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Computer Science (Haramaya University)

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Project done during internship:- Document Management system for Afri-com

Host company:ICT Park (Afri-com and tech)

Mentor: Mr. Leweyehu

Company Superviser: Mr. Eskinder

Period of internship: 67 days

Name :Mohammed Ahmed

Submission Date: 10/25/202

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I address]
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pe the fax nu mber]


I, Mohammed Ahmed, hereby declare that the internship attachment submitted to Computer Science
is a true and accurate account of my internship experience with Afri-com and tech from July 14/2023
to Sep 21/2023. I have not plagiarized any of the content in the attachment and all of the work is my

___________________________ ___________________ _________________

Name of the Academic Advisor Signature Date

___________________________ ____________________ __________________

Name of student Signature Date

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Executive Summary
In this report I have tried to list the overall aspects of the internship experience.I have summarized what is
expected in the next chapters of this report.This report consists of five chapters.

In the first unit of the report, it provides information about the hosting starts from the brief history
of the company and continues to the mission and vision of the company.

In second unit of the report it describes mainly about internship experience.It starts by describing the sections I
had been working on and continues to tell the different types of tasks that I had accomplished.

In third unit of the report it describes project title and short summary of the project, problem statement and
justification, objective of the project and methodology of the project.

In forth unit of the report it describes the overall benefits that I have gained from this internship experience.

In the last unit of the report it describes about the overall conclusion and recommendation.

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The successful completion of this internship would not have been possible without the support and
assistance of many individuals and organizations.

First of all we would like to thank almighty Allah, for giving us strength in order
to starting from the beginning to the end of my internship period. Secondly, we would like to
express our deep appreciation to our advisors “Mr. Leweyehu ” and “Mr.
Eskinder ” for guiding us through each and every step of the process with
knowledge and support.

I have extend my supreme gratitude to Haramaya University college of computing and

informatics for providing such kind of opportunity for students to broaden their perception on
how the real world in the field of computer science looks like.


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Lists of acronyms

SQL - Structured Query Language

PHP - Hyper Text Preproccessor

HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS -Cascading Style-sheet


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Table of contents

Chapter one..............................................................................................................................................................................1
1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 General introduction..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of the company..............................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Brief history of the company..........................................................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Vision..............................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Mission...........................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Values..............................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.5 Objective of the company...............................................................................................................................................3
1.2.6 Service and products of the company.............................................................................................................................3
1.2.7 customers of company....................................................................................................................................................4
Chapter two.............................................................................................................................................................................5
2 Overall Experience...............................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Section of the company I have been working in...............................................................................................................5
2.2 Work piece or work tasks I have been executing..............................................................................................................5
2.3 What technical knowledge and skills from your course work were beneficial for your assignment?..............................5
2.4 Types of programming language and tools I have used....................................................................................................6
2.5 Challenges I have been facing while performing my work tasks......................................................................................6
2.6 Solution of problems.........................................................................................................................................................7
Chapter Three..........................................................................................................................................................................8
3 How and why our project is selected and worked out..........................................................................................................8
3.1 Project title & short summery of the project.....................................................................................................................8
3.2 Statement of problem........................................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Objective of the project.....................................................................................................................................................9
3.3.1. To save time and resources............................................................................................................................................9
3.3.2. To reduce work load....................................................................................................................................................10
3.3.3. To make it easy to search any record...........................................................................................................................10
3.3.4. To make the system user friendly................................................................................................................................10
3.4 Methodology....................................................................................................................................................................11
3.4.1 Requirement gathering methods...................................................................................................................................11
Chapter four...........................................................................................................................................................................17
4 Benefits I gained from the internship.................................................................................................................................17
4.1 In terms of Improving Practical Skill..............................................................................................................................17
4.2 In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge..................................................................................................................18
4.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill..............................................................................................18
4.4 In terms of improving my team playing skills.................................................................................................................19
4.5 In terms of improving leadership skill.............................................................................................................................20
4.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues............................................................................................21
4.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skill....................................................................................................................................21
4.8 How did this internship fit your career goals?.................................................................................................................22
4.9 Did your career goals change as a result of this internship experience?.........................................................................22
4.10 My feelings about the value of this internship.............................................................................................................22
4.11 My strengths and areas for improvement as self-evaluation.........................................................................................22
Chapter five...........................................................................................................................................................................23
5 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................................................23
5.1 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................................................23
5.1.1 To the organization.......................................................................................................................................................23
5.1.2 To the university...........................................................................................................................................................23


