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© Chapter 1: Network Layer and Protocols. © Chapter2: Next Generation IP © Chapter3: Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols © Chapter 4: Transport Layer Protocols. © Chapter 5: Applicaton Layer Protocols... Cholce Questions (MCQs) | Network Layer and Protocols CHAPTER 1 1 Address Space, Notatons, Clssl aderessing, classless addressing, Nebwork Adress cMPv4 : Messages, Debusging tos, CMP Checksum Mobile P : Adcressing, Agents, Thrae phase, Inetcency in Mol P ira! Private Network: VPN Tacnoleny. 112 Nottons, 113 Classi Addrossng losses oP Adcress. 1131 Network Assess 1132 Special Acar. 1.1.13. Problems wih Ciassh Addressing, 114 IP Addressing | Classoss Ades YO. Desert ne subnetwork address ii the destination aderess ls 20.45.3468 ard subnet masks 2352552000 TTT 14.5 Network Adres Transaton. 1.154. Network Adress Translation (NAT) Working and Outside Acersses 28 Translation (NAT) Type. internet Protocol 1 (PVA Datagram Format 122 IPv4 Datagram Fragmentabon and Delays ‘Syllabus Topics 1P Aacrossing, IP ADDRESSING =F Dowted Decimal Notatlon-Base 256 ~ Each byi eis Fach umber in doted docioal is | _ vale from 0-255, 32 bit IP ads i grouped into 6 | bit groupe, separated by dot. (New Sibus wef ecaderc yer 2019-29,05-17 i: UB rates Ptann. SACiN HUN verre (ew Sylabus wa academic yar 2019-20) (05-7) ~ Gass 8 (128-191) 23) Class 224238) Te rents bons SAGAN SHAM Vere ——— ero Layer and Protocos) Page no (to) et (8s) 5.comp/ (usar -Sem campus Noten USE! ro] Netor (2 ts TP des belonging to ‘egiiations with sl mun “) (ew Sabu wet acadenc yur 2018.2) (8517) to represent the network ID Teresa ban ASCH St Vr its the pe of Class A network iin clas A, therefore we ic addess by replacing Host D with adress = 1260.00 (ew Slsbus we academic yeor 2018-20) 05-17) ddcse. All zeros means this ihost wes they are just booted bot aot wed (0000000..Hast : A bos on this networks. Used to ‘coramunicate within the curent network All ones adres 255 255.25 259/32 All ones means one ofthe hot can ue this adress o broadens onthe loca ete. + Broadeast on dist network. It ‘machine to send broads packets distant herein the internet rewe : 127000 - 127008 testing. Then itis wed for debugeing the network stare tha milion fclass A adres are wasted, many of the class B addres are wasted, whereas, number of ‘Cass D addresses reused for multicast routing and ae therefore availble a single lock only, Clas E esses are reserved, (CIDR) in 1983. TE reves acaions ASAOHN SHAH Verte stwor Layer and Protos) .Page no (1 Soperet masks for cass C bas Fes ones than the Us ‘eft mask Supereting is mainly used ia Route Summariztion, ‘eter routes to mule newedks wth similar network refines are combined into singe routing eat, with fhe routing enty pointing 1 ® Super network, ‘ncomptasng al the networks. This in turn signiienalyredoces the size of routing {ables and alo the sie of routing updates exchanged ‘routing protocols = More specials, (© When multiple networks ae combined 0 form 2 bigger network, is temed as super-neting © Super netng is used in route aggregation to reduce the sizeof outing tables and routing table ‘pdates = There are some points which should be Kept in mind ile espemenig ‘© Allthe IP ade shouldbe contiguous. © Size of ll the small networks shouldbe eval and must be inform of 2. © Fist IP address should be exactly divisible by whole sie of super. 5 Advances of Seperneting Network mask [ Neti (obs) and reduce neneork wai 2. Helpful solv the problem of lacking IP addresses | Minimizes the routing table, © lssdvancage of Supernetting 1 cannot cover diffrent aren of network when combined [Need of Castes Addressing Jeary sunber tat deteines whieh ork and which For the network portion of an IP adress, Clas A dress ute 8 bits, Cass B adreses use 16 bits, and Class C addresses use 24 bit supemetting in classil addressing Mew Stabs Sibu me cade ye 2019-20) (05-17 TB recheo ra eo Paton A SACHIN SHAH Vertue : Tel rec io punto. A SACHIN HAH Verte king more adress pce = So.we have to provide shor Rowing [padres (ew Sls wet wae yest 2018-20) (0517) Tech-Neo Publications. A SACHIN SHAH Venture by te service provider Le, these are private IP Unit dress. This is the inside host seen fom the inside network Inside lobl adress £ Paes that represents ‘one oF more inside loa! IP adresses to the ‘ute word Thi the nie basta sen fom, reachable packet the desinaion i sent the ont network (© Outside teal sarest +: This the srl IP NAT Inside and Outside Addresses ie Beit neork afer esas, (© Outside global adares : This isthe ouside hot 8 een fom the outside nebrk. I is the IP dress of the ousise deinaton bor before ‘eosaon, aba oe on pt i aos me a ee a aie rae pon 2 Paarl ee Tipe mand a ge toe peck wil be doped ttc many prt IP ‘Sra ere mapped poo of pb I aes. NAT ised when the mabe of we who wan © pubic IP adds it netic | ccs the iment is ed. Ths ia wr a8 | craton vey man bl Pads af ‘to make a pool. (New Sjabus wef cademic year 