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Student activity
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date ......................

Internal energy
Specification references:
 P3.2.1 Internal energy
 WS 1.2, 4.1

In this activity, you will observe and discuss the changes of state of water, and
then answer a set of questions about changes of state and internal energy.

Learning outcomes
After completing this activity you should be able to:
 identify which changes of state involve increases in internal energy and which
involve decreases
 describe how the internal energy of an object can be increased by heating
 use the concepts of kinetic and potential energy to explain changes in internal

Task and questions

Your teacher will demonstrate the state changes of water and discuss what is
happening to the particles, and the energy transfers involved. Observe the
demonstration and make notes if needed. Then answer the questions below.
1 Name the changes of state that you observed.

(2 marks)

2 a Name the two types of energy of particles which add up to make the
internal energy of a substance.

(2 marks)

b State which of the two types of energy the particles of a substance gain when:
i the substance’s temperature increases

(1 mark)

ii the substance is changing from a solid to a liquid

(1 mark)

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Student activity
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date ......................

iii the substance is changing from a liquid to a gas.

(1 mark)

c Describe what happens to each of the two types of energy when:

i a substance is condensing

(2 marks)

ii a substance is freezing.

(2 marks)

3 Describe the effect on the forces of attraction between particles in a substance

a the substance changes from a solid to a liquid

(1 mark)

b the substance changes from a liquid to a gas.

(1 mark)

4 Conduction in a liquid is very slow, yet when water is heated from below, heat
transfers quickly from the bottom of the water to the rest of the water.
a Name the main process by which this happens.

(1 mark)

b Explain how this process works.

(4 marks)

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Student activity
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date ......................

5 Name two processes by which heat transfers from the hot water to its

(2 marks)

Student follow up
1 Complete the table below. (You are not expected to quote numerical values
for separation and force, but give simple descriptions such as ‘weakest’ or ‘in

Strength of forces
State Particle separation
between particles




(6 marks)

2 The particles of a substance slow down and move much closer together.
a Name the change of state that is happening to the substance.

(1 mark)

b Describe what is happening to density of the substance.

(1 mark)

3 When the energy of a liquid decreases (but it does not start to solidify), describe
what happens to:
a the liquid’s temperature

(1 mark)

b the movement of the liquid’s particles.

(1 mark)

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Student activity
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date ......................

4 A boiling tube containing liquid stearic acid (which has a melting point of 69 °C)
is placed into an insulated cup of water. As the stearic acid solidifies, the
temperature of the water rises. Explain why.

(3 marks)

5 State whether each of the following statements is correct or incorrect and
explain why.
a When a football is kicked, the ball’s internal energy increases because its
kinetic energy increases.

(3 marks)

b When a football is placed on a high shelf, the ball’s internal energy

increases because its potential energy increases.

(3 marks)

c When water boils, interatomic bonds are broken.

(3 marks)

d When water boils, intermolecular forces are overcome.

(3 marks)

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