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There are many different energy resources.

(a) Which two energy resources are renewable?

Tick two boxes.





Nuclear fuel


(b) Some non-renewable energy resources are more reliable than others.

Which statement correctly describes a reliable resource?

Tick one box.

It does not burn fuel.

It is predictable.

It will never run out.

It is cheap to use.


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(c) Figure 1 shows a wind farm.

Figure 1

The total power output of the wind farm is 19.6 MW

All of the wind turbines have the same power output.

What is the power output of one wind turbine?

Tick one box.

2.7 MW

2.8 MW

2.9 MW

3.2 MW

3.3 MW


(d) Give two reasons why people might not like having wind turbines near their homes.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

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(e) Figure 2 shows the electricity generated by different energy resources in the UK.

The total amount of electricity generated was the same in 2014 and in 2015

Figure 2

There are changes in the amounts of different energy resources used between 2014 and

Explain the environmental impacts of the changes.








(Total 10 marks)

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A light dependent resistor (LDR) is connected in a circuit.
(a) Draw the circuit symbol for an LDR.


(b) A student investigated the relationship between current and potential difference for an LDR.

How should the student have connected the ammeter and voltmeter in the circuit?

Tick one box.

Ammeter Voltmeter

in parallel with LDR in parallel with LDR

in parallel with LDR in series with LDR

in series with LDR in parallel with LDR

in series with LDR in series with LDR


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The diagram below shows a sketch graph of the student’s results.

The LDR was in a constant bright light.

(c) The student concluded that the current in the LDR is inversely proportional to the potential
difference across the LDR.

Explain why the student’s conclusion is incorrect.





(d) The student repeated the investigation with the LDR in constant dark conditions.

Sketch on the diagram above the graph for the LDR in constant dark conditions.

The LDR was placed near a light source.

The following results were recorded:

potential difference = 5.50 V

current = 12.5 mA

(e) Write down the equation that links current, potential difference and resistance.


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(f) Calculate the resistance of the LDR.






Resistance = _____________ Ω
(Total 11 marks)

Astronauts have been to the Moon.

(a) Astronauts moved around the surface of the Moon in a lunar rover.

The photograph below shows a lunar rover.

The batteries on the lunar rover provided a potential difference of 36 V

The total charge stored in the batteries was 870 000 C

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Calculate the maximum energy that could have been transferred from the batteries.

Use the equation:

energy transferred = charge flow × potential difference





Maximum energy transferred = _________________________ J


(b) Not all of the energy from the batteries was usefully transferred to the kinetic energy of the
lunar rover.

Explain why.





The astronauts collected rock samples from the Moon.

Scientists analysed the percentages of elements in Moon rock and Earth rock.

The table below shows the results.

Element Percentage in Moon rock Percentage in Earth rock

Aluminium 8 8

Iron 13 5

Oxygen 42 47

Silicon X 28

Other elements 10 12

(c) Calculate value X in the table above.

X = ____________ %

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(d) Give one similarity and one difference between Moon rock and Earth rock.

Use the table above.

Similarity ___________________________________________________________


Difference __________________________________________________________


(e) Scientists used to think the Earth and Moon formed separately.

Scientists now believe that the Moon formed after a collision between the Earth and a small

This new idea came from the study of Moon rocks.

Why do scientific theories sometimes change?

Tick one box.

Scientists agree that the existing theory is old-fashioned

Scientists change their theories to make the theories more popular

Scientists decide that the new theory is more exciting

Scientists discover new evidence which the existing theory cannot



(f) Write down the equation which links gravitational field strength, gravitational potential
energy, height and mass.



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(g) When the astronauts left the Moon, they used a spacecraft with a mass of 2150 kg

Calculate the height reached by the spacecraft at the point where it had a gravitational
potential energy of 86 000 000 J

The gravitational field strength of the Moon is 1.6 N/kg







Height = _______________ m
(Total 12 marks)

We use mains electricity in our homes.

(a) What is the frequency of the UK mains electricity supply?

Tick one box.

23 Hz

50 Hz

230 Hz

500 Hz


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(b) Many appliances in the home use three-core electrical cable.

Look at the figure below.

Label the wires in the cable in the figure above.

Use words from the box.

Earth Negative Neutral Positive


(c) The sentences explain how touching the live wire in a cable can cause an electric shock.

Complete the sentences.

Use words from the box.

current force resistance potential difference

Touching the live wire causes a large _____________________ to exist across the body.

This causes a _________________ through the body, which results in an electric shock.

(d) A heater has a power rating of 2500 W.

The heater is turned on for 180 seconds.

Calculate the energy transferred by the heater.

Use the equation:

energy transferred = power × time

Give your answer in kilojoules (kJ).




Energy transferred = _________________ kJ


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(e) Write down the equation that links charge flow, energy transferred and potential difference.


(f) The mains electricity supply is at 230 V.

A different heater transfers 4200 J of energy.

Calculate the charge flow through the heater.




Charge flow = _________________ C

(Total 12 marks)

Waves may be longitudinal or transverse.

(a) Describe the differences between longitudinal waves and transverse waves.









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(b) Radio waves are electromagnetic waves.

Describe how radio waves are different from sound waves.








(Total 7 marks)

The diagram below shows types of waves within the electromagnetic spectrum.
Some of the types of waves are represented by letters.

P microwaves Q visible light R S gamma rays

(a) Which letter shows the position of ultraviolet (UV) radiation within the electromagnetic

Tick one box.



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(b) A special lamp can produce UV radiation.

Which two statements describe the electromagnetic waves emitted by a UV lamp?

Tick two boxes.

They have a higher frequency than X-rays.

They have the same wave speed as visible light.

They have a longer wavelength than microwaves.

They have a lower frequency than gamma rays.

They have a greater wave speed than radio waves.


(c) UV radiation is used to treat a vitamin D deficiency.

People should not use a UV lamp for long periods of time.

State two risks of exposure to high levels of UV radiation.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(d) Ionising radiation is used for some medical imaging.

Name two types of electromagnetic waves that are used.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 7 marks)

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An athlete takes part in a race on a straight, horizontal running track.
Figure 1 shows the velocity-time graph for the athlete during the race.

Figure 1

(a) What is the main force that opposes the athlete’s forward motion?



(b) Which section of the graph represents a part of the race where the resultant force on the
athlete is zero?

Tick one box.



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(c) The athlete has a mass of 94.8 kg

Calculate the momentum of the athlete at a time of 6.0 s

Use Figure 1.





Momentum = ___________________ kg m/s


(d) The acceleration is not constant from D to E.

Determine the acceleration at a time of 12.0 s

Use Figure 1.

Give the unit.







Acceleration = _______________________ Unit ___________


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Figure 2 is a copy of Figure 1 to help you answer the following questions.

Figure 2

A second athlete starts the race at the same time as the first athlete.

The second athlete moves with a constant acceleration of 1.6 m/s2 for the first 6.0 seconds of the

The first athlete travels further than the second athlete during the first 6.0 seconds.

(e) Draw a line on Figure 2 to represent the motion of the second athlete for the first 6.0
seconds of the race.





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(f) Determine the extra distance travelled by the first athlete over the first 6.0 seconds of the

Use Figure 2.









Extra distance travelled by first athlete = ____________ m

(Total 16 marks)

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