23-20 05-17) “Tech Neo PubationsASACHIN SHAM Venture we igi Me jstes adress renumbering. when a network svohes 1 Diadvantages of NAT NAT, Topi Internet Protocol D1 1.2 INTERNET PROTOCOL networks. Ths, Intemet is made up of diffrent Drterogenous etek, ‘voncod Computer Network (SBTE Som. 5 Comp/iT) ‘he header length is 20 byes andthe minima vale for this eld is $(S"4-20bytee) and whe the option (ew sabus wef academic year 2019-29 (05-17) = Time to live : This is 8 bit counter wed to Tit tga’ lifetime (8 bis). I counts the te in seconds and allow a maximum eine of 255 sex. It ‘us be decremented on each hop and when i280, packet is discarded Protocol: This bit fel defines name ofthe protacl to which he dts i to be passed. Tt ao defines higher level protocol which we the services of IP lye. IP layer can encapsulates the dia fom higher level check whether & path i working or not. Used for Nework tesing and debuaying. Not wed by every stg, mostly wed by PVE. V Example 12:4 IP pact, the vue of REN is 1000 in bay. How many byes of optons ar bring carey tis pak? 1 sontion: HHLEN = 8, Then ttl number of bytes in the ade i 894 = 32 byter Te it 20 byes ace the Date header, the nee 2 bytes ae te options T Example 122 + Ih on (PVE packet vals of LEN is Sand he vate of tal Sl is 020028 How many bys of deta are being cari by ths] packet? © sotaton: FHLEN = 5, tol aunber ofytes inthe benders S*4= 20 bytes with no options. Tot lng = 40 bytes, which ‘mean the pick ie caring 20 bytes of (40-20. T trample 123 + Sue of open tae Of on 0] atogram & 20 ba, what ste vai of HLEN, inti he van inary? © Solution : = Size of option fk = 20 bytes = When there are no epions the brader length is 20 tyes (be va ofthis ed = $*4=20 bytes). Tech NeoPublatonsA SACHIN SHAH Ventre Unit ‘vanced Comput Network MSBTE -Sem.5- Corp fT) (Netware Layer and Poel) Switela [sue te) Desinon _ JOption type : This S-bit field is divided into three “subssubifields” according to the| along oma loin ye | 1 | Sebnbina Namie | Se ote) Deserta Coie Coie Fg This 1 option intent vo be oped ia al agments when datagram is fragmented iis cleared 0 if te option shoul ot be copied inte fragment. Option lass 218 20is) option clase: Specifies one of four potent | values that indie the gene category into which the option Belongs Tn it, only two of] tne vals are used: 0 is fr conto options | and for Dbugsing and Measurement 518(5bix) [Two option clases. OF ese a few ae mon Jcommonly enployed. See below for more Esch fragment is convened to 4 packet and the information onthe specifi options. eee ee eres Be Seager JOntion oor | Option Lengo For variable engh options, indicates tbe sie of the enti option, including ‘Be tl eg felis changed toh sie ofthe eng al tre suis shown ere in bytes [option Dasa | oar | Optio Dara: For vrisle-length options contin dia tobe seat pat of he option. Variable * Copied Fagen (oF) Option Cs > 0: Contol2: Debug "Option Number 32 et smamber of fragment hati being set and the MTU. eae Header Checksum is rece andes dtp iw So wet wader ye 2192 5-1) (New Sabet wader 201829 0517) TE rer neo bans ASACHN SHAH Vere eo Fubeatons.A SACHIN SHAH Venture Unit Fig 1.32: Header Format of MPA & inteervs iret values ae reserved fr the Type feld CICMPTYPES}. which denny the particu mesnge. Gare —_ Se er Rowing ° Many (pet of ICMP mesages alo se dirt values ofthe Cae fel to farther specify the meaning ofthe mesg | (2 The Checksum field cover the etre ICMP i rmesage; in ICMP i ato coves pacudo- Securtyand | 2 fect 108) Eat Inader derived fom portions ofthe IPv6 bender. Handling 5 12 The artim used for compung the cbeckan Labels fs the same as that aad for ste IP heater Recortoae | 7 fwrco7si) [Rare ‘as (© This is our fist example of an endioend FTimesamp | [RFCO79I) Rare a Historie = 7 Hisiore riage with 2 bad checksum, the MESSE is FToceroue |e r ‘icarded heres 90 ICMP eesiage to indicate 2 ee Te] cwome Pe ‘ad chekaum ina received [CMP message Romer Alen | 20 [Oecasona own 5705) faucesun | 35 a 7 2 iRFCATED) [Rare ere = tn IP, a Po atgram caries CMP, ars Onsen ~ ICMP messages maybe fagmented tke other IP ~ Esch IP option hat it ow subfeldfoomat, generally srtued as shown in Fig, 12.3 Table and picture, For ost atgrans although isis not common, pons, three subi reused : Option Type, Option Length and Option Dat, (en Slabs wef academic yee 201-25 05-17) (ew Syabus wef academic year 209-20 05-17) Tech-Neo Publications. SACHIN SHAH Vertue ee a sere Sem §-Comp IT) parrot Caos NWO Tro te Hever : Ax you knw the ICMP eRe ee ge eps eI A997 = ICMP message stows TMP meses ae souped info 0 1. Grae Mesanes ‘These a meteges fom which te ICMP reports | ~ rors Tete ae related to problems with delivering IP nagrans. The Ut of common eer reporting messages is Ue repo takes more than a second 9 are, the Uni connection i extremely ow al The roundtrip time isthe tal elapsed time between ‘he moment tha the request packet was taasmited and ‘moment thatthe response packet atived. I there are incomplete routes between the