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Table of Figures
Figure 1 login page.................................................................................................................................12
Figure 2 Sign up page.............................................................................................................................12
Figure 3 Root Dashboard........................................................................................................................13
Figure 4 Document management page...................................................................................................13
Figure 5 Role & permission page...........................................................................................................14
Figure 6 User management page.............................................................................................................14
Figure 7 Account registration request page.............................................................................................15
Figure 8 User Activites page...................................................................................................................15
Figure 9 Document info page .............................................................................................................16

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Chapter one
1 Introduction
1.1 General introduction
Industrial attachment was introduced to inspire the students with practical and technical skills, as
a partial fulfillment for the award of a Certificate, Diploma or a Degree and to introduce the
students into working life. The training time allows the students to link the theoretical principles
learn in the higher learning institutions and the real life professional and technical application.It
gives the students the practical skills and the work environment philosophy, to use their skill and
principles learned in class to serve the institutions and the society in general.Due to the above
reasons,Haramaya University has organized 45 days of training in any institution of students’
choice to give every student an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge achieved during
the course of study and to acquire new skills in managing relationship and carrying out the jobs
assigned.This is the reason why I joined ICT Park (Afri-com and tech) to be trained in order to get
practical skills for myself in the technology industry.

1.2 Background of the company

AFRICOM Technologies is one of the first ISO-certified and leading IT solution and service-
providing companies which was established in 2004 G.C. The vision of the company is to become the
most preferred IT solution and service provider in Africa by 2030.

AFRICOM provides services in the areas of MIS consultancy, software development, Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO), Single Window Projects, IT auditing, and E-commerce.

1.2.1 Brief history of the company

Established by young entrepreneurs in 1996 E.C (2004 G.C), with a wealth of experience and
educational background in the industry.

AFRICOM houses professionals who are internationally certified in leading-edge information and
communication technologies. Besides the technical capacity, AFRI-COM’s management has a
commendable entrepreneurial flair with strong ethical and professional standards.

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Over the years, AFRICOM has developed an excellent reputation for delivering business solutions as
per the requirements of customers within the allocated budget and time. Beyond the deployment of
solutions, AFRICOM provides strong technical support to sustain the competitive advantages gained
by customers from their ICT investments.

1.2.2 Vision

The vision of the company is to become the most preferred IT solution and service providers in
Africa by 2030.

1.2.3 Mission

The Mission of the company is to revolutionize digital transformation.

1.2.4 Values

The values of the company:

 Passion for Customer (Customer 1 st)

 Timely Delivery
 Innovation
 Embrace Change
 Partnership and Collaboration
 Commitment to quality service
 Integrity and Teamwork
 Leadership and Ownership
 Social Responsibility

1.2.5 Objective of the company

AFRICOM Technologies is committed to helping businesses in Africa to grow and succeed. They
believe that IT is a key driver of economic development, and they are passionate about using their
expertise to make a positive impact on the continent.

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Here are some specific objectives of AFRICOM Technologies:

 To help businesses in Africa to improve their efficiency and productivity through the use of

 To help businesses in Africa to reach new customers and markets through the use of e-

 To help businesses in Africa to comply with regulations and improve their governance
through the use of IT.

 To create jobs and contribute to the economic development of Africa.

AFRICOM Technologies is a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes in Africa. Their team of
experts can help businesses to choose the right IT solutions for their needs and to implement those
solutions effectively.

