asso- Thor: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & edit-
ciation between mortality or lung transplant changes due ing. Sabrina Meertens: Data curation, Writing – origi-
to possible publication bias. nal draft. Eric Boersma: Formal analysis, Writing – re-
view & editing. Karin A. Boomars: Conceptualization,
Future perspective Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Marco C. Post:
The measurement of (NT-pro)BNP is widely available Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – review & edit-
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