request source andthe esnation, png immediately reports the ICMP "bost unreachable" pockets that come bac as 2 result of the siaconnection On & wired LAN, you should expect absolutely 90 packet loss and very low numbers for the round-ip time (the preceding example output i fom a wirelest network). You shoul also expect no packet loss from your setwork fo and fom your ISP, as well as ressonabl, steady round times. Sad so nent aged w ICME packets a they once did Therefore, you rad ean Pee Web site 0 os but ot eta ping response. Traceroute Another usefl IOMP-ased program is waceout; it ‘will come in hasdy when you reach the mater 0a ‘You can pu these ICMP tool to se when sting up ‘working network merce. ‘Syntax : traceroute in unix and trace in windows, (New Sabus we academic year 2018-2) 05-17) TB recs aon ASACHN SHAH Vere vance Core Never MSSTE $2, eee I adesing structure ndds tobe motif. ‘Tere are to types of addeses ued in Mobile allows To make he change of adress transparent tothe rest of the Inet regures 3 home agent and 2 forelgn agent. 1 Home Address = The “noma”, permanent IP aess assigned to th mobile node, = Ths ie the adiess usd by the device on its home network, andthe one to wich datagrams intended for the mobile node are always sen ~The tune for packets towards the mobile node starts 2, Care OF Address inane — tis the temporary adress used by a mobile node while | ~The home agent maintains 2 action regis, iit is itis moving vay fom its ome network, Informed of the mobile node's ection by the eurent Z dress defines the current location of ee ed at an I pit of view: me s feat 10 the MN are delivered to the | _ PER Hee rats ‘COA, no irety othe I adress ofthe MN responsible forthe home network, This obviously te = Packetdelivery toward the mobile nade done using 2 | best posta, because without un 1 ll packets forthe MN have to go through the roster = Tobe more pecs, the COA mars the endpoint ofthe tine de te dacs where paces exittecur. | Tg he ors eee: “Ee He seo tient pon it oaten of | es any cena ane the care of adress ode the = One biggest isdvanage ofthis solution isthe double crossing ofthe outer by the packet ifthe MN i in 8 foreign neti. ‘Many MN using the FA can sare tis COA as | ~ packet forthe motile node comes inva the router ‘common COA. the HA send it through the tunel which ain crosses b. Colocated COA : The COA is codocated ifthe | the router. 2. Foren Agent (FA) = Tes router in foreign network to which mobile node iscurenty comet = The packets rom he home agent reset ote ferign gent wich delve ito the male noe, an provide sever services 0 the CCOA (Care Or Ades) acting 8 4 tunnel endpoint and forvarding packets 1 The ‘Mobile Node (MN). “Tech Neo Publeatons A SACHIN SHAH Venture Te ecg agent can be te def = Foreign agent can lsd ig 142 Reitration proces = Regiatin epizes automaticaly after the eine and is deleted; so 4 mobile node should register before expiration, tothe A and vice vers. ~ This by the way is also the registration procedure for Ms returning to tei ome network “5, Tumeting A tuna is used to establish a viral pipe for data packets between a tunnel entry and a tunnel endpoint. (New Spas wes ecademic year 219-20) (05-77 Foreign agua ends the caeoaddres © he home Unit ‘agent to which al the packets shouldbe seat. 1 ~ Now, a tune wil be exablihed betwee the home agent and the forin agent he ross taeing Tunneling esabisies a viel pipe for the packets sill between a tunnel ery and an endpoint I the process of ending packet vi ane! and it schieved bya mechan called excapuaton. = Now, home ageatencpsulter te dita packet into new packets in whic he source ade isthe home des and destination ithe eae and eats ‘ttrough the tatel othe frig zat. = Foreign agent on ter ie ofthe tual receives the dats packets, decapsuses them ad sends hem othe bilenode. ~ Motil node in respons othe ita packets resved, sends 2 reply in response to foreign gent. Ferien get deol sede the reply to the conespondet ote, 53 Route Option tn Mbit = The route optimization adds + concep dita sevctr, the biding cache, othe canespeneat node, ~The binding cace coats bidings for mobile node's hore des anit eureat areas ~ Brey time the home agent esives Pita that is destined toa mobile noe curently avay fom the tome sebork it sends a binding update 10 the conesontet node 10 update the information inte coneponen! odes dig ech = Aes tis the corespondent nde can dry tunel ‘cet tothe abil noe. ‘communicates with # mail host hat has moved the sme network athe remot bos “Teche Pblitons.A SACHIN SHAR Venture ‘THangle Routing or Dog Leg Nonna an Preto) Page no (129 Sylabus Tople« Witual Private Notwork Di 1.5. VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK ‘Viral Private Network (VP) is basally of pes 41, Remove Acces VPN Security 2. Unblocked sites open Disadvantages No suport for multicasting and reaming between the nerworks. restrictions onthe Intemet and access locked websites. ‘Uers aware of Internet security ao se VPN services to enhance