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Kayla Yasmin Az-Zahra (12)


Forbidden Forest

One bright morning, Rio and his friends, Lula and Ali, suddenly woke up in the forbidden
forest that had always been a mystery in their village. They were curious about the
mystical stories circulating about the forest.

Carefully, they entered the lush and dark forest. The atmosphere was eerie, but Rio and
his friends bravely continued their adventure. They followed animal tracks that led them
deeper into the woods.

In the middle of their journey, they discovered the ruins of an ancient building, rumored
to be the remains of an old temple. Not far from there, they saw an intriguing cave.
They decided to explore it.

Not long after entering the cave, they found that it was connected to an extensive
underground labyrinth. As they walked, they encountered numerous obstacles, but their
desire to uncover the secrets of the forbidden forest kept them undeterred.

During their adventure, they encountered strange creatures and heard eerie sounds
that made their hair stand on end. Despite their fear, they stayed united and supported
each other in facing every challenge.

After days of exploring the forbidden forest, they eventually found something
surprising. They discovered an ancient artifact believed to possess magical powers.
However, when Rio picked it up, a dark force threatened their safety.
And when they fought the dark force, Rio was thrown away because of the dark wind.
Then Lula and Ali immediately helped Rio to get back on his feet. After that they
continued the fight with dark forces and they managed to win the fight.

In their battle against the dark force, they realized that their true strength lay in their
friendship and bravery. Together, they managed to overcome the dark power and save

The adventure in the forbidden forest had come to an end, but the beautiful memories
and valuable lessons about friendship and courage would be cherished by Rio, Lula, and
Ali for a lifetime.

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