1.2.6 Service and products of the company

The team of 200+ local and international well-experienced software engineers, developers, UX
architects, and designers like to produce impactful software. We create software that is used by
many.Custom Software Development

The list of services the company provide :-

 Custom Software Development

 windows & Web based Applications

 IT Consultancy & Analysis

 Networking & Security

 Quality Assurance /IT Audit Service &

 Support & Maintenance

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1.2.7 customers of company

 Governmental sectors and

 Society

Chapter two
2 Overall Experience
Overall Internship Experience Internships provide me an opportunity to link theory with practice
and further serve as a temporary labor pool for ICT Park (Afri-com and tech) that have hosted me in
the internship program.

I gained a new sense of professionalism and a clearer view of what it meant to be in the
professional world.

It provides me the career with demonstrated academic competence, and a hands-on experience in
the public sector.

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2.1 Section of the company I have been working in

I have been working in the Front-End Developer section of Afri-com. This section is responsible for
developing and maintaining web and mobile applications. During my internship, I have had the
opportunity to work on a variety of projects, including:

 Developing a new feature for the company's website and

 Developing the Document management system for the company

Through these projects, I have learned about the front-end development process and have gained
valuable skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, EJS and React. I have also had the opportunity to
work with a team of experienced developers who have taught me a great deal about the industry.

2.2 Work piece or work tasks I have been executing

I have been doing a web based Document Management system with some students who were
working with me, and preparing a documentation for the system.

2.3 What technical knowledge and skills from your course work were beneficial
for your assignment?
The following technical knowledge and skills from my course work were beneficial for my
assignment as a front-end developer intern:

 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These are the core technologies used to develop web
applications. I learned these technologies in my introductory web development course.

 Databases: Back-end developers typically use databases to store and retrieve data. I learned
about relational databases and SQL in my database systems course.

 Debugging: Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in code. I learned
debugging techniques in my software engineering course.

 Software design: I learned about software design principles and patterns in my software
design course. This knowledge helped me to design and implement back-end systems that
are saleable , maintainable, and secure.

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 Testing: I learned about different types of testing and testing techniques in my software
testing course. This knowledge helped me to write and execute tests for my back-end code.

2.4 Types of programming language and tools I have used

 Languages

Front-end : Bootstrap, Blade templating, and Vue

Back-end : Laravel frame work

 Tools


 Visual Studio Code and

 Xampp

2.5 Challenges I have been facing while performing my work tasks

 At the starting of the project I have no enough knowledge about recent programming

 It was difficult to know all requirements of the system.

2.6 Solution of problems

I propose that the requirements gathering process be improved. This could be done by involving
stakeholders more closely in the process and by using formal requirements gathering techniques.

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Chapter Three
3 How and why our project is selected and worked out
3.1 Project title & short summery of the project
Our project title is Document management system.The Afri-com Document Management System
(DMS) is a software solution that will help the company to create, store, manage, and share
documents electronically. The DMS will be used to manage a wide variety of documents,
including word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, videos, and audio

The DMS will provide a number of benefits to Afri-com, including:

 Improved organization of documents

 Increased security of documents

 Enhanced collaboration between team members

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 Reduced costs associated with paper-based document storage and document search.

The DMS will be deployed on-premises and will be accessible to all Afri-com employees. The DMS
will be implemented in phases, with the first phase focusing on the implementation of the core
functionality of the system. Subsequent phases will focus on adding additional features and
functionality, such as integration with Afri-com's existing IT systems.

The Afri-com DMS is a critical project that will help the company to improve its efficiency and
productivity. The DMS will also help Afri-com to improve its customer service by providing
customers with a more convenient and efficient way to access and share documents.

3.2 Statement of problem

Afri-com is currently facing a number of challenges related to document management. These

challenges include:

 Unorganized documents: Afri-com's documents are currently stored in a variety of

different locations, both physical and digital. This makes it difficult to find and access
documents when needed.

 Insecure documents: Afri-com's current document management system does not provide
adequate security for sensitive documents. This could lead to a data breach or other security

The Afri-com Document Management System (DMS) is a proposed solution to these problems. The
DMS will provide a central location to store and manage all of Afri-com's documents. The DMS will
also provide security features to protect sensitive documents and collaboration features to make it
easier for team members to work on documents together. The DMS is expected to reduce Afri-com's
costs associated with document management.