ther Interoet seu and privacy. Ske to She VPN {A Sitoo-Site VPN i abo called as RouersoRouter VPN and is commonly used in the large companies, Companies or orpaniasons, with branch offices in ated VPN + When several offices of eda Insane based VPN. (erork Layer and Protool)_..Page no (1.24 Tree VPN tunnels are crated via the following tug, step process 1. The PPTP client connects to thir ISP using ppp datap ‘aavancad Compute Newer (MSBTE Sem. 5 Comp IT) extranet based VPN : When compa ta 4, PPTP cretes TCP contol connection bet, Next Generation IP CHAPTER 2 the VPN clint and VPN server to esbls sre made using Top |, PPTP support tuo tte Awthentcaton, Encryption Secu Protoeol (PSex), Tunneling Prooeal (L2TP) ie a combination of Point-to-Point Tunneling Protea Y sylabusTople: Pv Addressing citemarist iencntect 9g (PPTP) and Layer 2 Forwarting 127) hee sak 28 pata = LITP casas PPP ames that ae set ofr IP 241 Nolen! Rerseraton of PV Assan sea es ee 3 eva L2TP ni over UDP proto 242 Ades Space ee ~ Provides connect between LAN-LAN. 2421 ve adcesg. eee cere cea tamang pater wed ty |~ Feserthn FPTP when it comes to sending packs as a a stem Orme Aan ae a VPNs are 2.1.32. Anycast Ad —— 26 aaa ee a 26 2134 Features of xe ares 27 eveoped on poe to pit proc! and vo. sae aT To. Te] Oro Header 214 Auto Conguaon 3 asap = vies etesnon and vars mad of pnacy Pafed| esge pons 215 Renumbaeng. 2 Sylabus Tope: Transition trom PV4 to IPVB. 22. Trasiion rom PV V6... va. 221 222 Syllabus Tope: PVs Protea 23 PackatFomat 231 extension Heaoe: 2 mn maintenance messages til 232 _Dierence between PVA ard PVE... header va, "ic 1S2: General Rowing Ecaplation OTP tunnel data tat includes © PPP header va, a 0 PPP payload pas | day rapa. 00D _cnaperend . Sen Dien Sf nat sexton pr 2529, Mixed representation ofan IPV6 isthe combination gp Tectia Pubicaons A SACHIN SHAH Vette ropephically togebe. If ay packet is sent to this | some are unassigned and some me wed fr ancast af rmukicast adres, it wil be distbted oll nterices | gatas commamicetion. cerresponding to that mulicas adres, = Second section is used for glbaly unicast Anyeast Address: Anjeas Adie is asied oa | communist, ovp of interfaces. Any pocket sent to anyeas adress | _ The ending isin he aes peiy the pe of NG ‘will be delivered only one member intertue (mostly | girs. The variable-length field coming these rarest os posible). Tending bis is called the format prefix (FP). The folowing table shows te inital allocation of these J ras one acl UncatN: 6 Maat Fig 21.1: Adres pace action (New Sls we seadeic yar 2019-20) (05-17 “ecco Pbcatons A SACHIN SHAK Vertue ———————x ll (vert Generation IP). Page no = A locabuse ads ss sic ee that has only = Aiitonl ade types can be defined inthe fore. ell vil iar TE = Aggregate Global Unicast Addresses, subscriber network) and can have «lel or pobal = Atgsegteclobsl unicast adresses are used for global | uniqueness cope. These adresies are intended fer we in fiction to TPed | inside of site for plug ad play local eommenication ‘nlerdomain routing). | and for boosapping up tothe use of global dresses, “Two types of locas nia adress ae deine ~~ These are link-local and ste-local. _ ‘mecca ll : he - octets a Se we [raw| res [nai | sta] merce ‘New neconnet Based Unicast Address ‘bits | 11 bee | terse 1D —Link-Laca se adresce ae used for addesing on single ink for puposes such as autoadéress configuration. The following uble shows the Site-Loca-Useadiess forest “able 14 : Se Loca Ue Addrsen ‘mbit [1184em) bie Subnet | itera 1 tn identifier hat must be unique ia the domain in which tis being wed In most cases these wil use 9 node's IEEE-S02 48 bit adres = The Suboet ID denies s specific subnet in a site ~The combination ofthe Subnet ID and te itrfce ID tw form & locate sess allows 2 large private itemet 1 be constructed witout any other aes allocation ~ Locate adress slow organizations hat are no et connected to the global Iteriet to operate witout the need to request an adress prefix fom the global Intent adress pace = Ifthe organization ner omnes othe global Intemet, ‘ten use ts Subnet ID ad Interface 1D in combination Piva ne wre ex 29:20 1 “Tech Neo Publestion.& SACHIN SHAH Venture ing any of the defined niet sn the given sop addresses are syntatcly Lov0e. 000 | FFEF- | tPv4 Address 24.3.2 Anycase Addresses _ Men Sis wet sexsi yr 2019.29 05:1) (ew Splabus wet academic year 2019-2) 05-17) V6 evppors both stateful and stateless sto configuration mode ofits host devices. = This way,abeence of DHCP server does not put halt on ater segment communication. secvers to allocate IPadeesses to host that joined the network. = IP takes thie a sep further, by defining a method for some devices to automatically configue their IP audicess and otber parameters without the need fora ~ Tealso defines a method whereby the IP addreses on a network can be renumbered (changed en mate), These axe the forts of features that make TCPAP network dminsratos dro. = The IPV6 aulocnfigration i defined as