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Academic Year 2022 / 2023

3rd Quarter Quiz for Grade-

Grade 2
Revision Worksheet

1-What does a plant need from soil?

A. rocks
B. worms
C. nutrients
2-What will happen if a plant gets no light or water?
A. It will die.
B. It will grow.
C. It will stay the same.
3-What helps a plant make its own food?
A. space
B. rocks
C. sunlight
4-What is a powder that flowers need to make seeds?
A. nectar
B. pollen
C. oxygen
5-Beth has two of the same kind of plant. She puts one plant in the sunlight.
She puts the other plant in a dark closet. What does she want to find out if
plants need?
A. Light
B. water
C. warm air

6-What has to happen for a plant to make seeds?

A. A bee needs to drink the nectar from the flower.
B. Pollen needs to go from one flower to another flower.
C. Birds need to collect the seeds and bring them to the nest.
7-Jeff planted two of the same kind of plant. He gave one
plant light and water. He forgot to water the other plant.
Which plant did he forget to water?
A. Plant 2 because it has a green stem
B. Plant 2 because it is smaller and has no leaves
C. Plant 1 because it is taller and has many leaves
8-How are a pond and a saltwater lake alike?
A. They are both saltwater habitats.
B. They are both freshwater habitats.
C. They are both habitats to plants and animals.
9-What is a habitat?
A. a squirrel eating the food that it finds
B. flowers growing and blooming in a place
C. the place where a living thing gets the food, water, and shelter it needs
10-Some plants grow in water, like ponds. Some plants grow in very dry places,
like deserts. How much water do plants need to grow?
A. All plants need lots of water.
B. Most plants can survive with very little water.
C. Different plants need different amounts of water.
11-What does a habitat give plants and animals?
A. things that make heat
B. things they need to live
C. things that produce sound
12-The picture shows a habitat. What habitat is shown
in the picture?
A. Desert
B. grassland
C. rainforest

13-Look at the picture of a turtle and plants. What habitat do the turtle and
plants need to live in?
A. a pond
B. a desert
C. a tide pool

14-A rainforest floor is wet and gets little sunlight. Which kinds of plants grow
well on the rainforest floor?
A. plants that need a lot of water and sunlight
B. plants that need a lot of water and little sunlight
C. plants that need a lot of sunlight and little water
15-Why do cats live on land and ducks live in the water?
A. Cats have legs for running and ducks have wings for flying..
B. Cats blend in with the grass and ducks blend in with the water.
C. Cats have claws for climbing trees and ducks have webbed feet for
16-Which animal lives only on land?

17-What is true about a lake?

A. It has land on all sides.
B. It can flow into an ocean.
C. It does not have fresh water.
18-Where is most water on Earth found?
A. lakes
B. rivers
C. oceans
19-How are streams and rivers alike?
A. Both have big waves.
B. Both have fresh water.
C. Both have water that does not flow.
20-Jack knows that the North Pole is a very cold place. What guess can he make
about many of the lakes at the North Pole?

A. Many lakes are small.

B. Many lakes are pretty.
C. Many lakes are frozen.

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