The Afri-com DMS is a critical project that will help the company to improve its efficiency,
productivity, and security.

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3.3 Objective of the project

The objective of the Afri-com Document Management System (DMS) project is to develop and
implement a software solution that will help the company to create, store, manage, and share
documents electronically. The DMS will be used to manage a wide variety of documents, including
word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, videos, and audio files.

3.3.1. To save time and resources

The Afri-com DMS is expected to save the company time and resources by improving the efficiency
and effectiveness of its document management practices.

Here are some specific examples of how the Afri-com DMS could save time and resources:

 A salesperson could use the DMS to quickly find and share customer proposals with their team
members. This would save time and improve the efficiency of the sales process.

 A customer support representative could use the DMS to quickly find and share product
documentation with customers. This would save time and improve the customer experience.

 A manager could use the DMS to quickly review and approve reports from their team members.
This would save time and improve the efficiency of the management process.

The Afri-com DMS is a cost-effective investment that will save the company time and resources in
the long run.

3.3.2. To reduce work load

The Afri-com Document Management System (DMS) is expected to reduce the workload of
employees in a number of ways.

 Improved organization: The DMS will provide a central location to store and manage all of
Afri-com's documents. This will make it easier for employees to find the information they
need, which will reduce the time they spend searching for documents.

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 Reduced manual tasks: The DMS will automate many of the manual tasks associated with
document management, such as filing and retrieving documents. This will free up
employees' time to focus on more important tasks.

3.3.3. To make it easy to search any record

It is much easier to find particular record rather than opening huge files and finding a single
record from them.

3.3.4. To make the system user friendly

To make the Afri-com Document Management System (DMS) user-friendly, the following design
principles can be incorporated:

 Simplicity: The DMS should have a simple and intuitive user interface that is easy to learn
and use. All of the essential features should be easy to find and use, and the system should be
free of unnecessary complexity.

 Consistency: The DMS should have a consistent user interface design across all pages and
features. This will help users to learn the system more quickly and to avoid confusion.

 Efficiency: The DMS should be designed to be efficient and responsive. Users should be able
to complete their tasks quickly and easily, without having to wait for the system to load or

3.4 Methodology

The following methodology can be used to develop and implement the Afri-com Document
Management System (DMS):

In order to develop the Afri-com Document Management System (DMS) modified Waterfall model is
chosen; due to the advantages listed below.

 In the modified waterfall model life cycle are permitted to overlap.

 It is more flexible when its compared to waterfall model.


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 It is also possible for a number of tasks to function concurrently.

3.4.1 Requirement gathering methods

This can be done through interviews, observation, document analysis, and focus groups. Literature review

Reviewed related websites and different books that have related concepts in the area of this
project. Observation

It is the second data gathering methodology we used to collect information by direct watching
some problems that happen to us.

3.5 Result & Discussion

Figure 1 login page


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Figure 2 Sign up page


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Figure 3 Root Dashboard


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Figure 4 Document management page


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Figure 5 Role & permission page

Figure 6 User management page

Figure 3.7 Role permission page


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Figure 7 Account registration request page

Figure 8 User Activites page


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Figure 9 Document info page


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Chapter four
4 Benefits I gained from the internship
In my starting period of internship, having practical and theoretical skill, I found out that I have
long way to improve myself to join the real world business activity. This period not only let me
know my level and skill, but also gives me opportunity to start stepping forward in improving
myself in many aspects. I have been reading books, watching online tutorial, practicing to apply
my theoretical knowledge and consulting my associates to overcome difficulties and upgrade
myself. In time it was visible for me that I have improved my skills and knowledge.

To speed up our improvement on those skills, my team mates and I have been researching these
skills. As a result, we had some points in from different sources to follow them as a guide line.