IPv6 Stateless Adress Autoconfguration. Te rere eat ASACHSHAH Voie EW Ades must be generate, fonfpsnice fils and sncher method explged — ‘Syllabus Topic: Transition from IPV4 to IPVE DH 2.2 TRANSITION FROM IPV4 TO IPV6 ost to communicate with server without changing thei addresses (ew Syabus wet academic 2.2.2 Tunneling = Tunneling is wed as a medium to communicate the transit network mith the differen ip versions Crit 73 The [Ped networks can communicate with he want or tntemedine network oa IPS withthe bel of Tanne. = tes also possible that the IPS nernork can also communicate with [PV aetworks with the help of Tunnel 2.2.5 Header Transition By the lp of Header tamslanon echmgue, the TP and IPG networks can ao communicate with each other which do a6 wader the ares of ferent IP version des’ undestand the aes ‘version, En his case, he Bender format hanged trough beserranslion = The Bender ofthe [PVG packs i converte 1 an IPs an [Padres communicate withthe Header ranltion uses the mapped abies fo wane an TG aes to an Pv ares. Ie this siuaion TPV6 adress undertund thatthe request send by he same IP version (IP6) and i respond Tech Neo Pleatons.A SACHIN SHAH Venture nayancos Comoe Network MSBTE -Sem_5- Come TD Eh, {ext Generation )..age no (214) All sch information i pt between te Fixed Header | 8. Destination option header? ‘cd the Upper Iyer header inthe form of Extension | 9. Upper layer header Header. ~ These headers should be procesed by Fist and subsequent destinations ant also by fina estnation Header + Extension header | ext Header -+ upper layer dita ve Pvt has 52-bit address | IPv6 bas 128i adres tenets feng TP has 2950 is dese | IP bas 29128 aos space. space Pet address writen in| PVG adress writen in Read by all devoes ia]| | doted decimal moan. | hexadecimal and consis of | a, 8 groups conning 4 hex a Syllabus Tople Ive Protocol ~~ Di 2.3 PACKET FORMAT ‘engin of va header | ie sate beadar of «0 bytes in eng and as only ‘elds. Optoninforaton 1 camied by extension esd. Source and destination Addresses ae of 28 TPSEC is nba eenty 2 | fete in the Pv rte 4 s. 6 Autheatiaton Reader nee 7 Boeapuling secs pyond bender vee a (ew Syabus wet academic academic year 2018.20 (05-17) LUh Tama i Unicast and Multicast CHAPTER 3 Routing Protocols ery asd caer on te network receives and ‘occa the ARP rou puck <<< | va. "Caper End 324 Pam Vector Roxting, = Syllabus Topi: Unleast Routing Protocole syllabus Tope: tra domaln Muticat 35 tn dora Mutcas protocols. a 351, MucatDitance Vector (OVMAP) = 352 Cove Base Troe (C87) a “a 353. Mutcast Unk Sate OSPF) coc Insapendent Mutat (PM). | (ten fabus we aeaenic yea 219-2 (05-17, ications. SACHIN SHAH Vert L ‘ciancad Comput Network (MSBTE- Sem 8 -Comp/ IT —__Syilabus Topic: niroduction INTRODUCTION routing able is reated which contin regarding, routes which daa packets allsble | Explain RIP, OSPF-uniast intra domain and o0e of be ‘entes done manually by (© Dynamic Tale eauies done automatically when here change in topology. 5.1.4 Routing Protocols = The purse of routing protocols isto eam of availble utes tat exist on the enterise network, bud routing ables and make routing decisions, = Dynamic routes ae routes leamed via rating protocols. Roatng protocols are configured on routers With the purpose of exchanging outing information, be adverised on a outer directly connected to them, ‘can advise that some routes have fled and pick 8 ew roe to th network = Routing potcss canbe eter an interior protocol of anette pot ~ An Ineior protocol hanes inadomain rowing; an exterior protean intedornrosting 5.4.2 Intra Domain and Inter Domain Routing Protocol ruling intra domain routing protocol. tke MOSPR, DVMRP, PIM. ~ As routing protocol cannot handle the tsk of updating ‘he routing ble of all routers dee to the lange Imemetvoek, inlemet i dived ito autonomous sjsem, Autonomous system is a group of networks and routers ore under the autority of a single ‘inition, ~ Intra domain routing : Rowing is performed within an sutoomovs system is called an inredomin routing, Inter domain routing : Routing between autonomous system scalled nines domain oun. (ew Syabus we casei year 2018-20) (05-17) ‘Teoh Neo Pubcon SACHIN SHAH Venture implementation of stance vector routing. a hee Gylabus Tope Routing Alport — er DL 3:2 ROUTING ALGORITHM TB rc anon asac Sam ve (ew Slabs we aad eo 2019-20) (05-17) Dynamic Rosine [A ditance-recior routing (DVR) protocol requires tat aver inform seizes of topology changes sevoaialy Belinan Ford Basics ¢ Each router muisins 2 Distane Vector tble containing the distance Between itt and ALL possible destination aes. ‘Tech Neo Pbleatons_A SACHIN SHAM Ventre = Bach node can share its routing ble periodical ater vey 30 seconds and when tee i 2 change in teplogy. > S1p3: Updating Roster C table Destination | Distance | Next hop 3 B e E Disours) | _ D Router D abe Distance _[ Next hop A 7 2 i c 0 D AtRoater A ‘Tech Neo Publications. A SACHIN SHAH Vente exchanges its routing table wih bours and update