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7 Substation Automation Systems

3.71Short definition of Substation 3.73 From RTU to SA
Automation Systems autornation systems
In contrast to RTUs, Substation abOve in a
The definiton of Substation Automation Systens (SA) perforn all the local tasks rnentionedThe functions
can be done stepwise. more or less decentral1zed required
indude al the autormation actions that are
it is to iso
The most straightforward definition is that a Sub tomanage the specific substation, whether
collect condition
late and earth a feeder bay, or to
station Automation System perfons al the local tasks indudes the collection
described in section 3.6.1, ie. provding monitoring data. Therefore, it
that are related
and storage of a vast anount of data surrounding
" local and remote access to the power system to substation based equipment and the distur
" local manual and automatic functions power system itself (e.g fauit location details,
" Communications links and interfaces to the switch bance recording etc). The structure of Substation
gear, within the substation automation system Autornation is described in hapter 7, its architecture
and to the netwok management system in chapter 8.

These functions may be perfomed more or less The communication function of the RTUis also need
combined in a lot of dedicated ntelligent Electro ed in the SA, but is changed to a communication
nic Devices (ED) for control, monitoring, protection, interface. In most cases, this function is implemented
autormatics, communication, etc The functions of sub in a gateway IED. Depending on the communication
station automation are described in chapter 6, the protocols used this gateway has to convert the pro
substation automation structure in chapter 7. tocols in both directions also (protocol converter). The
information collected and stored in distibuted devic
es (EDs) of the SA will be communicated to the
3.72 The History of Rernote Terminal Units SCADA master via this gateway. Note that also pro
Historicaly, the oniy interface between the switch tection devices are seen as part of the Substation
gear and the network management system was a
Automation integrated by the common communica
Remote Terrninal Urit (RTU) ineach substation. The tion systerm. Protection functions may be also imple
RTU was a central unit containing a lot of inputs and mented together with control functions in one single
outputs, nearly no local functions but the communi
cation interface to the rernote network controlcenter.
RTUS and NCC both together formed the Supervisory Depending on the functionality and availability request
Control And Data Acquisition systern (SCADA). A ed in the substation, its geographic extension and
SCADA system is primaily used to monitor, control commercial boundaries, RTUS wil remain a conve
nient solution for a lot of substations. Reverse, RTUS
and manage the power system rerotely by human may be defined as most simple substation automa
intervention to deliver electrical energy as per delivery
Contracts. It provides real time status information tion systems also. Some compariscon is given chapter 8.
(both analogue and digital) as wellas historical infor
mation to the operator and supports his decision The trends and outlooks for the future developments
making for effective supervisory control. In addition, are addressed in chapter 18.
the action of protection ike start and trip is induded
as simple yes/no information.

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