4.1 In terms of Improving Practical Skill

In this forty five day internship I had experienced the difference between practical skills and
theoretical skills. Even though I already came through practical exercised during my courses at
the university, I had a new environment of practical activity in this internship period.

In all project that I had been involved, I had to apply my theoretical knowledge in practice, some
of them which I have not used them before and others that I have used them in many difficulties.

Starting from my typing skill while coding, to my ability putting different methods, steps and
theories of computer science to action are improved extremely.

 Software planning

 System design and analysis

 Software life cycle models

 Software project management

 Software requirement analysis

 User interface design

 Software reuse


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 Software quality assurance

The practical skills have the following features:

 Real life complex projects solved by our team during the internship period
 Strong relation with software developers in Afri-com (to involve us in the practical
course as project members and leaders)
 Development with milestones

4.2 In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge

While in my courses at the university, I believe I had all necessary theories, most of them that I
have them in practice in different assignment and project. By the end of third year, a typical
student has had enough theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow him/her to develop a
software system, web based or desktop. Almost all of us were able to show that in our final

While in internship period, I found that there are a lot of theoretical knowledge that are important
to deal with real world problem solving process. From requirement gathering to deployment of a
software system, there is much to explore and know. And there for in every step of our work,
mainly when we encounter difficulties, we explore new theoretical knowledge.

4.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill

The other thing I have improved is my interpersonal communication skill. While in the campus,
most of communication held informally. Besides that, our informal communication is mostly
limited in close friends. On the top of that we still do not make good team communication.

In this internship period, I have improved this informal communication, and develop new formal
communication skill. With the help of my associates, I have found many options to develop these
skills. Interpersonal communication Skills that are critically I have improved include:

 Affirmation skills. These verbal and non-verbal behaviors enable me to maintain

admiration, satisfy my needs, and defend my rights without aggressiveness, manipulating,
abusing, or controlling others.


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 Listening skills. These skills enable me to recognize what another person is saying. They
comprise new ways of responding so that the other person feels his troubles and feelings
have been understood.

 Conflict-resolution skills. These skills enable me to resolve or manage conflicts

effectively. Especial in my work section during project execution the difference of idea is
obvious so that to overcome such idea overlap as a team a used to different mechanism of
conflict resolution, the followings are some of them
• Give way as a team we use this approach when the issue is less important to one
person than to the other or when maintaining the relationship is more important than
the issue. It is also the rational advance when one person knows he can’t win or wants
to bank a favor.
• Cooperation. We use this approach when our teams have some areas of agreement on which
a mutually agreeable solution can be built or, as in soft, when the relationship is more vital
than the issue.

4.4 In terms of improving my team playing skills

During previous forty five days internship period I have improved the following best team playing behaviors:

 Listening: - I should demonstrate that I can listen to other people's ideas and points of
view by actively listening what others in the team have to offer and I can often build on
their ideas.
 Respecting: - treat all other team-members with equal respect and build up trust.

 Helping: - I used to assume as essential to help others in the team. Be alert of what others
are doing and suggest help and support if I can.
 Sharing: - I am willing to share knowledge, experience, time and talents with others in
the team.
 Asking: - I ask questions so I am sure of the objectives of the team.

 Persuading: - I have to be prepared to come up with ideas and persuade them, but
eventually agree to change them if correct.
 Participation: - I am willing to contribute enthusiastically to the team without
dominating other members, but I am also willing to lead and motivate when appropriate.


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4.5 In terms of improving leadership skill

Leadership is the most important skill that I think it is the most valuable skill that I develop.

Everything I used to think about leadership is changed in this internship period. I have noticed
that leadership need many skills. During the time of internship period I have improved the
following leadership skill.

 Self Esteem

I used to make someone feel important, I gain their willingness to work for me.


• Asking their advice.

• Remembering the name of the person am dealing with, and use it often in my
• Show reverence for a person's knowledge by repeating a statement of theirs that
will reflect positively on them.
 Become a Good Listener
I stay alert in my posture and in my facial expression. I try to avoid distractions.
 Get rid of bias in my thoughts about a person.