routing tables of Router B At Roster = Router D receives dsuoce vectors fom i neghbous ABandC. Rewer D prepares anew outing tbl at ii > Sup 3: Esch sour echanges is dsunce vector ‘bained ia Step2 with sts eeghbooring Alter exchanging tbe dotance vecton, ach rover prepares new ting ble At RoaterA Router A receives distance yet ffm its neighbours BandD, “Thug. te upd ong bl a owe Bis [sone [tare | Next x a B 5 c c > aA ‘Acnoaer€ Role C meses dace veo fos roe rm its nighours (ew ab we academy 238-20) 0529 ‘These wl be the final routing bles at ech oer Tec Neo Publications SACHIN SHAH Vert Advantage of Distance Vector routing 1. Ie simpler congue and msintin than ink tte (lew Sylabus wef academe yea 2019-20 (0537) en Bal ceive a Uplate from A wich wl be adverising that itcan get tC at cos of 2 Bean get to A ata cos of 1, 2 wil update route to (Cia A aa cost of. wll then receive updates from ‘later and updates cost t04 ‘They will then go 00 feeding each ter bad Information toward infinity whieh called as Count Infnity problem. Define Intaey Redefine infinity to smallest aumber soch a 100 50 tha system tecomes stable in minimum ups. Sole Horizon ft unk berween B and C poss dow, and B had recrived a route fom A,B cold nd up using that =n aiion to these, we can also ue split horizon ‘with out poisoning where above both technique wil be used combinely to achieve efficiency and ess nereas the siz of routing announcements ‘Teche Pubicatons.A SACHIN SHAM Venture cer noe is st to ify. The cosbetween & ade and ay ter noe soald be given (canbe infin if te noses aeot connected), 3. Thealgoithm ees uni there no more change Jn theshorest distance vector. Bella Fad as onchange in evn eration) ‘wo phases ach node knows the cost of Each node knows the oh Feacres of ink state routing protocols 'A small packet that cong Each link state packets can camry large amount ef information Consider tere are 4 fields in the LSP: Node Ieniy a ee ew Slabs met academic year 2018-20 e517, UB) res abet a sACN SA ei (vanced Compute Netware USBTE - Sem. 5 Comp IT) Step2: Flooding of LSP packets every oer outers, Once the LSP has ben prepared by node, it shoud be ‘sent all ther noes tot only ois eighbours. = Tis is called ae ooding and ves flowing: (4) Node sends LSP packets ut ofeach trace. tepology and to determine the best path teach network Inia Rowing Table Destination | Distance [Via A‘ rea aes 5 oa aes ci ce Disa) | 0 2 Here, tentative st will be generated which ncades {he node with minimum distance. Tenative i= (0) > Step 2: Find the disances 1 ter andes rom source > ode D For this check dsiestsode) > dis (curentnode) + FromD toB : ds (B)> dst (©) + WiBD) 12> 047 uve this is{A) =0+7=7 change Disa | 0 | D ‘Move D tom tena to pemnanestiite it sit ie Visited and dunce fom node D to otter aades calculated, Step 3: Find he distances other aoes from node A Now the nxt ne oe vied is A find the distances to ther nodes from A fallow “Tech Neo PuicatonsA SACHIN SHAH Vente pegs Hides details of he network topology Nodes determine only “next hop” toward the Advertise the emir path (© Distance vector: send distance metric per dest 4 with nodes A¥‘and C1, Node DI share its table with node C1 (ew Splabus we serdemic yeor 2019-20) (05-17) Tel recreations ASACHN SHAH venture Preeti np = The craton of loop can be avoided in path vector eating. = A oar resives 4 message it checks 10 see if is “tonoows system is inthe path ist tothe destination ‘ttisloopieg insted andthe message is ignored Pal Routing When a rower receives a massages it can check the | ~ Path fone of he stonomous sytem listed ia the path ‘Seis is poly, it can ignore its path and destination it (ew Sls we academic yor 2018.20 05:37) Be ia” ‘3.3 UNICAST ROUTING PROTOCOLS depends trough & te wih te Wl reronbhason acacia sean vous The metic assigned to each newer depends on he ‘ype of protocol. Thre Unies rowing pracy ane ed ‘© RIP (Routing Taformation Proc) + Treat tech network as equal. The cost of pasing "rou each network ithe sime: ne hap cout (© Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) = Allow administer to asi cost fo psig tugh a rnetwock based on the type of serviced requ. For example, maximum theughpet or simu (© Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): The ctecon te the policy, whish can be set ty the | minister, (ew Sylabus we academic year 201320) (05-17) (©) Updies (owing information) ae always twos (6) ll otiog tables reset in upates (©) Routers always trust on routing information ‘eceived tom neighbour eulers This i abo Known as Rowing on rumours Thee are thee versions of outing nformiion rotecol -RIP Version RIP Versin2 and RIPE. TB rec io rutin SAGAN SHA ence = Pets ates ofthe dexinion sewer [Webfeed ie pte any post Pew Surman : steno 2019-29;05:37, A solicited response sent oly in anaver to request ‘Contain information abost the destination specified in the comespoading request An unsolicited response: set periadclly © Bvery305 ‘© Contains information about the entice cing