Load Shedding

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Load Shedding :

Load-shedding means the

DISCONTINUATION of the regular supply of
electricity. Now-a-days it has become a regular
affair in our citys and towns. It is one of the
most serious problems of our country. there is
hardly area of the country which is not
affected by it. Load-shedding mainly occurs
due to the less generation of power than the
demand. Sometimes it occurs for the
mismanagement of the corrupted authority
and illegal consumers. Misuse of electricity is
another notable cause of it. Often government
is not sincere to produce required amount of
electricity in proportion to the public demand.
The consequence of Load-shedding is very
much painful. When it occurs in an area,
whole area plungs into darkness. Students and
examinees suffer a lot for it. They sit idle
closing their books. Dying patients suffer
terribly as their operation are hapered by the
Load-shedding. Houses, Mills, Factories,
Industries and Shops are to stop. Thus, it
hinders our production and weakens our
economy. In fact, electricity is the driving force
of a country. If there is lack of electricity, there
is lack of production. To speak in short, Load-
shedding has a far reaching effect in the socio-
economic development of our country which
is undoubtedly negative. If we want to get rid
of this curse, we must have to take immediate
steps. Government should generate sufficient
power by buildings new powerhouses and
repairing the old. Only the government won't
be able to solve this problem. We must have
to stop the misuse of the electricity. It is
possible only by an all-out effort of both the
govenment and the common people.

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