 Being patient until the person finished expressing his/her idea.

 Planning

Through planning, I decide a course of action to achieve goals and accomplish objectives.

Planning prepares me for how to perform in the event certain things happen.

 Motivating

Our team members at all levels must feel they are needed. I cannot motivate our team members if
they do not feel essential to the process and our plan.

 Disciplining


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The better I know an individual, the better job I can do of disciplining him. With some people, I
necessitate to be compact, or even challenging.

4.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues

I have observed how the work ethic of managers impacts a firm’s employment contracts,
riskiness, development prospective, and organizational structure. Flat contracts are optimal for
diligent managers because they reduce risk-sharing costs, but they attract egoistic agents who
shirk and unskilled agents who add no value.

Basic issues and work ethics I have understood:

 Act in the public interest.

 Act in the best interests of client and employer.

 Be fair to and supportive of my colleagues.

 Participate in lifelong learning, and promote ethical behavior, in practice.

 Maintain integrity and independence in judgment.

 Promise to and encourage ethical management.

4.7 In terms of entrepreneurship skill

This internship period certainly helps me to have strong technology skills or expertise in
a key area, the key qualities are traits such as creativity, the ability to keep going in the
face of hardship, and the social skills needed to build great teams. In terms of
entrepreneurship skill I have improved the following skills:-  Facing different
problems and come up with new solution.
 Practical skills.

 Critical and creative thinking skills.

 Interpersonal skills.

 Team working with cooperation.


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4.8 How did this internship fit your career goals?

An internship provides real life experience and exposure.It also allows students to harness the
skill, knowledge and theoretical practice we learn in university.
It allows the opportunity to learn more about yourself.The experience we go through are what
shapes us.our internship will not only encourage personal development, but also a greater
understanding of self.
Being an intern gives gives us more opportunities to build connections with company
professionals that can be very beneficial for our future career.

4.9 Did your career goals change as a result of this internship experience?

My career goal didn't change.However, this internship helps me to develop an understanding of

the world of work and an awareness of my own skills and abilities. Getting a good degree is vital
but being able to demonstrate to an employer that you have a wide variety of other skills will
improve your employment prospects.

4.10 My feelings about the value of this internship

Completing an internship allows students to gain hands-on experience in the field that
interests us.This type of experience will show students whether or not the career path is a
good fit. In addition, internships provide students with the opportunity to build
connections with individuals in the field.
It helps us in testing out the practical aspects of what we know and focus on how to do a
particular job.We may get to discover new things, familiarize our self with the office
environment, follow the process, and explore the career path that we have chosen to study

4.11 My strengths and areas for improvement as self-evaluation

During my internship program I work my tasks in enthusiasm, as well as my supervisor is such a
sincere man when I ask a question he answered courteously. All in all I did my task effectively
and efficiently, and I was punctual when I performed my tasks. According to the remark of
company advisor, he appreciated my effort that I have showed throughout the internship period.


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Chapter five
5 Conclusion
In a nutshell this internship has been an excellent and rewarding experience.I can conclude that
there have been a lot I have learnt from my work at Afri-com.Needless to say, the technical
aspects of the work I have done are not flawless and could be improved provided enough
time.Two main things that I have learned the importance of are time-management skills and self-

Working with Afri-com has helped me to understand what is my area of interest.I have gained an
immense amount of technical knowledge from this work experience and I plan to continue it for
my future career.I believe that my commitment as a a full-stack developer won’t solely enhance
my career path however additionally I have learn new technologies to improve my ability to
create changes on my career path.

5.1 Recommendation

5.1.1 To the organization

 Serious supervision to the workers and students, the organization should increase and ensure
more supervision over the employees in order to work effectively and also eliminate workers
who relax, work lazily and perform actively after seeing their supervisors.

 More opportunities to students to do intern in their organization.

5.1.2 To the university

 Constant supervision of students, I recommend the university to carry out constant

supervision and monitoring of students during the internship training so as to encourage
them to perform the duties fully and also accurately.Secure Internship placements for


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