table (© Alsoclled uodae packet Fan me poe ety ues ony 4 ester ar at |” is dectaed dead. his 180 seconds by defo (ew Syllabus wt acadeic yer 2019-20) (05-17) {steered to asthe Dijkstra algorit, OSPF has «vo vetsions~ version 1 and version 2. Version 2 is used on a algorithm. It uses dixie lusting shortest path, | ~ A connetion is also known as lnk. A Tink can alo be connection between two routenlnetworks. In OSPF four diferentes of inks are defined. Pointe Pont 1c | ~ Thee types of inks represent in between two routers nd sits pot to pont, there les ao hosts, outer in between the two connected rer, ES resentation ASKOAN SHAR Ve ie’ Sib wet ease ar 218.29 05:17 Fi. 338 OSPF Common Header Versa: it The venion of te OSPF prowco. Curent, tis Te Neo Publeations. SACHIN SHAH Ven Menage length 168 The length ofthe total message inclading the header. eure rower IP dre: 52.8 ‘The IP adres ofthe router tha sends the packet. Error detection on the ene packet exching the authesiation type and autbentiation data eld. Antena ype: 16 = BGP's main function is to exchange aetwork rach: | _ silty information with other BOP ste. ~ Border Gateway Protocol consnets an autonomous systems’ graph based on the information exchanged between BGP routes (ew Sjlobus wef academic year 2019-20 (0517) =A sub AS ineteraseare orasink. ~ Bxample A large corporation connected 10 MOFE it than one reponal AS but does sot alow transient trie Tram As aires, The abless and pre length wed ia vpdste sneoane Path Information = BGP adverisement also inches puth information, ‘long with the rechuble desseaton and next eseatioe pu = 1a BGP, path i epreseed as st of abuts ealed Pe 339:EDGP ant cP Fanconi of Border Gaceway Protocol (BGP) pet nh Be ow ~ Tif ttn ern ‘enna, Bot te prs cane oP Semcon tpn egy ‘Baaraniees both sides have agreed to communicate. bg (New Sus we wade yer 2018.20 (05.17 ~ Unfensible Routes Length + Indicates the total That have become uiveachable and ae being ‘thea fom eric “otal Path Attribute Length: Indicates the total Jeogth ofthe path aaibures il rt the Held ot present = Path Attributes: Describes the charactenstis of the edverined put. The following are posible tees fra path (© Origin: Mandatory ateibute that defines the ‘ong ofthe path information. (© AS Path : Mandatory sunbute composed of sequence of autogomous sytem path seprents (© Next Hop : Mandatory stibute that defines the IP ade of the border router that should be used a the next bop te destinations iste inthe network layer reachability information fe © Malt Ett Die + Optional auibute wed © = dissimiteberneen maple poo nearing stam rem © Local Pref: Discretionary atribte used 10 specify the degee of preference for an © Momic Aggregate + Discretionary atte ‘wed to disclose information about route selections. (© Aggregstor : Optional atitut that contains Information aboot aggregate routs. ~ Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRD)- contains a lst of TP address preies for the séverised routes. 4. Notineatlon Message — This message is seat whenever something Bad has happened, eg. an err is detected and causes the [BOP connection to else [ABBOP notification message const Feld Length in Byes ost, mutant and broadens routing, | Drawbacks ~ Ha netnrk device is called upon to send a message tee Ee me te | ice ten tas wo ee sae aol Ree eS | serie Ge ener tose eed = ch destination device. © Rontesivertbemeat : Each BGP speiee | 1a dition, each unicast client that connects tothe bo SEE, BE 2? some network bandwidth. If male aslo a Fig 34.4; Mulict Rooting Pe Shae! eaten ya 21825 0519 a emt involved, ths may inode sealing ot BU cs onesanon ascin suvome (ew Syabus wet scadeie yee 2019-20 (05-17) TB reno rstcaons ASAGIN SAH Vere Dez Pe 345: Mules op seg a ioe ew Stabs wat scenic yor 2018.29) 05:17 ‘ol points can be kept o within reasonable mits. ‘sept in iat tags (ew ylabus we cadens yet 208-20 (05.7 Wine nticam asic sn enat pi netecianis Te recs nn cation A SACHIN SHAN Ventre Sewer es neon ee y201839;059 HAH Vente 20,05 x TetheoPublcaions.A SACHIN SHAM 1 RPB does pot mulicas he packets ay it bras! the packets Thos thit method i inefficient ‘ae Reverse path Matdlastng = To improve the efficiency, multast packers must | — pres (omy network from multicasting. = comer meeives prune messige fiom all the downctram rere im tum, sends a prune mewase ro ne upueeam eter Grating: A ronter cam so send 4 graf message tits prem router sf ins that ts network is again imerewed tm recerving the mulicant packet. this way. nding the multicast meseage. The aetwork is ago sted ome. er Fie 32: mor Rew ~ Unlteexsng lgorhms wich bul souce-ooted, sonestpah tee for cack (source. group) pair. CBT constrict a single delivery te that is shared by all members of gp ~The CBT algonthan i gute sim he spanning wee algonihm etcept i allows a dferear core-based ee foreach rp = Mutcast eafic foe each group is seat and received lovee he mame delivery ee, regariin of the ue. Operaton, = Acorebused te may involve a single outer ost