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Anisa Febriani Puspa Kirana

180410210093 – Assignment 3

April 11, 2023

Exercise 1:
Find the Simple Subject of the following.
1. The girl with a blue hair is my best friend.
2. The man who is standing over there is the victim of the robbery.
3. Most of Indonesian people like wearing Batik.
4. The man whom you are talking to is my brother.
5. A good reader is not automatically a good writer.
6. The technique of swimming is not the same with the technique of snorkeling.

Exercise 2:
Write the pattern of the following clauses.
1. We(S) ran out of(V) the gas(O).
2. We(S) do not(V-auxiliary) have(V-main) much money(O).
3. They(S) could(V-modal) go(V-main) there without my help(A).
4. They(S) visit(V) their parents(O) once a year(A).
5. She(S) would(V-modal) buy(V-main) her(O-indirect) the red one(O-direct).
6. She(S) made(V) her(O-indirect) a cake(O-direct).

Exercise 3:
Underlined and given marks the dependent and independent of the following.

Single underlined : dependent clause

Double underlined : independent clause

In the hallways, which were always crowded, my face would always surprise some
unsuspecting kid who maybe hadn’t heard about me. The kid would make the sound (that)
you make when you hold your breath before going underwater, a little ‘uh!” sound. This
happened may be four or five times a day for the first few weeks: on the stairs, in front of
the lockers, in the library. Five hundred ids in a school: eventually every one of them was
going to see my face at some time. And I knew after the first couple of days that word had
gotten around about me, because every once in a while I’d catch a kid elbowing his friend as
they passed me, or talking behind their hands as I walked by them. I can only imagine what
they were saying about me. Actually, I prefer not to even try to imagine it.
Adapted from “Wonder” (2012: 61) by R.J. Palacio

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