of ruten, which at a the core of 4 mulicat livery ~The CBT backbone ay contin beth core and non- (he Showa an Oo i recsno (hen Sabu we cae ye 201920 05-1 T 2 Daseaastr eon Ja = Aer comesioa 6 esate, bi 42.10: Sate raaition agra, ~ Fie sds at ACK. segment wit 20.1 ae hee oy. in FN seme! om the ‘ee press, Ti sme dos yay seg ‘costo we LSTEN te wl 8 |e ESTABLISHED ste wn we ve | pieces jst ated the THREE-WAY HANDSHAKE = a the process of terminating « comnection, the Ie pg da it ~My, et sea FY eg ‘omen nei FN (Nor Sas wa cde eur 201920, 057 TB recente ASACHW SHAN Vere WIN are configurable values othe WIN is dynamic and can't be & © Rese Wino WIN) © Seu Window Sw), © Capsin Widow (CW) TCP = aN (RWIN,CWIN) E scknowledgod and the sender need not worry aboot ‘Shrinking the window means moving the rieht wall 10 the left. This not allowed in some implementations ‘because ik meant revoking te eligibility of some bytes for senting. = The sie ofthe window at one end x determined by the lesser of two values: recciver window (rend) oF congestion window (on), = The receiver window is the value advertised by the opposite end ina segment containing acknowledgment = Tee the oumber of bytes the other end can accept before its bufer overflows snd data ae discarded. The ‘congestion window ie» value determined by the =e es Se eee ee Fig 42:12: Example of Sliding Window = Fig, 42.12 shows en uneaitic example of « sliding window. ~The sender has seat bytes up to 202, We assume that ‘wo is 20 (in ely thie vale is thousands of bytes). Unit ~The receiver has sat a0 acknowlcigmentsubcrof fad 200 with an rnd of 9 byes (in Teality this value is ‘thousands of bye). = The size ofthe sender window isthe minimum of rnd and ewnd, oF 9 byes. Bytes 200 to 202 ae sent, but not ‘ekmowledged, Bytes 203 to 208 can be sent without ‘wonying about acknowledgment. Byes 209 and above cannot be sent 5 Features of TCP siding window are a follows = = Thesize ofthe window isthe lesser of rnd and ewnd. = ‘Thesource does nt have to send fll window's worth of da. = The window ean be opened or closed bythe receiver ‘bt should not be shrank, = The destination can send an acknowledgment at any time a longa does nt result i shrinking window. them anymore. Tech-Neo Publi Pubiaions.A SACHIN SHAH Venti (Wew Syabus we academic year 2019-2 (05-17) Pow Sasa ¥ Seow nade ye 2018.29 05-7) | Das. 5 “oy Widow rte oT? ene mm pees because | ei er in ewok 8 iy | ewes Be st ole obras cha xe whee te ie dun being transite is smaller than TCP Hee. wea ct ‘ewe hi oe flows cesar window tansmiing ore byte of dats | ~ etl. = Recnet window accepting, one repent Caue! + Sender Trnsmiting Dat In Sal SegmeusRepetey ~ Comer aptioon generates oe byte of dt to send ~ Te por implementa of TCP cases be sender to endench yea dain an ndividsl TCP sepmest | _ ~ Tirta using Nagle’ Aloe 5 Mages Agri ~ Nigel mage ~ Senter shal sod only he fet ye on esving one bye dm ste gpa. ~ Ate recving the seloondgemet, sender should ad heated da in oe TCP segment, The, sner sould arth data agin nt in wal the Repose she incoming sale: sizeof lbytetothe sede: This problem is solved using Clark's Solution, 5 Chr’ Solon tof daa | - Nowe02 - Tea ‘ements and receiver should not ask for them. i Blroste nani ascom susan ones 0b abe | consider the receiver comin 1 Poca ch eae it widow se besos erly | st repeatedly Send the Windoy | Ange aves when it repeatedly Maly | is sender should not sed the small __ or conto also includes a mechanism fo contig | ~ eros after they are detected ~ Note tat no time-out timer is set fora segment that ‘aries only an acknowledgment, ~The value of RTO is dame in TOP and is updated ‘sed on the round-trip tine (RTT) of segments. ~ AD RTT is the time neaded fora segment to each a eination ad for an acknowledgment tobe recived. ‘Retranmlsion Acer Taree Doplcte ACK Segments ~The previous rue about retransmission ofa segment is ‘ficient ithe valu of RTO not very large. ~ Somtines, however, one segment is lost and the ‘eecver receives so many out-of arder segments tha they canot be saved (inte bull siz). To avoid this station, most implementations today 1. Checksum : Each segment includes a eheisum field when the sender receives three duplicate ACK Reansmision After RTO ~ A recent implementation of TCP maintains one (New Syabus we academic year 2019-20 (057) ~ When a sepmet is delyed, lost, or discarded, the ‘segment fllowing that sepment ative out of order. ~The outoforder segmene are stored temporary and fing tem as outofoder segments until the missing segment aves ~ Note, however, that the outoforder segments ae not a delved to the proces. TCP guarantes that data are sivered tothe proces inorder. se | ost Segment ‘los segment and a coruped segment are treated the = Although the timer for segment 3 bas not matured yet, the fast trasmisson requires that segment 3, the sepmen tht is expected by all hese acknowledgments, be reset immediatly. TH rents aon. ASACHN SHAH Vere

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